After hearing this, Wu Sanniang said eagerly: "Thank you very much for the rescue, the leader. I will go visit a few brothers right away. If the leader does not give up, I am willing to persuade the brothers to come and join the leader. From now on, I will repay the leader." "

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen was overjoyed and sent Wu Sanniang to meet with Yan Liu and others, leaving his lieutenants Li Yao, Li Lin, and Li Ling to take charge of the cavalry and appease the more than 300 religious people.

Zhao Zhen then turned to look at Luan Tingyu, only to see Luan Tingyu looking intently at Wu Sanniang who was walking out of the city. Zhao Zhen coughed and then said: "Brother Luan, everyone has gone away."

All the heroes burst into laughter after hearing this.

After laughing, Zhao Zhen pointed to the carriage brought back by Luan Tingyu and others and asked, "Brother Luan, is this?"

Luan Tingyu said: "Master of the village, we followed the retreating direction of the Qing army and pursued all the way. We encountered Wu Sanniang and his party fighting with the Qing army's cavalry. When the Qing army saw us, they abandoned Wu Sanniang. They dispersed. The Qing troops escorting the carriages also dispersed. We grabbed these carriages and saw that the Qing troops had fled into the new city. We had no choice but to invite Wu Sanniang to come back together. "

Everyone stepped forward and saw that the carriages were filled with silks, satins, gold, silver and jewels. Zhao Zhen sighed: "I'm afraid this is all the wealth in the outer city of Linqing!"

Before everyone could speak, Wu Sanniang's deputy Li Yao said: "Sir, these treasures were obtained by the leader who led us to capture the three counties of Shouzhang, Yanggu, and Tangyi and open the treasury. These carts are from our slaves. The three counties drove here, but the white mule was taken away by the Qing dog. The Qing dog didn't know the goods, so he used it to pull the cart. Even the war horses are inferior."

Zhao Zhen didn't care at first. Mules' body hair is mostly dark brown, gray or auburn. This one is just a rare color. After listening to what Li Yao said, Zhao Zhen looked again and found that this white mule was indeed extraordinary. The shape is like a horse, with a short and wide waist. The ear length, mane and tail hair are between those of a horse and a donkey. The heels are high and solid, and the tendons of the limbs are strong. The most important thing is that this white mule is about six feet and a half long, which is no less than the average war horse.

world log

White Mule (Ears like a donkey, body like a horse. Good at carrying heavy loads and galloping.)

Race: Horse mule (produced by the mating of a male horse and a female donkey)

Level: Level 1 and Level 9

Attributes: Strength 32, Constitution 25, Agility 35, Spirit 20

Skills: running, charging, kicking, carrying weight

Zhao Zhen saw it and quickly asked someone to free the white mule from the carriage. He also asked for two radishes from the cavalry army and came forward to stroke and feed them.

After eating the radish, the white mule opened its mouth happily and shouted "Ang, Ang...". Zhao Zhen asked the two sisters Ji Minghan if they wanted this mount. The two looked at each other and shook their heads, saying in disgust: "Husband, this is too ugly."

Zhao Zhen touched the white mule's head. Without looking at the head, with its six-foot-five body length, it seemed that this white mule was a good mount.

Zhao Zhen didn't force him and asked someone to take the white mule down and take care of him. Zhao Zhen turned to discuss with Wu Yong and asked Luan Tingyu to lead all the cavalry to garrison in the north and monitor the Qing army's movements in the new city, while the others searched for useful things in the old city. After all, after more than half a month of fighting, the villagers in the old city of Linqing have now taken advantage of the opportunity to hide in the new city, and some have fled into the wilderness. The Qing army has almost killed those who have not left. Pass.

After arranging the soldiers and religious people, Zhao Zhen asked: "Xuetuo, do we still want to attack the new city?"

Wu Yong said: "Master, although the walls of the new city are made of blue bricks, if we have cannons, we won't be able to attack them. However, now that the elite Qing troops have retreated into the city, I'm afraid there will be a hard fight. Besides, the wealth of the four counties Most of it has been captured, and the gunpowder will be used less. Therefore, Xiaosheng does not recommend attacking the new city if it is not necessary. "

After Zhao Zhen heard this, he couldn't make up his mind for a moment. First of all, he had never fought a siege battle. Now that he had the opportunity, he would inevitably want to try it. But as Wu Yong said, I'm afraid there would be a lot of casualties. Secondly, after more than half a month of war in Linqing City, there may not be much wealth in the new city, and I am afraid that the gain will not be worth the loss if we capture it.

The two discussed it again, and Wu Yong came up with an idea: "Master, there are many villagers in the new city. After many days of war, there is no shortage of food and grass, and I am afraid there is not enough firewood. Now many clean people have come in." Soldiers are not a small number, so we should concentrate our troops and pretend to be attacking the city. We should concentrate on gunpowder and try to break through the gate of the new city and force the Qing army to abandon the city and flee."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "Then give it a try. Pack up supplies today and attack the city tomorrow. Regardless of success or failure, we will leave the day after tomorrow at the latest."

The two of them made a plan and urged everyone to hurry up and search only large houses and shops in the city. This made the process much faster. The found goods were either loaded into trucks or moved onto merchant ships captured by the navy. After everything was tidied up, everyone rested for the night.

On the second day, Zhao Zhen concentrated his troops. More than 300 green battalion soldiers pushed all the cannons and gathered at the west gate of the new city. Wu Sanniang and Li Yao led nearly 400 members of the Qingshui Sect at the forefront. Guang Hui and Chao Gai led nearly two hundred Pu Dao soldiers to the left and right, and Bao Xu led a hundred people from the "Chongfengdu" as the central army.

After the soldiers of the green camp adjusted the cannon, there was a burst of drums in Zhao Zhen's camp, and the three mighty and invincible general cannons fired first. "Boom, boom, boom" three times in succession. Unfortunately, none of them hit the city gate. Two shells passed over the city wall. , broke into the city, and none of them even reached the city wall.

The artillerymen cleaned the cannons, reloaded gunpowder and shells. The remaining ten Portuguese cannons, thirty mountain-splitting cannons, ten Weiyuan general cannons and five newly captured sub-cannons, started to run one after another.

More than forty cannons fired in succession, and the position of the Green Camp soldiers was suddenly shrouded in smoke, and the smell of gunpowder filled the entire battlefield. After one round, the gunners hurriedly cleaned the barrels, and Zhao Zhen and Wu Yong stood on the high platform to watch the situation in the city. With so many shells, two iron shells finally hit the city wall, and the iron shells of the mountain-splitting cannon and the Weiyuan general cannon hit the top of the city directly.

Unfortunately, it was not enough to kill the Qing army in cotton armor, and only killed and injured many civilians and Green Camp soldiers in leather armor on the top of the city.

After three rounds, although the city gate was not broken, there were several cracks as big as baskets on the city wall. The Qingshui sect members, led by Wu Sanniang and four others, also clamored forward and pretended to attack the city. The Qing army in the city seemed to sense Zhao Zhen's determination to attack the city, and became increasingly restless.

There was another round of cannon fire, and Zhao Zhen, standing on the high platform, finally saw a group of horsemen rushing out of the east gate. Just as Wu Yong had expected, the Manchu army had wiped out Wang Lun and did not care about the gains and losses of Linqing New City. Once they saw that Linqing New City was undefendable, they would definitely abandon the new city and flee.

Linqing New City only had two gates, east and west. Zhao Zhen gathered troops to attack the west gate, and the cavalry could only leave the city from the east gate. Wu Yong had already expected this, so he asked Luan Tingyu and Deng Fei to ambush nearby.

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