No matter how Liu Yuanfang stopped her, Xiaoqian just bought a bag of fruit and carried it into the car.

After Liu Yuanfang got in the car, she said,"I'm asking you to spend money. You have a bad temper.

It's very rare that you can follow me to visit my old mother.

If I don't let you buy it, you just have to buy it!""

"This is human nature!

It only costs a few pennies to buy some fruit. I just make your old mother like it!

So I can step through the door"


Thanks for your kindness!"

The two of them were talking and laughing, and the car felt cooler as they walked halfway up the mountain.

The car stopped at the roadside of the village where Liu Yuanfang's mother lived.

Xiaoqian and Liu Yuanfang got out of the car.

Looking around, they saw fields covered with fields. The surrounding bamboo forests and woods are green and lush, and the air is cool!

It’s really an idyllic scene!

Xiaoqian said,"I never imagined that Chongqing would have such a beautiful place?

You grew up here, so your face is pink.

If you had grown up in Chongqing, where the stove was, your face would have been roasted black."

"You can't say that, you haven't seen that many girls in Chongqing have pink faces, they are all pretty girls!

How many faces are dark."

You grew up in Yiliang, the weather is still very hot, but your face is still pink.

I saw your photos, you were still a beauty when you were young."

"What beauty?

There are already wrinkles on my forehead!

It's not like your forehead is still flat."

The two of them were talking and laughing freely, looking very close!

Liu Yuanfang took Xiaoqian into the village and found Liu Yuanfang's brother's home. He only saw the old mother weeding in the vegetable field.

She hurried to the field.

It was very She called out affectionately"Mom!

I'm back to visit your old man!"

When my mother saw Liu Yuanfang, she hurriedly dropped the hoe in her hand, hugged Liu Yuanfang tightly and said,"Mom, I miss you so much!"

I've been waiting for you every day, I've been waiting for you for a long time, I finally got you!

Why are you coming back alone?

Liu Yuanfang asked Xiaoqian to go over.

She pulled Xiaoqian and said,"Mom!"

She is a teacher in our school. We went on a business trip to Chengdu together. After finishing our work, we rushed to see you together.

Xiaoqian quickly said:"Auntie!"

Your grandma has such a strong body!

It’s nice to be able to weed the fields too!"

"When people get old, it’s easier to do some light work, but they can’t move and stay idle!

I am very happy that you can accompany your daughter to visit me!"

Xiaoqian was going to help the aunt up the ridge.

But the old man went up without any effort!

When he got home, the old man saw Xiaoqian carrying the fruit.

He said to her:"You were not empty-handed just now. Why did you suddenly go up? Just bring fruit?

Can you come and see me. Even if it’s not bad.

It made me feel embarrassed to bring fruits from a long way away.

You know etiquette so well!"

"I asked her not to buy it, but she insisted on buying it.

There was nothing she could do."Liu Yuanfang said

"This is my way of honoring my aunt!"

While they were talking, a woman in her fifties came in.

Liu Yuanfang hurriedly shouted:"Sister-in-law!

This teacher and I went on a business trip to Chengdu, and we were delayed in Chengdu for two days.

Because I came in a hurry, I didn't bring anything.

I can only give you this little money.

Help you arrange the living expenses of your family."As she spoke, Liu Yuanfang took out some money from her pocket and gave it to her sister-in-law.

Liu Yuanfang's sister-in-law said she didn't want it, but she quickly took the money and counted it. She put it in her trouser bag without any ceremony.

This This action surprised Xiaoqian!

It's true; the village scenery is very nice, and the mother is not weak...

But the sister-in-law is so shameless, she only accepts the money without saying thank you.

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