“You really impress me! Su

Wen looked at Zhang Xiaohua in surprise and said.

He walked straight to the table, turned to Mike and ordered:”Prepare breakfast for me!””


Mike wisely left the banquet room.

Zhang Xiaohua sat next to Su Wen, and she said jokingly:”I used to watch Dongman! I also study occasionally! Although I don’t have a boyfriend, I know a lot more than the average person!”

“If you are willing to give me this opportunity to practice!”

“I will perform the Eighteen Forms of Awei for you!

She looked at Su Wen provocatively, her eyes full of fire:”How to say it!” In fact, my appearance is very conservative, but if there is someone who can make me fall in love, and it is my favorite prince charming, I will pursue it at all costs!”

“Now is the time!”

“Having more children is the key, nothing else matters!”

“I only said these words to you!”


“You let me see an extremely bright future!”

When she said this, she put forward two suggestions of her own:”I would like to make two suggestions regarding the management and control of vassal lords and other areas in the territory!”

“First, the Holy Tribunal and Holy Light Monastery in our territory are not just decorations. They should not only be located in the central area, but also spread to the four gates and other areas. Public security management and belief management are very important”460″!”

“Second, your ability is too strong! While the news is only within the territory, we must develop quickly and master a large amount of money, resources and troops! Even if it’s us, don’t let us know everything about you!”

She just finished her words.

Butler Mike happened to come to Su Wen with a breakfast.

He thoughtfully prepared morning tea and desserts for Su Wen.

Su Wen looked at Zhang Xiaohua and ate attentively.

To be honest.

This The two suggestions really moved him.

He was thinking about how to let the power of two functional buildings cover the entire territory.

There were two ways.

The first was to build similar buildings or the same buildings, which required Su Wen Purchase the corresponding blueprints and upgrade them.

The second is to upgrade the existing buildings to unlock the benefits Su Wen wants.

These two points can be done at the same time.

“I accept your offer!”

After breakfast, Su Wen said solemnly to Zhang Xiaohua.

This made Zhang Xiaohua’s eyes light up as she was secretly sweating.

She didn’t know whether she should say this or not.

But she was still eager and She said it eagerly.

Now she got Su Wen’s approval.

This made her smile even stronger.

Su Wen then said:”There are still some rooms in my lord’s castle. You can live on the 16th floor. Wang Dahai, He Yufei lives there!”

These words made Zhang Xiaohua’s heart skip a beat.

She quickly thanked her:”Thank you!”

When she said this, she felt panicked in her heart.

“Have you figured out how to develop agriculture for me?”

Su Wen looked at Zhang Xiaohua and asked.

Zhang Xiaohua quickly got rid of some thoughts in her mind, and she said solemnly:”Yes! If you have a building like a sky garden, you can move spiritual fields and medicinal fields onto it for development! As for the fields on the territory of the territory… I suggest they be abandoned!”

“after all! Focusing on one place is far better for you than blooming in two!”

“And there will be other lords in your territory in the future, there will also be legions, and even a legion academy will be established!”

“The spiritual fields on the ground are very troublesome to maintain and require a lot of manpower to protect them!”

“On the contrary, the Sky Garden has only one entrance to the teleportation array!”

“As long as we send troops to control it, no one can enter or leave here at will!”

“Of course this is just a suggestion from me!

She finally added:”My skills are more suitable for hanging gardens with very precise areas!” Su

Wen nodded:”Let me see your panel!””


As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Xiaohua immediately took the initiative to display his panel.

