Li Buer’s eyes turned and he immediately responded:”Okay!”


He was drawn into a group.

There is not only Ye Feng here, but also more than twenty old acquaintances.

I saw.

An overhead list appears.

Ye Feng of the Green Dragon Army solved 120 copies, Xiao Lin of the Xuanwu Army solved 90 copies, Lin Bai of the White Tiger Army solved 70 copies, and Fang Liu of the Suzaku Army solved 100 copies.


Feng Wuji solved 1032 copies.

Wenlong solved 1200 copies.

The lists of more than ten people actually included 2982 copies out of more than 3000 copies in Su Wen’s territory.

Only then did Li Buer realize.

It turns out that these grandsons came to him because they thought they couldn’t solve them all.

It made him want to scold his mother

“Li Buer! Stop playing dumb! Write down the number of copies you are confident of winning!”

At this time, Wen Long directly called his name.

Li Buer quickly said with a smile:”As Marshal Wen speaks, I will naturally cooperate! I’ve got all the remaining copies!”

Then he wrote down a number of 300.

In this way, it can help Su Wen solve the crisis in the territory.


Wen Long said:”Ye Feng! You have the best relationship with Su Wen. How about you talk to Su Wen first about this matter?”

Ye Feng responded:”Okay! I just tried 29, and Tiandao reminded me that Su Wen is in retreat. I asked Liu Wen, and Liu Wen also said that Su Wen is in retreat and is expected to be released tomorrow!”

“OK! Let’s chat first, see which dungeons have been conquered, and identify the dungeons! The most rare thing is left to me!

Wen Long then arranged:”Feng Wuji!” Is one and a half days enough? If it’s not enough, I’ll recruit a few people to share the pressure!

Feng Wuji responded:”That’s enough!” After all, I want a lot. If I contribute too little, I’m afraid Su Wen won’t agree!”

“groove! Enough is enough for you! Su Wen doesn’t have many resources, so don’t let them all be plundered by you old foxes!”

Ye Feng said dissatisfied.

Feng Wuji then said:”The request we made is reasonable! This is a normal transaction!”

“Lao Ye! Don’t say that to us! We only have so much wealth in total, and we all use it to help Su Wen solve the crisis. If we don’t want anything in return, how will we keep our family in the future? How to defend the front?”

Fang Liu, the commander of the Suzaku Legion, said immediately.

Lin Bai, the commander of the Xuanwu Legion, then said:”We are also trying our best to help with our family resources! If it were another person, don’t think we are working so hard!”

“Ye Feng! Please understand! Although those of us have a lot of trump cards to help deal with this kind of copy, it is not without cost! I am ready to consume the 50W Tianlong Guard that I have cultivated for 10 years to help Su Wen overcome the difficulties!

Wen Long then explained:”In addition, I will also use my life-saving means to help Su Wen!” This is also a fancy for Su Wen’s potential! Isn’t it too much to ask for three favors?”


“If there wasn’t this kind of invasion copy that could lead troops into Su Wen’s territory! Even if you kneel down and smash your head, I won’t help you!”

“The reason is that personal strength is limited! But if we use the legion to cooperate with the forbidden spell formation to destroy the demigods and a small number of troops, we can still defeat the dungeon at the expense of the legion!”

His words caused most of the people present to fall silent.

Wen Long is the cavalry lord of the Tianlong clan.

These 50W Tianlong Guards are the basis for his foothold in the lord space.

No one expected that he would use his family wealth to help Su Wen.Three favors are indeed not too much.

Ye Feng made a shameful expression, and he said pointedly:”The other people I mentioned!”


Also at this time.

At the Blue Star Tiandao Virtual Conference.

The representative of Yingjiang looked at Zhong Jianwen and said:”Director Zhong! The friendship between our two countries will last forever! I heard that Su Wen, the new overlord of your territory, has recently encountered a territorial crisis!”

“As long as you are willing to pay a certain price, we are willing to let our country’s strongest group of lords help you survive this crisis!”

“I heard it!”

“If there are too many invading copies, the territory within the encirclement will be swallowed into the abyss and fissures!”

“By then, after three days, even if your overlord survives, he may not be able to escape the abyss!”

“I heard that there is a god-level demon god sitting under the great rift in the abyss over there!”

While speaking, he delivered a copy of the Heaven’s Law Agreement to Zhong Jianwen.

Zhong Jianwen looked down and his pupils shrank:”Humph! Thank you for your kindness! we do not need!”

Originally, he was still a little confused.

What’s going on with Ying-chan? What he didn’t expect.

The other party opened his mouth and blatantly wanted the rich territory of Dragon Kingdom in the lord’s space.

How is this possible?

