“Meet your Majesty!”

In the square, more than 120,000 shadow clan members knelt down and shouted in unison.

The shadow clan is a humanoid race.

Their pupils are gray.

Their skin and hair are also gray.

They wear ordinary cloth.

They are born with some Weird lines.

This is the innate totem of the Shadow clan.

This totem allows them to have two forms.

One is the humanoid form.

The other is the Shadow particle state.

Su Wen looked at the panel of one of the Shadow clan members.

【Name: Junwu】

【Race: Shadow】

【Civilian: Collector】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【Sub-lord: Han Li】

【Grade 1】

【Rank: 0】

【Attributes: Strength 30; Agility 50; Spirit 40; Constitution 30】

【Equipment: none】

【Skills: Shadow Possession, Dark Crystal Identification, Dark Crystal Collection, Dark Crystal Temporary Storage】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Shadow possession: Transform into a shadow and attach”740″ to the enemy or the shadow of an object, lasting 60 minutes】

【Dark Crystal Identification Technique: Ability to identify the quality of Dark Crystal, the content of dark elements contained within it, and the maturity of Dark Crystal】

【Dark Crystal Gathering Technique: A skill unique to the common people of the Shadow Clan. The Dark Crystal Stone collected through this gathering technique can be stored for 2 years. There is no need to worry about the loss of dark elements caused by the collection.】

【Temporary storage of dark crystals: Use dark particles to create a temporary storage bag. The storage bag has 1 storage space and can only store the collected dark crystals. The storage bag exists for 24 hours. 】

Su Wen nodded slightly when he saw this.

This clan is much stronger than the flower elves and other clans.

The average four-dimensional attribute is above 30 points.

Especially agility is the highest.

He then increased the attributes of the army.


A bright light flashed.

Jun Wu trembled violently at first, and then fell at Su Wen’s feet, shouting feverishly:”Thank you for your great majesty’s gift! Jun Wu……”

He spoke many words of loyalty.

He also swore an oath of eternal loyalty to Su Wen.

This made the surrounding civilians of the Dark Clan extremely envious.

Han Li looked at the scene in front of him in shock, he was almost stunned.

Thinking fell into a stagnant state again.

He had a strange feeling and kept shouting in his mouth:”How could this happen? How could this happen?” This went on for a long time.

Only then did he realize that he had fallen into a trap.

But he still had a doubt.

This made him look towards the bonfire.

This look.

Han Li almost fell to the ground

“Damn it! No wonder! No wonder! Lord, this campfire space is simply too powerful. It can directly recruit civilians with 100% loyalty, and it can also recruit 12th-level civilians… But why? ……Um! The lord’s growth rate is definitely stronger than random recruitment.……”

Only then did he understand everything.

It made him feel light and airy.

This reminded him of something.

One person attains the Tao and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven!

The Lord is so talented.

Isn’t it so.

Immediately afterwards.

He was surrounded by violent cheers.

He looked at Junwu’s panel next to him.

【Name: Junwu】

【Race: Shadow】

【Civilian: Collector】

【Lord: Su Wen] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Sub-lord: Han Li】

【Level: 1 (00.00%)】

【Rank: 12 (MAX)】

【Attributes: Strength 3150; Agility 3170; Spirit 3160; Constitution 3150】

【Equipment: none】

【Skills: Yellow Level Shadow Possession, Yellow Level Dark Crystal Identification, Yellow Level Dark Crystal Gathering, Yellow Level Dark Crystal Temporary Storage, Yellow Level Dark Plant Planting, Yellow Level Dark Fruit Multiplication, Yellow Level Cooking, Yellow Stage Trap, Yellow Stage Tracking, Yellow Stage Messenger】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Yellow level shadow possession: Transform into a shadow and attach to the enemy or the shadow of an object, lasting 300 minutes】

【Yellow-level Dark Crystal Identification Technique: It can identify the quality of the Dark Crystal, the content of dark elements contained within it, and the maturity of the Dark Crystal. 80% chance of identifying a god-level dark crystal】

