Lord: Start with a copy of Water Margin

Chapter 5: Village Drinking Ceremony

Snake bones were scattered all over the drying yard. Many farmers were pointing and talking around the drying yard. Some brave children were even playing around the snake skulls.

Seeing that there were many people, Zhao Yuanli announced loudly that the owner would invite everyone to the drying yard to have a snake feast in the evening. He asked the farmers to notify each other, and there was thunderous cheers.

Zhao Zhen asked the farmers to disperse and go about their business.

Zhao Zhen picked up a snake bone that looked like a bow arm, and turned to Zhao Yuanli to ask a bonesmith to see if it could be made into a bone bow.

The skull was inlaid with a handle to make a shield; the teeth in the mouth were made into arrowheads if they were small, and daggers if they were large.

Today, the kitchen built four large stoves early on the side of the drying yard, and large pieces of snake meat were put into the pot to cook.

Although the food for more than 600 people was only snake meat, the quantity was enough, and it was of high quality. This was the first time since the establishment of Xixi Village.

The main table was used with great care, with a wide variety of dishes, including frying, cooking, stewing, and braising...

The women of each family also came early to help, lighting the fire and watching the stove, placing tables, chairs, and bowls, and nearly seventy tables were placed around the bonfire in the middle.

The elders were in front, the inferiors were behind, and the order of seniority was distinguished.

At the hour of You, the bonfire was lit, and Zhao Zhen and Guanghui were the last to enter the drying yard, and the farmers cheered.

Zhao Zhen sat on the main table and asked Guanghui to sit opposite. A farmer had already come to filter wine, and Zhao Zhen raised a bowl of wine: "There is a virtuous man named Guanghui, who killed the snake monster. Now he lives in Xixi Village and is hired as the instructor of the local militia. Later, he will train the local militia and protect the village. Congratulations..."

Everyone raised the wine to toast Guanghui, and Guanghui picked up the wine bowl, drank it in one gulp, and saluted the people around him.

Everyone cheered and raised the cup again.

This happened again and again.

World feedback:

Guanghui felt the warm reception of Xixi Village, and his heart was touched, and his loyalty to you increased.

You successfully held the village drinking ceremony. The farmers witnessed Guanghui's feat of killing the snake. Their sense of security and work efficiency improved, and their recognition of you increased significantly.

After an hour of drinking and eating, everyone started to chat. The farmers also toasted to the main table according to their status.

The first one was the eight managers, who led the farmers under their management to come forward one by one.

Zhao Zhen also took the opportunity to check the attributes of these farmers one by one, but there was no one who stood out, and they were far from the single attribute of 15 points to become a professional.

These people have neither talents nor systematic training, and they have no adventures. They are just ordinary people in this life.

Then the elders of each surname came forward to toast in order.

Then the village school teacher Sun Zheng came to toast. Zhao Zhen saw that Sun Zheng's spirit had reached 14. He was the only one in Xixi Village who was close to becoming a professional. The other one was the head of the guard Zhao Ji, with a strength of 14.

Name: Sun Zheng

Race: Human

Reputation: 5

Position: Teacher of Xixi Village School (claimed to have obtained the title of Scholar)

Occupation: None

Level: Level 0, Level 9 (Force 8, Command 12)

Attributes: Strength 7, Constitution 6, Agility 7, Spirit 14

Skills: None

Martial Arts: Fists and Kicks (First Look, Use Fists and Kicks +1)

Equipment: None

Sun Zheng was stranded in Xixi Village when the old owner was still alive. He came in a tattered robe, hungry and cold. He was taken in by the old owner.

Because he claimed to have obtained the title of Scholar, he was hired as a teacher in the village school.

Sun Zheng wore a long gown, which was different from the short brown gowns worn by other farmers. It was made of fine cloth, with a round collar and large sleeves. It was only washed white, which showed that Sun Zheng's family was not rich.

Land, the most important means of production, was in the hands of Zhao Zhen, and there were not many wealthy households in the whole Xixi Village.

The poor rent houses, and some also rent plows, loaches, hoes, shovels, and sickles; the rich buy houses, and some raise oxen at home. There are only more than ten households in the village...

"Teacher Sun has worked hard and made great contributions. These naughty children rely on the teacher's teaching. I will visit the school one day."

"Baozheng, the old owner of the manor has lent all the books in the study to the village school. A copy of the classics, history, and collections has been copied and stored in the village school. The rest have been dried and sorted. Baozheng can ask the servants to take them away."

Seeing Zhao Zhen agreed, Sun Zheng bowed and retreated to sit among the elders of the clan. He had a good chat with the elders of the clan.

