Lord of Mysteries: Yao Guang

Chapter 66 The result of a strange combination of circumstances and contradictions

In the deep voice of Archbishop Gao, Esther listened to the poetic words of the holy scriptures, spreading leisurely in the prayer hall, like ivy climbing from the bottom of the high wall, watering the setting sun with abundant greenery, or It dyes the dim sun with the fragrance of wheat.

However, Esther began to lose focus, and she heard a dull hammering sound, mixed with unclear shouts.

There were indeed only two people in the prayer hall. She blinked doubtfully and glanced at Xiao Qi, the crow in her arms, and met Xiao Qi's dissatisfied gaze.

It was already dusk, and she wasted a lot of time here.

As if aware of Esther's desire to leave, the bishop opened his arms and ended the "one-on-one sermon" with a series of exclamations praising the name of the Mother Earth. Then he walked down and sat on Esther's side. Beside the bench, keep a distance of more than one meter from her.

Esther patted the bench beneath her and couldn't help but ask what she was confused about just now: "Mr. Bishop, haven't you considered ordering a wider chair?"

These pews, which were just wide enough for ordinary people, were too narrow for the bishop's stature.

"I prefer to be called Father, Father Utravsky."

Esther's eyes were dazed for a moment, and she felt sentimental for no reason: "Well... okay."

"You seem to have a lot of troubles. If you have worries, the Mother Goddess is willing to open His arms to anyone. I also hope you can feel the beauty and joy of the growth of all things, young man."

Esther hesitated to speak. She looked at the Holy Emblem in front that was dimmed yellow by the sunset, and leaned back slightly: "Yes, I do have a lot of worries. Do you know where there are cheaper ones nearby? Cheap rental? The kind that doesn’t require identification.”

"The apartment at No. 7 Lily of the Valley is a single room, but the bathroom is shared. Nos. 5 to 11 Braston Street near the river in the northwest are rented houses. The landlord lives at No. 4. You can tell him my name. Will Residents at No. 9 Dee Street own two townhouses, but the prices are not cheap. There are rooms for rent at No. 11 and No. 19, Riverside Avenue. If you are single, you may be able to seek the trust of those two households. …”

After sifting through a long list of dishes, Father Utravsky pinched the bridge of his nose and showed a tired look. He was really trying his best to think for Esther, "I recommend the lily of the valley." In the apartment at No. 7, the landlord there is extremely harsh on unruly tenants, so the apartment environment is relatively clean and quiet."

Esther quickly compared these addresses with the map in her mind, and looked at Father Utravsky with gratitude and helplessness: "The recommendation you mentioned...couldn't it also be because of Lily of the Valley Street?" Is it the closest here?"

"Praise the Mother Goddess, it will be convenient for you to come here and hear the sermon."

"Anyway, thank you very much for your suggestion. I will seriously consider it." Esther heard the hammering and cursing sounds coming from deep in the church became violent again, and couldn't help but ask, "Is there anyone else here?"

Father Utravsky was very calm: "Yes, your perception seems to be very strange. There is a vampire locked in the basement."

"Wow, vampire, did you catch it?" Esther was a little excited. When she was flipping through those mythical historical scrolls, she had read some information about this race, but she had never seen it with her own eyes.

"He got lost and suddenly broke into the church for some reason. Because he seemed very emotional, I locked him underground and slowly preached."

Esther nodded, not intending to ask more about this matter. She stood up from the chair with Xiao Qi in her arms: "It's time for me to leave, so I won't disturb you anymore."

Father Utravsky did not move in his chair. He continued to press the bridge of his nose, as if he had a headache: "I won't send you away. May the Mother Goddess' heart as broad as the earth be with you."

Esther was silent for a few seconds and said softly: "But I don't believe in any religion, Mr. Father. I wish that the peace of the Mother Earth should be with you."

It was the first time he heard such a strange reply. Father Utravsky's hand paused. He looked at Esther in surprise for a few seconds, straightened up and solemnly made a gesture representing the Mother Earth on his chest: " Thank you for the return gift.”

Xiao Qi stayed quietly in Esther's arms, but her eyes became increasingly gloomy. The priest's attitude was not like that of a normal missionary, but rather like he was testing Esther. Even if it is unintentional, Esther's "blessings" often have a twisted power, which she has never realized.

Esther didn't understand why Father Utravsky said that. She waved hastily, turned around and walked out of the prayer hall of Harvest Church.

The afterglow of the setting sun was refracted by the stained glass and fell scattered on the ground, like broken fragments, falling into Father Utravsky's eyes. His violent eyes that were originally holding back pain gradually calmed down.

He whispered another passage from the teachings of the Mother Earth:

"The sweat of picking fruits irrigates the soil, and the wheat dances with fertility in your smile,

Those who work hard will receive due rewards, and those who suffer will receive warm sympathy.

The frost of winter makes you unhappy, until all the laughter is held in the palm of the baby,

Hand over the spring of a new revival of all things..."


"That Father Utravsky has a big problem."

When the Harvest Church was almost out of sight, Xiao Qi immediately fluttered out of Esther's arms and landed back on her shoulders.

"What did you notice? He seems to be an extraordinary person too."

"And the sequence won't be too low. Didn't you feel the occasional turbidity in his eyes?"

Esther nodded and shook her head: "But he is trying his best to suppress his dangerous side, which is enough to show his nature. And he also gave me a lot of reliable advice. I don't think such a big Earth Mother Goddess The leader of the church would be a gangster, at least not now.”

"It's really sad that you trust such a person but don't trust me."

Esther touched the money in her arms and estimated the cash on hand: "That's because every time you mention the name of that family, I feel a chill in my back. This situation has changed even after I died once. It’s serious.”

"Tsk, why does this person always become sharp when he should be dull..." Xiao Qi muttered dissatisfiedly, scratching Esther's hair twice with her claws, not caring that Esther could hear it clearly.

Esther was thinking about other things: "In fact, in addition to the dreams that the night warned me about, I also dreamed about something else. There was a beautiful man with long silver hair, and he was carrying a dead skylark. , the skylark also shines, and he says his Lord..."

Before Esther finished speaking, Xiao Qi's tail feathers had completely exploded. It flapped its wings and flew into the air, landing on a street lamp. Its dark eyes were full of alertness. It didn't speak, but stared at Esther with complete hostility.

Under Esther's blank gaze, Xiao Qi stayed far away, even preening his feathers. Like an ordinary crow, it was wary of humans walking on the ground.

"Xiao Qi? How did you..."

As soon as Esther took a step forward, the crow made a hoarse "quacking" sound and flew directly to the sky. It quickly bypassed several pointed Gothic towers and disappeared into the haze of Backlund.

"What the hell!?"

Esther was also angered by this uncertain crow. She had no idea what she said to make Xiao Qi turn against her.

She looked at the gray sky, feeling that her mood was as gloomy as it, and she ran along the dim street. Esther tried to put this annoying separation behind her.

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