Lord of the Magical Beasts

Vol 2 Chapter 12: Spider valley

Kiss him?

Sure enough, listening to Yang Ling said that the female assassin Gulantana was so angry that she gnawed her teeth and rushed up to smash his foot and shouted loudly: "The thief who is dead and swearing, stinks, and still does not know how to repent after he died!"

I have seen a thief, but I have never seen such a slutty thief!

Gurandana was so angry that she didn't expect Yang Ling to be so abominable before she died. She remembered the last embarrassment and couldn't wait to cut his tongue out. Yang Ling's naked lower body, the arrogant life of the roots ....., always lingering in her mind, I was ashamed and angry when I thought about it.

Being so disturbed by Gurrandana, the masked assassin paused and won a precious time for Yang Ling. What's more, as Gulandana smashed at his dantian, Yang Ling discovered that the witchcraft in the body began to run slowly and gradually, and the fingers gradually recovered consciousness.

"Not good, Gurandana, let go!" See Yang Ling's eyes flashing cold, experienced masked assassin understands that the big thing is not good, a push of the savage Gurandana, sharp dagger 狠狠The ground is drawn down to Yang Ling’s neck.

The masked assassin moves fast, but it is still a slow step. As Gulandana screams, a dead wood warrior more than ten meters high appears in front of the air.

Surprisingly blocking the masked assassin's smashing blow, the dead wood warrior picked Yangling's whole person high and ran wildly in the direction of Weissen Castle. As fast as a fly, every step is almost ten meters, raising a large amount of dust.

The dead wood warrior is fast, but still can't get rid of the horrible Tianbang killer. Soon, the other party will catch up like a shadow. Unspeakable, the sharp dagger slammed down the foot of the dead wood warrior.

After a scream, the dead wood warriors slammed down with a stick, but the experienced killer was ready to flash out like a gust. Followed by, lightning forward, a deep wound on the other foot of the dead wood warrior.

With the bang, the unbalanced dead wood soldiers fell heavily on the ground, and their blood flowed like a note. Fortunately, Yang Ling responded quickly, rolling in the air, not only to fall into a patties, but also just flashed a masked kill gesture in a must.

After quickly picking up the dead wood-scarred warrior, Yang Ling summoned a horn bee and broke it, then gnawed his teeth to the jungle not far away. In the face of the horrible Tianbang killer, the original return to Weissen Castle is definitely a dead end. After fleeing into the Teras Forest, there may be a chance.

Under the sniper of the bee-eater, Yang Ling fought for a precious time to escape into the Cutras forest before the masked killer caught up. After calling out the horn bee, it ran wildly. At the same time, constantly swallowing World of Warcraft blood beads, trying to run the body of the witch, hope to resume as soon as possible.

Faced with the speedy masked killer, Yang Ling understands that the slow-moving evil eyes and the dead wood warriors simply do nothing. Originally, the unicorn was fast and capable of attacking and defending. It was the best force to resist the masked killer. It is a pity that Wu Li only recovered a little and could not be called out. In desperation, he had to call out the bee-eaters to make cannon fodder.

For the average person, the stinger of the Horned Beast is hard to defend, but for the experienced masked killer, the single-horned bee is simply not enough. After easily avoiding the stinger of the horn bee, he sharply cut his sharp dagger and cut it in half.

After losing more than a dozen horn bees, Yang Ling was shocked and bitten. In order to prevent the strange magic of the other party, I ran from time to time, and with obstacles such as trees and rocks, I escaped the attack of the masked killer. Fortunately, you can keep calling the bee-eaters to cover them and delay the time at the crucial moment. Otherwise, I am afraid I will go to see Marx.

Although the horned bees that were called out were killed one by one, Yang Ling had no better way. If the horned beast is gone, it can be domesticated in the forest, but if it is entangled by the masked person who is the killer of the list, I am afraid that there will be no place to die. The only thing that is gratifying is that the more and more witchcraft in the body is getting more and more smooth. As long as you can call out the powerful unicorn, not to say that the defeat is a victory, at least you can get rid of the killer like it.

