【Name: Yu Feiyu】

【Race: pufferfish】

【Occupation: King of Medicine and Poison】

【Gender: Female】

【Divinity: Demigod】

【Divine Lord: Su Wen】

【Grade: 160 (39.01%)】

【Rank: 101 (MAX)】

【Attributes: Strength 206997; Agility 207014 Spirit 210154; Constitution 206997】

【Physique: 3rd level divine level Ten Thousand Poison Holy Body (god level poison element affinity, 150 times poison skill damage, 150 times poison skill critical strike, 150 times casting speed, 2nd level 12th level god level normal attack with poison attribute damage) +6W)】

【Equipment: Fishbone Staff Poison】

【Knowledge and skills: The Complete Book of God-level Medicine (Proficient), The Complete Explanation of God-level Poisons (Proficient), The Secret Method of Refining Medicines of God-level (Proficient), The Secret Essentials of Divine-level Golden Needles (Proficient), The Complete Book of Divine-level Herbal Medical Treatment (Proficient)】

【Inherited passive skills: Yellow-level possessed aegis】

【Professional skills: God-level poison element immunity, God-level drug identification, God-level doctor king, God-level poison king, God-level group healing ray, God-level vaccine technology, 2nd level god-level empty walk, 2nd level 12th level god-level poison Plague, 3rd level divine kill: the disaster of red poison、��Must-kill: Deformed Puppet】

【Inherited talent: 2-turn god level basic gain】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Yellow level body protection aegis: passively stimulates magic shield, magic defense value +200; rebound magic shield, rebounds 20% of magic 09 attacks; mental shield, mental defense value +200; mental rebound shield, rebounds 20% of spirit Attack; physical shield, defense +200; physical rebound shield, reflect 20% of physical attacks; curse shield, curse defense +200; curse rebound shield, reflect 20% of curse attacks;】

【God-level Medical King: The power of all medical skills you perform is increased by 10 times.】

【God-level Poison King: The power of all poisonous skills you cast is increased by 10 times, the duration is increased by 10 times, the propagation speed is increased by 10 times, and the control time is increased by 10 times.】

【God-level group healing ray: It consumes 1 point of spirit to perform a trauma healing spell on 1000 targets within 3 kilometers at the same time. The cooling time is 1 second.】

【2nd to 12th level god-level poisonous plague: unlimited range damage, regardless of the life of the enemy or ours, you will be attacked by 32W poisonous elements per second. It is extremely contagious. If left unchecked, it will contaminate very far away places!

Special effects: spread rapidly! The virulent plague spreads in the direction of the caster’s gaze at a speed of 2,000 kilometers per minute, with a propagation time of 20 minutes.】

【The scourge of red poison that must be killed by the 3rd god level: Those who are infected by the poisonous plague will continue to suffer critical hits of 560W points of poisonous elements per second. If they die within 10 seconds, the corpse will explode, and the shattered and splashed flesh will become Permanent pollutants, causing permanent damage to the surrounding environment and life!

Special Effect: Plague Corruption! Any plant in the contaminated area of the red poison cannot leave the contaminated area. Once it leaves, it will automatically disperse into a highly toxic plague. The contaminated person will be attacked by the highly toxic plague and spread 200 kilometers in the direction of departure.!】

【God-level must-kill aberration puppet: Those who are infected by the poisonous plague will continue to suffer 5,000 points of poison element attacks per second. After death, the corpse will be deformed into a zombie puppet, controlled by magic.】

【2. Turn to empty flight: After using it, you will be able to fly in the air. Flying speed +3W, flight time 24 hours, flying consumes 1 magic point per hour]

Gain: Fly freely! After using this skill, you will have absolute control over the sky and can fly freely.

Buff: Flying Cast! You can practice spells and spells during the flight, so you can do two things without being disturbed by the airflow!

Description: This skill is exclusive to the pufferfish tribe and can only be used by level 12 civilians or heroes.】

【2-turn god-level basic gains: defense +5W, block +5W, counterattack +5W, dodge +10W, damage reduction +5W, elemental resistance +5W, life +5W, endurance +6W, 50x all speeds】

“Um? Heroes inherit one more passive skill than ordinary soldiers!”

