【Building: Qilin City】

【Grade: 0】

【Function: government affairs and residential buildings in the inner city, farming and domestication in the outer city】

【Lord’s Castle: Level 7, 84 bedrooms, government affairs hall, military affairs hall, banquet living room, warehouse storage space 100 spaces (equipped with vassal lord resource application module, vassal lord resource supply module), teleportation room】

【Bonfire: Associated with the bonfire in the main lord’s territory. Permissions: Semi-vassal】

【Residential buildings: Level 0, 3200 buildings, 4 per building, 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen per household】

【Field: Level 0, 500,000 acres. crops wheat】

【Qilin Livestock Farm: Level 0, 20,000 acres. Can be kept as livestock: 2W animals】

【Government office: level 0, with 1 pastor, 1 master, 3 bookkeepers, 50 yamen servants, and 50 head catchers. Responsibilities: Comprehensive departments such as trial and arrest, tax identity files and household registration】

【Barracks: Already associated with the Holy Barracks in the Overlord’s territory. Permissions: Semi-vassal】

【Monument of Faith: Already associated with the glorious idol in the main lord’s territory. Permissions: Semi-vassal】

【Hero’s Temple: Already associated with the Hero’s Temple in the main lord’s territory. Permissions: Semi-vassal】

【Synthetic Tower: Linked to Athena’s Synthetic Tower in the Overlord’s Territory. Permissions: Semi-vassal】

【Mill: Level 0, Building 6, Function: Grind wheat into powder, can grind 100 tons of wheat every day】

【Winery: Level 0, 4, function: brew ordinary wine from wheat, and can brew 500 kilograms of wine every day】

【Inn: 0th floor, 3 buildings, function: accommodation, 2 floors, 7 rooms on each floor, 14 rooms in total, 1 stable, 1 kitchen】

【Charcoal-burning field: Level 0, Building 1, function: burn wood into carbon. 1,000 kilograms of charcoal can be obtained every day】

【Grain and Oil Store: Level 0, Building 1, Function: Selling grain and oil daily necessities. Income is included in the lord’s castle】

【Hardware store: Level 0, Building 1. Function: sells hardware appliances and provides maintenance and installation services. Income is included in the lord’s castle】

【Pickle Factory: Level 0, Building 1, Function: Factory for brewing soy sauce, vinegar and pickles. Income is included in the lord’s castle】

【Department Store: Level 0, Building 1, Tiandao functional building, sells daily necessities, and needs to be settled with lord points. Pay taxes to the territory】

【The total population of the territory: 3W, 17,000 Tier 0 citizens, 3,000 Tier 1 Qilin Cavalry, and 10,000 Tier 2 Qilin Cavalry.】

【Population limit: related to the main lord’s castle (118,620,160)】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station (main lord functional building related)】

“Damn it! Liu Wen’s Qilin City has been integrated into one! There are so many types of buildings!”

Su Wen blinked, couldn’t help but glance at Liu Wen, who was still in shock, and couldn’t help complaining.

Calculating carefully,

Liu Wen’s territory has 17 types of buildings.

This is simply…

Su Wen felt a little numb..

This is the first time he has seen such a mature territory.

Even when he conquered Fuso Kingdom,

Fuso City, the most prosperous capital of Fuso Country, was not as complete as Qilin City.

This kind of integration of the territory into a whole can be done through a panel. It is a Tiandao prop that can clearly see all the data of the territory in detail. It is very expensive for the Blue Star Lord at the moment.

It is an extremely rare prop.

One such prop is worth at least 1,000 yuan.

As expected of Liu Wen.

He has been grinding copies for two years..

He actually built such a city.

Liu Wen is indeed not bad.

You know, many lords over level 60 who have survived in the lord space for 7, 8 or even 10 years may not be able to build such a city.

1W Two levels of Qilin cavalry.

I think these cavalry are the cavalry left by Liu Wen on the battlefield!

The remaining 3,000 cavalry are all level 1.

Not bad!

Especially good.

Although this territory does not have level 3, level 5 or even higher Civilians of the same level.

But this order of magnitude is indeed rare.

When Su Wen saw this, he no longer hesitated.


He moved towards Qilin City.

The whole city suddenly shined brightly.

The colorful light dispersed the clouds and reflected in the sky. , Qiongguang burned through half of the sky.

Even from hundreds of millions of miles away, it could be seen clearly.

Liu Wen, who was in shock, was shocked.

When he looked at the pieces of brilliance in Qilin City, his eyes were stunned. It turned twice.

I saw that the buildings in the city had increased and expanded to varying degrees.

Especially the lord’s castle.

It directly reached a height of 100 meters.


Liu Wen couldn’t help but swallowed.

Then he mechanically looked at the panel of Qilin City.

【Building: Qilin City】

【Grade: 12 (MAX)】

【Function: government affairs and residential buildings in the inner city, farming and domestication in the outer city】

【Lord’s Castle: 19th level, 30 floors, 30 bedrooms on each floor, 870 rooms in total (4, 3 living rooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen), 1st floor government hall, military hall, banquet hall, warehouse storage space 100 spaces (equipped with vassal lord Resource application module, vassal lord resource supply module), teleportation room】

【Bonfire: Associated with the bonfire in the main lord’s territory. Permissions: Semi-vassal】

【Residential buildings: 12 floors (MAX), 3,200 buildings, each building has 7 floors, 5 households per floor, 4, 2 living rooms, 1 bathroom and 1 kitchen per household.

Function 1: It can increase the permanent loyalty of residents by +25.

Function 2: Residents in the building have defense +60, attack +60, vision +200】

【Lingtian: Level 12 (MAX), 500,000 acres. Crop wheat.