【Yellow-level dark crystal collection technique: a skill unique to the common people of the Shadow clan. The dark crystal stones collected through this collection technique can be stored for 10 years. There is no need to worry about the loss of dark elements caused by the collection.】

【Yellow level dark crystal stone temporary storage technique: use dark particles to create a temporary storage bag. The storage bag has 5 storage spaces and can only store the collected dark crystal stones. Storage bag existence time: 120 hours】

【Yellow Level Dark Fruit Proliferation: A buffing spell that can cover 10 plants at a time. It can be used for 30 days to multiply the dark fruits bred by dark plants by 5 times.】

【Huangjie Communication: The special communication method of the Shadow Clan. Within a 100-kilometer area, a dark element spiritual connection network can be established with any member of the Shadow Clan. Through this network, spiritual communication can be achieved without delay. Duration 120 hours】

“This is so damn powerful! It far exceeds the attribute panels of ordinary warriors and even some elite warriors! Han

Li couldn’t help but his heart skipped a beat after seeing it, and then he became excited:”Such a legion!”…The master is indeed not painting a cake!”

At the same time,

Xu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xiaohua, who were standing on the high-rise floor of the Lord’s Castle looking out, were even more shocked by the fusion of beautiful faces.

They were almost stunned by the scene in front of them.

Looking at the more than 100,000 people in the square The Shadow Clan was like a”licking dog”, crawling at Su Wen’s feet and doing some eager behaviors that they could not understand.

This was simply shocking……

“Gudong! The lord can actually recruit civilians who are 100% loyal!”

Zhang Xiaohua couldn’t help but exclaimed when she saw the panel of the Shadow Clan.

Xu Xiaoxiao looked further away, her eyes always on Su Wen:”No more! What is the Lord doing for the Shadow Clan? Promotion? I remember that civilians will only shine when they advance in level… But the light is not like this!”

“What does the colorful light portend?”

“Promotion to many ranks at once?”

She couldn’t help but clenched her palms, feeling extremely excited.

From this, she thought to herself:”Will the Lord treat me like this?”

“If not!”


“I must strive for such power!”

A crazy voice came from her heart.

Zhang Xiaohua said tremblingly:”Do you still remember what Wang Dahai said? And the way Liu Wen and the others looked at Su Wen! I said at that time that our lord has the ability or resources to help his subordinates get promoted!”

“Now it seems!”

“This must be the reason why Liu Wen and Han Li are so determined!”

As soon as these words came out,

Xu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xiaohua fiercely:”Can we also get such treatment?”

“certainly! Zhang

Xiaohua reached without hesitation:”Liu Wen, Wenying and Ye Jinpeng are all semi-vassal lords. They can all get such treatment, let alone us vassal lords who are more loyal and trustworthy than them!””

“Han Li is the same as us. Whatever he can get, we will definitely get the same treatment!”

“I have observed Su Wen! He is still very fair!

Speaking of which,

Xu Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but ask,”It’s only been a few days!” Did you observe this?”

“hey-hey! This is the information that Flower 4.5 Elf and I learned!”

Zhang Xiaohua laughed. He looked at Xu Xiaoxiao and said excitedly:”Old Xu! Our ancestors must have burned incense for hundreds of years to find such a good lord! Listen to me and be loyal from now on! Our lord is the best and best lord in the world!”

“At least among the many lords I have met and interacted with!”

“Su Wen is the only lord who does not ask us to pay, but first gives us a lot of benefits!”

“He wants money, ability, and force!”

“What a truly chosen husband!”

At the end of the sentence, her voice gradually became fainter.

Xu Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but tremble when she heard these words clearly. She couldn’t help but think carefully, and the friendship in her heart couldn’t help but undergo a huge change:”Yes ah! Such a wishful husband! Hard to find in the world! If you encounter it, if you don’t try, wouldn’t it be a big loss in life… Even if you can’t get it completely, as long as you become a partner……”

“The treatment I can expect in the future will be the same!”


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