Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 402 Liangshan Prefecture

But Cheng Wanli traveled five hundred miles to rush to Bianjing in one day and night. Two confidants went to Tong Guan's house first to deliver the letter.

Because Cheng Wanli had served as Mr. Tong Guan's housekeeper, he was naturally familiar with Tong Guan's family. The disciples, cadres, and governors all knew each other well, and the person who sent the letter had a routine of delivering it. Therefore, Cheng Wanli's letter was delivered to Tong Guan that same day.

After Tong Guan finished reading, he immediately called the messenger who delivered the letter. Hearing that there were still memorials here, he wanted to send them to the memorial room. Tong Guan asked the two officers to rest in front, and sent the memorial in no hurry. He took the letter with him and took a sedan chair to Cai Jing's mansion.

After seeing the ceremony, Tong Guan handed the letter written by Cheng Wanli to Cai Jing. After Cai Jing read it, Tong Guan said: "Grand Master, this Cheng Wanli was originally the master of my house, so he told me about this in advance, and asked me to write the memorial." Stop it. This Li Datian is recommended by the Grand Master. I am afraid that the memorial office will take it and send it to the Tongjin Department. If the officials read it, they will tell the Grand Master to take action as soon as possible. "

Cai Jingdao: "This Zhao Zhen, Miao Shanggao, the prefect of Jeju Prefecture, also wrote a letter saying that Zhao Zhen of Liangshan County is very good at practicing guns and clubs. He gathered a bunch of green forest heroes to train soldiers and horses, and no one dared to provoke him. He is Cheng Wanli's son-in-law can be regarded as someone we are waiting for. Last time he killed Li Erseng, a bandit from Baijue Temple under Song Jiang's command, and now he has discovered that Li Datian is secretly joining the Qingzhou bandit. "

"In this case, Privy Tong, don't rush to submit the memorial. Didn't he say in his letter that there are two jade pendants as evidence? Privy Tong sent a confidant and two capable retainers from my house to go to Dongping Mansion at starry night. Get it. Send these two jade pendants to my son-in-law in Daming Prefecture. After they are identified, they will be sent back to Bianjing to report them to us."

Tong Guandao said: "Song Jiang now controls Qingzhou and Weizhou, and urgent official documents seem to be sent from various places. The spies have reported that Song Jiang has returned to the army and turned to attack Yanzhou. This place is no better than Wang Qing in Huaixi and Tian Hu in Hebei. If he really disturbs Bianjing in the Laban District in the south of the Yangtze River, and the officials will punish him, I'm afraid we will all be punished. "

Cai Jing said: "Yes, although this is also a way to kill the local imperial army, it cannot alarm Bianjing. If this matter is serious, this Zhao Zhen can be considered to be quite talented."

"Dongping Mansion is also the only way to Bianjing. Putting him there can block Song Jiang's troops and horses, and we can mobilize our troops calmly. Even though he is a Jimi County magistrate, we can recommend him as a magistrate. He is a magistrate. However, Liangshan, Shouzhang, and Yanggu are all small counties. I am afraid that they will not be able to stop the Qingzhou bandits. Then he will assign Jezhou Yuncheng County, Puzhou Fan County, and Dongping Fuzhongdu County to him, and raise Liangshan County to it. Liangshan Ji Mizhou is also our back-up."

Tong Guandao: "The Grand Master's words are sound. I will send someone to Dongping Mansion right now."

Cai Jing and Tong Guan urged, and the officials below were naturally attentive and returned from Daming Mansion in only five days. Together with the two Yu Hous from Daming Prefecture, the five people brought Liang Zhongshu's words. Cai Jing looked at the two jade pendants in his hand and said angrily: "Li Datian really deserves to die, he actually colluded with the Qingzhou bandits."

Tong Guan consoled him: "Grand Master, there is no need to be angry. Now that it has been found out, we need to investigate and deal with it quickly."

The two of them discussed it and made their own preparations.

The next day during the court meeting, the head official of the palace shouted: "If you have something to do, go out early to play, if you have nothing to do, roll up the curtain and leave the court."

In the midst of the squad, the privy envoy Tong Guan came out of the squad and said: "Your Majesty, Song Jiang is currently causing chaos on Jingdong East Road, invading prefectures and seizing counties. The officers and soldiers cannot resist the enemy, and many soldiers and civilians have been injured. I look forward to your Majesty's demotion. Allocate capable men to conquer and rescue the people."

The emperor listened to the performance and asked the officials, civil and military officials: "Who among you will work with me to destroy this bandit?"

Hearing this, Cai Jing came out and said: "Your Majesty, the old minister is ignorant and does not know people well. Today, Li Datian, the magistrate of Yanggu County, does not admire the grace of the Holy Spirit and colludes with Qingzhou bandits to cause chaos. Now he has been captured by the magistrate of Liangshan County. I pray that your majesty will convict you." "

The emperor said: "Since I have been arrested, I am exempted from the crime of recommendation by the grand master. Now that Song Jiang is rampant, who can conquer it?"

