Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 309 Although the numbers are outrageous, they are unexpectedly reasonable (please recommend

Subtitle: "I won't help you anymore!"

[Before entering today’s plot, there is a pre-judgment that must be made! 】

[To add here, the reason why Circe didn’t have judgments like ‘attitude’ and ‘favor’ is simply because I didn’t consider her this time]

[However, because of the abnormal enthusiasm of a certain group member, he customized some weird things, so here is a special treat]

[The dice content of some characters needs to be specially customized, and ordinary templates cannot be used. For example, Circe, it must be determined in this way]

[Circe thinks her attitude towards Lu Mingfei or Circe’s true attitude towards Lu Mingfei]



【.Although the number is outrageous, it is surprisingly reasonable】

[Then let’s make an exception after a long absence——]

[Lu Mingfei’s ‘attitude’ towards Circe: 1D50+50=29+50=79 (lost, completely lost)]

【.Can we still save it? Since Circe’s attitude towards Lu Mingfei is a specially customized dice, then Lu Mingfei should also have a specially customized dice towards Circe]

[Although Lu Mingfei’s attitude towards Circe is just a friendly one, is it possible that he is just unhappy because he was forced to make up lessons, but he is actually towards the beautiful girl]

[Lu Mingfei’s ‘favorability’ towards Circe: 1D150+50=37+50=87]

【.Lost, completely lost】

[Then, based on the numerical content of the above dice points, start making up the story on the spot! 】


Kadok, who is addicted to machinery, should be the person most likely to notice this.

But, after all, the opportunity was missed.

Thinking about it carefully, although BB has been acting casually and pretending that people don't know what she is thinking, this may be her plan from the beginning.

She had already investigated Chaldea, Lu Mingfei, and even Lu Mingfei's peculiar physique that would unknowingly bias the style of those around him.

From the opening scene of 'The Chosen Child', to the beginning of the game, 'Although this is a game, it is not a joke', to what you see and hear in the sanctuary after entering the city-state of Athens, it is all fascinating. It seems that BB and Lu Mingfei have the same style of painting.

Although they are enemies, they are also funny and a comedian.

Although it does seem to be the case.

But this does not prevent BB, as a villain, from taking this into account.

Very simple reason.

When it comes to the name Athena, most people must think of it as a fairy tale, but Lu Mingfei is different. