“mean! Shameless! Despicable!”

In the Great Rift of the Abyss, the Lord of the Abyss, Ertao, is frantically strangling the zombie puppets that are coming towards him. These are the soldiers of his elite legion.

Right now, as the virulent plague penetrates into the area, there is a 1,000-kilometer radius around the Great Rift. The demon legion inside has been completely destroyed.

And the poisonous plague is rapidly spreading around.

This has caused heavy losses to his legion.

In almost less than 5 minutes, he has become the polished commander.

Right now, only half of it is. The Le Mans Divine Army escaped.

This was the army of gods that he had worked so hard to cultivate!

Who knew it had just taken shape.

Half of it was wiped out by such a violent plague.

This was simply a shame and humiliation!

This made him hate and feel sad. anger

“Wow ya ya ya! Er

Tao screamed angrily.

He was waiting for the enemy to arrive.

Who knew.


The zombie puppets rushing towards him and the endless corpses under his feet suddenly exploded.

Hundreds of millions of corpses exploded. The explosive force knocked him to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, his body was covered with red poisonous plants.

A full 2nd level and 36th grade god-level red poisonous scourge was rapidly eroding his body.


Ertao was stunned at first, and then the divine power on his body shook violently.

The red poison that invaded his body was destroyed.

But the surrounding air was full of this poison.

Even if he cleared it, there was still an immeasurable amount of poison. toxin attack

“Damn bastard! There must be gods behind the rift! The other party predicted that I would do this! Er

Tao quickly came to his senses and said,”Otherwise, why didn’t I use this level of poison before?””


“I’m afraid it’s bait!”

“Wait until my legion takes root here!”

“The other party used that damn human boy to lure the Asgardian Protoss’ Sixth Summoning Legion over, thereby making me believe that the world behind the abyss rift is very weak!”

“Inducing me to send the main army to invade!”


“The other party quickly destroyed the Sixth Summoning Legion, leading me to attack them!”

“This gives you an excuse to use such a powerful virus on me!”

“Destroy me in one fell swoop!”

“good! good! good!”

“What a sinister plot!”

“such a pity!”

“I woke up too late!”

“Damn bastard!”

“Don’t let me know who you are!”



Ertao growled angrily.

He continuously shook his divine power, then turned around and flew towards the depths of the abyss.


“Damn it!”

At this time, Su Wen, who was at the top of the Eye of Territory Tower in Lingxiao Palace, glanced at his attribute panel. At this glance, he couldn’t help but screamed.

This made him a little unbelievable.

He looked at it again panel

【Name: Su Wen】

【Professional Lord: Flower Language Gunner Lord (god level, first turn)】

【Auxiliary occupation: Alchemist (elementary level)】

【Rating: 50 (99.9%)】

【Lord points: 5001 Beijing 8000 trillion 400 billion】

【Flower Elf Reputation: 5320】

【Reputation of Dragon Kingdom: 500,115w

【Blue Star Reputation: 1 billion】

【Military merit: 50W】

【Flower energy: 50W】

【Theology: 9】

【Lifespan: Eternal and infinite】

【Title: Flower Language Overlord (the only one)】

【Auxiliary profession fire refining: not refined】


【Attributes: Strength 510W+4505600; Agility 510W+1222800; Spirit 510W+6144000; Constitution 510W+1632600】

【Equipment: Love Saint’s Infatuation Ring, 1st-turn god-level relic balance】

【Territory: Lingxiao Palace】

【General knowledge: 2nd level divine abyss knowledge (mastery), 2nd level divine rising sun knowledge (mastery), 3rd level 42nd level god level wizard knowledge detailed explanation (mastery), 9th level god level flower language (proficient), 9th level god level flower language Book of God (Mastery), 9th-grade God-level unlimited magazine, 1-turn 24 God-level divine debate, 9th-grade God-level Alchemist knowledge advancement (Mastery), 9th-grade God-level Titan Knowledge (mastery), 9th-grade God-level Behemoth Knowledge (mastery), 9th-level god-level Tyrell knowledge (mastery), 9th-level god-level miscellaneous (mastery)】


【Auxiliary skills: not enabled】


【Hidden talents: attribute increase, killing monsters to obtain attribute points】

【Attribute points: 69934W5231 points】

“correct! More than 600 million!”

