Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 243 Reporting to Father

"Lord, there is a letter from Windsor Castle."

"Look, it's time."

After thinking it over, it's already mid-April, and the Principality of Braham should be in chaos.

He took the letter, opened it and read it. As he guessed, his father asked him to rush to the border of Sina Province before May 15th.

"Kyle, pack up and leave in three days."

"Lord, how many people will you take this time?" Kyle asked.

"You and I can be alone. It's useless to go with more people."

The war between the two countries is not a joke. Bronze followers are just cannon fodder. It's better to let them stay in the territory to practice.

Kyle got the order and left the training ground immediately to prepare.

Before leaving, Weilin visited Ms. Anastasia, Mr. Odor, the owner of the Adventurer Tavern, Aljeta, and several archons such as Baird.

On April 25th, Weilin and Kyle left Qixing Territory and headed for the provincial capital of Kadlo Province.

In the capital of Xinna Province, troops were teleported in batches, and after receiving the necessary supplies, they moved towards the border and assembled.

Outside the teleportation array hall, Weilin saw a familiar person in the crowd at a glance.

"Uncle Mag." Weilin handed the horse to Kyle and walked forward to greet him.

Mag turned his head and bowed: "Master Weilin, the master asked me to pick you up, please follow me."

Following Mag, Weilin and Kyle left Xinna Province and headed towards the border between the Kingdom of Elijah and the Principality of Braham.

"Uncle Mag, how many troops did the kingdom mobilize this time?" Looking at the endless army, Weilin asked curiously.

Hearing this, Mag shook his head and said: "It's not clear for the time being."

Three days later, the three arrived at the camp of the Border Expedition Corps.

Compared with the Brazilian A camp where they had stayed before, this camp called Beiyan Camp is obviously much more formal.

Looking around, only nobles above the earl level are qualified to fly the flag. Unless they are powerful, nobles below the viscount level will all become logistics and transportation troops.

After passing through layers of inspection, the three arrived at the camp where the family army is located.

This time, his father Angus personally led the army and led 30,000 troops to join the expeditionary corps.

Since this is only a local conflict, the number of troops sent by each family is limited, and it is impossible for you to pull all the troops over.


Entering the tent, Weilin stepped forward and saluted.

"Here you are." Angus stopped writing and looked at his son with a smile, "Come and sit next to me."

Weilin heard this and sat down next to his father.

Angus put aside his official business and began to explain the situation of the expeditionary corps to his son.

"The commander of the expeditionary corps is Sirid Silves, the uncle of His Majesty King Belgrav, a general with rich combat experience."

"There are two legends accompanying the army, one is a legendary mid-level knight, Caesar Miller Silves, the father of the commander of the expeditionary corps. The other is named Xiamisi Silves, a legendary low-level arcanist and the cousin of His Majesty Belgrav."

"The expeditionary corps consists of ten corps, including five kingdom corps and five noble corps."

"The five kingdom corps are the Sixth Corps, the Eighth Corps, the Third Silver Knights, the Seventh Silver Knights, and the Fourth Magic Corps, with a total of 200,000 people."

"The five noble corps, the Budbol Corps, the Cadelion Corps, the Simis Corps, the Rodent Corps, and our family's Ex Corps, totaling 270,000 troops."

"The others are all logistics and transportation troops, with about 200,000 people."

The names of the five noble corps are all named after the family surnames. The first four are famous marquis families, and only the Ex family is an earl family.

Angus saw the doubt in Verin's eyes and explained with a smile: "Half of the families did not participate this time, so our family easily got the command of a legion. Those families are trying their best to stockpile troops for the national war with the Ironforge Dwarf Mountain Kingdom."

"Father, you can't say that. Although our title is the Earl Family, it is actually no different from the Marquis Family."

"That's right, but it's better to be low-key."

Angus was not angry at Verin for contradicting him.

"I will put 5,000 people under your name, and Dred will be your deputy commander to command the army. You just need to stay in this position."

"Uncle Dred?"

Hearing this name, Verin recalled the guardian knight who wore a mask all year round and did not show his true face. He was one of his father's most trusted guardian knights.

"Yes, Dred is much better than your father. With his help, you will have more than enough military merit to get the Viscount this time."

"Thank you, father." Verin was very moved and thanked Angus.

"The army will address me by my position from now on."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Legion Commander."

"Okay, Mag, take Verin to the Third Battalion to receive the troops." Angus turned to Mag standing at the edge of the tent and ordered.

"Yes, my lord."

Mag bowed and saluted, and took Verin out of the tent.

Located to the east of the Aix Legion's garrison is the garrison of the Third Battalion.

Soon, Verin met Dred, a very mysterious man.

"Master Verin." Dred bowed and saluted, a standard aristocratic etiquette, with a very calm tone, and no fluctuations in his tone could be heard.

"Uncle Dred, I'm sorry to bother you during this time of working with the expeditionary corps." Weilin did not put on airs as a young master and exchanged greetings with the other party.

"I have heard the master's orders, but I hope that Young Master Weilin will not interfere with my decisions during the battle." Dred looked at Weilin through the mask, his tone was neither sad nor happy, and he looked like a stranger who didn't want to be approached.

"Uncle Dred, just do your best and treat me as a mascot."

Weilin naturally didn't take the other party's offense to heart, and he didn't hate him. Insufficient actual combat experience is insufficient. This time he was just learning from the other party and trying to gain military merits.

Dred turned around and took out a roster and handed it to Weilin, saying, "The Ex Corps has ten battalions, each with 5,000 men. The first to sixth battalions are the family's armies, and the seventh to tenth battalions are the armies of the four earl families, all of which are on good terms with the Ex family and under the command of the master."

"Among them, the third battalion has 5,000 men, divided into six infantry battalions, four archer battalions, a cavalry unit, and a camp guard squadron."

"The infantry battalion has the same organization as the archer battalion, with six squadrons, 320 high-level warrior apprentices, 80 bronze warriors, 20 silver warriors, and a gold warrior in charge of commanding the army, with a total of about 400 combat personnel."

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