In the evening, He Yu asked the captain to summon the leadership team and several educated young men to discuss how to improve the soil and increase land fertility.

The deputy captain said:"I suggest!

We not only ask every household to take out the dung from the pig pens and horse pens as soon as possible and let it ferment.

Then we mobilize every household to remove the sludge from the underground ditches in front of and behind each house. , fish it out cleanly and thoroughly, and then dry it in the sun.

Each family will be given work points according to the amount of sludge and sent to the fields.

This sludge is such a good fertilizer."

"This method Lao Li said is really good. In my private plot, my father asks me to take some out and put it away every year.

It has a great effect on improving soil fertility."said a young man

"Want it!

Just do as the vice-captain says!

Let the accountant calculate how many work points are required for one hundred kilograms."said the captain

"This idea is great!

The sludge in the underground ditch has been transformed into humus after years of decay and fermentation of various vegetable leaves, leaves, and other animals and plants.

This is a natural organic fertilizer.

Although it smells bad, it is really good for improving soil fertility!

But for hundreds of acres of land, just a little ditch mud is not enough.

Let's brainstorm, think of other ways, and come up with ideas!

Can you come up with some more ideas?"He Yu said, when everyone was thinking about it, suddenly a young man said:

"I saw in a magazine that coal slime that has not rotted into coal is mixed with some fertilizer.

Let it ferment for more than half a month.

Then when sowing corn. Then mix it with farmyard manure.

Sprinkle a small handful into each corn nest pond.

Not only is the corn growing vigorously, but the corn cobs produced are very large and the corn seeds are very full.、"

"Are you telling the truth? Has it been verified by experts?"The vice-captain asked suspiciously.、

"That's not true, it's just being tested. However, I personally think it should be a new type of good fertilizer.

We might as well give it a try."The young man named Xiao said

"Give it a try?

We cannot use hundreds of acres of land as experimental ground.

What if there are several hundred acres and all the corn sown is destroyed? With thousands of mouths open, you have to drink the northwest wind!

Do you dare to take full responsibility?"said the captain

"I will take this responsibility with him!"

He Yu said

"My Comrade He!

The captain is right!

This is no joke, just a child's play!

You get a salary of dozens of dollars a month. How many people can it feed?

How dare you take responsibility with him?

Stop making international jokes!

It is better to consider the methods used by our ancestors, which will be more practical and reassuring."The vice-captain said

"Listen to me!

Since it dares to be published in a magazine, it shows that there is a certain scientific reason.

Do you know how coal is produced?

You guys, don't talk about it for now.

I want to test them.

Does anyone know?"He Yu asked


There was a moment of silence!

"Nobody knows?

Therefore, young people who are still literate know more and accept more new knowledge. Dare to think, dare to venture, dare to do!

I tell you!

Coal turned the earth upside down, burying forests underground.

After tens of millions of years, or hundreds of millions of years of corrosion.

If it takes a short time, it will rot into firewood or coal slime.

What lasts a long time is the coal we all burn.

So slime is also caused by the decay of trees by bacteria.

Trees themselves are organic matter, and after years of corrosion, they turn into organic fertilizer like ditch mud.

In addition, together with chemical fertilizers, after more than half a month of fermentation, it is a modern and new type of good fertilizer.

Unfortunately, there is not much coal slime and it cannot be promoted nationwide."He Yu said

"There is one on Boom Mountain in Dongshan Mountain not far from our place. And a lot!

People there cannot use it and treat it as waste.

No one knew it was a baby."Xiao Xiao means

"Are you telling the truth? He Yuwen

"How could I lie to you?

Exactly the same as what was introduced in the magazine?"Xiao Xiao said

"So great!

God helps me!"He Yu said happily.

It's true: there is infinite wisdom and power hidden in the masses. As long as ideas are allowed to come out, everything can be changed.

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