Cai Jing reported: "Your Majesty, the magistrate of Liangshan County has meritorious service. The former has already fought against Li Erseng, the leader of Song Jiang's command, and begged your Majesty to issue an edict to allocate the three counties of Shouzhang, Yanggu and Zhongdu in Dongping Prefecture, and merge them with Yuncheng County of Jezhou and Fan County of Puzhou to form Liangshan." Ji Mizhou, so Liangshan County is blocking the road between Qingzhou and Bianjing, and the imperial court can take advantage of this to mobilize troops and suppress the Qingzhou bandits. "

At that moment, Chen Jin came out and objected: "Your Majesty, you can't. Liangshan is originally a Jimi County. Now that you are supervising Shouzhang, Your Majesty is particularly merciful. How can you take over the land of six counties?"

Cai Jing retorted: "You are an admonisher, but you know that Song Jiang has now occupied Qingzhou and Weizhou, and is about to attack Yanzhou. The people of Liangshan are fierce and fierce. Although they are Jimi County, they have defeated the Qingzhou bandits twice. How can you not reward them for their merits?" Have you lost your soldiers’ enterprising spirit?”

It is time to ask for an order to convict Chen Jin.

Taiwei Su said: "Chen Zhengyan has always been brave enough to speak out when things happen. What he said is also for the sake of the country. What a crime. The words of the Grand Master are also words for the country. Bandits are rampant in Qingzhou, so we must guard against them."

At that moment, the emperor accurately played and immediately issued an edict: "He Shouzhang, Yanggu, Zhongdu, Yuncheng, and Fanxian are Liangshan Jimizhou and Jieduzhen. Zhao Zhen, the magistrate of Liangshan, was promoted to Liangshan Jiedu envoy, observing envoy, Ningyuan General, the title is the founding son of the country, and he is awarded the title of Commander-in-Chief. His wife is named Yiren."

Gao Qiu came out of the squad and said: "Your Majesty, we campaigned against the Qingzhou bandits in the previous campaign and won a great victory in the first battle. It was only because Gaofeng of Yizhou was not familiar with the geography that he accidentally fell into an ambush, so he returned to Yizhou to rest and recuperate. Now that the autumn is high and the weather is cool, we just wait. After the autumn harvest, the food supply is sufficient, and troops can be selected and generals can be sent to conquer. "

After hearing the memorial, the emperor immediately issued an imperial edict and asked Taiwei Gao to select generals and deploy troops to suppress and arrest Song Jiang's group.

Captain Gao continued: "Your Majesty, I heard that this group of grass bandits in Songjiang divided their troops to guard various places. The grass bandits are ignorant, and the old bandits who are accustomed to fighting are scattered, which is the opportunity to win. If we measure these grass bandits, there is no need to move. We have a lot of soldiers, I will protect you, and let all the state governments support us, and we will be able to recover."

The Emperor said: "If you use me, there will be no mistakes. I will set off immediately. I will report my merits with rapid speed, be promoted to an official position and rewarded, and be promoted to a high position."

Gao Qiu said: "This person is the direct descendant of Hu Yanzan, a famous general from Hedong at the beginning of the founding of the country. His single name is Zhuo. Now he is under the control of the capital of Runing County. He has two bronze whips and has the courage that ten thousand people cannot match. I am promoted. To protect this person, he can be given the command of soldiers and horses, and he can lead elite soldiers on horseback and infantry to conquer the Qingzhou bandits."

The emperor said: "Go with the Privy Council's order and announce it at starry night."

If you don't raise the rank of Taiwei, you will appoint an officer to carry out the imperial edict and go to proclaim it. It is only said that Tong Guan did not return to his residence after going to court, but returned to the Taishi's residence with Cai Jing.

The two sat down and Cai Jing said: "You can see today that the official's face looked strange when he heard the name of Zhao Zhen, the magistrate of Liangshan County?"

"Hiss..., Renzong?"

"Exactly, you and I were careless, but we never thought of this. Emperor Taizong of this dynasty, whose real name was Zhao Kuangyi, avoided Taizu's taboo and changed his name to Zhao Guangyi. After he came to the throne, he changed his name to Jiong because of the many words "Guang" and "Yi" in the common people. Be considerate of the people. Although there has been no incident among the officials today, Zhenzhen cannot scream anymore. The Privy Council sent these two messengers back to make a confession. "

Tong Guan listened and nodded.

But after the great meeting, five or six days passed, and Zhao Zhen received the imperial edict. Wu Yong and others were all happy after hearing this and congratulated Zhao Zhen on his promotion.

Liangshan, Shouzhang, Yanggu, Zhongdu, Fanxian and Yuncheng counties also received the order, and the magistrates of Zhongdu, Fanxian and Yuncheng counties looked at each other. This Liangshan Prefecture belongs to Jiedu Prefecture, which is also a Jimi Prefecture. All the officials in the prefecture were appointed by Zhao Zhen.

Everyone just wanted to wait for Zhao Zhen to send someone to take over, and after the treasury, criminal case files, and money and grain accounts were all correct, they would return to Bianjing to wait for their posts.

Such haste could cost the lives of three magistrates. It should be noted that these three people relied on the chief seal officer of the county, so there would be no mistakes. After receiving the order, they had to force Kong Mu, Cao Si, scribes, Ling Shi and other subordinate officials to sort out various official documents and accounts and replenish the treasury. There is a shortage of all kinds of things in the warehouse.

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