Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 25: Xuelihong, Inquiring for Information

Seeing that the transaction was completed, Ji Dalang took the money and asked more earnestly: "Master Zhao, have you ever raised a fighting cock?"

Zhao Zhen responded: "This is my first time. Seeing how others are taking care of me, I couldn't bear it, so I came up with some ideas."

Ji Dalang couldn't help but said: "These adult fighting cocks have been trained and can be trained daily. Chicken cubs are more troublesome. Fighting cocks grow up in eight months and need to be trained in February of the next year. From April to May, they can compete with fighting cocks." . This first fight is also called the first fight. It should not be too long and should be within a moment.

And be careful not to fight with experienced fighting cocks, nor to decide the winner or loser. Build up its confidence and don't let it feel fearful. When you have a slight upper hand or when you are not convinced, take the fighting cock away in time to make it excited and even arrogant. After many times, you will not be frightened when you see an old fighting cock. "

Zhao Zhen endured his temper and listened to Ji Dalang's explanation of how to train a fighting cock. While they were talking, Song Laosan, the Yaman, hired another oxcart, installed the chicken coop, and said goodbye.

Zhao Zhen rode the horse in front and the ox cart behind. Without talking all the way, he went straight to Bailiu Village.

The boy stepped forward, helped unload the car, settled the fare, and gave away two handlebars.

I opened the dog cage first. These dogs were all well-trained and did not bark. They seemed to know that their owners had changed. The weather was as hot as a steamer, and the dog was panting heavily from the heat. Zhao Zhenrang took out several wooden basins and filled them all with water. Zhao Zhen pointed at the wooden basin, and heard the purr purr purr. More than a dozen big dogs rolled their tongues into the water and started drinking.

He also ordered the villagers to replace the chicken coops with larger ones, move them under the shade of the trees, put in water troughs, and sow the grains.

The fighting cocks were properly placed. He turned around and looked at the dogs. They were divided into three piles and were still drying in the sun. Zhao Zhen thought for a while and led the ten meadow sheepdogs to the shade of the tree and the five Han Zilu. In the front yard, two Liangshan thin dogs and four paparazzi were led to the backyard, where they were all placed in the shade, with water basins and food basins put down.

Zhao Zhen hurriedly packed up and went to look at the ten shepherd dogs under the shade of the tree. After drinking water, these big dogs who were good at herding cattle and sheep in the wild had regained their energy. They were all lying or sitting under the trees, and they were all settled. Come down.

I picked up Xuelihong from the chicken coop, and the more I looked at it, the happier I became.

If you look closely, you will see that this chicken has bright eyes and is looking around wildly, without any trace of the ferocity and calmness of a fighting cock.

The skin is as white as snow, but the inside is actually empty. Although it is a foreign species, it is not made for fighting cocks.

Zhao Zhen put down Xue Lihong, but the chicken was very brave. He turned his head and glanced at Zhao Zhen, and then sauntered into the shepherd dog.

Zhao Zhen then remembered that when he wanted to buy this chicken, Ji Dalang had a strange look on his face. He only wanted his money. He didn't recognize this chicken. He could clearly see that this chicken had a silver-like pewter spear head, so he had to look at it. , if you want to fight, it will be useless. He gave it to himself at a high price. It should be noted that a big chicken only costs 300 Wen.

Zhao Zhen is not upset at all. The red color in the snow is really beautiful, and it is a sight to behold in a fantasy world. After asking the boy to take care of him, Zhao Zhen sent the villager to call Tian Lei.

Zhao Zhen asked: "Is this fish easy to sell?"

"Going back to Baozheng, the fish had just been transported to the city the day before yesterday. After a while, they were all sold out. When I returned to the village, I saw that Baozheng had gone to the city. We all dispersed. We got a total of 35 taels of silver from selling the fish, which is all here. Please keep it intact.”

Zhao Zhen took the bag of broken silver without counting it, and put it on the coffee table in front of him, and said: "The weather is hot, it is very hard, and it is the busy farming season. The wine will be placed on the farm tonight. You and all the guests of the village will come today. I have something to explain later, so go ahead and go." Tian Lei stood up and left.

After lunch, Zhao Zhen ordered a sheep to be killed and five pairs of chickens to be dressed.

I went to enjoy the coolness in the shade of the front yard, took a cattail leaf fan, and took a nap on a chair with my upper body naked.

