The lords around him looked at this man, but they shook their heads slightly.

“Thirty thousand gold coins to buy secret steel stones, I’m afraid it’s not a dream.”

“The market price of secret steel stone, the minimum is 50,000.”

“Brother, this is an old liar, forget it.”

“This old guy has been selling here for three days, presumably to pit some new lords who have found treasures.”

“I know this old guy, it’s a secret steel stone pour.”

Dump is the name of the merchant who sells secret steel stone.

Seeing Lu Cang stop in front of this stall.

The lords also reminded.

What Lu Cang was showing now was not the identity of the cursed person.

Therefore, the lords are still relatively kind.

But if you expose your identity.

It is estimated that it is almost like terrorists appearing on the street.

This old man did not make a sound.

Instead, it is quietly watching the landing cang.

Half a day later.

“Think about it, sell secret steel stone, but it is not so easy to sell.”

“Fifty thousand can come out, but if you want to come out, I don’t know how many days it will take.”

“In my place, thirty thousand, I can eat it in seconds.”

“Thirty-five thousand, it’s not impossible.”

The old man was not in a hurry.

He has also been collecting here for a long time, that is, collecting an urgent money.

“Okay, that’s thirty-five thousand.”

“Trade it.”

From his backpack, Lu Cang took out 20 units of Secret Steel Stone.

What Lu Cang does not lack most now is the material of secret steel stone.

The treasure in the eyes of others, the waste stone in Lu Cang’s eyes.

“Haha, brother is a cheerful man.”

“20 units, that’s a lot.”

“Obviously, I only need 10 units, but you give me 20.”

“Thanks to the fact that you met me, I ate it all.”

“If you sell this consignment, I’m afraid it will take a year and a half to sell out.”

“If you put it in the trading bank, you may have to charge a 10% handling fee.”

“You can’t make much more money when you come and go.”

“So you make time, I make money, and everyone is happy.”

The old man pays quickly.

Lu Cang also quickly handed him the Secret Steel Stone.

In this world, don’t worry about the existence of fakes.

After leaving the old man’s stall.

Lu Cang threw away the money bag in his hand.

“Seven hundred thousand gold coins.”

“It’s almost worth my bounty.”

“Is my human head worth 30 units of Secret Steel Stone?”

“It’s really cheap.”

Lu Cang weighed the money bag in his hand.

Thinking of his own bounty, he couldn’t help but laugh at himself.

Subsequently, I walked around the trading market.

Some supplies, bought from the lords, were more convenient.

In particular, some of the materials of the Holy Order.

If it can be bought directly, it will be resolved as a gene.

There must be a substantial increase in combat effectiveness.

It also provides a more ample chance of victory for the day after tomorrow to attack the city of Lower Bayer.


【Central Area】

【Alliance Headquarters】

【Disciplinary Department】

Marlly looked at the latest news.

Take a deep breath of the cigar in your hand.

“Lu Cang, Lu Cang again.”

“One man repelled a legion of lords of a hundred men.”

“It’s really fierce.”

“How can I have an ominous premonition?”

Marlborough pondered while biting his cigar.

He then clicked on a chat window.

“How long will it take for the Eighth King of the Holy Order, as well as the female monsters of the Holy Order?”

“Back to the minister.”

“That female monster is about to be killed by us.”

“Wang Ba can’t protect her, and it is estimated that there are still three days left to successfully round up and kill these two disasters.”

“However, the Giant Mountain Lord also fell a Saint Rank Sky Giant.”

“The Juyue Lord is very unhappy right now and is clamoring for more loot.”

“Three days.”

“Help me ask if there will be any Holy Order Lords in three days who want to crusade against that Lu Cang.”

“Huh? Crusade against Lu Cang? ”

“That fifth-order cursed person?”

“Your Honor, isn’t it a bit too much to let the Holy Order crusade against a Fifth Order Lord… Too much? ”

In fact, excesses are not enough to highlight such exaggerations.

This is like using a nuclear bomb to bomb mosquitoes.

Holy Order Lord, not to mention the use of troops to fight, even if it is only himself, he can crush the eighth-order lord who is going all out at will.

A fifth order.

It’s too much of a fuss.

“Less, just ask.”


The cigar fell to the ground.

Back to God, unconsciously.

He had already broken all the cigars in his mouth.

He was able to do this position somewhat on the basis of some wild intuition.

In his intuition.

Thinking that this Lu Cang is very dangerous.

Very, very, very much more dangerous than usual.

