“Qina! In the future, the King’s Guard will be promoted to the First Ascension Army! I am ready to hand over the leadership of the First Ascension Army to the new hero! You will be responsible for my personal army in the future!”

Su Wen made arrangements for Qi Na in the Lord’s Hall.

Qi Na was shocked.

There was a trace of reluctance and unwillingness in her eyes.

She stood up with a roar:”Your Majesty! I think I have the ability to lead the legion to fight to the death for you!”

“Isn’t it okay to be pro-military?”

Su Wen looked at Qi Na and asked.

Qi Na nodded and said:”I’m worried that the new commander will…will…will………”

“I understand! But this is someone you should be familiar with!”

As he spoke, Su Wen told the story about Sun Shangxiang.

Qi Na’s eyes widened after hearing this, and she looked at Su Wen in disbelief and said,”You actually recruited her?”

“oh? From your tone, it seems that Sun Shangxiang has something wrong! Su

Wen asked in surprise.

Qi Na nodded and said,”Yeah!” She does have great prestige among our flower elves, but she is often fooled by the lord! This person’s ability is indeed powerful, but he just doesn’t understand the ways of the world!”

She slowly told what she heard.

In fact,

Sun Shangxiang has a personality defect.

It can also be called a dead-brain!

She treats the lord no matter what he does to her. She has always been known for her loyalty!

As long as she is nice to her, she will She was so moved. She was willing to sacrifice her life for the lord.

At the same time, she also paid great attention to principles and rules.

No matter whether it was a lie or not.

As long as the lord said this was the rule 260.

Even if Sun Shangxiang wanted to get something, he would give up because of the rules.


Many lords After obtaining Sun Shangxiang’s information,

“They will start with Sun Shangxiang, and when the situation opens up, the territory improves, and more powerful heroes can be recruited, they will use various excuses to dismiss Sun Shangxiang, or they may want to conquer her! Qi

Na looked at Su Wen and said,”Although she accepts death and obeys the rules, she takes that kind of thing very seriously. People who don’t like it just don’t like it, and she will never betray herself for profit!””

“Therefore, she experienced several lords, and except for getting some wealth from the first lord, the other subsequent lords left her with nothing because she was unwilling to sacrifice her life!”

At this time,

Yu Feiyu walked in.

After hearing Qi Na’s story, she was shocked at first.

Then she told a rumor she had heard:”There is a rumor in the hero world that Sun Shangxiang is one of the three heroes! She is the easiest fool to take advantage of!

She crossed her legs and said casually:”But this girl is just accepting death for these ignorant people!” He is a person who is willing to stick to his principles and never give up! It’s a pity that the lords I met were all a group of LSPs!”

“In fact, the thoughts of these lords are very simple!”

“You are a flower elf with the lowest qualifications among all the races in the world. Who is willing to spend a lot of money to train her!”

“Unless it’s to become a pillow person!”


(badj) It’s not as valuable as cultivating a Behemoth with particularly high bloodline qualifications!”

“If you don’t have the ability or money, are you willing to cultivate heroes like our garbage tribe?”

She threw the topic to Su Wen.

Su Wen laughed:”Of course, priority is given to the powerful groups! Unless absolutely necessary! certainly! Now I want money and resources, and resources! Cultivate whomever you want to cultivate! I decide my territory! Here I am destiny!”


Qi Na and Yu Feiyu hurriedly stood up and kowtowed after hearing this.

Su Wen nodded:”I’ll have a good chat with my new partner later! Mike, the housekeeper, prepares the benefits and house!”


Butler Mike knelt down to accept the order.

Su Wen did not continue to make other arrangements.

While waiting, he took out the forced stripping talent card. He looked at the 12-level upgraded talent card.

He performed a limit-breaking increase on this talent card..

It takes 100,000 attribute points to go from level 12 to level 1. It takes 24 attribute points to go from level 1 to level 24. It takes

500,000 attribute points to go from level 1 to level 2.