Su Wen was so excited that he almost jumped up.

He suddenly walked forward, hugged Yu Feiyu, and kissed Yu Feiyu fiercely.

After Su Wen let go of her. (Read the Baoshuang novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yu Feiyu was stunned.

Her heart was beating crazily.

There was an indescribable feeling in her heart.

“Fish is not fish! You are the biggest contributor to this battle!”

Su Wen said happily.

He looked at the battlefield in the distance.

After seeing the endless red poisonous plants,

Su Wen’s breath became a little low:”What a pity! So many things have been corroded by red poisonous plants!”

“Fish is not fish!”

He then ordered.

Yu Feiyu was suddenly shocked, and then a blush appeared on her face.

Then she knelt down on one knee briskly:”Yes!”

“You quickly go to the red poisonous plants below to search for loot! If you encounter high-grade red poisonous plants, bring them all back!

Su Wen ordered Yu Feiyu:”Tang Fen!” You lead a team of advance troops to protect Yu Feiyu!”[]


The two of them took orders at the same time and went below.

Sun Shangxiang was commanding the army to strangle the remaining demon army of more than 10 million on both sides of the north and south.

0 Ask for flowers 0

Qi Na has already led the team to follow Hong. Ying.

The battlefield behind them had been cleaned up.

At this time,

Han Li’s message was sent through the lord channel.

Han Li:”Your Majesty! At the cost of three deaths, 9 of my subordinates, Junwu and others, snatched 1 million access curse cannons for the territory! It’s a pity that the red poison plant spreads so quickly, otherwise we could have saved more!”

“In addition, our department also received storage rings from 11 gods, plus storage rings from approximately 50,000 demon commanders!”

After seeing Han Li’s introduction,

Su Wen’s eyes lit up.

Although he lost a lot of demonic materials, he gained the resources in these storage rings.

Moreover, he just hunted three abyss gods.

When , cast 3 turns to forcefully deprive talents.

5W knowledge skills, 36 passive skills, 36 professional skills, and 36 abyss talents were plundered from the attribute panels of 3 abyss gods.

Most of the knowledge skills are duplicate skills.

The rest of the passive professions and talent skills have been fused through the Fusion Altar.

And each skill has been fused more than once.

The only pity is that except for knowledge skills, Su Wen cannot use any other skills.

Because of these Skills are restricted to ethnic groups and can only be used by the Abyss Demons.

Having said this, he touched the Lordless God Ring on his finger.

This was a material handed over by Han Li from the Sixth Summoning Legion of the Asgard Protoss.

He hasn’t carefully cleaned up the ring yet.

“hold on!”

As he said that,

Su Wen looked into the distance.



Hongying returned to the Eye of Territory sentry tower excitedly. She solemnly kowtowed to Su Wen and said,”Master! How did I perform this time?”

“Very strong! There is indeed something extraordinary about being able to fight against an army of millions with the power of one person!”

Su Wen nodded in praise.

Hongying’s eyes lit up. She looked at Su Wen eagerly and asked,”How much military merit can I get? Are these military merits enough for advanced use?”

Her goal has always been to become stronger at all costs.

Now she doesn’t hide it at all.

Su Wen nodded:”Of course! Are you ready to upgrade your skills or level?”

This is what he asked deliberately.

This time he gained a lot.

No matter what, he will give priority to promoting all his generals to level 101 demigods.

Hongying thought for a while and said solemnly:”Level it! After the basic attributes are high, even if the skills are white-level skills, you can still kill gods!”


At this time, Su Wen’s eyes flickered, and the free attribute points on the attribute panel in his sight changed again.

The last wave of demon legions outside the territory were wiped out.

Su Wen’s free attribute points exceeded 708,687,723 points … towel….

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