early morning.

Su Wen glanced at Qi Na, who was sleeping soundly beside him, got up and walked out of the room.

The territory crisis is temporarily lifted.

The big rift in the abyss is due to the disaster of red poison. within a short period of time.

There will no longer be legions of the Abyss stationed in the area beneath the Great Rift.

This indicates the way Su Wen obtains attribute points at this stage.

One more thing is missing.

Good thing.

He has arranged for Wang Dahai to harvest his enemies.

There is also a global copy channel available.

The death maze has also been updated and improved.

There is no need to worry about the problem of insufficient attribute points in the future.

Yesterday’s reward cost Su Wen a total of 323,977,700 attribute points.

He still has 384,710,023 points left.

In addition to the 13,600 points gained from the daily attribute point talent obtained by turning to God Level 3 yesterday. at the moment.

There are still 384,723,623 real attribute points.

How to use these attribute points?

Treat yourself to a small goal first!

An idea flashed through Su Wen’s mind.”Two, four, seven” he immediately took out 120 million attribute points.

Increased his four-dimensional attributes to 35.1 million.

The increase of majestic attribute points.

Su Wen’s body made a crackling sound.


Su Wen, who had just arrived outside, almost trampled through the floor with his kick.

He stopped quickly.

In his perception, his body was getting heavier.

The force is increasing.

A strange rhythm vibrated through his body.

He quickly mastered this rapidly increasing power

“His Majesty!”

The hot breath released from Su Wen woke up Qi Na. She looked at Su Wen who seemed to be spontaneously combusting in shock, with shock in her eyes.

Su Wen’s aura was so strong that it could affect the surrounding people, making him himself The heat emitted disturbed the surrounding space, creating an aura disturbance similar to turbulence.

Looking from a distance, it seemed as if Su Wen was in another dimension.

About half an hour later.

Waiting for the 2nd turn of the 24th God-level incarnation. When the Holy Body of the Holy Body perfectly controlled this power and put it on the reins for Su Wen to use, all the outward aura disappeared into nothingness after Su Wen restrained his momentum.

“I feel like I can kill a god with one punch now!”

Su Wen turned to Qi Na and said.

Qi Na stared at Su Wen and couldn’t help but swallowed:”Then if you… you can kill people! Who can bear this!”

“Ha ha! rest assured! I will control the intensity!”

Su Wen walked to the bedside and pinched Qi Na’s nose gently, then turned and walked to the closet.

He put on clean casual clothes. He turned and walked outside.

When leaving the room,

Su Wen faced Qi Na Na ordered:”From today on, you don’t have to go to the army first! I want to build a personal guard army, and you will be the commander! Wait for my message!”


After finishing speaking,

Su Wen went to Athena’s synthesis tower.

Before, he carried out a number of military fusion projects here.

Now the synthesis tower has already given synthesis-related answers.

Su Wen wants To turn the synthesis tower plan into reality. It requires the heart of the arms.

This is a material that can only be dropped in level 60 dungeons.

He did not extract the arms immediately.

Instead, he first looked at Athena’s synthesis tower.

【Architecture: Athena’s Synthetic Tower】

【Grade: Second Grade Yellow Grade (MAX)】

【Function: A comprehensive synthesis tower that can be used for materials, arms, weapons, equipment, mounts, functional buildings, etc. The only synthetic tower in the territory】

【Gain: Speed up! 8 times synthesis acceleration, half the time!】

“It’s only the 2nd level yellow level, and its effect is already too weak!”

Su Wen murmured softly.

He decided to upgrade the synthesis tower.

【Will Athena’s synthesis tower be increased beyond the limit? Consume 1000 attribute points! 】

Su Wen looked at the Tiandao prompts and couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes.

The synthesis tower is 10 times the limit-breaking requirement of other buildings. this means.

If you want to break the limit to 3 turns, you need to spend 10 times the price. this……

“yes!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He still chose to be promoted.


He wanted to see the high-level synthesis tower.

