【Name: Wenying】

【Occupation: Wood Elf, Guardian Lord of the Wood Realm (yellow rank, vassal)】

【Affiliation: Su Wen】

【Rating: 15 (33.6~%)】

【Attributes: Strength 13012; Agility 13020; Spirit 15096; Constitution 13-018;】

【Equipment: Vine staff blue, light leather armor green】

【Professional skills: Wood magic gain, natural language, vine control, enlightened wood world guard, special attack of grass and trees, special attack of wood and wood.】

【Talent: Advanced Wood Elemental Affinity】

【Wood magic gain: 2x wood spell casting speed, 2x wood spell critical strike, 2x wood spell attack power, 2x wood skill range coverage, 2x wood skill duration, wood skill cooldown reduction 100%】

【Speech of Nature: You can communicate with any plant, insect, or animal. And forcefully control insects, plants, and animals to attack the enemy. Number of controls: 2, control time: 5 minutes】

【Vine and wood control: Use wood spells to control vines and trees to attack enemies. Duration: 30 seconds, cooldown: 5 minutes】

【Enlightened Wood Guard: Initiate a giant tree that is over a hundred years old to become a Wood Guard. The older the tree, the stronger the Wood Guard’s attack power. Number of attunements: 1 plant, duration: 1 hour, skill cooling time: 30 minutes】

【Special skill: Plants and trees are all soldiers: Transform 20 plants within 1 km into wooden soldiers, and control them to attack the enemy. Enemies hit by wooden soldiers will continue to suffer 100 points of poisonous damage for 1 minute. The special attack lasts 15 minutes and the skill cooldown time is 30 minutes.】

【Special skill: Words of Mudu: Extract the power of the wood element contained in plants through spells, and inject this power into the enemy’s body to assimilate the opponent’s flesh and blood, causing the special effect of turning into wood. The lumbering process lasts for 30 minutes. During the lumbering process, the enemy’s thinking is dulled, his movements are slow, and violent use will cause permanent fractures in the body.

If the enemy is completely transformed into wood within 30 minutes, the enemy’s body will be deemed dead and his soul will be trapped in the wooden body and sleep forever.】

“Um? How long has it been? It’s already been upgraded to level 5!”

Su Wen was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

In his territory, killings were happening all the time.

The experience of the lords of the same camp was naturally increasing rapidly.

Wenying’s skills were very strong, especially Mudu’s Language.

If Su Wen spares no effort to increase the increase, it will be an extremely terrifying skill.

“Don’t rush!”

He murmured softly.

Now, he was going to give the basic benefits of the territory to Wenying.


In an instant, a ray of light flashed.

A dazzling light bloomed on Wenying.

After Su Wen spent 1,000 attribute points.

Wenying’s career was promoted from Huang level to God level.

This momentary change made Wenying tremble.

Especially when she heard Tiandao’s prompt.

This made her quickly look at her panel.

Just this glance.

Her eyes. It immediately started to vibrate.

“This…how is this possible?”

Wenying stared and shouted.

She looked at Su Wen for the first time.

At the moment, the only one who could bring such a change to her was Su Wen.

This made countless thoughts emerge in her heart.

In a trance, she suddenly It suddenly dawned on her.

The grand occasion of Su Wen’s territory was actually caused by him.

This talent… is incredible!

Thinking of this, she almost trembled:”Damn it! I guessed his talent, he shouldn’t want to kill me!”


” She instinctively knelt on one knee and shouted tremblingly:”Thank you, Lord, for your gift!””

While speaking, she involuntarily surrendered to her instinct.

The words of flattery that she could not say before blurted out.

This made her stunned for a moment.

Su Wen smiled slightly, and he stretched out his hand to convince Wenying:”This is One of the basic benefits of the lords under my command, Su Wen! Don’t be nervous! This will be the norm from now on!”

“Gudong! normal! Wenying looked at Su Wen with hot eyes, and couldn’t help but asked:”Why don’t you……”

“Ha ha! Only those who are loyal to me have such benefits!”

Su Wen knew what Wenying was talking about. He smiled heartily and explained immediately. Then

, he ordered Wenying:”It’s okay for you to know about this matter, don’t spread it outside!”


Wenying took a deep breath in excitement and kowtowed quickly.

When she lowered her head, her collar sank slightly.

Su Wen saw the scene in the green gauze tent out of the corner of his eyes.

His eyes lit up slightly.

Under the interlacing figures,

Wenying straightened up. Su Wen said to Wenying

:”Look at your level and attribute points!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Wenying was stunned and looked at the panel again. She couldn’t help but be overjoyed at this sight.

“Lord! How is this going? Wenying asked in confusion.

Her current level has reached level 20.

And her experience points are still increasing.

Every time she increases by 1 level, she gets 12 attribute points.

This is 4 points more than before.

Su Wen smiled. Said:”I have a prison in my territory! And arranged for the troops to set up summoning circles at all times to summon abyss monsters to hunt! Since you have signed a vassal contract with me, you will naturally enjoy the benefits of Lingxiao Palace!”

These words made Wenying overjoyed again.

She had never enjoyed such a benefit of”lying flat”[]

This is such a blessing.

She was glad for her decision.

Su Wen looked at Wenying’s panel again

【Name: Wenying】

【Occupation: Wood Elf, Guardian Lord of the Wood Realm (god level, vassal)】

【Affiliation: Su Wen】

【Grade: 20 (63.6%)】

【Attributes: Strength 13012; Agility 13020; Spirit 15156; Constitution 13018;】

【Equipment: Vine staff blue, light leather armor green】

【Professional skills: yellow-level wood magic gain, yellow-level natural language, yellow-level vine control, yellow-level enlightened wood boundary guard, yellow-level special attack of grass and trees, and yellow-level special attack of wood and profanity.】

【Talent: Advanced Wood Elemental Affinity】

【Yellow level wood magic gain: 10 times wood spell casting speed, 10 times wood spell critical strike, 10 times wood spell attack power, 10 times wood skill range coverage, 10 times wood skill duration, wood skill cooldown reduction 100%】

【Speech of Nature: You can communicate with any plant, insect, or animal. And forcefully control insects, plants, and animals to attack the enemy. Number of controls: 10, control time: 25 minutes】

【Vine and wood control: Use wood spells to control vines and trees to attack enemies. Duration: 150 seconds, cooldown: 5 minutes】

【Enlightened Wood Guard: Initiate a giant tree that is over a hundred years old to become a Wood Guard. The older the tree, the stronger the Wood Guard’s attack power. Number of attunements: 5 plants, duration: 90 minutes, skill cooling time: 30 minutes】

【Special skill: Plants and trees are all soldiers: Transform 100 plants within 5 kilometers into wooden soldiers, and control them to attack the enemy. Enemies hit by wooden soldiers will continue to suffer 500 points of poisonous damage for 5 minutes. The duration of the special move is 75 minutes, and the skill cooling time is 30 minutes.】

【Special skill: Words of Mudu: Extract the power of the wood element contained in plants through spells, and inject this power into the enemy’s body to assimilate the opponent’s flesh and blood, causing the special effect of turning into wood. The lumbering process lasts for 25 minutes. During the lumbering process, the enemy’s thinking is dulled, his movements are slow, and violent use will cause permanent fractures in the body.

If the enemy is completely transformed into wood within 25 minutes, the enemy’s body will be deemed dead and his soul will be trapped in the wooden body and sleep forever.】

“Um! good!”

Seeing the change in Wenying’s skills, Su Wen smiled slightly.

He then looked at the lord’s castle that Wenying had just completed – the Wood Elf Mother Tree… Knife….

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