Zhao Zhen was still muttering that there was no book in the study, but it turned out that they were all in the village school.

Sun Zheng, who is about to awaken, is still worth investing in. It is more sincere to win him over before he becomes a professional than after he becomes a professional.

The art of ruling the fantasy world is also a compulsory course in the county school. Although Zhao Zhen was not very talented in this area and had no family background in this field, he was not troubled by the task of judging people.

Guanghui was a big drinker and drank until the cup was empty.

The farmhands saw Guanghui's ability to kill snakes, especially the fishermen, who were grateful from the bottom of their hearts and toasted him three times in a row.

Guanghui had never been treated so warmly before. He was so happy that he took off his robe and performed Luohan boxing by the campfire.

But Guanghui's moves were like arrows and his hands were like cotton. He succeeded in one move and attacked in succession. He blocked, forced, rushed, dodged, dotted, lifted, pressed, hooked, copied, and threw. Everything was exquisite, and he jumped, rolled, swept, and bounced. He was swift and powerful. He followed up and down, changed his steps with his hands, and combined strength and softness.

There were cheers on the drying field, and the cheers were higher and higher.

Zhao Zhen had received feedback from the world before he knew it.

The farmers were influenced by Guanghui, and the people's hearts improved slightly...

Zhao Zhen used this village drinking ceremony to recognize all the farmers, but unfortunately there was no outstanding person. In the entire Xixi Village, only the children in the village have not passed the Mingcha test to check their attributes.

Zhao Zhen plans to go to the village school tomorrow to take a look, first to pick up books, second to win over Sun Zheng, and third to see if the children in the village have any talents.

After some calculation, tomorrow is the 8th day since I entered the fantasy world. It’s time to return to the main world...

Suddenly a burst of loud cheers interrupted Zhao Zhen's thoughts. Zhao Zhen raised his eyes and saw that it was Guang Hui who was dragging 10 strong men to move slowly in the middle of the drying area. The dealers in the field cheered loudly, bringing the atmosphere to the climax.

next day

Zhao Zhen watched Guanghui embark on the road to the county seat, accompanied by Zhao Ji and six bankers.

At the same time, Zhao Yuanli also went with the team, and Zhao Zhen asked him to buy spirits, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, cloth and other sundries and general merchandise, as well as special products and foreign objects in the county, and recruit some tenant craftsmen.

After the arrangements were made, Zhao Zhen took two villagers to the village school.

One person holds a piece of white muslin and one piece of green muslin; the other person carries a basket of fresh persimmons.

Before entering the village school, you can hear the sound of children reading loudly from the village school.

When Zhao Zhen entered the courtyard, he saw a stone table and four stone benches placed under the only large locust tree in the courtyard. Sun Zheng was reading with gusto while holding a book.

When Zhao Zhen came closer, Sun Zhengcai was startled. Seeing that it was Zhao Zhen, he stood up and saluted. Zhao Zhen handed over the gift, but Sun Zheng didn't refuse, but only expressed thanks.

After chatting for a long time, Zhao Zhen was introduced into the classroom.

Zhao Zhen was not afraid of the stage. He chatted casually with the naughty boy and inadvertently explored the child's attributes. He was slightly higher in spirit than the tenant, but not as strong or physically strong. There are no very prominent figures.

Zhao Zhen casually chatted with some of the children with the highest attributes, and then left the classroom.

Zhao Zhen asked Sun Zheng: "Professor Sun, what courses are there in the village school?"

"The owner of the village is currently studying in the "Education School". First, he will study "Three Hundred Thousand", "Three Character Classic", "Hundred Family Surnames", and "Thousand Character Classic". Then he will study "Disciple Rules", "Three Hundred Poems", "Sheng" "Law Enlightenment".

"At present, I can only remember these six volumes clearly and write them down silently for enlightenment. The rest, such as "Zengguang Xianwen", "Guwen Guanzhi", "Qianjia Shi", etc., all need to be purchased by the owner. At present, only "Li" is included in the classics and history collection. "Records of Filial Piety", "The Classic of Filial Piety", "New Songs of Yuefu" and "The Analects of Confucius", I have made a copy of them and kept them in the school."

"For example, "Cui Yingying Waits for the Moon in the West Chamber", "The Wizard of Oz", etc. can be used for entertainment and are not useful for studying. The owner can just take them back with him. If the owner has new scriptures and meanings, I hope to lend them to you. I will be grateful. ”

Zhao Zhen nodded in response and promised to buy more books in the future to enrich the village school and cultivate talents.

Sun Zheng thanked him profusely and said that in addition to teaching, he would be willing to do whatever he can for the village owner in the future.

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