Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 338: The Golden Leopard Meets the Green-Faced Beast in Yanggu

The four of them discussed for a long time, and Murong Yanda finally said: "This mountain stronghold still needs to be attacked. We don't ask for merit, but we must have an explanation with the Grand Master. I will write another letter and ask the Grand Master to dispatch soldiers to help."

Everyone agreed and went down to allocate ordnance, count the troops and horses, and prepare to attack the Qingzhou mountain stronghold.

Murong Yanda also wrote a letter here, asking the official who had rested to take it back.

After seeing off the official, Murong Yanda wrote another letter and asked an old man from the government to ride to Tokyo with two companions to deliver the message to his sister, Concubine Murong.

Not to mention the deployment of troops and horses here in Qingzhou to besiege Song Jiang and his group.

Besides, Yang Zhi escaped from Huangnigang that day and did not dare to stay. He had no money and only covered his head and headed eastward.

Passing by the place where Yong'er and Shi Wei were fighting, he took a closer look at the messy horse hoof prints and ruts. Finally, he discovered that there were two groups of people and horses here, one heading east, and the other, even though they were more disguised, could still be seen. , this group of people went north.

Yang Zhi was still unwilling to give in. After some hesitation, he followed the clues and chased north. After walking for a long time, I found another battlefield at the foot of a mountain. For some reason, it seemed to be raining on the ground, and two groups of people were fighting here. Judging from the situation, it was an ambush. Although the ground had been cleaned up, the large blood stains, fallen corpses, and broken weapons all showed that the ambushed troops suffered heavy casualties.

Yang Zhi walked all the way, feeling hungry and thirsty. After some exploration, he had no clue. I went to the roadside and cut a piece of horse leg meat. I lit a fire next to the stream at the foot of the mountain and roasted it.

While eating the meat, I thought: I can't bear these few birds, I want to shirk the relationship and let the Sa family be the scapegoat. Now that I have a family and a country, it is difficult for me to escape, and I have a country where it is difficult for me to surrender. Where do I want to go? It's better to join this group of people in Qingzhou.

Thinking of this, I got up and went up the mountain again. I cut more than ten kilograms of good meat and roasted it. I also picked up clean clothes, peeled off a few and folded them and took them with me.

Don't take the big road, just take the small road and rush to Qingzhou.

Passing by Yanggu County, I saw that there was no new list at the city gate. I thought that the robbery of the birthday card had not spread yet. Yang Zhi couldn't help but go to the city to inquire about it. After walking for two days, Yang Zhi hesitated again, thinking about the glory of his ancestors, but now he wanted to fall into the trap and become a bandit, but if he didn't go, he had nowhere else to go, so he was in a dilemma.

Yang Zhi first found a pawn shop and pawned all the clothes he got. Then he found a restaurant, found a seat by the window, bought two cents of wine and ordered two plates of side dishes.

Yang Zhi looked depressed, drinking wine and sighing from time to time. This action caused a good man sitting next to him to stand up and ask: "Wuna man, I see that you are very handsome, why do you need to act like a girl? You can give me a name. If you have any questions, I will point you to where to go."

Yang Zhi looked up and saw that the person speaking had beautiful features and sparse eyes, with a thin waist and broad shoulders. The people at the same table were also weird, including men, women, old and young, but they didn’t look like a family.

Yang Zhi lowered the brim of his hat and didn't want to pay attention to it. He just listened to the man sitting down and said: "Isn't your Excellency the Chief of the Tokyo Palace [Green Faced Beast] Yang Zhiyang?"

Yang Zhi was surprised when he heard this. He grabbed the simple knife on the table with one hand and asked, "How do you know?"

"My little brother is in the world. He has been famous for a long time. I heard that the envoy has gone to Daming Mansion. How did he come to Yanggu?"

Yang Zhi sighed and asked: "I wonder what you call me?"

"My younger brother Yang Lin, known as [Jinbaozi] in the world, is now serving as the deputy commander of the cavalry army under the command of Zhao Daguan in nearby Liangshan County."

Yang Zhi cupped his hands and asked: "But the official Zhao Zhen, who is known as [Xiao Mengchang] in the world?"

Yang Lin nodded in agreement and said: "The high officials are open to all kinds of rivers and recruit talents in any way. If the envoy has nowhere to go, you might as well come with me to Liangshan County to have a look."

After saying that, he invited Yang Zhi to sit with him. Yang Zhi hesitated and sat over.

Yang Lin introduced everyone at the table, and everyone nodded in greeting, which was regarded as acquaintance.

At that moment, Yang Zhi told the whole story about his recent experience and said: "It's been a bad year, and the Sa family has been ordered..."