【Name: Zhang Xiaohua】

【Occupation: Flower Elf Farmer (green level, vassal, 1st turn)】

【Auxiliary occupation: Agricultural amplifier】

【Affiliation: Su Wen】

【Rating: 40 (99.99%)】

【Attributes: Strength 15007; Agility 15010; Spirit 15010; Constitution 15211;] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Equipment: none】

【General knowledge: Huangjie All Heavenly Medicine Encyclopedia (Proficient), Huangjie Spiritual Medicine Field Cultivation Method (Proficient), Huangjie Spiritual Food Screening Breeding and Virus Damage Treatment (Proficient), Huangjie Spiritual Medicine Cultivation and Transplantation Encyclopedia (Proficient), Huangjie Spiritual Medicine Transplantation Strategy (Proficient) Mastery), Huang-level water conservancy complete solution (Proficient), Huang-level astronomy and meteorology (Proficient), Huang-level flower qi medicinal gas and spiritual energy complement each other (Proficient), Huang-level agricultural magic knowledge encyclopedia (Proficient), Huang-level agricultural magic circle complete solution (proficient)】

【Ordinary passive skills: 9th-level yellow-level instant memory, 9th-level yellow-level Qi Observation Spiritual Eyes】

【Ordinary active skills: Level 9 Yellow Level Identification, Level 9 Yellow Level Farm Disaster Divination, Level 9 Yellow Level Summoning Wind and Rain】

【Professional skills: Huangjie spiritual field enhancement technique, Huangjie medicinal field enhancement technique, Huangjie soil fertilization technique, Huangjie nutrient absorption acceleration technique, Huangjie rooting technique, Huangjie seedling strengthening technique, Huangjie transplanting】

【Auxiliary skills: Spiritual field yield gain array, Spiritual field pest and disease healing array, Spiritual field soil fertility blessing array, Spiritual field element gain array, Spiritual field advanced array】

【9th level yellow grade instant memory: memorizes 15,000 words in 1 second, can accurately find the position of each word, say the number of the same words, and can memorize them backwards and forwards, and remember them permanently】

【Level 9 Huang-level Qi Observation Spirit Pupil: You can observe the elements of heaven and earth, the intensity of various Qi according to the color of Qi, and accurately judge the relevant data of Qi. It can only accurately determine the state of Qi at the divine level and below.】

【9. Yellow level identification: can identify the grade, information and authenticity of artifacts, Chinese herbal medicines, spiritual fields and other materials and props at or below the god level.】

【Level 9 yellow-level farm disaster divination: 1 tortoise shell and 9 copper coins are required. Divinations can be performed three times a day. Disasters above the divine level cannot be divined in detail, and only vague results can be obtained, or the divination is invalid.】

【Level 9 Yellow Level Summoning Wind and Rain Technique: This technique is used to gather dark clouds to rain, and can control the amount of rain, as well as the size and time of rainfall. Coverage range is 1 km. Maximum duration 12 hours. This technique can only be used once per day in the same area.】

【Huangjie Spirit Field Buffing Technique: The growth speed of Spirit Field plants is increased by 5 times, the yield of plant fruits is increased by 5 times, the speed of Spirit Field plants absorbing nutrients is increased by 5 times, and the Spirit Field Plants’ lodging resistance is increased by 1W. The scope of application is 10 acres】

【Huangjie medicinal field enhancement technique: the growth speed of medicinal field plants is increased by 5 times, the medicinal efficacy of medicinal field plants is increased by 5 times, the nutrient absorption speed of medicinal field plants is increased by 5 times, the growth speed of new seedlings in the medicinal field is increased by 5 times, the medicinal field Revenue increased 5 times. The scope of application is 10 acres】

【Huangjie Soil Fertilization Technique: Improve the nutrients of the soil, enhance the fertility of the soil, and maintain the soil to continuously provide the living environment and soil that plants need. Accelerate the absorption and transformation efficiency of soil fertility by 5 times, and the application range is 10 acres. This technique needs to be combined with corresponding fertilizers to be effective.】

【Huangjie accelerates nutrient absorption: Promotes the speed of nutrient absorption and transformation of spiritual fields or medicinal field plants. Get 5 times faster nutrition absorption.