Not long after I slept, the concierge came to report that a store had brought bowstrings, glue, wine and other items. Zhao Zhen got up and checked, settled the balance, and moved everything to the warehouse for temporary storage.

After being busy, I no longer feel sleepy. The weather was getting a little cooler. Zhao Zhen looked at Han Zilu playing in the front yard, got up and went to the backyard to greet two Liangshan fine dogs, took five Han Zilu, and went out to hunt rabbits on the hills.

Zhao Zhen led a boy out of the village. Several hunting dogs were running back and forth with their heads held high.

After a while, when they arrived at Gangzi, the seven hunting dogs became more and more excited, leaving marks on the trees from time to time. Zhao Zhen went around Gangzi to drive away the hares.

A frightened hare ran into the distance, and several hunting dogs swooped out as if they had made an agreement, even splitting up and outflanking him along the way.

Looking at the black Han Zilu who came back with a rabbit in his mouth, Zhao Zhen touched its head and praised it.

Pheasants and hares startle from time to time, and hunting dogs chase them, kicking up bursts of dust. In less than an hour, we hunted eight hares, three grouse, and a yellow-haired fox. It was a fruitful harvest.

Zhao Zhen found long and thin wooden sticks, tied the rabbits with straw, and made a load for the boy to carry. Zhao Zhen picked up the grouse and the fox returned to the village.

When Yu Luzhuang's guests met, they all called Zhao Zhen Baozheng, and Zhao Zhen nodded in response.

Back at the village, Zhao Zhen asked the servant to pack up all the prey, cooked all the internal organs, cut them into large pieces, and fed them to the hunting dogs with his own hands. The furs were also trimmed and hung to dry in the back of the house.

Today, Tian Lei came to the village early to help. Watching the sunset, wine and meat were already placed on the table, and villagers from the village were arriving one after another.

Everyone sat down one by one. Zhao Zhenrang poured the wine and raised his glass: "Everyone, let's put wine on the farm today. Firstly, we have been working hard cutting wheat, so I will drink a cup of thin wine to relieve our fatigue. Secondly, Bailiu Village will open up wasteland in the future, and everyone will If you have any relatives or friends at home, you can also invite them." After that, he raised his glass, sat down and said, "Come and eat some meat."

All the villagers drank to their heart's content and drank five or seven more cups. Zhao Zhen said during the dinner: "In the next few days, the pavilion chief of Luliu Township will come to inspect. Unfortunately, I don't know who the pavilion chief is."

At the banquet, banker Li Er said: "My wife's uncle is in Luliu Township, so he can go and inquire about it."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen said: "It's best. I'll quit your hard work and teach Tian Lei to go with you tomorrow. I've inquired about the news and come back early to report." The hall took three copper coins and rewarded Li Er.

The next day, after Zhao Zhen finished practicing his martial arts, the concierge came to report. Tian Lei and the banker Li Er inquired about the news and waited in the front hall.

Let's say that Li Er received the three-string reward yesterday, so he was very concerned about it. Today, he called Tian Lei before dawn and went to Lvliu Township together. At dawn, he invited Tian Lei to eat a bowl of soup cakes, and the two of them went straight. Went to Li Er's wife's uncle's house.

I asked my wife's uncle carefully, and after getting the news, I immediately returned to Bailiu Village.

After seeing the ceremony and having tea, Li Er said: "Baozheng, the two of us have found out clearly that the Gaohu Pavilion Chief is a new one. He has been in office for less than a year. I heard that he is a direct descendant of the king of the country. He has taken up an official career and is also good at assassinating spearmen." Bang, the village pavilions eliminated the old and the weak, recruited them again, recruited many helpers for training every day, and also taught some guns and sticks to control the villagers, check their household registration, catch thieves and patrol, so that the villagers would not close their doors at night.

The chief of the pavilion likes to eat fish, so there must be fish in his meal.

He is also good at hunting and has a large mastiff, which is said to have been acquired by the pavilion chief in Haojing. The day before yesterday, I went to the mountains to hunt a wild boar measuring 15 to 6 feet tall. I had someone carry it and everyone in the village knew about it.

In April of this year, the pavilion chief also participated in the village cockfighting competition, but unfortunately he did not win.

My wife's uncle is so strong that he has been recruited as a pavilion soldier. I have taken a break from bathing recently to find out. "

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