【Name: Weiwei】

【Race: Tide Elf】

【Commoner: Breeding King】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【From the lord: Xu Xiaoxiao】

【Level: 0】

【Rank: 12th level】

【Attributes: Strength 3140; Agility 3150; Spirit 3165; Constitution 3156】

【Skills: Fish cultivation in Huangjie, planting aquatic plants in Huangjie, coral cultivation in Huangjie, cleaning up marine garbage in Huangjie, ocean language in Huangjie, fertilizing in Huangjie, healing of diseases and insect pests in Huangjie, soil activation in Huangjie, fish fry in Huangjie Strengthening Technique, Huang Jie Fishing Control Technique, Huang Jie Destruction, Huang Jie Fish Patrolling Technique, Huang Jie Fun and Harmony, Huang Jie Mind Healing Technique, Huang Jie Purification Technique】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Huangjie Ocean Language: Brainwave communication with marine life, range 10 kilometers】

【Yellow level fertilization: Through water element spells, it increases elemental activity in the soil or increases activity and nutrients in the water area, keeping the water environment in a fertile state. Elemental activity +500, nutrition +500, coverage range 1000 meters】

【Huangjie Pest and Disease Healing Technique: Eliminate parasites in fish bodies, pests and diseases in soil and waters, and pests and diseases that affect the growth of plants in the sea. The range of action is 1,000 meters, and it can eliminate up to god-level pests and diseases.】

【Yellow Stage Soil Activation Technique: Inject vitality into the soil, prevent soil compaction, improve soil permeability, and improve the living environment of microbial communities so that they can live more comfortably. Soil vitality +500, coverage range 1000 meters】

【Yellow-level fry strengthening technique: Strengthen the physique of newly born fry and improve their survival efficiency. This technique can be used on 500 seedlings at one time, and the seedlings will gain 5 times the four-dimensional attributes, lasting for 1 month.】

【Huang-level fishing control technique: Control fish and plants at or below the divine level, and carry out activities or transplant according to the requirements of the livestock herder. Coverage range 1000 meters】

【Huangjie encourages the rapid growth of marine plants by using magic techniques. Marine plants gain 5 times the growth speed and have a 70% chance of getting 2 times the size.】

【Huangjie Fish Patrol Technique: Controlling fish schools for aerobic exercise can promote harmony among fish schools, food digestion and physical health. Control area within 1000 meters】

【Huangjie is happy and happy: it controls fish schools to accept weak fish, fish from other groups, or fish that are excluded, improves the peaceful ecology among fish, promotes the mental health of fish, and enhances the joy of fish. Coverage range 1000 meters】

【Huangjie Mind Healing Technique: Eliminate the dark thoughts and garbage forms of the fish, keeping the fish in a positive and healthy mental state. Healing range: 1000 meters】

【Huangjie Purification: Purify water quality, clean the body of fish or plants, and promote the growth of fish or marine plants in an extremely comfortable environment.】

“hiss! How can this be.?”

Xu Xiaoxiao looked at Weiwei’s panel and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Follow her ideas.

As long as it can increase the skill of Huang Jie Qi Le Rongrong, which has a very small probability of appearing, it will be fine.

No idea.

Even rarer skills such as spiritual healing, purification, fish patrolling, and encouraging others can be enhanced.

This has almost increased all the skills that Tide Elf civilians can master.

This was an eye-opener for her.

I couldn’t help but secretly sigh that Su Wen’s ability was simply more powerful than the promotion card rewarded by Heaven.

“Why doesn’t the lord use it on people outside the territory?”

At this time, a question popped into Xu Xiaoxiao’s mind.

Then she wanted to give herself a slap.

“Xu Xiaoxiao! Xu Xiaoxiao! You cannot have the heart of a Holy Mother in this era! All saints are a scourge! In troubled times, kill the Virgin first!

She murmured softly:”Only the Lord knows this issue, you don’t need to have any ideas about it at all!” You just need to remember, don’t be a virgin, be obedient, work seriously, and then follow the master to the top!”


“Surprises always come from the ordinary!”

Su Wen blinked at Xu Xiaoxiao gracefully.