After hearing this, the three heroes at the table were all angry: "These greedy guys..."

Yang Lin interrupted: "Brother, now that we have had enough wine and food, we have had a good rest. I will hurry up and catch up with Sutou."

After paying the money, everyone hitched the carriage, helped the old and the weak to get on the carriage, and even gave Yang Zhi a horse. Everyone got on the horse and walked out of the city.

After leaving the city, the number of people on the road gradually dwindled, and everyone mentioned Yang Zhi's trap again, and several people yelled and cursed. Yang Lindao: "Don't say that officials are as clean as water, but officials are as slippery as oil. Nowadays, it is not an exaggeration to say that officials are like flies and officials are like locusts. Liang Shijie is not a good person. He can plunder a hundred thousand coins in a year. What he does is follow the example. , How many good officials can you have under your command?”

Qiao Lie, dressed as a Taoist priest, said: "That's true. If it weren't for the treasury officials' wanton invasion, how could a poor Taoist be so angry that he would kill someone? It's hard to return home if you keep your name anonymous."

Wang Jin also said: "The yellow bell is destroyed, the cauldron thunders. The slanderers are high, and the wise men are unknown. How many wise ministers are there in the court?"

Everyone was chatting all the way, and they were about to pass Jingyang Town. Yang Lin said: "Brothers, we are ahead of Jingyang Town. The commander of the army here is called Yun Tianbiao. His relatives were against the high officials and were taken care of by us. , please be careful when passing by."

With that said, he said to Li San: "Brother, take two brothers to investigate and see what's going on. If something is wrong, we will take a detour. We have a hard time today and will travel all night."

After hearing this, Li San called his two companions to fight the horses first.

The three of them came to Jingyang Town. It was dinner time, smoke was curling up from the kitchens, and farmers were returning from farming outside the town. On the streets, vendors carried burdens and hawked their goods along the streets. The town was peaceful and peaceful.

Li San found a restaurant and ordered a pot of wine and two dishes. When the waiter was waiting for the food, Li San took out seven or eight copper coins and handed them over, asking: "Second Brother, the three of us are foreigners. We dare not ask what the specialties of performing in the town are?"

After hearing this, the waiter smiled and said: "There is no need for this. My place is now under the jurisdiction of Liangshan County. The town has a new township chief named Zhu Hongji. The military manager has also been replaced by [Xiao Li Guang] Hua Rong, [Flying Hammer] Fu Yu, now that the excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes are gone in the town, merchants are not prohibited from coming and going. However, my place is a small place, and I can’t make much money by learning how to shoot and stick. If you have the ability, you can go to the county and join the high officials. If you catch the eye of Xianggong, you can still get an official position. If you don't want to, you can go to Dulonggang. Nowadays, there are newly built tile shops there, which is the most lively. "

Li San was overjoyed and thanked the waiter.

He said to the companion on the left: "You and I will go to the military camp."

He turned to the other person and said, "Just wait here. If everything is safe, I will send someone to find you."

After that, Li San went straight to the military camp with a companion. Just as he was about to ask the guards to report, a guard recognized Li San and said, "Li Dutou, I haven't seen you before. Why are you here in Jingyang Town today?"

Seeing Li San's puzzled face, the man said: "This villain is an old man from Liangshan. I have seen him walking in front of high officials."

After hearing this, Li San said: "Brother, I have been away on business for half a year. When I came back today, I heard that the person stationed here is General Manager Fu Yu. Please go and report it."

The soldier responded and turned around to meet Fu Yu in the military camp.

After a while, Fu Yu came out, saw Li San, and said happily: "Brother Li San, where did you come from?"

Li San smiled and said: "Brother Yang Lin and I went to Yan'an Mansion to move in with brother Lu Zhishen's family. We are passing through Jingyang Town when we return today. We are afraid that Yun Tianbiao is here and will come here first to explore the way."

Fu Yu said with a smile: "This place has long been owned by high officials. Not only am I here, but three brothers, Sun An, Deng Fei, and Li Ying, are also stationed here. My brothers followed me into the camp. The general manager of this place, Brother Hua Rong, is also here today." In the camp, I can introduce you to my brothers."

Li San nodded and said to his companions: "Zhu Da, together with Liu Erlang who is staying at the hotel, tell Brother Yang Lin about the situation here."

Zhu Da responded, mounted his horse and left.

Li San followed Fu Yu into the military camp and met many heroes. When Sun An heard that his good friend Qiao Lie was coming with him, he immediately said: "I have an old friend coming here, so I can't help but let me go and greet him."

After everyone heard this, they all went together. At this moment, all the heroes rode out of the town.

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