“The dwarven god Kokel is dead!”

“He died on the 33rd floor!”

“The demigod Eldo of the Behemoth tribe is also dead! Oh my God! He is known as the number one genius of the Behemoth tribe in thousands of years!”

“Damn it! Huan Qiong, who was ranked third in the newcomer tower climbing rankings, is also dead!”


“After she entered the 31st floor, she didn’t even last a second before the small screen representing her went out! She is a peerless genius of the Phantom Clan! Known as the hope for the family’s rise!”


One voice after another rang out from the crowd.

The shocked voice was like thunder.

Everyone who was watching the personal life and death training tower couldn’t help but feel a creepy feeling.

They looked at Su Wen who had climbed to the 80th floor.

Eyes full of disbelief

“Could this guy have been betrayed by Master Ganymede?”

“Shh! Silence!”

“You can go to the teaching office to find an adult to raise objections, but you cannot criticize them.……”

Don’t wait for those around you to tell you the taboo.

The freshman who criticized Ganymede exploded immediately.

At this time.

Ganymede also appeared at the scene at the same time. He looked at the people who had just calmed down and said indifferently:”Huh! A bunch of losers! If they can’t get through it, they put the blame on others! But they never made excuses from themselves!”

“You don’t even think about it!”

“Who do I represent?”

“If I am unfair, how will Heaven tolerate me?”


“Look at Su Wen!”

963″ A human race of glass tofu species that you call trash, and he is also the lord of the weakest flower elf profession! He was only level 50, but he made it all the way to the 85th floor!”

“Look at you again?”

“What a coward!”

“When you used tricks against others behind their backs, did you ever think that this would be the result?”

“If you have the ability, go and break the tower for me!”

“Acting like a useless person here really damages the reputation of Tiandao Overlord Academy!”

“In my opinion, among the recent dozen or so batches of students, the quality of the overlord students in some places is really poor!”

“People like you shouldn’t be here!”

“No need for waste here!”

“What we need is a genius like Su Wen!”

“Not rubbish like you! waste! You don’t even dare to break through, and you still dare to scream here. Do you really think that you are so invincible that you can do whatever you want?”

This long series of reprimands blurted out.

Everyone present lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

The god Tyr heard the sound and became angry.

Ganymede was clearly scolding their major families.

He immediately raised his head and looked at Ganymede. Wei San said:”Let me show you today! How I broke through!”


Tier quickly flew towards the personal training tower.

He entered the personal training tower in the blink of an eye.

By the time everyone reacted,

Tier had already passed 5 levels in a row.

Basically, he killed (ajee) monsters in one level.

Ganymede snorted coldly and said disdainfully:”Humph! A level 1 god is actually compared with a level 50 professional lord. He is really living like a dog!”

These words once again made the Overlord students break out in cold sweat.

Especially the god of the Asgard clan who followed Tire, he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Batamu suddenly thought of something at this time.

He couldn’t help but Looking at the personal life and death training tower with excitement, he couldn’t help but murmured:”Can this be true?”

He remembered the rules for the gatekeepers on the 31st to 60th floors of the personal life and death training tower. The

31st to 40th floors tested the strategy of using skills.

The 41st to 50th floors tested the strategy of combining talents with skills.

The 51st to 60th floors test comprehensive abilities.

The testers on the 30th floor are the historical projections of the best ones among the many overlords who have entered the tower in the past.

Because the data before the personal life and death training tower has been cleared.

Therefore The assessor this time is a puppet controlled by Ganymede, the director of the Education Department.

This puppet will be limited to those who have the same skills, talents, special moves, combat skills and knowledge skills as the first-time passer. The four-dimensional attributes and skill levels are set according to the average value and grade of one-year-old students.

Now it is 2 times the difficulty, which is 2 times the average value and 2 times the grade.

According to the information learned by Batanmu.

The average four-dimensional attribute of a one-year old student is about 10 million, 2 times that is 20 million, and it can never exceed 30 million points. The level of skill talent can basically reach the level of the first-grade god.

Some big The peerless genius of the family.

With the support of the academy and the family, he can possess the main special moves and main attack skills of the 12th level god level, as well as one of the main talents of the 12th level god level.

Only a handful of core members of the big family can achieve this in 1 year Within the student period, he has a skill that has reached the 1st level of God.

Every student of this kind is a legend.

Thinking of this,

Batanmu felt a little dry.

He couldn’t help but said in a voice:”According to the rules of the 30th floor… First The historical projection of a person who has cleared the level will replace the puppet of Heaven and become the gatekeeper!”

“So… the gatekeeper at level 31 is the historical projection of Su Wen when he passed level 31. This projection has all the strength of Su Wen when he passed level 31!”

“If you say so!”

“Su Wen can already kill gods!”

“Can a level 50 lord kill gods? If you say this, who will believe it?”

“No! It’s the god from the Killing Overlord Academy!”

“This is even more impossible!”

“But this should be the fact!”


“Gudong! Doesn’t that mean we will be blocked from the 30th floor?”

“Even if someone can pass, it must be a god!”

“In this case!”

“According to the rules for those who have cleared the level, historical projections of non-god overlords are used below level 100… This is so… deceiving!”

Ba Tanmu thought of a possibility.

At this time, some old people seemed to have thought of such a rule.

Among the crowd who fell silent. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There were some more Xiuxi Suosuo’s guessing sounds.


At this time, some people who wanted to pass on the information were suddenly shocked.

They suddenly discovered that their contact with the outside world was interrupted.

“How is this going?”

The Overlord students couldn’t help but look at Ganymede. They saw

Ganymede looking at them with a smile.


The next second, a series of heavenly agreements appeared in front of everyone.

Even the living people who left In front of many people, a new agreement of heaven appeared again.

Everyone couldn’t help but swallowed after seeing it.[]

Some overlords who thought about the reason were shocked by the agreement in front of them

“That guess is true!”

Batanmu murmured in horror but excitement.

“Sign it and keep your mouth shut! You can live longer! If you don’t sign, you are betraying the academy and betraying the way of heaven! Kill without mercy!”

Ganymede’s voice rang in everyone’s ears.

This made all the students in front of the Three Towers tremble.

At the same time, other students and all the teachers of Tiandao Overlord Academy saw a copy at this moment. The agreement suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

I saw the words above

【In order to maintain the mystery of Tiandao Overlord Academy, and for your safety.

Therefore, the Teaching Office decided.

All Bawang students, tutors, directors and other teachers and students of Tiandao Bawang College, please sign a college information confidentiality agreement with the college immediately!】

【Once this agreement is signed, all teachers and students are not allowed to make any claims to any Overlord who has graduated from the college.���Relatives, friends, and everyone else leaked all information in the academy】

【Do not disclose any information about peers, students, or mentors】

【No information from the Academy’s Mission and Activities Department, Tianbao Department, and other thirty-six departments shall be disclosed.】

【For the academy’s personal life and death training tower, legion tower… rankings, rewards and other information must not be leaked!】


There are thousands of agreements covering all aspects of the entire college. at last.

I saw it said [Those who do not sign this agreement within 5 minutes will be deemed to have betrayed the academy and the way of heaven! He will be sentenced to death immediately, all earnings will be recovered, and family members will not be allowed to enter the academy for 1,000 years!】


Batanmu looked at the agreement in front of him. He couldn’t help but glance at the information about Su Wen who had arrived at the 100th floor of the personal life and death training tower. He shouted crazily in his heart:”The academy actually changed the confidentiality rules for him.! This is so unbelievable! …That’s awesome! The first person in the academy!……”

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