Yang Ling was shocked and bitten, but the masked killer was even more shocked. As a killer of the list, he has never lost his hand for so many years. He did not expect to be escaped by Yang Ling without paying attention. In addition, his instant paralysis magic has been refined to a high level, how can not think of Yang Ling so quickly recover, move freely.

Let the masked killer vomit more blood, Yang Ling suddenly east and west, running better than the fish. Just locked him, he was not flashed out of the paralyzed magic, and he was halfway through each time. In addition, after several accelerations rushed up, the horn bee that appeared every time was blocked from the road. For the sharp fangs of the horn bee, he is not afraid, but the stinger of them is inevitable. Every time, Yang Ling shuns his own raids.

In this way, Yang Ling ran wildly in front, and the masked killer chased after him. Slowly, as the Wuling body in Yangling gathers more and more, his speed is getting faster and faster, jumping from one tree to another like a big bird, letting the chasing masker killer Have to bite your teeth.

Seeing that Yang Ling is getting faster and faster, the masked killer bites his teeth, picks up a dark bow from his back, and buckles the last magic arrow. After aiming at the back of Yang Ling, ‘嗖’ shot out. In order to kill Yang Ling, the abominable guy, he decided to drop the blood and use the last hard-to-find magic arrow.


After hearing the whistling sound of the magical arrow, Yang Ling was shocked, and the sound of ‘唰’ passed through the gap between the two big trees. Unexpectedly, the weird magical arrows follow the shadows and continue to chase after a bend.

Sidewinder missile?

In a hurry, looking back at the weird magical arrows, Yang Ling almost flew away from the soul, desperately flashing in the jungle, gritted his teeth to make the whole body. Soon, I accidentally came to a strange valley.

The strange valley is full of blood-red strange trees, some of which are flourishing, higher than a dozen-story building; some have only a bare trunk, straight like a telephone pole, infiltrating a drop of blood-like sap, It’s weird. In the valley, a fist-sized red spider can be seen from time to time, and a mosquito net of the size of a mosquito net can be seen everywhere.

Some spider webs are entangled with a tractor-sized rhinoceros, some of which are entangled in a dense layer of insects, and they are tough at first glance. Taking advantage of the gradual recovery of Wu Li, Yang Ling flexibly drilled and drilled. He couldn't dare to collide with a strange spider web. If he was entangled, I am afraid that he would die.

Tough spider web?

After carefully avoiding a few spider webs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yang Ling Lingji moves, where is the spider web where to drill. Sure enough, as the tough spider web became denser and denser, the missile-like magic arrow hit the back and the speed became slower and slower, allowing him to see a glimmer of life.

At the same time, watching Yang Ling, who was flustered, and then look at the weird valleys and dense spider webs, the masked killer hesitated to stop.

"Let him go, don't chase anymore!" Just as the masked assassin was ready to bite his teeth and catch up, there was a burst of air in the air, and a black robe old man appeared with the female assassin Gulanda, out of thin air, saying: "Into the spider The valley, there is no possibility of surviving, there is no need to chase again!"

"Adults, in order to ensure the completion of the task, or else, then chase down?" Looking at the sudden appearance of the black robe old man, masked killer right hand to care for the chest, bent down for a ceremony, respectful attitude.

"Hey, the best chance has been missed. If the other person can get out of this wolf spider valley, even if he is a big man!" Looking at the female assassin Gurandana, who missed the opportunity again and again, the old man in black robe snorted coldly. "More importantly, next we are still on a more urgent task, there is no need to waste more energy on this young man."

After a while, the masked old man appeared a hexagonal starburst. When he left, he said faintly to the female assassin who was lying on the ground: "Grandanda, as a punishment for many misses, you will go to Black City for intensive training tomorrow!"

Going to Black City Training?

Listening to the masked old man said this, not to mention the female assassin Gulan Danna who just debuted, even the masked killer around her is also awkward. But under the cold gaze of the old man, no one dared to oppose it.

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