Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 294: First Hearing of the Pig Dragon (two in one, 800 monthly tickets)

Not to mention that Wu Yong sent people to various places to collect statistics on the wishes of heroes, but that Zhao Zhen returned to Baishi Valley and told Cheng Wan'er about this matter.

Cheng Wan'er was very happy after hearing this: "Ms. sir, when I was in Tokyo, I heard that the Tai'an temple fair was very lively. I want to go and see it this time. I think the three Bai Zhi sisters must also want to come, since they will leave early tomorrow morning , I sent people to call back the three of them, and they were all packed up early today."

After saying that, without waiting for Zhao Zhen to react, he turned to Qingzhu and Danju and said, "You two go to Xixi Village and ask Bai Zhi, Cuilian and Sanniang to come back quickly."

The two agreed and went down the mountain to look for the person.

Zhao Zhen opened the log and checked Qi Huarong's attributes.

Name: Hua Rong (Hero, Yingtian Yingxing.)

Nickname: Xiao Li Guang (superb archery skills, able to pierce Yang with a hundred steps), Silver Gunner (silver helmet and silver armor, a silver gun in hand, intimidating Qingzhou)

Race: Human race

Reputation: 200 (Qingfeng Village knows the village and is famous in Qingzhou)

Occupation: military attache

Sub-professional: Marksman

Level: Level 5 Level 5 (Strength 65, Commander 60)

Attributes: Strength 52, Constitution 55, Agility 62, Spirit 30

Skills: Archery level 6 (drawing bow and arrow, strength +6), commanding troops level 2 (leading soldiers, spirit +2), galloping archery level 4 (horse fighting, constitution +4).

Commander Skill: Fighter Level 4 (Fighter in front of the formation, if you win, your morale will be +5, if you lose, your morale will be -5)

Martial arts: Bow and arrow (transformation, use of bow and arrow weapon +7 force, Li Guang's tiger shooting skill), gun and stick (Dacheng, use of gun and stick weapon +6 force, 18-way flower long gun.)

Equipment: brilliant silver spear, clay gold magpie-painted thin bow

Monthly salary: 20 dollars

After looking at Hua Rong's attributes, Zhao Zhen exclaimed that he had found a treasure. What Liangshan County lacked most was crossbowmen. Crossbows were difficult to make, but there was no shortage of bows. It was a pity that no one was good at this. Hua Rong is good at archery, and the sergeants he brought are also infantry archers who are good at archery. From now on, suitable manpower will be selected and trained. In addition to blunderbuss and artillery, the army will also be supplemented by archers.

In the evening, Wu Yong rushed to Baishi Manor with sweating profusely: "Master, for the trip to Tai'an Prefecture, the list of brothers who are willing to go has been compiled here. Please take a look at it." With that, he handed over the list.

When Zhao Zhen looked at it, he saw only about ten people on the roster. Zhao Zhen asked, "Don't you guys want to join in the fun?"

Wu Yong said: "That's not true. Nowadays, the army is training sergeants and preparing equipment, so I have declined. Thinking that we should go quickly, we asked the third, fourth, and fifth brothers of the Ma Army to guard us. The rest of the army No more transfers.”

"Jiao Ting, Fourth Sister Hei and a group of sumo disciples, Lin Chong's family, Hu Cheng and his family who returned from the second salt shipment, Bao Xu and his wife, and Guang Hui, Lu Zhishen, Tao Zongwang, Ruan Xiaoer and their families , Dong Laodao, Bai Zhang's family, and Jin Lao. Li Ying and Hua Rong's family in Jingyang Town, Dulonggang Luan Tingyu couple."

Zhao Zhen said: "That's fine. By this time next year, brothers who have not been there this year will also go and meet them."

Not to mention that Zhao Zhenzhuang was busy preparing carriages, horses and luggage, but on the second day, Zhao Zhen and others set out from Baishi Valley, picked up Hua Rong's family halfway, and passed by Dulonggang to pick up Hu Taigong and Hu Cheng.

The accompanying sergeants and villagers were all on horseback. The total number of men and women in the group was seven to eight hundred, and they headed all the way to Tai'an Prefecture under the banner of Liangshan County.

