(Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, so I will make an exception and upload a chapter for everyone to read.)

Ever since Jiang Hua came to his house for a heart-to-heart talk,

He Yu began to settle down and work in the Bureau of Culture and Education.

As long as something happens to Jiang Hua, He Yu will work wholeheartedly for him.

Because Jiang Hua didn't know much about the education situation of various communes in the county, he took He Yu with him whenever he went to the countryside.

He Yu is familiar with the education situation in various communes, and everywhere he goes, school leaders and teachers respect He Yu very much.

Getting things done goes relatively smoothly.

Jiang Hua slowly improved in their minds.

Sun Huixi was very jealous.

As long as there is a task of going to the countryside to support farmers, He Yu will be transferred.

In the spring of 1981, He Yu was sent to Dahe Commune by Sun Huixi to engage in spring plowing production by converting sloping land to flat land.

He Yu has been away for less than half a month. Yanyan was unconscious all day long. Xiaoqian was very anxious.

I went to the hospital for a checkup and found out that he was in hepatic coma and I was asked to be hospitalized immediately.

Because Xiaoqian serves as the head teacher of a class, no one can replace her for a while.

If Yanyan is taken to the hospital, Lin Lin and Honghong will have no one to take care of them, and they will have nothing to eat.

Xiaoqian first called Sun to explain the situation and ask if He Yu could come back for a few days and take Yanyan to the hospital.

But Sun Huixi actually said:"I have no right to notify him to come back. This is a matter for the government office.""

"This is a matter for government offices, you go to them and tell them."

Xiaoqian was crying when she spoke.

"Don't you cry!

I have already told you that I have no right to control it. It is only directly managed by the government office. It is useless for you to talk to me!"

Xiaoqian called the county government office, explained the situation, and asked He Yu to come back for a few days to take Yanyan to the hospital.

But the person who answered the phone heard that He Yu's wife was sick because of the baby, and asked He Yu to take a few days off to come back. sky


Put down the phone.

Xiaoqian felt strange!

It turned out that He Yu said that he was a good friend with the director of the government office. Why is this strange thing happening now!

Xiaoqian cried sadly.

After hearing this, several teachers said, She came up with the idea and asked her to carry Yanyan directly to the government office to see if they were sympathetic.

With the encouragement of some teachers, Xiaoqian boldly carried Yanyan to the county government office to ask for leave for He Yu, but was unable to do so. People dare to take a stand!

Xiaoqian cried sadly and begged, but the person on duty in the office said,"If you have a minor illness, just take it to the hospital and buy some medicine. Why bother with all the troops?"

He Yu is very busy working down there and cannot come back."

The newly transferred Principal Yin learned that Xiaoqian was carrying the baby to the government office. She also rushed to the office and saw Xiaoqian crying and standing at the door of the office with the baby on her back.

She said to Xiaoqian:"It turns out that He Yu is a cultural and educational student. Sent by the bureau, he has every right to do so. Notify He Yu directly.

Sun Huixi had a bad idea and asked you to come to the government office to find him.

If I find out, I will take you to find Sun Huixi directly.

In this situation, given his 120 courage, would he dare to disagree?

I won't let you come here.

This is an issue that exceeds authority. Sun Huixi brought the conflict to the government office, but of course they refused.

However, since you are already here, follow me in and explain the situation to them again and again. They can't ignore it.

Principal Yin took Xiaoqian into the office.

Help Xiaoqian explain the situation.

The person on duty in the office said:"Why do you, a principal, come to the office to plead for Teacher Zhao?

You can just help her arrange her work and let her take the child to the hospital. Why go to the government to help?"

Although Principal Yin has a daughter, she has a tough personality and is a bit aggressive. She is a person who is not afraid of heaven and earth.

She said to the person on duty:"It's no problem if I can arrange it!

But she has three children, so what if she has no one to take care of her?

Besides, the child is so sick that even if a man comes here for two days, it won't work. ?

Do you need a little bit of humanitarianism?"

"You are the principal of your fifth middle school, and you are in charge of the county government office?

You really don’t know the heights of the world.

When Principal Yin heard about the will-o'-the-wisp, she said to her,"If the road is uneven, everyone will step on it. If things are unfair, I will take care of them."

I don't believe it. How big is your position? Come and take off my principal hat!

I don’t tolerate this kind of cowardice. If I’m transferred to No. 5 Middle School, I don’t want to come! it's good now!

Meet you! What if you have the right?

Remove me now!

I will definitely thank you!"

This person on duty is quite courageous. He doesn't know that the man of Principal Yin is a big official in the Qujing area.

Otherwise Principal Yin would not dare to say this to him!

She heard the harsh tone of Principal Yin's words, which shows that She didn't dare to say this to herself without a backing.


Yanyan's sudden hepatic coma made Xiaoqian very anxious.

The person named Sun was unreasonable and even bullied a small clerk.

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