Lord: Start with the Pioneer Knight

Chapter 91 Summary Meeting

After returning to the castle, Weilin directly ordered to build two ranches on the north side of the castle, one covering 300 acres and the other covering 500 acres, preparing to raise black-skinned pigs and Luoniu camels first, expand the scale, and prepare for future military training.

Because it was Weilin's order, Baird directly mobilized most of the civilians to join the construction. Even some young and middle-aged freemen who were building roads in the territory were pulled to the north of the castle to build ranches, not to mention the new freemen, all of them were thrown over to complete the lord's order as quickly as possible.

With the power of most of the young and middle-aged people in Qixing Lake, the two ranches were roughly completed in less than ten days, leaving only some details to be improved.

On January 15, 9722 of the Glorious Calendar, Weilin's fifteen guardian knights all gathered in the castle to attend a one-year summary meeting.

After a year, the two brothers Orlando and Hebrew have matured a lot, and Andrew and others who work with them are implicitly following their lead.

"Salute the Lord."

In the meeting room, the fourteen people stood up and saluted when they saw Weilin coming in.

"Sit down, sit down."

Weilin came to the main seat, said to the others with a smile, and then sat down.

The fourteen people sat on the stools one after another after hearing this.

Kyle, as Weilin's personal bodyguard, came behind him and looked at everyone present.

"A year ago, I promised that whichever side of you wins will get my reward."

"Now let's start reporting."

"Let's start with Orlando and the others."

Orlando stood up after hearing this, saluted Weilin, and then began to report: "The one-year development operation has developed 600 square kilometers of territory, built a development town, three villages, two logging sites, a mining site, a blue-purple horse breeding farm, twelve outposts, a population of 8,500 people, and 32,000 acres of land have been reclaimed."

"In terms of the army, in addition to the ten taken away by the Lord, In addition to the five knight attendants and three squadrons of 150 soldiers, there are 800 troops, of which 300 are professional soldiers, all of whom have entered the warrior apprentice stage, and the remaining 500 are militiamen, about one-third of whom have become warrior apprentices. "

"There are currently 95 knight attendants in my department, 35 of whom are under my command, 30 under Hebrew, and 30 knight attendants under the master-apprentice system of Andrew and others."

"In terms of supplies..."

A few minutes later, according to Orlando's report, Weilin basically mastered the intelligence of the development area.

In general, the newly developed area greatly exceeded Weilin's expectations and proved Orlando's ability to him.

"From now on, the development town will be renamed Orlando Town. As a lower-level administrative district of the Lake of Praying Stars, the army quota is 800, and the remaining number of soldiers will be made up by you."

"Thank you, my lord."

Orlando listened to his master's words and replied excitedly.

Hebrew, who was sitting next to Orlando, was even more excited than his brother. If it weren't for this serious occasion, he would have jumped up excitedly.

After letting Orlando take a seat, Weilin looked at Baird and motioned him to start.

"The original area of ​​Qixing Lake was 150 square kilometers. This year, it expanded 300 square kilometers to the north. Now it has an area of ​​450 square kilometers. There is a town, three original villages, and four newly built villages in the past three months, a total of seven villages, five logging sites, a salt mine, six ice blue grass magic plantations, and six outposts. The population is more than 16,000 people, of which 7,000 are newly moved free people."

"There are 1,600 troops, 500 professional troops, 300 garrisons, and 800 militiamen. Among them, the professional troops and garrisons have become warrior apprentices, and about 100 militiamen have embarked on the path of warrior professionals. There are 37 knight attendants."

"In terms of supplies, there are 60,000 gold coins, 15 million kilograms of food, and 550 sets of leather armor..."

As expected of Baird, even when facing a talented player like Orlando, he can firmly suppress him.

Weilin looked at Baird, who had serious dark circles under his eyes, and nodded in admiration, then said to everyone: "I declare Baird the winner."

No one objected after this statement.

The facts were in front of them, and they could not disagree with the master's judgment.

Even Orlando had to admit that Baird won this time.

Not to mention the distant past, take the magical plant of ice blue grass as an example. Without Baird's careful discovery, it would be impossible for Qixing Lake to have an economic pillar to support their rapid development.

"Kyle, let someone carry the things in."


A few minutes later, two knight attendants carried a large wooden box into the conference room.

Weilin walked up and opened the wooden box. There were many items inside, six low-level magic crystals, a mithril dagger, three sets of excellent knight armor, three excellent knight swords and a seven-color life flower, one by one.

"From now on, these things belong to Baird and the team he leads. How to distribute them is up to you."

After dealing with the affairs of the previous year, Weilin returned to the main seat, leaned on the back of the chair, supported his chin with his left hand, and said: "This year, we have three goals."

Hearing this, Baird and others straightened their sitting postures and looked at Weilin.

"First, expand at least 400 square kilometers of territory to the north."

"Andrew, Greg, Mike, Dosius, Alf, Adolf."

Every time Weilin read a name, a guardian knight stood up and saluted him.

"You six will be separated from Orlando's men and form a new pioneering team. I will allocate you 200 troops, 3,000 people and some supplies. I hope you can bring me a surprise this time next year."

"I will definitely live up to the trust of my master and fight for my life to complete the task."

Weilin nodded, then asked them to sit down and continued.

"Second, absorb the population and use this east wind to expand the population of the territory as much as possible."

"Qixing Town and Orlando Town must be prepared to establish related industries to absorb more people, while avoiding unrest and endangering the security of the territory."

"Yes, my master." Baird and Orlando responded.


An ordinary-looking knight stood up and saluted Weilin with his chest.

"Next, you will be responsible for following me and planning the layout of the five industries. The task is heavy, and I hope you are ready."

"I understand." Randolph took on the task calmly without much excitement.

"In the new year, I hope we will go all out to make our homeland stronger."

"Randolph stays, and the rest of you leave."


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