Ronin looked at the young man kneeling on one knee in front of him. Not only did he not run away, but he took the initiative to come to him and offer his loyalty. This was a very courageous thing.

Because the other party could not be sure whether the new lord would accept this loyalty or hand over a sword.

"You are very courageous."

Ronin looked at the guards who also knelt down around him, "Are these soldiers from the Reed family?"

"Yes, sir!"

Simon kept kneeling on one knee, "For the stability of the city in the past two days, I led people to appease and suppress some people who made trouble, and also prevented many people from escaping from the Purple Thunder Territory."


Ronin raised his eyebrows. He remembered the scene he had just seen in the sky. The entire Purple Thunder Territory did seem relatively calm and did not fall into a state of chaos and disorder.

"How did you do it?"

Simon was still very nervous. He still didn't know what the other party's attitude was, so he could only answer seriously.

"I arrested the troublemakers. I told those who wanted to flee that even if they went to the Principality of Vera, they would be reduced to serfs, or even worse, without land, houses, or anything else! It would be better to stay in the Purple Thunder Territory. After all, there are a lot of fields and people who need to be taken care of. Even if the Marquis takes back the Earldom, he will not massacre the people here."

In short, if you flee your hometown, you will have a high probability of living a bad life, and if you stay in your hometown, you still have a chance of survival.

Roning nodded slightly. Although people on the land of the defeated lord are prone to becoming slaves, this is not always the case.

And the population of the Earldom of Hyde is so large that it is not easy to deal with hundreds of thousands of slaves at once.

Simon was able to realize this and did two key things. Although it was a bit self-willed, it was enough to show his ability and decisiveness and prove his worth.

This can be regarded as his pledge of allegiance to the new lord of the Purple Thunder Territory.

"I haven't heard of the Reed family and you. Please introduce yourself."

Hearing this, Simon's tense heartstrings relaxed a bit. When someone wants to know you, things are not too bad.

After the other party's introduction, Roning had a certain understanding of the Reed family.

This family is the only baron family under Viscount Tiny. Since Simon's father, Baron Nig, has a silver peak knight, when rewarding the territory, Tiny allocated the northeast corner of the Purple Thunder Territory to the Reed family, allowing them to guard the foot of the mountain to prevent the monsters from going down the mountain and endangering the safety of the territory.

Although Baron Nig died in this battle, Simon's strength is still good-high-level peak knight, intermediate magician, and his mother is also a high-level magician.

If Viscount Tiny had not been defeated, Simon would have inherited the baron position, and the Reed family would not have declined.

Roning was quite satisfied with Simon and his mother Julia.

Especially the former, with the other party assisting McKen in managing the Purple Thunder Territory, it should be twice the result with half the effort.

Just to be honest, Roning is Simon's father's murderer. Will the latter be loyal to him wholeheartedly?

Roning pondered for a long time before speaking: "I can accept your loyalty, but you must accept my conditions."

Simon raised his head, "Please speak!"

"First, I will confiscate the territory of the Reed family."

Roning has so many followers, even Redar, McKen and others are only governors, and have not been granted land or titles.

He can't let a defeated person who surrenders to him become the first baron of Wubei Territory.

Simon's eyes flashed, he knew it would be like this.

Just thinking that the territory belonging to his family was suddenly gone, he was still very sad.

But he knew that he had no right to refuse.

"But your family follows me as extraordinary people. According to the talent introduction policy of Wubei Territory, I will leave you a part of the land according to the rules."

Hearing this, Simon felt a little better.

"Second, I value your ability. My Silver Moon Knight McKen will become the governor of Purple Thunder Territory, and I will arrange for you to assist him in handling the affairs of Purple Thunder Territory."

Hearing this, Simon's eyes shrank suddenly.

"Silver... Silver Moon level?"

He has never seen a Silver Moon Knight since he was born, but now he is asked to assist such a strong man?

Roning's mouth curled up slightly, letting the other party know McKen's strength, which is a deterrent.

In the face of absolute strength, even if the other party is a local snake or has some thoughts, he must restrain himself.

"And the third point, the swamp town in Wubei Territory is my magic base. I am impressed by your mother's strength. If she is willing, I hope she can live and work in the swamp town."

Roning said: "In the swamp town, she can get in touch with more magic knowledge, master the method of making magic potions, and have the opportunity to get guidance from Elron Magister in her cultivation."


Simon was stunned.

He didn't hear it wrong, Roning had a Silver Moon Knight under his command, which was already very amazing, and now there is another magician?

Two level eight transcendents!

"No, more than that!"

Simon looked at Ronin, and then at Carlos who was giving him great pressure in the yard. He knew that the man and the beast in front of him were also very powerful!

This Count Ronin was really amazing.

Perhaps following him was a very good choice.

However, Ronin's request for Julia to go to Wubei Territory made Simon feel troubled.

Although he probably knew what Luo Ning meant, Wubei Territory was too far away after all, and he didn't know how long it would take to see him there.

He asked cautiously: "Sir, can I go to Wubei Territory to visit my mother?"

Luo Ning smiled slightly, "Of course. Not only can you go to Wubei Territory, but your mother can also return to Purple Thunder Territory. I have not restricted your freedom."

Simon breathed a sigh of relief.

As he thought before, he didn't really have any other choice.

Agree, it can preserve the family's normal life, which is at least better than that of ordinary free people.

And if you refuse, you don’t know what the result will be, and it won’t be a good result anyway.

"Sir, I can accept your first two points. The third point requires me to accept it on behalf of my mother first, but please allow me to go home and inform her before I can reply to you."

Luo Ning nodded slightly, and it could be seen that the other party was a person who cared about his family.

"I think your mother would agree."

He took out a bottle of advanced enhancement potion from the space ring and handed it to Simon: "Drink it."

Simon took the potion bottle. He didn't understand that it contained an enhancement potion, and subconsciously thought of the poison that controlled people.

Using poison to force his mother to agree?

Could it be that people from the Wushan family would use such despicable methods?

This was a thought that flashed through his mind, but he didn't dare to say it.

At this point, Simon had no other choice. He quickly unscrewed the bottle cap and drank the potion in one gulp.

As the feeling of heat came over him, the fighting energy in his body also surged. He subconsciously thought that the poison was about to attack.

It was just that this feeling lasted for a moment, but it didn't bring him any pain.

And as the potion was about to disappear, a burst of cyan light flashed across his body.

"I broke through!"

Simon felt the power of becoming stronger in disbelief, and then looked at Luo Ning in confusion: "Sir, your potion?"

When Luo Ning heard that the opponent was a high-level peak knight, he thought of using a bottle of enhancement potion to try, but unexpectedly he succeeded in helping the opponent break through.

He smiled and said: "This is what I need your mother to help make, a magic potion that can improve the knight's cultivation."

Simon was shocked at first. He didn't expect there to be such a magical potion with such incredible power.

Then there was a burst of blushing.

He first thought that asking his mother to make magic potion was a fake, and then he thought that the other party gave him poison.

Now it turns out that Luo Ning did not deceive him, but that he had been speculating with a villain's heart.

Simon performed the knightly salute sincerely: "Thank you, sir, for your gift. From today on, your order is my direction of progress!" (End of Chapter)

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