Note: This technique needs to be used in conjunction with the yellow-level soil fertilization technique or the required fertilizer………If the mandatory conditions are not met, the fertility of the subsoil and surrounding soil will be forced to be extracted, which will eventually lead to the field becoming a wasteland.】

【Huangjie Rooting Technique: Plants and seedlings of the Ninth-level Yellow level and below will quickly absorb nutrients from the soil after growth or transplantation, and grow a large number of roots to stabilize their own nutritional needs and promote the growth and health of the plants.. Root growth is accelerated 5 times】

【Huangjie Seedling Strengthening Technique: Plant seedlings of the Ninth-level Yellow level and below are 5 times strengthened, strengthening the function of absorbing nutrients and converting them into their own needs, strengthening the function of root growth, strengthening the ability to resist pests and diseases, and strengthening the seedlings’ ability to adapt to the environment.

Ability to increase the survival rate of seedlings at the ninth-level yellow level and below by 100%, the survival rate of god-level seedlings by %, and the emergence of seedlings at the god-level level.

【Huangjie Transplanting: Plant herbs and spiritual seedlings transplanted through this skill will gain 5 times the health value, 5 times the nutrient absorption and digestion speed, 5 times the root growth enhancement function, and 5 times the adaptability.】

【Spiritual Field Yield Gain Array: The output of Spiritual Field is increased by 10 times. The array lasts for 1 month and has a range of 100 acres.】

【Lingtian Disease and Pest Disaster Treatment Array: Treats all diseases and insect pests in the Lingtian and converts harmful substances into substances beneficial to plants. The array lasts for 1 month and has a scope of 100 acres.】

【Lingtian Soil Fertility Blessing Array: Absorbs various beneficial qi and elements from the heaven and earth, transforms them into nutritional active factors beneficial to the soil, continuously improves soil fertility, and always meets the needs of plants, but does not allow excess fertility to cause burning. The condition of the seedlings. The array lasts for 1 month and has a range of 100 acres.】

【Lingtian Elemental Gain Array: Increases the activity of elements in Lingtian by 10 times, creates a beneficial elemental space, and increases or decreases the quantity and weight difference of different elements according to the deployment ratio. The array lasts for 1 month and has a range of 100 acres.】

【Spiritual Field Advanced Array: Using a piece of wood god-level material as the array source, it continuously injects decomposing god-level materials into the spirit field.

The spiritual field has a 30% chance of being upgraded to a 9th-grade yellow-level spiritual field, a 50% chance of being upgraded to a 5-grade yellow-order spiritual field, a 70% chance of being upgraded to a 1st-grade yellow-order spiritual field, an 80% chance of being upgraded to a yellow-order spiritual field, and a 90% chance of being upgraded.

It is a purple-level spiritual field, with a 100% chance of being upgraded to a blue-level spiritual field and obtaining at least 1 gain entry.

“Do all of you auxiliary professions that support 5.4 cultivation work this hard on skills?”

Su Wen was slightly shocked after seeing it.

He thought Xu Xiaoxiao would be enough to shock him.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaohua was even more shocked.

There were five 9th-level ordinary skills.

How much money would this cost?[]

If calculated according to the normal promotion method.

Two identical level 0 skills can be promoted to level 1.

Two level 1 skills can be promoted to level 2 skills.

If you want to get a higher grade, you have to do this.

The consumption is even greater for low-level lords. certainly.

There is a second way to improve.

That is to complete the Heavenly Way mission, and the Heavenly Way reward will be directly improved.

The third type is the equivalent skill advancement book.

Advanced skills in this way have the greatest improvement and the best data obtained.

No matter which way it is.

You can see this through the properties panel.

Zhang Xiaohua except Liu Wen.

Among the many lords under Su Wen, he was the best one.

Zhang Xiaohua chuckled:”I was specially invited by Director Zhong Jianwen. Regardless of whether I am selected by you or not, I will get 1 million lord points afterwards! Do you know why?”

Su Wen frowned. , looked at Zhang Xiaohua’s skills carefully, and finally his eyes fell on one of the auxiliary skills:”Lingtian Advanced Array?”.

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