Three days later, Zhao Zhen, Wu Yong and others were taking stock of the harvest at the Shouzhang County Government Office.

There are 63 villages in five townships in Shouzhang County. Because Shanglaozhuang Township was massacred by Li Erseng and the hidden households were cleared out, the entire county only has more than 7,600 households. In addition to being larger, it is not as good as Dulonggang.

After Shouzhang was fully occupied, Jingyang Town was to the west of Zhaodui Township and Jingmen Town was to the east. Except for Dulonggang, the entire Liangshan Mountains are connected together. Zhao Zhen's territory suddenly expanded by more than half.

There is only less than a thousand guan of money in the treasury, but there are plenty of cloth, grain and rice.

In addition, Zhao Zhen cleaned up the squires with bad deeds and either killed or punished them, and he had nearly 20,000 yuan. The confiscated property was picked up and taken away, while the bulky ones were sold at a discount. Properties, shops, and houses are all ready for rent or sale.

The Yellow River in Shouzhang is connected to the Liangshan water park, and there is also a spiritual fish in it. Every year, the county mobilizes fishermen to catch this fish for the purpose of offering sacrifices.

"The Book of Songs" says, "If you eat fish, you must eat carp from the river." This fish is the Yellow River carp. There is also a saying that "Luo carp and bream are as valuable as cattle and sheep." They are considered top-quality food.

However, this fish is extremely difficult to catch. Unlike the four-tailed carps that Zhao Zhen has seen, only ten or twenty of this fish have been caught in previous years. The county has priced this fish at 20 yuan per fish, and private trading is not allowed and can only be sold. To the government.

Zhao Zhen stayed in Shouzhang for many days, but no fisherman caught one.

There were only 78 acres of proven spiritual fields in Shouzhang County. Xiao Rang bought all these spiritual fields back, together with a piece of surrounding land, and used them as public land and hired special personnel to take care of them.

In every village, those with a household registration of more than 100 were assigned a handwritten letter to publicize the official documents issued by Liangshan. Several nearby villages have placed three or five disabled sergeants to teach villagers and villagers how to be brave in their spare time.

Shouzhang was stabilized and Li Ying and others were left behind. Zhao Zhen packed up his troops and horses, escorted his belongings, and set off back to Liangshan. The sergeants were arranged neatly, with the horse army going first, and the infantry escorting the chariots following. The end is:

The colorful flags are embroidered like clouds and fog, and the steel knife dipped in snow is covered with frost.

The luan bell rings and the war horses gallop.

The painting drums vibrate, and the conquerors are enthusiastic.

Let's say that Zhao Zhen's team had only walked for an hour. Before they left the Shouzhang boundary, they saw two fast horses rushing towards them from the opposite side.

Guo Sheng and Lu Fang, who were leading the way, quickly ordered someone to kidnap the two men off their horses. After asking, they found out that these two people were Liu Guang's confidants in Jingmen Town. Today they encountered a group of thieves who broke into Niutoushan. Liu Guang and Yang Zhi and his two men led troops to confront him at the foot of the mountain.

There were quite a few thieves on this road, about seven to eight hundred of them. Fortunately, they were all foot soldiers, with only the first few riding on top. Seeing the 200 horse troops here in Jingmen Town, they didn't dare to move lightly for a while, so they occupied the Taoist temple on the mountain and set up a rough camp.

Liu Guang only had 500 infantry here, and it was inconvenient for the horse army to go up the mountain, so he only besieged instead of attacking, and sent people for help.

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen quickly sent an order to divert to Jingmen Town.

On the way, after Zhao Zhen discussed with Wu Yong, he left Wu Yong with Yan Shude, Lei Heng, Bao Xu, and Jiao Ting to lead the infantry slowly. Zhao Zhen led 300 cavalry officers and soldiers, including Zhu Wu, Bai Sheng, Lu Zhishen, and Guang Hui, and rushed to Jingmen Town on horseback.

Working hard all the way, Zhao Zhen and others arrived at Jingmen Town at dusk. The [pioneer officer] Li San in the town was dressed in military uniform and led a hundred or so armed sergeants, as well as the town warriors, to guard the town.

After meeting Zhao Zhen, Li San came forward to meet Li. Zhao Zhen asked: "What's going on at Niutoushan?"

Li San replied: "This group of people are still confronting the manager on the mountain, and they haven't even fought."

Zhao Zhen heard this and said with a smile: "It seems that I arrived in time. Did I find out about the origins of this group of people on the mountain?"

Li Sandao said: "The general manager hasn't sent back the news yet. Judging from the attire, it's disorganized. He definitely doesn't look like an official or soldier."

