“Can be stacked! It really stacks up!”

Su Wen closed the Tiandao mission in the blink of an eye, and he murmured excitedly.

At this moment, he was blessed by Alasuo and Hongying.

The temporary attribute points had reached an astonishing height.

If it weren’t for the 2-turn 24-level flower sacred body His holy body is under perfect control.

His current movements will be exactly the same as the scene when Hongying was promoted and his power was raging out uncontrollably.

Not to mention that it can destroy the entire lord’s castle in an instant.

The castle will at least collapse.

He Looking at the four-dimensional attributes, the light in the eyes becomes brighter and brighter

【Attributes: Strength 215100+4505600; Agility 215100+1222800; Spirit 215100+6144000; Constitution 215100+1632600】

“I still have 15 god-level fantasy beasts!”

Thinking of this,

Su Wen couldn’t wait to take out all the fantasy beast eggs again.

Then, he checked the panels of the fantasy beast eggs one by one.

He began to select hatching materials.

If these can be superimposed together, how strong is he?

Abuse the gods?

At this time,

Alasuo said seriously:”Master! At your current level,���Can summon 2 fantasy beasts! You can summon a third one when you reach level 60, four when you reach level 90, six when you reach level 100, and 12 when you become a god!”

This fantasy beast can be summoned from the first level of the lord, but only one can be summoned.

The second one can be summoned at level 30.


Listen to Aratho’s story.

Su Wen was stunned:”Really?”

He had never heard of such a rule.

Alasuo nodded and said:”Because your place is small, there are few lords, you have been participating in the war for a few years, and you have received few phantom beasts, so your knowledge about phantom beasts is naturally limited! It is normal not to know the restrictions!”

“It seems I can only wait until later to use it!”

Having said that,

Su Wen decisively put away the fantasy beast eggs and materials.

He didn’t care about the abyss invasion mission.

And he had already been mentally prepared.

The Ice Lion also warned him when he helped him deal with the abyss gods.

He already knew a rough idea.

He also knew it from the previous duel between Lingxiao Palace and He Qiufeng’s million-strong army.

The close-range anti-magic turrets he deployed were very strong.

In conjunction with the magician army and the king’s guard army, even if the opponent wanted to run away It’s all a problem.

Now that the Phantom Beast matter has been resolved, he took out the rewards from Heaven and the talents and skill books he got from the black market this time.

Looking at the piles of skills on the table!

Su Wen took the first Upgraded divine talent cards

【Item: Upgrade talent card】

【Grade: God Grade】

【Description: This talent card can be obtained after bleeding. Through this talent, you can add a permanent upgrade aura to your subordinates!】

【Anyone with an upgrade halo can gain experience points and improve their level as long as they do their job.】

“Upgrade…upgrade…can I listen to it and increase the level of my talent?.?”

Su Wen muttered softly.

I want to upgrade my talents.

You have to try your luck.

That is to say.

Visit various auction houses frequently.

Often do Tiandao tasks that give unknown rewards.

Only on such occasions and tasks can you have a very small chance of getting a talent upgrade card. otherwise.

There is basically no hope of upgrading talents. at the moment.

Su Wen already has talents that can combine skills and ordinary talents.

This upgrade talent can also be used in the same way.

If you get the ability Su Wen wants.

This is really outrageous.

Think of this.

He started to upgrade talent cards

【Is there any limit-breaking gain for upgrading talent cards? Consume 1000 attribute points!】


Su Wen responded immediately.

As he continued to substitute, the talent card was quickly promoted to the 12th level of God.

Excluding the 12,000 attribute points spent this time.

His current attribute points are only 20,000.

There wasn’t enough to continue gaining.

Then he looked at the talent cards.

【Item: Upgrade Talent Card] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Grade: 12th grade divine level】

【Gain: experience bonus! The target receives a permanent 12 times experience bonus!】

【Gain: Piety! This is a miracle, you will gain 100% loyalty and fanatical support from your subordinates!】

【Description: This talent card can be obtained after bleeding. Through this talent, you can add a permanent upgrade aura to your subordinates!】

【Anyone with an upgrade halo can gain experience points and improve their level as long as they do their job.】

“Only two buffs? No hint? Do we have to wait until after the turn?”

Su Wen sighed.

He picked up another talent card given to him by Io.

This is a talent card made from the contaminants of the abscesses of heaven.

This talent card is different from other talent cards.

Having this There was a strange pattern.

The inside was dark.

It didn’t look like a good thing at first glance.

Su Wen looked at the talent card.

【Item: Forced stripping of talent cards】[]

【Grade: God Grade】

【Description: This talent card comes from the abscess fragments of the previous Heavenly Dao. This talent can be obtained by bleeding.

Through this talent, you can enter the stagnation time the moment you kill the enemy. You will have a 3-second opportunity to forcibly strip the opponent’s attribute panel from the enemy you killed, except reputation, four-dimensional attributes, and profession. Any item other than this, and you can only get one!】

【Note: This talent can only be used once per day!】

“`Fuck! What a magical skill!”

Su Wen couldn’t help but exclaimed after seeing it.

This special part-time job is the first talent of forceful robbery.

Seeing this, he hurriedly increased the attributes of the forced stripping talent card.


Spend 10,000 again After 2,000 attribute points, the forced stripping of talent cards has changed.

【Item: Forced stripping of talent cards】

【Grade: 12th grade divine level】

【Buff: Greed! You can peel off 2 attributes or skills you need from the enemy’s attribute panel.】

【Gain: Tangled! Increase the dead time by 12 seconds!】

【Gain: Huge greed! This talent can only be used 3 times a day】

【Description: This talent card comes from the abscess fragment of the previous Heavenly Dao. This talent can be obtained by bleeding.……】

【Note: This talent can only be used once per day!】

“Very strong indeed! There’s no rush to use it now, big shipments will be coming to your door soon! You can leave it to upgrade and take a look!”

Su Wen put the upgrade and forced stripping talent cards into the Love Saint’s Infatuation Ring.

He looked at the flower elf (Qian Wang Hao) random talent draw treasure box.

After taking out the treasure box, he skillfully dug his hand into it He grabbed it carefully.


Very quickly.

He caught a cold sign. He took it out and took a look.

It was a talent sign made of ice jade.

The sign was engraved with exquisite patterns of rain.

There was a flower language in it. imprint

【Item: Natal Flower Talent Card】

【Grade: yellow grade】

【Description: A rare talent exclusive to flower elves! You can use this talent to establish a symbiotic relationship with a flower plant with powerful flower language and turn it into your natal flower!】

【The ability of the natal flower: Get an additional natal flower language mark. The flower language natal mark can improve yourself by absorbing the same type of flower language mark, and gain the ability to upgrade.】

【The flower language of the natal flower: When you use the flower language of the natal flower, it will not consume the flower language consumption, and the power will be doubled.】

“This talent? interesting!”

Su Wen looked at the natal flower talent card that he grabbed and became excited.

This is simply so refreshing.

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