“What? Do you want to trade the Divine Pill of Creation and the Bloodline of Chaos?”

Flower Elf Aqua looked at Su Wen in surprise. She shook her head and said,”The Academy Trading Company does have these two things, but they have restrictions!”

“The Divine Pill of Creation is a first-level god-level elixir. It has a great healing effect on the God Lord, God King, and God Emperor. Its greatest effect is to stabilize the bloodline. It will have a repulsive effect on the body, or it may be unable to be tolerated by living creatures. Bloodline, reconcile and use it for yourself!”

When she said this, she couldn’t help but look at Su Wen.

She couldn’t help but ask:”Isn’t your kid trying to fuse an abyssal bloodline?”

“What? Can abyssal bloodlines also be fused?”

Su Wen was stunned and couldn’t help showing a shocked expression.

He really didn’t know he could do this.

“It seems not!

Aqua murmured, and then said:”Of course it can be fused!” A large part of you lords who are on the edge of the abyss will choose to do this!”

“In this case, they can enter the abyss for a long time to obtain treasures without worrying about being eroded by the magic power of the abyss and eventually turning into monsters!”

She said a few words briefly.

Then she asked solemnly:”What on earth are you using it for? Save people?”

“I customize the troops I need!”

Su Wen explained.

Aqua’s eyes moved, and then she laughed:”What a blessing! You can actually customize your troops! In this case, you should go to the college’s Tianbao Office and take a look. I guess this kind of elixir can only be obtained by bartering, or 677 must accept the task and can only obtain it after completing it!”

“Don’t even think about trading that Chaos bloodline! You can’t afford to trade either!”

“You can try to climb the personal tower of life and death. As long as you reach the 100th floor, you will be rewarded with a bloodline of chaos!”

“If you are not in a hurry now, you can climb slowly! With your potential, you will definitely reach the top!”

As she said that, she took Su Wen’s hand and asked in a low voice:”Would you like to visit my palace? I have a new mattress. Please try it on for me to see if it is a bad product!”

“Zundu and fake toot?”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up and he became interested immediately.

Aqua chuckled and said with a flowery smile:”It’s true!”


She opened the door to the Kingdom of God.

The two of them walked from the college office to the Kingdom of God.

“Meet His Highness! Meet the concubine!”

“Meet His Highness! Meet the concubine!”

The flower elf maids and guards in the kingdom of God knelt down and stood up to shout.

Su Wen couldn’t help but frowned, turned to look at Aqua and asked:”Who is your highness? Who is the concubine?”

“Of course I am the concubine and you are your highness!”

Akuya blinked and said solemnly.


The two quickly entered the palace.

Su Wen, a mattress appraiser, also got his wish (ajdi) and started the appraisal business.

Because appraising such things cannot be done overnight. Things.


He stayed in the Kingdom of God.

Not only did he discuss some cutting-edge academic issues in software hardening engineering with Aqua. He also dealt with import and export affairs.

The light and shadow rotated in the Kingdom of God.

A month passed in a blink of an eye. It was gone.

Su Wen walked out of the temple in high spirits and returned to the academy through the portal:”Hey! These 30 million attribute points are really not in vain! I am becoming more and more familiar with the business of gunnery division!”

In the temple.

Aqua limped and sat on the throne with the help of the maid, with a trace of sadness on her face:”What a bad luck! How could he be so powerful? I can’t even beat him! This is still a level 50 professional lord! When he reaches level 100, wouldn’t he be able to defeat the God Emperor?”

“You can’t say that!”

“Having strong physical fitness does not mean that the power of control is strong!”

“This guy!”

“Maybe you can clear the 100th floor quickly!”

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes, and hurriedly ordered to the people around her:”Go get me some medicine, I want to go back to the academy!”


At this time.

Su Wen has arrived at the college’s Tianbao Office

“Do you need a 2-level divine creation elixir? sorry! We only have 1 god level here! The creation elixir of the 2nd God level needs to be customized, and you and the alchemist must discuss the pricing, and we will take a 30% handling fee from it.”

The tauren at Tianbao shook his head and said skillfully.

Su Wen then said:”Level 1 is fine too!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Um! Please wait!”

As he said that, the formation around the tauren flashed with light, and a palm-sized jade box was taken out.

It also contained a Heavenly Agreement and a mission statement.

“You can choose between tasks and points to trade!”

The tauren looked at Su Wen and introduced:”For points, you need to pay 100,000 Ganges sands of lord points or a treasure of the same value!”

“For missions, you need to go to copy No. 3190 according to the mission book, hunt down the 1st-turn demonized god Chang Chunzi, and obtain the golden lotus secret treasure to complete the mission!”

“Specific information and details about the copy can only be given to you after you sign a contract with Heaven!”

“in addition! You have to pay 1,000 Ganges Sands Lord Points as a mission deposit!”

“What you need to know is that if you do not complete the task, the deposit will not be returned to you! If you complete the task, we will refund 60% of the deposit to you!”

“The remaining 40% is collected by Tianbao as a commission for credit guarantee!”

“If you think it’s expensive, you can ask outside!”

“What I can assure you is that there are no traps in our college’s missions, and there is no delay in mission items. As long as you complete the mission, you are guaranteed to receive the real mission items!”

The tauren said a lot of words as usual.

He finally[]

Looking at Su Wen, he said solemnly:”You are still a freshman! Go to Strategy 1���The god level copy is too difficult! Certain death! I advise you to buy with points! Or just go to other probability dungeons. If you can get the academy’s 2nd god level reward card, you can also exchange it with me for the golden elixir of good fortune!”

“certainly! Brother, if your background is old enough and you have gods to help you, just pretend I didn’t say it!

After hearing this, Su Wen looked at the tauren and asked,”How strong is the first-turn god?” Where is the flower elf goddess Aqua?”

“No comparison! Aqua can only be regarded as a new god now! The 1st-turn gods can instantly kill the new gods, and the 1st-turn gods are demonized… How can I explain it to you? Have you ever seen the power of the 3rd turn special move?

The tauren asked, looking at Su Wen.

Su Wen nodded and said,”I’ve seen it before!””

After Sun Shangxiang was advanced by him, he had six 3rd-level skills, one of which was the 3rd-level god-level special skill Meteor.

He had seen the data on the meteor.

The tauren then said:”The power of the 1st-level god. The skill is the power of the 3rd turn special move! Ordinary skills have reached the level of 2nd God level! The special move may have reached 4!”


“The BOSS of your copy, Changchunzi, has lost his mind due to demonization. The strongest single attack is the power of the 3-turn special move, which can be used infinitely and without consumption!”

At this point, he closed his mouth:”Brother! That’s all I can tell you!”


Su Wen expressed his gratitude to the tauren. He thought for a moment and decided to sign the mission letter first.



Su Wen was shocked by the tauren and picked up the mission letter and an intelligence document containing mission-related information. He handed a piece of lord points worth 1,000 Ganges Sands to the Minotaur.

The Minotaur couldn’t help but swallowed after seeing it, quickly collected the points, wrote a voucher and handed it to Su Wen:”Brother! My name is Niu Shunliu! If you need anything in the future, you can come to me and I will use my identity to help you get discounts!”

“My name is Su Wen! Thank you!”

Su Wen said hello to the tauren, took the things and turned around to go to the portal leading to the three towers.

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