“whee! Just a small achievement!”

As he spoke, Wenying took out a bunch of certificates.

There were swimming certificates, rock climbing certificates, wilderness survival certificates, Chinese medicine doctor certificates, emergency doctor certificates, nutritionists, airplane pilots, tank pilots, driver’s licenses, racing driver’s licenses, shipbuilding certificates, etc. Driving license, riding certificate, martial arts certificate, programmer certificate, maintenance certificate, etc.

Counting carefully,

Su Wen found that Wenying had taken hundreds of certificates.

The most difficult one was martial arts.

Because the martial arts in the lord era had already No longer follow the pretense, routines and preparations for praise.

Instead, we return to the original and natural form.

What we learned are real killing skills.

If you want to obtain a martial arts certificate, you must not only be proficient in three boxing techniques, but also know how to use swords and arrows. Techniques, hidden weapons, and traps.

Ordinary people even want to learn.

From registration to learning all the projects.

Three years of high school is simply not enough.

Even adding three years of junior high school is not enough.

What’s more,

Wenying has other certificates.

From this It can be seen that

Wenying is definitely a genius.

Moreover, the family conditions are definitely not bad.

Otherwise, she would not be able to obtain so many certificates.

This is really an eye-opener for Su Wen


Su Wen gave a thumbs up.

He also secretly rejoiced.

This time he really found a treasure.

Wenying collected all the certificates:”What a pity! I can’t turn these into skills!”

“wrong! It is very simple to transform skills, which requires you to continuously use these abilities and achieve……”

Su Wen told Wenying.

This meal.

It took two people three hours to eat.

Su Wen told Wenying in detail how to turn general knowledge into skills.

Wenying not only memorized everything, but even drew inferences from one instance to another.

Many questions were asked.

If Su Wen hadn’t upgraded his knowledge and skills to the divine level.

I’m afraid it’s really hard to answer Wenying’s question. this process.

Wenying was also shocked.

She couldn’t help but have a strong admiration for Su Wen:”Su Wen really hides everything! He knows as much knowledge and secrets as I do!””

“Originally I thought I was already strong enough in this area!”

“Unexpectedly, I was like a frog at the bottom of a well with him!”

“This is really a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world!”

“Su Wen is my role model!”

“I want to learn from him!”

She muttered silently in her heart.

Late at night,

Su Wen stayed in the cozy palace.

Wenying walked into the dormitory at around 1 o’clock in the morning and spent the night with Su Wen inspecting the quality of imported and exported goods.

Waiting for the next morning, Wenying used the wood elf’s vitality healing technique to heal her sprained body yesterday and made breakfast for Su Wen.

After breakfast, she hugged Su Wen’s arm lovingly and went She went to the place where the ancient war trees gathered.

Today she still needs to continue arranging the positions of the ancient war trees.

Su Wen came to the ancient war tree.

This kind of ancient tree is about ten meters high.

It has dense branches all over its body.

They pass through the spirit Perceive and observe everything around you, and can communicate and exchange information with surrounding plants, animals and even insects at all times

“Hello, your great Majesty!”

After sensing Su Wen’s arrival, the ancient war trees excitedly waved their branches, as if they wanted Su Wen’s eyes to fall on them.

There was a violent rustling sound in the ancient war trees.

Su Wen and the others were fighting. The ancient trees greeted one by one.

The ancient war tree and the wood elf archer both came from the barracks.

But the ancient war tree is an exclusive recruitment type for the exclusive barracks.

The wood elf archer is a type of soldier trained by civilians.

The only difference between the two is that war Ancient trees do not enter the civilian mercenary pool.

Although ancient war trees come from the barracks, they can only be recruited by the wood elf barracks and do not enjoy any benefit benefits from mapping the sacred barracks.

This is an extremely rare special unit.

In this case.

Only It appears in the barracks of very few wealthy lords.

It is a rare situation.