Maturity cycle: 1 month

Gain: Harvest, the harvest of crops grown in Lingtian is increased by 10 times!

Gain: Fertility. After the wheat straw grown in the spiritual field is burned, the soil fertility of the spiritual field can be improved.

Gain: Spiritual Food: The crops grown in this spiritual field will transform from ordinary crops into crops full of spiritual energy. After the food of the crops is used, the satiety is 10 times higher than ordinary food, the nutritional value is 10 times higher, and the economic benefits are 10 times higher. , which was one of the nobles’ favorite foods】

【Qilin Livestock Farm: Level 12 (MAX), 20,000 acres. Can be kept as livestock: 5W animals.

Gain: Accelerated growth! The Kirin grown in the Kirin livestock farm grows in one month, which is equivalent to the growth cycle of a year in the outside world.

Gain: Wisdom! The Kirin who grew up in the Kirin livestock farm had the wisdom of a 3-year-old child at least when he became wise.

Gain: Strong! The unicorns bred at the unicorn livestock farm are healthy and strong】

【Government Office: Level 12 (MAX), 1 Mu Shou, 1 Master, 3 Registrars, 50 yamen servants, and 50 head catchers. Responsibilities: Comprehensive departments such as trial and arrest, tax identity files and household registration.

Gain: Fair and strict! All public affairs of the government will be fair and strict, and no bribes or favors will be accepted.

Buff: Public mind reading! When the government is trying prisoners, it can read the minds of the prisoners in the hall and make them public.

Association: Associated with the Holy Tribunal in the main lord’s territory and becomes a subordinate unit of the Holy Tribunal. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Barracks: Already associated with the Holy Barracks in the Overlord’s territory. Permissions: Semi-vassal】

【Monument of Faith: Already associated with the glorious idol in the main lord’s territory. Permissions: Semi-vassal】

【Hero’s Temple: Already associated with the Hero’s Temple in the main lord’s territory. Permissions: Semi-vassal】

【Synthetic Tower: Linked to Athena’s Synthetic Tower in the Overlord’s Territory. Permissions: Semi-vassal】

【Mill: Level 12 (MAX), 6 buildings, function: grind wheat into powder, each building can grind 1,000 tons of wheat per day.

Gain: Nutrition! The flour ground in the mill contains all the nutrients that life needs to survive.

Gain: No mess! The flour ground in the mill is of the highest quality, without any impurities or additives.】

【Winery: Level 12 (MAX), 4, function: brew ordinary wine from wheat, each building can brew 1,500 kilograms of wine per day.

Gain: wine aroma! The aroma of the wine brewed in this winery spreads far and wide.

Gain: Increase longevity! Drinking one cup of the wine brewed by this winery every day for 100 days can increase your life span by one year.】

【Inn: 12th floor (MAX), 3 buildings, function: accommodation, 16 floors, 8 rooms on each floor, 128 rooms in total, 3 stables, 3 kitchens.

Gain: Guests feel at home! Guests staying here feel like returning to their hometown, where they can sleep peacefully until dawn.

Gain: mediocre! Guests who come to stay here will not have symptoms such as acclimatization.

Gain: Refreshing! The environment of the inn is relaxed and the atmosphere is clear, making you feel relaxed and relaxed. Temporarily increase wisdom by 100 points】

【Charcoal-burning field: Level 12 (MAX), 1 building, function: burn wood into carbon. 12,000 kilograms of charcoal can be obtained every day.

Gain: Yellow Level! The charcoal burned in the carbon field will have a 100% chance of burning yellow-level charcoal.

Gain: God level! The charcoal burned in the carbon field will have a 10% chance of producing god-level charcoal.】

【Grain and oil store: 12th floor (MAX), building 1, function: selling grain and oil daily necessities. Income goes to the lord’s castle.

Gain: Excellent! The goods sold in the grain and oil store are all at favorable prices and of high quality.】

【Hardware store: Level 12 (MAX), building 1, function: selling hardware appliances and providing maintenance and installation services. Income goes to the lord’s castle.

Gain: Durable and practical! Hardware stores sell items that are durable and practical】

【Pickle Factory: Level 12 (MAX), Building 1, Function: Factory for brewing soy sauce, vinegar and pickles. Income goes to the lord’s castle. (Dede Zhao)

Gain: Sauce and vinegar add flavor! The soy sauce and vinegar dishes produced by the pickle factory are full of aroma, and there is a 40% chance of cooking a god-level dish. The grade is Huangjie soy sauce and vinegar.

Gain: thick pickles! The pickles produced by the pickle factory are all high-quality pickles, of excellent quality, and the grade is Huangjie pickles!】

【Department Store: Level 12 (MAX), 1 building, Tiandao functional building, sells daily necessities, and needs to be settled with lord points. Pay taxes to the territory.

Gain: Strange! This shop has a 30% chance of selling rare civilian goods every month.

Gain: Very lacking! This shop has a 1% chance of selling rare Lord supplies every month】

【The total population of the territory: 3W, 17,000 Tier 12 citizens, 3,000 Tier 12 Qilin cavalry, and 10,000 Tier 2 Qilin cavalry.】

【Population limit: related to the main lord’s castle (118,620,160)】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station (main lord functional building related)】[]

After turning the page continuously to the end.

Liu Wen turned to look at Su Wen blankly.

Suddenly he trembled all over.

Two clear springs gushed out of his eyes.

He actually started crying loudly:”Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!”

Su Wen didn’t know what to say when he saw this.

He quickly brought Liu Wen to the ground.

Just landed.

Liu Wen, who was crying bitterly, suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, crying and worshiping:”My foster father!……”

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