Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 230: The story of a teacher-disciple relationship

Suddenly, an unknown whisper appeared in his ear, and then disappeared in the next moment.

However, Kyle was not so lucky, and his expression was extremely painful.

Seeing this, Weilin did not hesitate and threw the sweet fruit in his hand to the old beggar.

The moment it came into contact with the black breath, the sweet fruit turned into a fairy and slowly wrapped the old beggar in it.

The unknown whisper was blocked, and Kyle collapsed on the ground, sweating profusely, his eyes revealed fear, looking at everything in front of him, his face was full of surviving a disaster.

Under the cover of the fairy of light, the black unknown text gradually disintegrated and was purified in the light.

Half an hour later, everything returned to calm.

The old beggar's old face slowly faded, rejuvenated, and appeared in front of the two with a brand new face.

"My lord, is this still the old beggar?" Kyle leaned back in the chair and asked weakly.

Weilin shook his head and said uncertainly: "Perhaps this is his true face."

Ordinary appearance, extraordinary temperament, gathered on this person, without the slightest sense of disobedience.

As time passed slowly, Weilin and Kyle did not disturb him, sitting quietly beside him waiting for each other to wake up.

After an unknown period of time, the young man's hands began to tremble, and he opened his eyes, and his confused eyes gradually became wise.

"Two hundred years, has it been so long?"

The young man spoke in a low voice, but Weilin could not understand. It was not the common language he was familiar with, but another language.

A few minutes later, the young man sat up from the ground, looked at Weilin, and smiled: "Formally introduce, my name is Odore Kadra, thank you for your help, which allowed me to recover."

"Sir Odore, I am very curious, why did you become like this." Weilin looked at the young man without any timidity.

"It's a long story, this is a tragic story." Odore looked a little lonely, and his face was a little painful.

Seeing this, Weilin hurriedly said, "If you have something to hide, you don't have to explain it to us."

"It's nothing. It's okay to tell you." Odore motioned for the two to sit down, but anyone with a discerning eye could see the sadness in his eyes.

Weilin and Kyle each found a place to sit down and prepared to listen to Odore's story.

"In the year 9455 of the Glorious Calendar, I was born in a small town called Mengyan in the province of Kurisko in the Kingdom of Kaven in the Brizet subcontinent. When I was thirteen, I met my teacher, who was also the person I respected the most."

"My teacher is Irene Barkat, a gold intermediate arcanist. In my eyes, she is so kind and beautiful."

"During my studies, I gradually fell in love with my teacher, and she knew it, but this forbidden love would never be allowed by the Kingdom of Kaven, so my teacher chose to remain silent, so I naturally chose to give up."

"When I was thirty-five, my teacher chose to marry an elemental mage."

Welin looked at Odor with tears in his eyes, but the other party did not notice it and still kept a smile on his face, but it was very fake.

"I chose to leave my teacher. As a student, I wish him the best and understand that I must make a choice."

"For the next thirty years, I traveled far away and traveled around the Brizet subcontinent."

"When I was sixty-five years old and returned to my hometown again, my teacher had passed away."

"Perhaps I should have thought that her marriage was just to make me give up this unrealistic relationship."

Odor's eyes were a little confused, and more lonely. The cold aura made Weilin and Kyle feel scared, but they did not dare to disturb each other.

"When she accepted me as her apprentice, her life span was running out. For me, she chose to play a trick to make me give up this thought."

"But my 30 years have not been in vain. All kinds of experiences have allowed me to grow from a high-level silver to a mid-level soul. I know I am not a genius, so I attribute all this to fate. It was He who made me grow up."

"So, I used that thing, at the cost of losing my mind, in exchange for my going to the place where the teacher might appear."

"If Irene's soul does not turn around again, I will sink forever until I perish and my soul is broken."

"But now I am awake, which means she is here."

The pious soul ascends to the kingdom of the gods, the soul of free belief reincarnates in the world, and the inferior and disgusting soul is devoured by evil gods and demons. This is the truth circulating in this world.

In general, under the intervention of the world consciousness, the soul can be reincarnated. As for other worlds, it is unknown. Anyway, there is such a record in the world where Weilin lives.

Odor showed an excited expression on his face, and spread out his right hand. A ball of light appeared in the palm of his hand, and the largest line was actually connected to Weilin.

Seeing this scene, Weilin looked at him vigilantly. He didn't think he was the reincarnation of her teacher.

Odor saw the other party's thoughts and explained with a smile: "Don't think too much, of course you are not, but she has the closest relationship with you, so the largest index line will be connected to you."

"Fortunately, fortunately." Weilin breathed a sigh of relief. He was a real man in his previous life, how could he be his teacher.

The next moment, Odor came to Weilin and pleaded with him: "I want to serve you."

"This, this is not necessary." Weilin looked at the other party in confusion, "If your teacher is really mine, I will not prevent you from meeting him, and besides, I don't have the strength. "

"No, I want to start over with my teacher. I will protect her in this life. In addition, I also want to report your kindness."

"So, please allow me to join your forces."

Weilin was a little confused for a moment, what kind of logic is this, or could this be love.

So far, he doesn't know that one of his female subordinates has a relationship with the other party.

The half-elf Eunice, her two shadow guards Hilda and Sisna, and the protector of the territory, Ms. Anastasia, are not of the same age!

Could it be her aunt? This seems possible.

Seeing the other party's sincere expression, Weilin couldn't bear to disagree.

"Your Excellency Odor, I welcome you to join. I support you with both hands and feet in your search for love."

"From today on, I, Odor Kadera, will be yours." Odor showed a smile on his face and leaned forward to salute.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Verin Akers, and this is my attendant Kyle." Verin helped Odor up and introduced him enthusiastically.

In a daze, it was a bit unreal for him to gain such a powerful subordinate.

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