“Lu Cang.”


While Lu Cang was wandering around Beyer City.

The nest was not idle.

Now that the nest is advanced, it can still be swallowed by materials.

Only one of the three hearts goes into hibernation.

Therefore, it is still possible to resolve genes.

【Holy Star Ring Crystal Analysis Completed】

【You have unlocked gene: Star Ring Nerve】

[Star Ring Nerve – For your class, a protective star ring is formed in the nerves, and the star ring can absorb a large number of nerve/spirit/mind/soul type attacks, so that the species is protected from its damage. 】

[Scope of application: All classes with nerves.] 】

The parsing is finally complete.

The analysis of this Sacred Star Ring Crystal was much longer than Lu Cang thought.

It is different from the Secret Steel Stone.

The Sacred Star Ring Crystal, a substance that belongs to the mind/soul type.

Its particularity is far more complicated than the simple harder and more complex than the secret steel stone with various attack resistance.

Deconstructing its principles is also more complicated.

Once the deconstruction is complete.

Genes can also be formed.

【Gene point consumption: 100,000】

“Unlock the Star Ring Nerve.”

In this instant, Lu Cang felt that in his own nerves.

A little bit of starlight emerged.

These stars move around their own nerve fibers.

Moreover, a part of the stars surrounds their brains.

“Gazers, mental shocks.”

Hum —

Somewhere in the city of Bayer, one eye quietly opened.

It stared at Lu Cang instantly.

However, Lu Cang did not feel any abnormality in his body.

Looking inward, I only saw some starlight dimming slightly.

The spiritual shock has been absorbed by these stars.

At this point, I’m afraid it’s really invincible.

Star Ring Nerve – Can resist the spiritual attacks of the Holy Order.

Secret Steel Organization – Defends against the physical attacks of the Holy Order, as well as most energy/elemental attacks with physical attack effects.

Physically and mentally, both to the extreme.

The gazer attacks itself and is not considered to be in a state of combat.

Therefore, it still maintains a mimetic state.

With Lu Cang coming to this [Beyer City]

Unconsciously, in the “Beyer City”, more and more flesh and blood creatures were also stationed.

However, these flesh-and-blood creatures are hiding in dark corners.

And with the ability to mimimerate, completely hide themselves.

It will not be discovered by anyone.

Every step Lu Cang stepped on the ground, the ground would turn into bright red flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood quickly mimicked and turned back into unpretentious streets.

And in the city of Bayer, a gloomy underground waterway.

With the infiltration of the assimilation of Lu Cang.

The sewers were already covered with bright red flesh.

On the flesh and blood, an embryo sac has appeared.

One by one, the fleshy worms reproduce from the embryonic sac.

Assimilation of the underground.

As for the polluted water, it gradually turns into a bright red gravy.

To use blood to describe it, too, there is no difference.

“Boss, how do you sell this resource?”

Lu Cang came to a stall.

I took a fancy to a resource called Shadow Grass.

Laughing and talking to the owner about the price.

At the same time, in the earth, there are also tubes of flesh.

Connecting countless areas.

In the eastern central district, the territory of the dozens of lords who wanted to fight themselves and survive.

Tubes of flesh have been connected underground to the city of Bayer.

At the same time, in the Far East, hundreds of lords’ cities.

They also extended out a series of meat tubes and gathered towards the city of Bayer.

It was as if a huge net had formed.

Nowhere else, not a meat tube.

Lu Cang’s arms can lead to any place anytime, anywhere.

“Brother, you are really aware of the goods, this shadow grass, can enhance the dark resistance of the class.”

“Especially in the face of the evil class of the cursed.”

“Dark patience can play a huge role.”

Ordinary lords cultivate troops, all of which are cultivated one by one.

Some powerful, potential classes.

Even on him, throw a lot of resources.

Its combat effectiveness is also much higher than that of other beings of the same rank.

In contrast, if this being is dead.

This lord had to be grieved for a long time.

“Okay, I’ll buy all these things from you.”

“How many gold coins are there?”

“Huh? Bought them all? ”

“You are really my great nobleman!”

“Gold coins… I do the math. ”

“A total of three thousand gold coins, no need to find change, originally about three thousand two, give you a little discount.”

Lu Cang casually threw out three thousand gold coins.

Put all the things on the other side’s stall into the backpack.

And unconsciously, the parasitic eye had also climbed onto his body.

Invisible eyes.

Wander the streets.

These lords were unaware.

His own body had been crawled up to something strange.

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