【Building: Fattening Tower】

【Grade: 100 (MAX)】

【Fattening compound array consumption: 1000W magic crystal per day】

【Main element amplification: dark element (by default, all elements are mixed with amplification, 50 times amplification efficiency)】

【Affiliated element increases: five elements, light elements, thunder elements, wind elements, ice elements, etc. (Amplification efficiency 90%)】

【Element transfer space: virtual world】

【Fattening radius: 2000 kilometers】

【Fertilization target: soil particles】

【Magic crystal storage: 0】

【Function: By increasing the element saturation of soil particles, it activates the soil, provides nutrients for plant roots, and promotes plant growth and development.】

【Gain: Destroy the seedlings and encourage them to grow! All plants within the coverage area of the Fertilizing Tower Array will increase their growth rate by 50 times!】

【Gain: Fruitful! The nutrients contained in the fruits of all plants within the coverage area of the Fertilizing Tower Array are doubled. Obtain 50 times nutritional increase】

【Buff: Harmless! All pests and weeds that damage plants within the coverage area of the Fertilizer Tower Array will quickly die and wither, and be converted into nutrients needed by the plants.】

【Gain: Double! All plants within the coverage area of the Fertilizing Tower Array will gain a 30-fold physical gain.】

【Gain: Loop! All plants within the coverage of the Fertilizing Tower Array will absorb elements while integrating other elements to balance the environment and achieve an energy cycle of the elements.】

【Buff: Goblin! The flora within the coverage area of the Fertilizing Tower Array has an 80% chance of breeding elemental fairies. The elemental fairies have a combat power of 5, which increases the element gathering rate by 5 times and improves the environment.】

【Buff: Guard! The fattening tower adds a defensive array module, which reduces 10W elemental magic damage and 10W physical damage.】

【Buff: Destruction Alert! Alert on vandalism of the fattening tower! Law Enforcement Building Correlation Required】

【Associated territory: Lingxiao Palace】

【Law enforcement building relationships: Holy Tribunal, Shadow Guard Mansion】

“This fattening tower is too powerful!”

Su Wen couldn’t help but exclaimed.

He turned around and looked around. He saw that the Dark Valley was still the same as the surroundings.

That was because the magic crystal was not placed in the Fattening Tower.

It was in a dormant state.

Su Wen looked at the magic crystal storage.

According to Introduction.

He learned that magic crystal storage can store a sufficient number of magic crystals directly into the tower.

It can also associate the magic crystal mine secret realm or the magic crystal mine world with the fattening tower.

If you use the magic crystal mine world.

Too A waste of resources.

Su Wen took out a small secret realm of magic crystal mine from the divine ring.

【Secret Realm: Small Resource Secret Realm】

【Grade: 0】

【Source: Magic Crystal】

【Materials: 1 billion pieces】

【Building: Magic Crystal Mine】

Looking at the secret realm in front of you.

Su Wen whispered softly:”Can it be increased?”

Su Wen tested it at the earliest.

There was no comparison between him at that time and now.

Insufficient ability, so it cannot be increased.

What now?

Think of this.

Su Wen started to increase the small resource magic crystal.


I saw a ray of light.

Sure enough, he completed the increase in the secret realm.

This made his eyes light up:”This… is great!”

Because he now has more than 3,000 small magic crystal mine secret realms.

If it can be increased. this means.

He will have a lot of resources at his disposal. after all.

The magic crystal mine secret realm can be associated with many buildings that require the use of magic crystals.

Such a hassle-free and hugely beneficial thing.

Naturally he was overjoyed.


He looked towards the secret realm of the magic crystal mine

【Secret Realm: Large Resource Secret Realm】

【Grade: 12 (MAX)】

【Source: Magic Crystal】

【Materials: 9999 Ganges River sand levels】

【Building: Magic Crystal Mine】

“Damn it! This has directly reached the pinnacle of the large-scale resource secret realm!”

Su Wen became excited.