From level 2 to level 2, it takes 500,000 attribute points. It requires 3.6 million attribute points.

From level 2 to level 36, 5 million attribute points are needed.

At this point,

Su Wen stopped.

He spent a total of 944 attribute points.

“That’s it! If all the talents are upgraded to this level, my more than 100 million attribute points will be worth it!”


Su Wen looked at the forced stripping of talent cards.

【Item: Forced stripping of talent cards】

【Grade: 3rd to god level】

【Buff: Greed! You can strip away all the target’s attributes, skills, special moves, etc. from the enemy’s attribute panel.】

【Gain: Tangled! The dead time is increased by 72 seconds!】

【Gain: Huge greed! This talent can only be used 20 times a day】

【Gain: Everything! Except for intelligent life, you can strip the attributes of other items】

【Description: This talent card comes from the abscess fragments of the previous Heavenly Dao. This talent can be obtained by bleeding.

Through this talent, you can enter a stasis time the moment you kill an enemy. You can forcefully strip away any item in the opponent’s attribute panel from the enemy you killed, except for reputation, four-dimensional attributes, and profession.】


Su Wen’s eyes moved when he saw this, and he directly obtained the talent with a blood talent card. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This talent is simply what you fancy.

It is a heaven-defying talent that can be stripped directly.

Every day 20 times did not seem to be many times for Su Wen.

But it was enough.

He took out a talent card again.

This was the third one he had reserved.

The natal flower talent card.

Now there is only the yellow rank.

Su Wen once again said The talent cards were increased.

At the same time,

Qi Na had already gone to the Eye of Territory sentry tower and informed all the captains of her upcoming resignation.

She brought everyone into the Lord’s Castle.

She has been waiting for the war at the sentry tower. Hongying was bored for a moment, so she also came downstairs, wanting to meet the new hero of the territory.

Butler Mike had just arranged for people to tell the news to the Holy Tribunal, Holy Light Monastery, and various production team captains.

Steel mills, military Factory, Magic Tower, Textile Factory Director, etc.[]

Everyone is also on their way to the lord’s castle.

At present, Lingxiao Palace has begun to take shape.

Industry was just getting started.

Business has just woken up from being suppressed. at the moment.

Two chambers of commerce in the market have completed the installation of ice lion sculptures.

Publicity personnel are being arranged for publicity.

Especially over there in Jiange City.

With workers in place.

Goblin Dudu is preparing for a large-scale auction.

This will build the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce in the market.

Because the Chamber of Commerce signed a contract with the Ice Lion, it is no longer possible to obtain ranking rewards in the market rankings.

Many chambers of commerce have also changed direction.

Although the big chambers of commerce are no longer suppressing the Su Chamber of Commerce, they are using endless methods of slander in secret. but.

These methods have little effect on the reopening of the Su Chamber of Commerce.

Just when Goblin Erya was chatting with various factory directors about these things.

Su Wen has completed the upgrade of the natal flower talent card.

He looked at the natal flower talent card

【Item: Natal Flower Talent Card】

【Grade: 3rd turn】

【Description: A rare talent exclusive to flower elves! You can use this talent to establish a symbiotic relationship with a flower plant with powerful flower language and turn it into your natal flower!】

【The ability of the natal flower: Get 5 additional natal flower language marks. The flower language natal mark can improve yourself by absorbing the same type of flower language marks, and gain upgraded abilities.】

【The flower language of the natal flower: When you use the flower language of the natal flower, it will not consume the flower language consumption, and the power will be doubled.】

【The natal flower array: When the natal flower language mark reaches 3, the natal flower array will be opened. The natal flower array has the function of increasing the speech ability and obtaining additional gain attributes. Each time a formation is opened, it costs 1 million flower energy!】

【Cultivation of the natal flower: In addition to flowering and temperature maintenance, you can also use the same attributes and functions to enhance the power of the natal flower, or make the natal flower mutate to gain the desired ability!】


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