He glanced at the tidal elf Weiwei who was kneeling on the ground and singing a song of thanks loudly.

He raised his hand to increase the attributes of other tidal elves.

Just as Su Wen was attacking many elves, While doing the amplification,

Xu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and suddenly ran towards Conch Castle.

After Su Wen finished his work,

Xu Xiaoxiao happened to walk out of the castle.

She had the aura of fireworks on her body. The aroma of food

“The next step is up to you!”

Before Xu Xiaoxiao could speak, Su Wen took a step back.

Xu Xiaoxiao nodded.

She quickly sent the factory workers to the training center for cultivation.

At the same time, she promoted the tide elf Weiwei to become an elf commoner. The leader asked Weiwei to take 3W tide elves outside to conduct actual exploration of the deserted sea.

He also asked them to make maps to identify the conditions in various parts of the sea.

Where is suitable for growing marine economic crops, and where is suitable for what kind of fish? Survival, etc.

Also let the tide elves carry out purification, garbage cleaning, revitalization and other tasks in the ocean.

When many tide elves center on the location of Conch Castle and radiate towards the surroundings according to the assigned tasks.

Xu Xiao Xiao invited Su Wen to enter the top floor of Conch Castle

“This is my specialty dish prepared for you! My cooking skills are average, I hope you don’t dislike it!”

Xu Xiaoxiao looked at Su Wen expectantly and said.

She prepared four dishes: braised pork, fried hairtail, lion’s head, and stir-fried beans. She also prepared seafood tofu soup. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Internet!)

She had just applied for ingredients and daily necessities from Lord Su Wen’s castle through the Conch Castle warehouse.

Mike prepared a large amount of ingredients and supplies for her in accordance with her request.

Su Wen looked at the fragrant table Food.

My stomach howled with hunger.

“good! The meat is soft and tender, but a little sweet! taste good!”

Su Wen picked up his chopsticks and started eating. After one bite of the braised pork, he suddenly felt happy all over.

While commenting, he started chatting with Xu Xiaoxiao.

An hour and a half later,

Su Wen and Xu Xiaoxiao All the food on the plate has been cleaned.

Even the soup is eaten with steamed buns.

After the meal,

Su Wen found that Xu Xiaoxiao had the same taste as him.

“Lord! It’s already past 11pm, why don’t you stay here first? Wait until tomorrow!”

Finally, Xu Xiaoxiao sent an invitation to Su Wen.

For this invitation[]

She specially hung a clock in her room.

Su Wen looked at his watch and saw that it was indeed late enough.

He didn’t bother to go back.

He informed Zhang Xiaohua through the territorial communication channel that he would make arrangements for tomorrow.

Then he followed Xu Xiaoxiao into a room on the top floor.

She gave the master bedroom to Su Wen.

There are also some things of Xu Xiaoxiao placed in this bedroom.

The bed was covered with Xu Xiaoxiao’s original bedding in the castle.

The furnishings in the room are very simple.

There is a marine ecological fish tank about 2 meters long and 1 meter wide on the display stand.

There are some clownfish, octopus, seahorses and corals in the fish tank.

Then there are only some anime figures left.



Su Wen opened the quilt and took a look. Sure enough, it was a half-soft and half-hard mattress.

The logo on it (Mo Wang’s) was not the Blue Star brand, but more like furniture made by a certain lord.


Xu Xiaoxiao came several times in succession.

She brought water and toiletries. She also helped Su Wen mix the water in the bathtub and activated the constant temperature magic circle.

Then she left with some reluctance.

Su Wen also Without refusing, he lay in the bathtub. He took out the reward from the previous copy: the wish card.

The yellow-level wish card can only grant one wish at a time.

“What if it is increased? Can I make a wish to heaven and ask it to help me build an eternal holy realm?”

Su Wen couldn’t help but thought of a question.

He then shook his head:”Tiandao will only provide a regular eternal holy realm. If I build it myself, I can also use talent amplification materials to make the holy realm better.!”

“This requires me to have more wishes!”

Thinking of this.

He increased the wish card.

【Will the wish card be increased beyond the limit? Consume 100 attribute points!】


Su Wen looked at Tiandao’s prompts and chose yes without hesitation.

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