That’s the foundation.

Immediately afterwards.

A large number of countries have also proposed the idea of helping, and have also given out a list of rewards.

“Everyone! We can handle this ourselves, thank you all for your kindness!”

After Zhong Jianwen read the list one by one, he quickly stopped everyone’s admonishment.

Except for a small number of them who were sincerely helping, most of them were taking advantage of the situation.

“Your Su Wen only has three days, I hope Director Zhong will think about it carefully! Don’t ruin this hope of making your Dragon Kingdom rise because of your reluctance!”

Representative Yingjiang looked at Zhong Jianwen and said with a half-smile.

The Tiandao virtual meeting ended.

Zhong Jianwen, who returned to reality, looked at the Dragon Kingdom lord communication channel.

He saw the message sent by Ye Feng and a list , and everyone’s needs calculated by Ye Feng.

When seeing these. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhong Jianwen frowned:”They are going too far!”

Feng Wuji, Li Buer, who had been to Su Wen’s territory, and people from the other three major legions except the Qinglong Legion, all put forward similar conditions.

Feng Wuji asked Su Wen to increase his army by 1 million at full level, and Li Fuji and the three major legions are all 30W armies, but they have additional trade requirements. They want to take this opportunity to establish a 10-year cost-price purchase agreement for god-level bullets with Su Wen.

In Zhong Jianwen’s view, this is simply a lion. Open your mouth and take advantage of the situation.

However, the conditions offered by Wen Long and some unsuspecting others made Zhong Jianwen slightly relieved.

However, how was he going to reply to Ye Feng and stop everyone?


Let them…

Zhong Jianwen fell into Dilemma.


He was troubled by affairs from other aspects and quickly forgot about this matter.

……[] after one day.

Su Wen walked out of the Time House with a tired look on his face.

When walking out.

He turned and glanced at the door of the cabin.

This caused him to have a shadow:”Damn it! You must upgrade it to a beautiful environment before entering, otherwise what is the difference between this and jail!”


The results of this retreat were also remarkable.

10W poisonous flower set.

Plus all the knowledge is mastered.

Su Wen looked at the general knowledge item in the attribute panel.

【General knowledge: 2nd level divine abyss knowledge (mastery), 2nd level divine rising sun knowledge (mastery), 3rd level 42nd level god level wizard knowledge detailed explanation (mastery), 9th level god level flower language (proficient), 9th level god level flower language Book of God (Mastery), 9th-grade God-level unlimited magazine, 1-turn 24 God-level divine debate, 9th-grade God-level Alchemist knowledge advancement (Mastery), 9th-grade God-level Titan Knowledge (mastery), 9th-grade God-level Behemoth Knowledge (Mastery), Level 9 God-level Tyrell Knowledge (Proficient), Level 9 God-level Miscellaneous (Proficient)]

This time he completed a total of 930 for Level 9 God-level Flower Language, Level 9 God-level unlimited magazine, 9 There are a total of 8 sets of advanced knowledge of level 9 god-level alchemists, level 9 god-level Titan knowledge, level 9 god-level Behemoth knowledge, level 9 god-level Tyrell knowledge, 9-level god level miscellaneous items, and 9-level god level flower language books. knowledge.

After he had mastered all the many books, he made a final attribute increase.

This increase cost him a total of 111,200 attribute points. at the moment.

He still has 171,373 attribute points left.

This includes harvest proceeds from the prison side.

It also includes the 13,600 attribute points that the 3rd god level player will gain every day with an increase in attribute points.

Much to his regret.

This talent of his only connects with the time outside, and the passage of time in the time cabin has no effect at all.

Now his attribute points are seriously insufficient.

Waiting for this storm to pass.

He was ready to fuse the knowledge and learning of all races together.

At the same time that Su Wen had a plan in his mind.

An urgent communication request from the dragon kingdom lord’s communication channel appeared in front of Su Wen’s eyes.

Ye Feng: Su Wen! The crisis on your side still has one and a half days to ease! If it cannot be solved within one and a half days, your territory will fall into the abyss! Originally, I wanted to contact you individually to provide you with help! But for the sake of my friends, I have to do this!

Ye Feng: This call is very important! Although they make some excessive demands, they can indeed help you solve more than 3,000 copies in a short period of time!

Ye Feng: Let me first send you the participants and the number of copies everyone has contracted! If you want to talk, I’ll ask them to send you their respective conditions!

Ye Feng: I swear! I’m just a passive participant in this matter! My help to you is free! I can’t control other people! It’s not easy to handle Director Zhong’s side either! After all, Feng Wuji took the lead in this matter, and even the frontline commander Wen Long was involved. It’s hard to say!


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