Su Wen looked at the panel of the Ancient War Tree

【Name: Gu Feiniao] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Race: Wood Elf Giant Wood Species】

【Occupation: Ancient Tree of War】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【Subordinate: Wenying】

【Level: 1 (00.00%)】

【Rank: 0】

【Attributes: Strength 100; Agility 5; Spirit 150; Constitution 200】

【Equipment: none】

【Skills: Word of Nature, Friend of Nature, Jungle Affinity, Fury, Puppet Elf, Death Binding】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Fury: War state, 5 times strength, 5 times agility, 5 times spirit, 5 times constitution, duration 24 hours】

【Puppet Elf: Use your spirit to enlighten the surrounding dwarf plants, turn them into puppet elves, and serve as soldiers of the ancient war tree. 100 puppet elves can be enlightened at one time, and the cooling time is 3 hours.】

【Special skill: Binding to Death: Enemies within 500 meters of the Ancient War Tree will be bound and crushed by the vines and roots controlled by the Ancient War Tree. The bound target suffers a stun effect that lasts for 3 seconds and suffers 10W points of critical damage. Cooling time 1 hour】

“This… is too powerful!”

Su Wen’s eyes were shocked after seeing it.[]

He did not expect that the attribute points of the Ancient War Tree were beyond his knowledge.

This is simple.

Wenying said with a smile:”Indeed! The ancient war trees usually have very good tempers. They like to be quiet and guarded! If an enemy invades, their tempers will become extremely grumpy!”

“If the skills are used up, they will use the blessing of fury to pull up the available trees around them as weapons and carry out smashing attacks on the enemy.”

“Don’t underestimate them!”

“They can level up while sleeping!”

“`And you can get 12 attribute points at each level!”

“This is a promotion treatment only available to god-level lords!”

At this point.

She couldn’t bear it���He held his head high.

Su Wen looked at it and smiled:”Even though he is powerful, he is also my subordinate! You can leave your pride to others! It won’t work for me!””


“Even you are mine!”

As soon as these words came out,

Wenying lowered her head shyly, and the red clouds flew up on her cheeks.

Su Wen laughed when he saw this.

He increased the attributes of the ancient war tree.


In an instant, the ancient war tree and the ancient bird bloomed with There was a ball of colorful light.

A large number of branches grew on it.

The fresh and refreshing breath of buds was released.

Su Wen couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

“It smells so good!”

Su Wen said softly.

The ancient war tree and ancient flying bird had already begun to cry.

He could not kneel or crawl. He could only speak out the words of gratitude, loyalty, etc. he wanted to say through his spirit.

Su Wen saw Towards the panel of the ancient tree and ancient bird of war

【Name: Gu Feiniao】

【Race: Wood Elf Giant Wood Species】

【Occupation: Ancient Tree of War] (Zhao Dezhao) [Lord: Su Wen】

【Subordinate: Wenying】

【Level: 1 (00.00%)】

【Rank: 12 (MAX)】

【Attributes: Strength 819200; Agility 40960; Spirit 1228800; Constitution 1638400】

【Equipment: none】

【Skills: Yellow-level Word of Nature, Yellow-level Friends of Nature, Yellow-level Jungle Affinity, Yellow-level Fury, Yellow-level Puppet Elf, Yellow-level special move Binding to Death】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Yellow level rage: war state, 25 times strength, 25 times agility, 25 times spirit, 25 times constitution, duration 120 hours】

【Yellow-level puppet elves: Use their spirit to enlighten the surrounding dwarf plants, turn them into puppet elves, and serve as soldiers of the ancient war tree. 500 puppet elves can be enlightened at one time, and the cooling time is 30 minutes.】

【Huang-level special skill: Binding to Death: Enemies located within 2500 meters around the Ancient War Tree will be bound and crushed by the vines and roots controlled by the Ancient War Tree. The bound target suffers a stun effect that lasts for 3 seconds and suffers 50W points of critical damage. Cooling time 12 minutes. idle】


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