Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 296 Magic Equipment——【Consciousness Distortion】

As the bridgehead of the underground world, Stone City now houses more than 5,000 bronze and above creatures.

The cruel environment makes these underground creatures generally stronger. After all, the weak ones are dead.

The next morning, Odor returned to Shicheng.

"Your Excellency Odor, thank you for your hard work."

"For my teacher, and of course for myself." Odor replied gently with a smile on his face.

Weilin had no objection to these words. He was not a child of destiny. Others would worship him when they saw him.

How to mobilize a person's enthusiasm is, of course, to make him work for himself.

Verin had promised Odor that the income from this underground world would belong to him.

Now that he has reunited with his aunt again, with this move, Weilin guessed that Odor was 100% working hard for his future family.

"Have you ever implemented the idea we discussed two years ago?"

"The finished product is already available." Odor took out a piece of magic equipment and explained to Verin, "I call this magic equipment [Conscious Distortion]. It can distort the consciousness of professionals below gold, but The shortcomings are also obvious. This equipment will cause damage to the soul of the target during operation and shorten the life of the target. "

"Based on my speculation, for silver-level professionals, it will shorten the opponent's lifespan by 50%, for bronze-level professionals, it will shorten the opponent's lifespan by 30%, but for apprentices and ordinary creatures, it will only shorten the lifespan of the opponent. Ten percent of the other party’s lifespan.”

"Similarly, this thing has another shortcoming, that is, the upper limit is locked. All creatures who are [distorted in consciousness] have no possibility of further progress in their lifetime."

As Odor explained, he observed Weilin's facial expressions and observed the other person's thoughts.

If Weilin wants to use it elsewhere, Odor will destroy the magical equipment [Distortion of Consciousness] in his hand. He cannot let this thing spread, and at the same time let Weilin forget this memory, as if it never happened. This happened.

Weilin touched his chin, thought carefully, and then asked Odor: "What do you think of using it on these underground creatures?"

"I suggest it be used only in this generation. I don't recommend it for the next generation of underground Dark Clan creatures." Odor gave his own suggestion.

"You are right. This generation of underground creatures has been polluted and has little use value. We can cultivate the next generation and let them be used by the Prayer Star Leader." Weilin thought for a while and nodded in agreement with Odor's suggestion.

This was not because he was kind, but because Verin thought of the snow-white tauren he met many years ago, which made him curious about what it would be like to let these underground creatures believe in the goddess of life, and whether it would evolve into another form. branch race.

After the business talk was over, it was the turn of the private business.

Weilin approached Odor and asked curiously: "Odor, when are you going to marry my aunt."

Odor pushed Weilin's face away and said with some embarrassment: "Well, I haven't considered this matter yet."

"Then where are you going to build your own small home? Do you want me to give you a piece of land?" Weilin continued to ask with a smile on his face.

"That, I haven't thought about it either." Odor replied with a guilty conscience. He had never experienced this and had no idea that there were still so many things to do.

"As an arcanist, you can't be so clichéd. When you have time, go to Qixing Ling to look at other places. If you choose a place, tell me directly." Weilin said very generously.

"Thank you very much, Verin."

"Come on, Uncle Odor."

Odor was very pleased with Weilin's title.

Three days later, Weilin returned to Xingyue Castle and issued an order to form the fourth and fifth battalions. The soldiers were selected from the militia of Qixing County and Lansha County.

In addition, Weilin transferred the second battalion stationed in Lansha County to Fortress Sio. The local defense was temporarily left to the militia. After the formation of the fourth battalion was completed, it was transferred to Lansha County to garrison.

With the arrival of a new batch of troops, Odor captured more than ten city-states within half a month, occupying half of the city-states in the underground world. At the same time, he began to form a servant army. The first batch of soldiers was tentatively numbered at five thousand.

In early March, the first batch of servant troops was established, and they were used by Odor to clean up small tribes in the wilderness of the occupied area, with the main purpose of capturing slaves.

As time passed, the remaining twenty-three city-states united to prepare to resist human invasion.

Located in the city of Morai in the western region of the underground world, there are seventeen high-level silver levels, five low-level gold levels, and one middle-level gold level. A total of twenty-three city lords, leaders or army commanders gathered here.

Taliyah, the priest of the temple of Morai City and the great mistress of the dark elves, stood up and showed off her perfect figure in front of everyone. The seventeen high-level silver city-state leaders stared at each other's chests, drooling at their mouths, and their eyes were closed. With a wink and a giggle from time to time.

The other five low-level gold city-state leaders looked at this bitch warily, but were not fooled by the magic she unleashed to confuse their minds and turn into her dogs.


The commander of the Evil Eye Legion snorted with dissatisfaction and cracked the magic of Thalia, the Dark Elf Mistress.

The seventeen high-level silver city-state leaders came to their senses and looked at this drow bitch with vigilance. They all stayed away from her, for fear of falling into the opponent's control again.

Seeing that her magic was cracked, Thalia, the Dark Elf Mistress, looked a little ugly.

"Talia, now is the time of life and death, put away your dirty and despicable methods." The gray dwarf Brick slapped the table and warned loudly.

"Brick, one day, I will dedicate you to my god." Thalia stared at the gray dwarf and said word by word.

The gray dwarf Brick responded mercilessly: "You bitch, I'm here. If you have the ability, I will twist off your head and use it as a wine flask."

"Everyone, stop. Today we are here for negotiation, not for war." The leader of the three-eyed monster opened the third eye on his forehead and said coldly.

Thalia glanced at the gray dwarf and said, "My god has issued an oracle, and there is a human soul-level powerhouse opposite. Do you know what this means?"

"Tell me what you want to do." The commander of the Evil Eye Legion showed no emotion at all. He stared at Thalia with his big eyes and used sound waves to express what he said.

"Slave, as long as you sacrifice 30,000 slaves, you can use the power of my god to create a shadow-hunting spider demon to resist any powerful human soul level."

"Hahaha, I'm afraid that when the shadow-hunting spider demon appears, it will be used against us immediately." The gray dwarf Brick mercilessly exposed Thalia's trick.

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