On the way, Hua Rong approached Zhao Zhen and asked: "Master, these five horses pulling the cart are so majestic. If they are covered with horse armor, they will be invincible when charging on the battlefield. Aren't they overqualified for pulling carts?"

Zhao Zhen sighed: "Brother, I don't know, this horse looks majestic, but timid, easily frightened, and can only be used as a pack horse. These five horses are already extremely tame. In addition to one pony, there are also There were five mares and two stallions. The mares were already pregnant and therefore they were not brought. The two stallions were frightened when surrounded by a large number of people and had to be left in the mountains to haul wood and rocks. "

Hua Rong said, "It's a pity."

The group stayed overnight on the road. The next day, they made a fire, ate a meal, and packed up the camp. Zhao Zhen was about to mount his horse when he heard a commotion nearby. Zhao Zhen said to Zhao Ji who was accompanying him: "Let's go and see. What's the noise about?"

After a while, Zhao Ji stepped forward and replied: "Sir, Huazhizhai is reprimanding his sister. It seems that she is not allowed to ride with him."

After Zhao Zhen heard this, he quickly went to look and saw Hua Rong scolding a young lady with pear blossoms and rain. This young lady was none other than Hua Rong's sister, Hua Baoyan. I had seen them all the day before yesterday. The general family had a heroic appearance. Now he looks aggrieved and still trying to figure out what to do. Hua Rong's wife Cui is also trying to persuade him.

Zhao Zhen said: "Brother, how can you be angry?"

Hua Rong saw Zhao Zhen coming and said, "My little sister refuses to ride in the carriage today, but she wants to ride with her on horseback. This is to reprimand her."

Hua Baoyan said: "Brother is biased. The carriage is so cramped, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Didn't I ride horses every day in Qingfeng Village? How come I can't ride horses anymore when I get here? Look at the wives of high officials, they not only ride horses, but also ride horses. If I can lead the troops, I'm just riding on horseback, so what's the point?"

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "What do I mean, brother, she wants to ride on horseback, just let her go. I am a woman who has been learning martial arts since she was a child and is very good at horseback riding. So I gathered many women who are good at horse fighting. Mom, let her practice.”

"Brothers came here for the first time, and they caught up with us to go to Tai'an Prefecture to burn incense. We didn't recognize all the heroes in the county. So I didn't know that Luan Tingyu's wife [Flying Sword Fairy] Wu Sanniang in front of me was also the deputy envoy of the horse army. Jiao My wife [Black Fourth Sister] Zhang Fang is also a sumo coach in the village. If my younger sister is from a family of generals, if she really wants to join the army, she can also work as a steward of the Hu Sanniang Cavalry. "

Before Hua Rong could speak, Hua Baoyan rushed to say: "Officials, don't regret it. I am worried about embroidery at home, so I went to my wife's place..."

Hua Rong interrupted: "You are a fool at home, and you are not proficient in martial arts. If you go to the army, aren't you asking for trouble?"

Hua Baoyan said: "Although my martial arts skills are not as good as others, when it comes to archery, no one in my brother's army can match me."

Hua Rong saw that Hua Baoyan had lost her temper today and could not be persuaded for a moment. Seeing that the cavalry team was all ready, he was afraid of delaying the trip, so he had no choice but to say: "You ride to the front and follow the high official's wife to the cavalry team. Don't do anything." I feel tired and regretful.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Hua Baoyan cheered, mounted her horse, and ran ahead to find Hu Sanniang to explain the situation.

Hua Rong turned around and said to Zhao Zhen: "Forgive me, sir, it's my younger brother who spoiled her. She will be disciplined strictly in the future."

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "Brother, my little sister is really good-tempered, and you are a military general. If you choose a husband for me in the future, I am afraid he will also be a general in the army. Her temperament is good."

Zhao Zhen gave some advice and got on his horse to set off.

There was no words on the road. When it was time to apply for the license, everyone arrived outside the city of Tai'an Prefecture. With such a large group of people, someone in the city had already discovered it.

