Three hundred kilometers west of the central city of Angara Tree Domain, there is a huge deep-water port.

As one of the three famous ports in the eastern region of the Synaps subcontinent, Angara Port carries the function of trade transit for the five kingdoms and regions of the Western Chaos Land, the Northwest Holy Dragon Kingdom, the North Ashe Magic Kingdom, the South Tiprano Kingdom and the Belfas Kingdom.

The urban area of ​​Angara Port covers an area of ​​about 3,000 square kilometers and is divided into 12 districts. The total number of moon elves, forest elves and half-elves is about 200,000, most of which are troops stationed here and their families.

As for the population of other races, according to incomplete statistics, the number exceeds one million. It is the only city in the Moon Elf Kingdom where the population of other races exceeds that of its own citizens.

Leaning in the carriage, Weilin flipped through the book in his hand to learn about this port city.

A few days ago, when passing through the town of Delisha, where the Angara Tree Domain and the Brunna Tree Domain meet, he met a moon elf nobleman, and the book in his hand was given by the other party.

"Districts 1 to 6 are the port autonomous regions, also known as the Lower City. Most of them are orcs, humans, and natives from the Land of Chaos."

"Districts 7 to 9 are mostly friendly countries, merchants from other countries, nobles, and adventurers. There is order in the chaos."

"Districts 10 to 12 are directly governed by the Angara Tree Domain of the Moon Elf Kingdom. Most of the troops are stationed here. We can go here to rest directly."

Welin closed the book, put it on the low table, and said, "Father, which district do you want to go to?"

"District 11." Angus said. He replied, "There is a moon-watching platform here, from which you can enjoy the panoramic view of the entire port. It's just right to take your mother to see it."

"Then it's District 11."

Kyle, who was sitting next to him, heard the words, opened the door on the left side of the carriage, waved to the captain of the guard, Reginald, and ordered: "Take the main road with the number 11."

Reginald said awkwardly: "That, sir, that is the number 11."

After hearing the other party's words, Kyle remembered that Reginald did not know the Elvish text, so he used magic as ink to write the Elvish text representing 11 in the air.

Seeing the Elvish text in the air, Reginald wrote down its shape, then gently closed the door of the carriage, and quickly ran to the front of the caravan to lead the way.

In a fortress located 30 kilometers outside the main urban area of ​​Angara Port, a moon elf general led several officers as usual and began to patrol the situation inside and outside the fortress.

"General Aubrey, a caravan of about 200 people is coming to the fortress." An officer came to the Moon Elf General, saluted gracefully, and reported respectfully.

Moon Elf General Aubrey stopped, looked at the reporting officer, and reported: "From the east or the west."

"From the east."

"Hang the flag pattern."

The officer thought carefully after hearing this, and then reported: "The flag on the left is the flag of the Silver Dragon Burke Kingdom, and the flag on the right is printed with nine red dragon scales in a circular array, with a black long sword in the middle and two silver petal patterns on the left and right."

An officer standing on the left of Aubrey took out the atlas he carried with him, and quickly flipped through it according to his colleague's description, found the corresponding logo on the last few pages, and then presented it in front of his general.

"The 24th Dragon Knight of the Silver Dragon Burke Kingdom, in the Glorious Calendar..."

After reading the above records, Aubrey turned around and ordered: "Raise the gate, let the West Wind Knight and his guards pass, and send someone to notify the rear outposts not to block the other side's team."

"General, should someone notify Primo, the reception official of District 11?" The officer did not immediately accept the order, but looked up at Aubrey and asked him.

"You handle it yourself."

"Yes, General."

After handling this matter, Aubrey continued to patrol the fortress with his subordinates.

He didn't care about his subordinates' contact with the officials of District 11, as long as it didn't touch his authority.

The caravan of more than 200 people passed through the fortress without any obstruction, which made Weilin have a deeper understanding of the connection between the Moon Elf Kingdom and the Silver Dragon Burke Kingdom.

There are seven checkpoints between the fortress and the Angara Port, which are specifically designed to prevent the free people of the port from sneaking into other areas of the Angara Port and other surrounding tree areas.

For the officers of the outposts who had already received the military order from the fortress, they would not stop the caravan. After all, no elf wanted to challenge the authority of General Aubrey.

After passing more than 30 kilometers safely, Weilin arrived at the edge of District 11 of Angara Port.

The elves and half-elves along the way cast curious eyes on the dragon army that appeared in District 11.

At this moment, a moon elf in a gorgeous gown led several forest elves to meet the caravan.

"Sir Knight of West Wind, welcome to your arrival. I am the Secretary of Commerce of District 11. You can call me Primo."

Weilin looked at the handsome moon elf in front of him and said with a smile: "Sir Primo, I am very happy to meet you here."

"Sir Knight of West Wind, according to the covenant between the kingdom and your country, your status is equivalent to that of the earl. You don't need to add a honorific title, just call him by his name." Primo lowered his posture, without the slightest arrogance on his face, and even the several forest elves behind him were respectful.

This long journey made Weilin surprised at the value of his title of Knight of West Wind.

But then again, who would dare to ignore a country founded by a group of dragons?

"Lord Knight of the West Wind, as far as my subordinates know, Knights Ansel, Wendell and Cletav from your country have already settled in the Seaman Manor. I wonder if you and your entourage plan to go to the West Wind together. What about Mann Manor? Or do you need me to arrange a new residence for you?”

After hearing what Primo said, information about these three knights instantly came to Verin's mind.

Although he had heard about these people, he actually didn't know much about them. Since Verin was honored as the Knight of Zeferus, he has only interacted with the thirteen existing dragon knights in the Silver Dragon Berk Kingdom once - and that was at the banquet of the canonization ceremony.

At that time, everyone just exchanged a few words and did not communicate much.

If only Weilin came alone this time, maybe he would consider going to get to know him.

However, since his parents were also traveling in the caravan, this idea was dismissed in his mind.

After all, with elders present, many matters will inevitably be restricted.

So, Verin responded decisively: "Secretary Primo, please find a suitable place for me to live. As for Seaman Manor... Since the other three knights have rested here, I will I won’t bother them anymore.”

Primo smiled slightly, nodded in understanding, and replied: "Okay, everything will be in accordance with your will."

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