“Is this the end?”

Su Wen looked at the global dungeon channel. All the dungeons around his territory had disappeared.

How long had it been?

He looked at the time.

“It only took 51 minutes?”

Su Wen blinked. He turned around and led the legion out of the copy space.

After returning to the territory, he heard the sounds of joy.

Wang Dahai and others were celebrating enthusiastically.

Alasuo nodded slightly after seeing Su Wen, Then it turned into a bolt of lightning and entered the fantasy beast space to practice.

Hongying pouted and came to Su Wen. She kowtowed first, and then said:”It’s so boring! I don’t even have a chance to take action! I’m going to the guard tower to wait for the fighter plane!”


She also turned and left.

Su Wen looked at the lively crowd and gathered everyone in the castle conference hall.

After everyone was seated,

Sun Shangxiang solemnly returned the eight rings to Su Wen. He emphatically took out one of them and said:”Your Majesty! This time we have a total of 2,626 guide copies in eight volumes! A total of 1,3213 pieces of materials were obtained. Due to the power of the forbidden curse scroll, all the demon corpses have been destroyed!”

“In addition, each of our participants received a total of 3,282.5 billion lord points, 328 yellow-level treasure chests, 329 god-level weapons or battle armor, and 329 relic balances as rewards in the dungeon!”

As he said that,

Sun Shangxiang transferred 570 of the Lord Points totaling 262,6000 trillion points to Su Wen.

Su Wen looked at the Lord Points, then looked at everyone.

Before he could speak,

Wang Dahai stood up:”Old Su! You have rewarded and invested enough in us! This time we didn’t do anything, we just led the way and opened a door! Keep this money to build the territory!”

“yes! Lord! We have been spending money like water during this period, and we have finally made some money through this copy. You can’t be extravagant anymore!”

He Yufei followed closely.

Zhang Xiaohua, Xu Xiaoxiao and others also echoed.

Liu Wen also said in shock:”Lord! This money is the development fund of the territory! The theory should be applied to the development of the territory!”

Seeing everyone’s words and sincerity.

Su Wen nodded:”Okay! I am very happy that everyone can unite as one to think about the territory! I hope everyone will build this place as their home! Treat me and others as brothers!”

“As the saying goes, there is no rule without rules!”

“Since it is the rule I set, I will not accept this money!”

“but! I just left the materials and other supplies!”

“Sun Shangxiang! You will distribute this money to various warriors and lords later!”

He directly transferred the money back.

Not just for these 8 teams.

The soldiers of the team he led were also treated in the same way.

This time Su Wen conquered a total of 500 dungeons.

During this period, he used 3 turns to force Deprivation, depriving 20 demigods of everything except their profession and attribute points.

In total, they obtained 3W knowledge skills, 103 talents, 300 passive skills, 400 professional skills, and 24 military formation skills.

In addition to this time Loot.

A total of 1W9213 materials were obtained.

29.52 million yellow-level treasure chests, 29.61 million god-level weapons or armors, and 29.61 million relics were balanced!

Compared with the gain of lord points, the bulk is still these materials.

Especially the god-level ones. If all the weapons, armor and treasure chests are sold, their value will reach astonishing billions and billions.

This relic balance is a kind of jewelry. It is similar to a brooch.

It can be worn on clothes, a hat, or as an armband..Su

Wen looked at the relic again

【Relic: Balance】

【Grade: yellow grade】

【Elemental Damage: +50%】

【Spirit: +100】

【Movement speed +50%】

【Granted skill: Tranquility! When receiving critical damage, there is a 100% chance to release this skill and use your will to suppress the enemy.

Skill cooldown time is 5 seconds.

The range of action is 10 meters.

Stuns the target for 4 seconds.

Lasts 4 confusion targets】

【Description: The relic has different parts, and each part has different abilities. When combined together, you will gain unexpected power.】

【Note: As long as this equipment is worn on the body, its attribute blessing will be triggered at all times. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Equilibrium means: To be balanced in the turbulent sea of elements. 】

This is a new type of equipment that he has never seen before.

The properties of this equipment are really very strong.

Especially the passive triggering skill Tranquility.

If this was used on the battlefield, it would be a surprising weapon.

Su Wen looked at the balance in front of him and couldn’t help but think.

At present, he has 1(abdd) 05,000 people who have entered the army first.

Qi Na, Sun Shangxiang, Hongying, Yu Feiyu, and Alasuo assisted.

Plus 8 lords.

If everyone is equipped with god-level balance.

Each balance costs 1,900 attribute points to advance from yellow level to god level.

105,013 pieces require 199,424,700 attribute points.

This time.

He gained a total of 6,255,126 attribute points. so[] at the moment.

His idea of equipping the entire army with it was somewhat unrealistic.

But if the equipment is given to the deputy commanders and these 13 generals, the attribute points are completely sufficient.

Maybe even give them a mention at the level of balance.

To increase it to the level of 1 god, each one requires 113,900 points.

The 105,000-strong advance army had a total of 12 commanders.

Including Qi Na and Sun Shangxiang, 13 people.

A total of 284 7500 attribute points are required


Su Wen muttered softly.

Immediately afterwards, he began to increase the balance relic.

At this time, the lord space of Dragon Kingdom was completely boiling.

“Damn it! What’s going on over there in Su Wen’s territory? In less than an hour, more than 3,000 copies were solved!”

“Peat! An average of 1 per 10 seconds! Too strong!”

“What’s there! Behind the scenes is the Heavenly Overlord Academy, and the teacher is a god! If you don’t have this kind of means, how can you deserve this title?”


Just when everyone was having a heated discussion.

Feng Wuji immediately sent a message to Su Wen:”Congratulations to Brother Su for successfully overcoming the crisis! Our business is not about benevolence and righteousness! Our friendship will last forever!”

Li Buer:”Brother Su! Congratulations!”

Ye Feng:”You are really awesome. I’m impressed!”

Wen Long:”Congratulations on the resolution of the crisis! If there is no fighting situation on your side, can you send troops to the general defense line to change defenses? There is a lot of pressure here, and some legions have not changed defenses for 6 months!”

Zhong Jianwen:” Although you were flamboyant this time, you did show your authority! Okay! Just develop your territory, but don’t listen to what others say!”

Su Wen, who was increasing the balance of relics, simply glanced at the congratulations and praises on the communication channel and closed it directly channel.

He only left one sentence for Zhong Jianwen:”It’s not that I can’t escape from the front line, but something has changed in the big rift on my side and I can’t escape! In addition, according to the rules of heaven, my level is not the same! How about you on the other side of the dragon? Back?”

“Don’t worry about him, you don’t need to listen to anyone’s orders! I’ll make the decision for you!

Zhong Jianwen replied instantly:” And!” As a resident member of our Dragon Kingdom at the Tiandao Conference, according to regulations, even if you are of sufficient level, you do not need to go to the main front line!

Zhong Jianwen responded again:”You should have seen some people clearly this time!” Therefore, when communicating with internal parties, there is no need to stick to the regulations, you can do it according to the people! Don’t be afraid of offending anyone!”

Zhong Jianwen:”In this era, the weaker you show, the more they bully you! Domineering and desperate force is the right way!

After hearing this, Su Wen replied:”Thank you.””


Buzz! soon.

The balance relic was amplified by him.

He awarded the relics to his subordinates one by one:”I have prepared a reward for each of you! This reward can save lives at critical moments!”.

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