Seven or eight knights rode up to hear the news. Wu Yong stepped forward to deal with it. After hearing this, these knights rode away. After a while, another official from the state government, Kong Mu, came over, met Zhao Zhen, and said: "Your Excellency, the county magistrate, the magistrate of this state heard that you have come, and has packed up a camp and sent the officials to come. Please move here." Go and settle down, and invite the adults to a banquet at night.”

Zhao Zhen said: "I heard that Tai'an Prefecture was lively, so I came with my family to see it. I didn't want to alert the prefect, so I decided to visit at night."

Zhao Zhen and others settled down with Kong Muguan. After all, it was not easy to relocate this large group of people, and now Tai'an Mansion was full of people, and there were no hotels or restaurants for a long time.

At night, Zhao Zhen took Jiao Ting, Bao Xu, Yu Baosi, and Yan Shude, and ten pieces of cotton cloth to the prefect's banquet. During the banquet, Governor He also found out the details of Zhao Zhen. He was the magistrate of Liangshan County in Jimi County and the son-in-law of Cheng Wanli of Dongping Prefecture. He was from the line of Tong Taiwei and he was from the line of Cai Taishi. .

This made the atmosphere even more lively. Hearing that Zhao Zhen and others also came to watch sumo wrestling, Governor He said: "Since Magistrate Zhao wants to watch sumo, he will come with me to the high platform to watch it the day after tomorrow. This year I won a horse." All the pommel horses were used as gifts, and many wealthy households in the state also produced many gold and silver utensils, as well as brocade and satin horses. Why don’t Magistrate Zhao make some gifts?”

Zhao Zhen said: "I came in a hurry, so I didn't make special preparations. I also followed your example and sent out a good horse with a complete saddle and bridle." After saying that, he asked Jiao Ting and Bao Xu to come forward and presented ten horses of water cotton: "Congratulations, Prefect, this is the water cotton cloth I found elsewhere. It is the most refreshing thing to wear on your body. I give it to you to cool off in the summer. I would like to thank you for your hospitality and place your soldiers and horses. I will also look forward to your birthday on the day after tomorrow." It allows me to stay in one place and watch the competition on the stage.”

Then he pointed at Jiao Ting and said to Prefect He: "This brother of mine has never failed in the sumo wrestling skills passed down from his family. I heard that Ren Yuan, who was unmatched in sumo last year, has said again this year that he wants to single out all the heroes in the world. I'm about to watch the heroes of the world compete, and my brother also wants to try his skills. My place is rough and there is a shortage of heroes with martial arts. I will take advantage of this temple fair to see if I can recruit one or two."

Governor He looked at the cotton cloth in front of him, touched it with his hands, then looked at the four people below and said: "It's really cool, Magistrate Zhao bothered. These men under Magistrate Zhao are in good shape. If they are like this, there will be a battle." "As he said that, he pointed at Ikubo Si who was standing at the far side. "This Ren Yuan also has such a figure."

"Although this strong man is strong, I'm afraid he is no match for [Optimus Prime]. Magistrate Zhao wants to recruit strong men to join the army, but he is afraid that he would not do so. Now he has earned a huge family fortune and has no less than two apprentices. There are three hundred people, and there are many men who follow him and respect him."

Zhao Zhen said: "It doesn't matter. If you can recruit a few warriors who dare to fight, your visit will be in vain. Besides, it's just a casual thing. As the saying goes: 'Sumo is powerful with force, but powerless with wits.' If you don't give it a try, How to know. Besides, I heard Ren Yuan say wildly, "There is no opponent in the world, and I am the best in the world." I want to destroy his prestige. I don't know anyone in Shandong."

That night, Zhao Zhen and Governor He drank wine until midnight, and then returned to the camp to rest.

On the second day, Zhao Zhen and others dispersed and wandered around the city in groups of seven or eight.

The city is very lively now, with people burning incense coming and going all the time. Zhao Zhen took Cheng Wan'er, Bao Xu and Zhao Ji as guards to look around. After walking around for half a day, Cheng Wan'er suggested that they go to Daiyue Temple to burn incense together.