Su Wen looked at Yu Feiyu’s panel and fell into deep thought:”But there is no downgrade, it is still the yellow level! This talent is indeed reduced by 1 turn!”

“Does this mean that skills or talents at the yellow level and below can be perfectly inherited, while skills or talents above the god level will be inherited at a reduced level?”

“This… still needs to be tested to know!”

Thinking about this.

He glanced at Sun Shangxiang, who was lost in his thoughts.

Then, he looked at Yu Feiyu’s panel again.

“Yu Feiyu was promoted to level 101, spending a total of 1.88 million attribute points! It costs 5 million attribute points to advance from level 2 to level 36. With this alone, the promotion of Yu Feiyu, a demigod, is particularly valuable. It costs a lot more money than improving the strength through skill promotion alone! Su

Wen then analyzed:”If all the skills are upgraded to level 2 and level 36, tens of millions of attribute points can be saved!””

Thinking of this, he decided to try it on Sun Shangxiang.

There are two main reasons.

Sun Shangxiang only has 6 skills, and 3 of them are god-level skills. It is more economical to advance than the fantasy beast Alasuo or Hongying. Attribute points.

Su Wen glanced at Yu Feiyu, who was still crying and saying a lot of thanks while kneeling on the ground:”Okay! As long as everyone works hard, everyone can get such a reward!”

Yu Feiyu’s mood was stable and he stood up quickly:”I will obey the Lord’s order!”


She stepped aside.

Su Wen then began to commend the magic army and gave a reward of 1 Jing lord point.

Although the magic army participated this time, it was of little use.

After all, they obtained military merit..Wait until the end.

When everyone thought that the award conference was about to end,

Su Wen looked at Sun Shangxiang and said solemnly:”This time Sun Shangxiang made overall plans and arranged them well. In addition to his previous performance… he worked hard for my territory….The credit is obvious to all!”

“Sun Shangxiang!”

With that said, Su Wen greeted Sun Shangxiang.

This made Sun Shangxiang tremble violently.

She suddenly became confused and hurriedly took a step forward.

The moment she walked out, she already thought of the rewards she might get. ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This made her a little unbelievable. How is this… possible?

My credit is not enough!

She bit her lip and looked straight at Su Wen.

There was expectation in her heart.

993 also has some other emotions.

Complex thoughts.

It makes her lose her composure.

“Um! In view of your contribution to the territory, you will be rewarded with the promotion of all skills to level 2 to level 36!”

Su Wen looked at Sun Shangxiang who was approaching, smiled slightly, and announced directly.

This surprised Sun Shangxiang. Although there was a trace of unwillingness in his heart, there was still a joyful emotion in his heart, which dissipated most of the unwillingness.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”[]

Sun Shangxiang bowed.


This is the time to bow down.

Su Wen has completed the limit-breaking increase in Sun Shangxiang’s professional skills. after finishing.

Su Wen took a look at Sun Shangxiang’s professional skills.

This made him smack his tongue slightly:”Huh! Although Sun Shangxiang has few skills, they are all powerful skills! This promotion far exceeds the attack power of some 3rd-level skills. If combined with the enchantment bonus brought by the poisonous flower suit, Cheng… Sun Shangxiang can produce billions of attack points, and can kill gods just like Yu Feiyu……”

Immediately afterwards.

Just when Sun Shangxiang straightened up and checked his panel.

Su Wen announced again:”In addition, in order to match Sun Shangxiang’s position, I have decided to give Sun Shangxiang the benefits of being promoted to the rank of demigod commander! I hope you can better serve the security of the territory!”

After finishing speaking.

He directly faced Sun Shangxiang and started to increase the level beyond the limit. this action.

Sun Shangxiang was shocked.

The next second.

The tremendous knowledge she brought when she was promoted to a higher rank shocked her into a state of thinking, temporarily forgetting the scene outside.……

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