Zhao Zhen said: "It's late today. We've been on a journey for a day. Let's prepare food and food first. The sergeants and horses have all rested so that we can fight tomorrow."

After saying that, Zhao Zhen called Lu Fang, Guo Sheng, Liu Qi, and Hu Sanniang, and the five of them hurried to the Niutoushan Mountain in front to meet Liu Guang and Yang Zhi.

Zhao Zhen asked: "My dear, have you found out who this person is from?"

Liu Guangdao: "Xian son-in-law, this group of people is only stationed on the mountain and does not come down to talk. Today, Yang Zhi brothers came forward to challenge, but the people on the mountain did not respond. We were supposed to drive the soldiers up the mountain, but the casualties would be huge. I see the mountain road There are not many ruts on the road, so this group of people must not have much food and grass, so we can surround this group of people first. When the group of people runs out of food, they will definitely come back to fight. I have a horse army here, so I am not afraid that I will not be able to defeat them. ”

Zhao Zhen laughed after hearing this and said, "I have thought carefully, but tonight I have to guard against stealing the camp."

Yang Zhidao: "Don't worry, high officials, we have arranged spies to monitor the bandits on the mountain."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "In that case, I will go back to Jingmen Town first, rest for a night, and then come back to the mountain tomorrow. Liu Qi will stay to help patrol the camp."

Early the next morning, Zhao Zhen and others had breakfast. More than 300 people mounted their horses and trotted all the way to Niutoushan. Smoke and dust rose into the sky along the way.

The bandits on the mountain looked at each other in shock when they saw it. This group of people wandered around and did not attack the county town. They only attacked villages. They did not want to encounter a hard problem this time. Looking at this posture, I'm afraid it won't be easy to escape.

The two leaders gathered together and stood on the roof of the Taoist temple and looked down. The first one was wearing chain mail, a phoenix-winged helmet, a red robe with a collar, and a big iron stick in his hand. This man's surname was Song, with a single Chinese character. He was originally Ma Kuaidutou in Kaifeng Prefecture, Henan Province. Because he hated his superior, he accidentally beat him to death and abandoned his home and fled.

The one behind him was dressed as a monk, not wearing armor, but only a black robe, with the Buddhist name Miaokong, holding a crescent iron shovel in his hand.

Miaokong was lustful, and secretly kept two young girls at the foot of the mountain without the knowledge of the abbot. One day, he was drunk and was discovered and exposed. He simply killed all the monks in the temple, took away the valuables, set fire to the temple, and then wandered around.

Song Sheng was robbing the place and met Miaokong. Seeing that he was good at martial arts, he invited Miaokong to join him. The two of them became friends, and recruited many poor people, wandering around everywhere.

Miaokong said, "Brother, judging from the situation, this place is not easy to conquer."

Songsheng said, "Brother, there are many horses at the foot of the mountain. If we don't fight for a while, the people below will be scared and there will be nowhere to escape. We should have made up our minds last night and evacuated overnight."

Miaokong said, "Brother, there are enough food and grass on the mountain for three to five days. Why don't we rest for a day today and sneak into the camp at night."

Songsheng said, "Okay, if it doesn't work, we will go down the mountain to fight him tomorrow. Most of these government troops are drunkards. As long as we kill the leading officer and leave, this group of people will definitely not dare to chase us."

After the plan was made, the two arranged people to monitor the movements at the foot of the mountain. The rest of the people were resting in the tents and Taoist temples, recuperating and preparing to rob the camp at night.

Zhao Zhen and others challenged the enemy at the foot of the mountain, but the people on the mountain hung a banner of no war and did not respond.

After noon, Zhao Zhen and others had lunch in the camp. Liu Huiniang said, "My husband, looking at the situation, I'm afraid that the people on the mountain will come to rob the camp tonight."

As he was talking, Li San sent someone to inform that Wu Yong had led his soldiers to Jingmen Town and was heading to Niutou Mountain.

Zhao Zhen smiled and said, "I'm afraid that the people on the mountain will not dare to come tonight after seeing so many people and horses."

At night, Zhao Zhen made preparations here, but unfortunately the thieves on the mountain saw the people and horses brought by Wu Yong and did not dare to come down the mountain.

The next day, Song Sheng and Miao Kong did not dare to wait any longer, fearing that more soldiers and horses would come. After the two of them cleaned up, they led a group of bandits down the mountain and roughly formed a battle formation.

Miao Kong carried a steel crescent shovel and rushed out of the battle formation first, shouting, "Who is not afraid of death? Come, come, let this poor monk save you."

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