While Lin Lin and Xiao Qiong were discussing, the aunt had already bought the paper money.

She lit the paper money and walked around Lin Lin three times.

As he walked around, he silently shouted something.

After a while, a miracle happened!

Lin Lin said,"My feet feel much lighter, and walking is not as difficult as before."

Xiaoqiong said in disbelief,"Maybe it's your psychology."


I won't coax you!"Lin Lin said,

Xiao Qiong said;"If that's true. The instructions are amazing!

In the past I was skeptical about doing this kind of thing.

Today, through your feeling, I believe it!"

After the aunt burned the paper money, she took Lin Lin and the two of them to the Huidong Bridge.

Walking to the Huidong Bridge, the aunt was next to the railing of the bridge where Lin Lin's biological mother jumped into the river. After lighting the paper money again, she stood on the bridge pier. While talking, he burned it, and then threw the lit paper money into the river.

While throwing it, he said:"Lin Lin and his wife came to see the place where you jumped into the river today. Don't worry about them anymore. You can be in heaven peacefully." spent.

She told Lin Lin:"Your biological mother jumped into the river from here.""

Lin Lin asked;"Didn't anyone see it at that time?"

"The river was not big at that time, so I don’t know if anyone saw it or not.

Your father found out. I walked along both sides of the river from Huidong Bridge to the Dog Street Railway Bridge. I walked for nearly 20 to 30 miles and still couldn't find it until dark. the next day. With a glimmer of hope, your father spent another morning looking for it, searching all the places on both sides of the river where the body might be blocked, but he still didn't find it."

Xiaoqiong thought for a while and said,"I suspect that when she was about to jump, someone stopped her and rescued her!

So my father searched for two days but couldn't find her. And the river was not big at that time"

"She didn't jump down, why didn't she turn around and pick me up and raise me?

I am her biological flesh and blood! Lin Lin said.

After a while, Xiaoqiong said,"I guess she is too embarrassed to come back and hug you again."

If she comes around to hug you, she won't leave you to daddy.

Maybe you were rescued by an unmarried rural boy who saw that your biological mother was young and beautiful, so he rescued her and got her married. Already had children"

"It is impossible for my biological mother to marry a stranger easily.

This is just your guess."Lin Lin said

"You don’t want to think about it, your biological mother has been cornered and was rescued.

In order to repay the kindness of saving your life, marrying someone should be a common thing in the world."Xiao Qiong said"

"It's possible that your wife is talking about it, and the neighbors all say this.

There was a young girl here. She couldn't figure it out for some reason, so she went to Huidong Bridge and tried to commit suicide by jumping into the river. She was later saved by a young man.

She followed this young man to Lu Liang's home and married him. Lin

Lin listened to what his aunt said and was thinking silently;"Listening to what they said, maybe my biological mother is not dead."

Otherwise, the river was not very big, and my father searched repeatedly along both sides of the river but could not find any trace of his biological mother.

As for whether she is married or not, it is difficult to say.

Maybe after saving her, he could go to a temple and become a nun.

This is very possible.

Is there any temple nearby?

I want to look for it.

But there are too many things going on in the coal mine, and it is impossible to delay any more," Lin Lin said to Xiaoqiong and her aunt:"What you said makes sense, but I also guessed that my biological mother might have gone to some temple to have her hair cut off and become a nun.

But because There are too many things going on in our coal mine. We can't delay any more. We have to rush back to Fuyuan today.

Otherwise, we will go to various temples around to look for it."

Xiaoqiong said;"What you said is possible, but we don't have time to look for it.

We will look for her again next year when she visits Yang Yuanyuan's grave.

I hope she is not dead. If so, we will find her no matter what."

"However, what you say is all speculation.

Only finding her is reality.

Go back quickly, you have to rush back today.

Don't delay any longer."Auntie said


We listened to my aunt, so we went to a restaurant to eat together. After dinner, we went to the bus station and took the bus back."

It's true; there are all kinds of speculations about the birth mother, but she has not appeared for more than 20 years.

Whether it is a guess or reality, even the fortune teller can't tell.

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