Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 145: Deploying Troops

Back in the fantasy world, it was already the beginning of the year. Bai Zhi and Jin Cuilian had gone to Xixi Village. Cheng Wan'er and the two maids Qingzhu and Danju were left at home. Next to them sat Li Xiaoer's wife Wang Qiao, and the four of them were under the eaves. Talking and laughing about being a female celebrity.

When they saw Zhao Zhen, they all came forward to salute. Cheng Wan'er said happily: "Mr. sir, have everything been taken care of outside?"

Zhao Zhen nodded and said, "What are you doing, madam?"

Cheng Wan'er said: "Ms. sir, on the day you went out, the slave family went to inspect the workshops in Xixi Village. They saw sister Wang Qiao weaving the fire-burning cloth. The slave family is also good at tailoring. They were overjoyed to see such rare things. , I invited my sister to come home to make clothes for my husband. Now I have made a Taoist uniform and a battle robe."

"The remaining fabric can be made into two pieces of clothing. I asked you to keep it and put it in the warehouse for later use. I am not willing to throw away the remaining cloth. The slave family is still worried about what to do. Sister Wang Qiao came out. The idea is to draw out the warp and weft again, dye it and put the sleeves on the robe. Firstly, the robe is too plain, so it would be better to embroider it with patterns. Secondly, this kind of rare thing will not be wasted."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen picked up the clothes on the table. It was a Taoist robe. He went upstairs with Cheng Wan'er to try it on. It was double-breasted, calf-length, sleeveless, and the sleeves were long. Zhao Zhen was wearing a white Taoist robe, plus White teeth, red lips, slender waist and broad arms, he has an aura of being out of the world. After trying on the warrior uniform that Cheng Waner brought over again, Zhao Zhen nodded with satisfaction and said to Cheng Waner, "What do you plan to embroider on it?"

Cheng Wan'er said: "My lord, I asked Taoist Priest Dong about the Taoist robe. The Taoist gave me some ideas, such as the Yuluo Xiaotai, the sun, the moon and the stars, the Bagua, the pagoda, the dragon and the phoenix, the crane, and the unicorn. Do you have any ideas?"

Zhao Zhen said: "How about the crane?"

Cheng Wan'er nodded: "Embroider the crane on the back, and embroider the auspicious cloud patterns on the breast and cuffs. As for the warrior uniform, the slave family is thinking that if there is extra thread, they can embroider some small gold-printed patterns."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen said, "It's your lady's decision." After deciding on the decoration of his clothes, Zhao Zhen said to Cheng Wan'er and went out to the meeting hall at the front.

Zhao Zhen summoned heroes from all over the place. At noon, all the heroes gathered in the hall. Only then did Zhao Zhen talk about going to fight in the fantasy world. As soon as he finished speaking, Ruan Xiaoqi called out: "Master, take me with you this time. I have been patrolling and training the soldiers all day long. My body is rusty and I am just about to stretch my muscles."

Guang Hui and Bao Xu were also clamoring to go, and all the heroes asked for a fight. Seeing the enthusiasm of the heroes, Zhao Zhen smiled bitterly and said: "Brothers, if you don't want to, you really can't. It will cost your luck to go back and forth. , I can only choose a few people to go with me, and the rest of the brothers still have to guard the borders of Liangshan Township."

"Besides this matter, there is another matter that requires the efforts of all the brothers. A few days ago, brothers Pei Xuan and Xiao Rang, I and I made a plan to capture all this water pool. The brothers who have never gone out to fight will open up in the county. territory."

At the moment, Zhao Zhen told the news he had obtained, and everyone discussed and decided on the candidate.

The battle in the world of [Wang Lun in Yellow Clothes] is led by Zhao Zhen personally, with Wu Yong as military advisor. Luan Tingyu and Deng Fei commanded a cavalry team of twenty people, each carrying a spear, a waist knife, a snake bone bow, a cooked leather vest, and a side card on his arm. Jiao Ting and Bao Xu also selected an infantry team of twenty people, equipped with plain knives, heavy swords, iron armor, and a side card.

According to what Zhao Zhen said, the rebels here were elite rebels of the Forbidden Army. Wu Yong and others asked him to bring an extra side card because the Forbidden Army mostly used crossbows.

This side card was specially trained to prepare for crossbows since Luan Tingyu became the coach. The cavalry side card is round, with animal head patterns painted on it, and is small in size. It is tied to the left arm during combat to protect it from arrows. The infantry side card is larger and can cover the whole person. It is long and pentagonal. The body of the card is made of wood and the surface is covered with leather. There is a wooden stick on the back, which can be used to support the card on the ground. It can not only protect against cavalry collisions, but also hide behind the shield and injure people with javelins.