After the large-scale resource secret realm is the resource world.

The lowest resource world contains 1 magic crystal resource.

The largest large-scale resource secret realm contains 9999 Ganges sands.

But the resource secret realm is all natural..

It is impossible to have such a precise order of magnitude secret realm.

Usually it is 100, 1000 or 5000.

This is an extremely rare level.

See here. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Wenxiao got up.

He tried to continue to increase the magic crystal mine secret realm.

【Your current strength is not enough to increase the large-scale magic crystal mine secret realm. Please continue to work hard to improve your cultivation!】

“Um? Insufficient strength? Is it because the level is insufficient or the value of the attribute points is insufficient?”

Su Wen was stunned and couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.

Immediately, he didn’t care about anything else. He directly connected this large resource secret realm with the fattening tower.

Then, he increased all the remaining 3471 small magic crystal mine resource secret realms to At level 12, he obtained 3471 large-scale magic crystal mine secret realms with levels of 9999 Ganges Sand.

By the time he completed the secret realm amplification, earth-shaking changes had taken place around him.

Huge dark plants grew up, covering up the sky and the sun, almost overwhelming the amplification tower. , teleportation array and Shadow Guard Mansion surrounded him.

Su Wen spread his wings and flew up.

When he came to the air, he took a look[]

I couldn’t help but feel a little silly.

I saw that the surrounding area with a diameter of 4000 kilometers was already covered with dark plants.

Gray plants have almost become the dominant color in this world.

Each plant has heavy fruits as big as a head.

These fruits are still growing.

In the mountains in the distance.

Huge plants rose precariously into the sky.

50 times growth rate and 50 times nutritional increase plus 30 times doubling of body shape.

Let some giant tree-like plants grow almost above the dark clouds.

Reached a thousand meters high. it’s here.

Su Wen could no longer see the vast world on the north and south sides.

The view is dominated by the huge trees in the valley.

View from here. as if.

The Valley of Darkness seemed to have been erected with two barriers.

Fortunately, there are no trees in the valley, only grass and food products. otherwise.

This place will become an unimaginable sacred place.

Su Wen couldn’t help but glance at the panel of Dark Valley. only saw

【Dark element density: 600 weight difference】

【Concentration of other elements: 100-fold difference]

This has simply become a holy place for dark elemental life.

Other elemental groups can also survive here, and even achieve excellent development.

This was something Su Wen had never imagined.

A 100-level fattening tower.

It actually directly changed the environment here. soon.

Su Wen discovered a large number of dark elemental fairies and other elemental fairies in the jungle branches and leaves.

Among them, the dark element fairies are the most numerous.

They are fluttering happily among the branches and leaves.

These goblins are about the size of a palm.

There is a pair of wings on the back.

After seeing Su Wen.

They flew out from everywhere.

It didn’t take long.

Millions of fairies of various elements gathered in front of Su Wen.

They (Zhao Zhao) saluted Su Wen:”Meet your great Majesty! Thank you for your gift!”

The fairies communicated with Su Wen through their spirits.

They cannot speak and can only communicate mentally.

Su Wen looked at the many goblins and his mood became more and more exciting.

Elemental fairies are born in plant areas with dense vitality.

They are also called tree goblins.

Or plant goblins.

This kind of goblin is born with two kinds of magic: gathering and gain, and can release Wo instantly.

Gathering magic can cast a gathering magic circle for the fairy lord to practice or even use in magic battles.

Buff magic can increase the magical power of the Goblin Lord.

They are lords or partners of the magician army, and some people regard them as pets.

They are naturally close to the elves of various ethnic groups, and will even take the initiative to form a master-servant or companion relationship with the elves.

The price of each of these fairies is at least 100 Ganges Sand Lord Points.

Su Wen looked at the attribute panel of the elemental fairy.

Seeing this, he was slightly shocked and couldn’t help but said in a voice:”A 100% loyal citizen since birth?”.

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