What kind of gains or abilities did it have.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!!Buzz!

Rays of light bloomed on Athena’s synthesis tower.

About 2 minutes later, the Heavenly Dao prompt appeared again

【Will Athena’s synthesis tower be increased beyond the limit? Consume 10W attribute points!】


Su Wen is now rich and powerful, so he directly chose Yes.


A brilliant light flashed.

Athena’s synthesis tower was successfully promoted to the divine level.

【Will Athena’s synthesis tower be increased beyond the limit? Consume 1W attribute points!】[]

After breaking the big limit, there is the small limit.

Below that.

Su Wen spent another 1352W attribute points to break Athena’s synthesis tower to the 2nd divine level.

He did not continue.

Breaking the limit for each product after the 2nd turn requires 100W.

Calculate like this.

If he breaks the limit to level 3, he needs to spend 100 million attribute points, and each level of level 3 requires 1000W.

This kind of consumption is still too much for Su Wen now.

Now he has spent 13,627,000 attribute points.

It also reached the limit of consumption he expected.

Only then did he look at the panel of the synthesis tower.

【Architecture: Athena’s Synthetic Tower】

【Grade: 2nd God Level (MAX)】

【Function: A comprehensive synthesis tower that can be used for materials, arms, weapons, equipment, mounts, functional buildings, etc. 0………The only synthetic tower in the territory】

【Gain: Speed up! 1000 times synthesis acceleration, complete synthesis in 1 minute!】

【Gain: Synthetic Analysis! Add an analysis module to implant samples into the array, which can analyze materials or synthesis formulas for weapons, equipment, and buildings.】

【Gain: God-level synthesis! For the superposition of the same god-level materials, weapons, equipment and other materials, there is a certain chance to synthesize props or materials that are 1 higher level or 1 higher level.】

【Gain: Customized troops! Special arms that can master special skills can be determined based on the talent cards, skill scrolls, intellectual skills, and military formation skills provided by the user.】

【Gain: Grant non-native skills and talents! During the process of customizing arms, special arms can be given talents or skills that are not of their own ethnic group. There is a 100% chance of successful synthesis】

【Gain: Randomly synthesized! Added random synthesis function. Up to 12 kinds of items can be put in at one time, and the number of stacks is not limited. They will be randomly synthesized without any rules and reasons. There is no probability of synthesis. It all depends on the result.】

“hiss! This synthesis tower is worth it! Not only can it analyze materials, but it can also recycle waste, and it can also customize the talents and skills of other alien races to new units. This is simply an incredible function!”

Su Wen couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air when he saw this.

There was a wise light in his eyes.

Immediately, he walked into Athena’s synthesis tower again.

At this moment, four magic circle operation stations appeared in the synthesis tower.

It is a synthesis analysis console, a god-level synthesis console, a customized unit console and a random synthesis console.

In addition to the original synthesis screen.

He first opened the synthesis magic screen and canceled all previous synthesis projects.

Then. 1.7

He came to the synthesis analysis console.

After opening the console, a magic screen appeared.

【Please place the materials into the holes of the formation. Only one prop can be parsed at a time. The prop will disappear after parsing.】

“Is it equivalent to breaking down the props and restoring their production process?”

Su Wen blinked.

He thought for a moment. He took out a relic balance and placed it in the formation.

And according to the prompts, he started the synthetic analysis array.


A group of light flashed.

The relic balance disappeared.

The magic screen probe out

【The balanced synthesis formula of relics: 1 magic crystal, 1 light crystal, 1 dark crystal, 1 water element crystal, 1 fire element crystal, 1 gold element crystal, 1 earth element crystal, 1 wood element crystal, 1 wind element crystal, 1 thunder element crystal, 1 Ding Yuan Pearl】

【Note: The higher the grade of the synthetic materials, the higher the grade of the synthesized relics and the better the data.】

“This… can really be analyzed!”

Su Wen’s eyes widened and he raised his hand to take out a treasure box.……

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