Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 676 Panic in Libek City

After the loss of the Thirteenth Pass of the Xiashan Ancient Road in Libek City, a large number of nobles and businessmen began to move eastward.

In the city lord's palace, the city lord Harvey Gaofrey looked gloomy. He summoned the generals who defended the city eight times in five days to discuss defense strategies.

In less than two months, all the ancient roads in Xiashan were lost. Due to the terrain of Libek City, it was easy to attack and difficult to defend, so he had to make plans in advance.

"Master, something bad is going on."

A butler broke into the study and delivered the letter to Harvey without paying any attention to the courtesy.

Harvey took the letter, opened it and checked it, his expression changed drastically.

Youhu Pass is more than 200 kilometers away from Libek City. It has forty-one territories, large and small, and a population of nearly three million. It all fell in less than three days.

"Go get General Ferry."

"Yes, Master."

In less than a moment, a bald man entered the study, beat his chest in salute, and said, "My Lord, what are your orders?"

"General Fei Rui, within three days, the enemy will be approaching the city. Do you have a way to deal with it?"

Fei Rui raised his head to look at Harvey and replied: "Lord City Lord, there are only 30,000 defenders in Libek City, and less than 10,000 soldiers can fight. Previously, General Warren, the leader of the Xiashan Ancient Road, asked for nearly 100,000 young men. There are less than 60,000 young men available to defend the city."

"As a result, there are less than 100,000 defenders left in Libek City." Harvey couldn't help but stand up, with a look of horror on his face.

Fei Rui was a little helpless towards this idiot boss, but he still kept his face respectful, nodded, and said yes.

"I regret that I should have been tougher if I had known that Warren was unreliable. It is my fault that the defense of Libek City is now empty!"

Fei Rui saw this and comforted him: "Lord City Lord, no one can imagine that Ability God's army is so brave. It is not your fault. Please rest assured and think about the strategy to defend the city."

"Yes, you are right. Send people to Her Royal Highness the Princess for help, and send people to mobilize the nobles in the rear. Once Libek City falls, they will not be able to think about it easy."

Seeing this, Fei Rui lowered his head to accept the order, beat his chest in salute, and left the study.

In the afternoon, hundreds of cavalry left the city of Libek and went to various baronies and viscounties in small groups to mobilize the nobles to participate in the war and spread the word that once the enemy troops broke through the city of Libek, they would slaughter the province of Libek for three months.

The province of Libek has four counties under its jurisdiction. Counts from all over the country have already brought their families and families to Solomon City in response to the kingdom's call. Now there are only some weak barons and viscounts left in the entire province. After receiving the recruitment order from Libek City, In order to value his life and power, he began to collect iron tools from the territory, recruit young men, and prepare to go to support Libek City.

Three days later, Devonshire led 500 knights from the Knights of the Star and Moon and 3,500 knights from two Crusader Temple Knights to the outskirts of Libek City.

Riding on a red phosphorus horse, Devonshire, escorted by several knights, came to a low hill three kilometers away from Libek City. From here, he looked into the distance and observed the city defense.

"Sir, there is someone in the distance, suspected to be an enemy spy." On the wall of Libek City, an Eryin soldier pointed into the distance and reported loudly.

The officer on duty on the west wall was a Five Seal warrior with excellent eyesight. He followed the direction pointed by his subordinates and found that more than ten enemy knights were spying on the defenses of Libek City.


Upon hearing this, a Three-Seal Knight quickly came to the officer on duty, leaned down to salute, and said loudly: "My lord, please give me your orders."

"Lead your troops to that hill, destroy the enemy sentries, and capture as many of them alive as possible."

"Yes, sir."

The knights of the Three Seals beat their chests and saluted, with excitement on their faces. They quickly walked down the city wall, gathered more than a hundred knights under their command, left Libek City through the west city gate, and headed towards the hills in the distance.

One hundred and thirteen knights faced off against more than a dozen enemy sentries, and he had the advantage.

"Captain, someone from the enemy army has left the city and is coming towards us." A low-level silver knight looked into the distance and turned to report to Devon Hill Hui, who was drawing.

After hearing his subordinate's words, Devonshire kept moving his hands, drawing while drawing, and asked: "Are you sure you can defeat the opponent?"

"Captain, there are only a hundred or so indigenous knights. In less than half an hour, my subordinates will be able to annihilate them." Hearing this, the low-level silver knight knew that the opportunity to perform had come, and answered loudly without any hesitation.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Defeat the opponent in half an hour. I'll give you a credit."

"Thank you, Captain."

After beating his chest and saluting, the low-ranking silver knight pulled down his visor, patted the red phosphorus horse on his crotch, used his right hand to take off his lance, and led his ten knights to form an array.

One silver low-level knight, three bronze high-level knights, four bronze heavy-level knights and three bronze low-level knights are the personnel configuration of the third team of the first squadron of the Knights of the Star and Moon.

"Today, the glory belongs to us."

Eleven knights formed a cone formation and rushed towards the enemy.

In less than a moment, the two armies collided, and the knight squad used its superior equipment and powerful strength to cut through the opponent's formation.

Pulling off the pieces of meat hanging on the armor, the low-level silver knight adjusted his team and took advantage of the opponent's formation to be unstable before charging again.

On the city wall, the officer on duty widened his eyes and opened his mouth, unable to believe what he saw.

"The enemy is going to massacre the city, so we have to send our families out as soon as possible."

At this moment, what he was thinking about was not anger and humiliation, but how to save his family.

When he first heard the news that the Thirteenth Pass of the Xiashan Ancient Road had fallen in less than two months, he had sneered at it and expressed disdain for the troops guarding the pass.

However, when he saw with his own eyes that the enemy broke through the defense line of a hundred soldiers with only eleven knights, his thoughts began to change dramatically.

In less than half an hour, the more than a hundred knights who were high-spirited when they set out on the expedition were now only more than forty embarrassed figures.

On the city wall, whether it was the sons of nobles or ordinary soldiers, fear surged in their hearts, and they no longer had the intention of defending the city of Libek to the death.

After taking down more than ten heads of the enemy who had entered the ranks, the low-level silver knight returned to Devonshire and saluted with his chest: "Captain, Carnegie reports to you that no one in our army was injured, and we killed fifty-three enemy knights, and there are thirteen heads that can be used as military merit certificates."

Devonshire put away the map, looked at the subordinates in front of him, smiled on his cold face, and said: "Not bad, but your foundation is not solid, you need to practice more when you go back, and after you capture the city of Libek, come to me after nine o'clock every night."

"Thank you, Captain." The low-level silver knight said loudly with excitement.

"Okay, it's time to go back."

After saying that, Devonshire led his men to leave this place and return to the military camp six kilometers away to wait for the arrival of the army.

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