It's a pity that none of the heroes know how to use the javelin. Luan Tingyu only trained the sergeants to raise their shields to increase their protection, and to attack the arrows from the opposite side like a wall, fighting at close range.

The four of them happily went down to select the sergeants and prepare the equipment. The remaining heroes were eagerly awaiting their arrival. Zhao Zhen did not give in, and said: "Xigouzhao Mountain is said to be the place where King Liang raised dogs. I don't know what happened to him now. Ruan Xiaowu is the commander of the navy, Pei Xuan is the military advisor, Liu Tang is the infantry commander, and Du Qian , Shi Qian was the deputy general, commanding a hundred navy and army soldiers. Ruan Xiaoqi was the commander of the navy in Donggouzhao Mountain, Guang Hui was the commander of the infantry, Xiao Rang was the military advisor, Song Wan and Jin Dajian were deputy generals, and he also commanded a hundred navy and army soldiers. ”

"Tao Zongwang is stationed in Dongxi Village, Tang Long is stationed in Kushutun, and Ruan Xiaoer and Meng Kang patrol the waters to ensure the safety of Liangshan County."

Everyone obeyed the order and went to prepare themselves.

Zhao Zhen was left alone in the hall and did some calculations. He currently has a total of 164 luck points. It takes 18 points to go to the [Wang Lun in Yellow] world and 36 points to go back and forth. To dispel the fog on the east and west sides of Kotou Mountain, referring to the last time we connected to Liangshan, there was only a sixteen-mile waterway. The east-west Gouzhao Mountain and Kotoushan Mountain are in the same line. Zhao Zhen estimated that the distance between them was only five or six miles at most. Looking at Liangcun Village Chronicles, When there is little water, these mountains are connected together. Zhao Zhen estimated that a maximum of 10 points of luck would be enough.

There were still 118 points of luck left. Now that it was September, Zhao Zhen couldn't help but launch two more summons.

world log

[Dragon Slayer] Sun An heard about it and came soon.

world log

Due to severe drought, a group of refugees heard about it and came not long ago.

After doing this, Zhao Zhen got up and returned to his residence on the mountain. Cheng Wan'er has prepared lunch, including steamed turtle, stewed mutton with wolfberry, braised four-tailed carp, cold white jade lotus root, and steamed rouge rice.

After lunch, Zhao Zhen felt warm and sleepy all over. He went upstairs and slept for an hour. Zhao Zhen felt energetic and refreshed.

Zhao Zhen went downstairs and saw Cheng Wan'er and Wang Qiao were already embroidering on their Taoist robes. He did not disturb them and went to the study.

Zhao Zhen took out the [Tianzheng Seal] and looked at it with a clear look. The three effects: relying on the heart, majesty, and suppressing the condensed luck, did not change. Zhao Zhen followed the secret he heard from Gao Hu, pierced his finger and dripped a drop of blood. Sure enough, he saw that the [Tianzheng Seal] had an additional effect.

Effect 4: Imperial decree, acting on behalf of heaven.

Zhao Zhen laughed when he saw it. As expected, he sent someone to tell Xiao Rang to prepare the imperial edict. Zhao Zhen planned to use it secretly in the main world when he went to war this time.

At night, he had to be intimate with Cheng Wan'er again.

On the second day, the troops gathered at the golden beach on the south side of Goutou Mountain after making dinner at the fifth watch. They waved flags and beat drums.

They placed pigs, cattle and sheep on the table, Zhao Zhen went on stage, burned a pile of paper, and offered sacrifices to the gods of heaven and earth.

World Log

Consume 2 points of luck to eliminate the foggy area six miles east of Goutou Mountain. The boundary of Goutou Mountain is connected to the boundary of East Gouzhaozi Mountain.

Consume 2 points of luck to eliminate the foggy area six miles west of Goutou Mountain. The boundary of Goutou Mountain is connected to the boundary of West Gouzhaozi Mountain.

The fog dissipated, and across the five or six miles of water, everyone could see the two peaks from afar. Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi called out, and a drum sounded on the boat. The soldiers followed the heroes and boarded the boat one by one, heading straight for East and West Gouzhaozi Mountain.

Zhao Zhen and others also returned to the Baishigu training ground under the escort of Ruan Xiaoer. Luan Tingyu, Jiao Ting and others were also ready. Zhao Zhen rode on a black horse with a snow-kicking style, holding a reed spear, wearing a warrior's uniform made of fire cloth, a seven-feather armor, and a pair of silver swords with iron-studded seawater patterns on his waist. He also hung a [Golden Sparrow-Painted Treasure Carved Bow] and two pots of eagle-feather arrows on his horse. There was a neighing of horses, and everyone opened their eyes. They had arrived at the territory of Bailiu Village in the main world.

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