Several people walked up the mountain path, and they were really impressive. When you lean over the sill at the top of the mountain, you can see the weak water and Penglai; when you climb the pines at the top, you can see dense clouds and mist. The towers are towering, and it seems that the golden crow is flying in with its wings; the palaces and pavilions are on the edge, and it seems that the jade rabbit is jumping up. There are carved beams and painted pillars, green tiles and red eaves.

After playing for a while, everyone left the temple. I wandered elsewhere again, and when I met Liangshan soldiers along the way, I just nodded and continued wandering separately.

When they were tired from walking, Zhao Zhen and others went to a restaurant to rest. Because there were so many people, the private room upstairs had long been occupied, so Zhao Zhen and others could only occupy a seat in the lobby.

The lobby was full of strong men who came here to burn incense and make sticks. Zhao Zhen and his group broke in, and everyone knew which noble man it was. He was followed by three thin dogs, and the two girls were holding an unusual fat pig in their arms. Cats, white foxes, and although the female relatives are all beautiful, none of them are good at it. They only focus on drinking and bragging.

After serving two pots of tea and several plates of snacks, Zhao Zhen and the others took a short rest.

While drinking tea, Zhao Ji stepped forward and whispered to Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen listened and looked back, but he saw seven or eight men dressed as fishermen. They were all sturdy men, all with a frown on their faces. He looked like he was eating wine there in a dull manner.

I saw a man, drinking the wine from the bowl in one gulp, and sighed: "Liu Dalang, now I have appointed a staff to capture the pig dragon in this water. Dalang may have an idea."

The man at the head put the wine bowl in his hand on the table and said: "This pig-shaped dragon has been making trouble for a long time, attacking merchant ships coming and going, and many people and animals on the shore have been eaten by him. Now he has breached the embankment, and the county can't control it." , report to the state capital. We and other fishermen are given ten days to capture Jie Guan. This beast is cunning and it will take a lot of effort for us to catch him in the water. We must find a way to fish him out of the water. ”

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen motioned to Zhao Ji to come forward and talk.

After hearing this, Zhao Ji went to the counter to ask for a jar of wine and asked the waiter to deliver it to the tables of these fishermen.

Liu Dalang said: "Little brother, I only want a jar of wine, but this jar is not for me."

The waiter pointed at Zhao Zhen's table and said, "Sir, this is what the official asked you to wait for. The money has been paid."

After hearing this, Liu Dalang poured a bowl of wine, and several people came forward and said, "Master, I'm waiting for a few fishermen. Why are you inviting me to drink?"

Zhao Zhen said: "I accidentally heard that some people are going to catch the Pig-Bo Dragon, so I want to ask where the Pig-Bo Dragon is. I have never seen it before, and I am going to see it."

Liu Dalang said: "What do I think? This pig-shaped dragon has been in the Mengxiong River in the south of Zhangqiu County for two or three years. It has been spread throughout the county. It only lasts three to five days. Prepare scented bait, iron rope, Iron hook, just go to the river and try it.”

After inquiring clearly, Zhao Zhen and others left the restaurant after paying the money.

Liu Dalang waited until he found out which noble family he belonged to. He was very bored and asked around. When he saw that Zhao Zhen was gone, he stopped worrying and sat back on the table. While drinking, he thought about how to catch the pig dragon.

On the way, Bao Xu asked: "Sir, are we going to Zhangqiu County?"

Zhao Zhen said: "From what these fishermen said, it takes three to five days to prepare. I just happened to watch the sumo wrestling at the temple fair tomorrow, and it's not too late to go there again. From what these people said, this pig-shaped dragon should be the first to enter the level." , if you can get some of his skin and flesh, you can make a good feast."

After hearing this, Bao Xu said: "My little brother has never seen it before. Only brother Ruan and Xiao are familiar with the nature of water here. I don't know if they can capture it."

Zhao Zhen said: "I saw that Liu Dalang was worried, but he was confident in his words. He must have some success. I'll go and have a look. If it can be removed, I will help and spend some money to buy this thing. If this beast is cunning, it is not Taking the bait, I will return home and won’t stay there for long.”

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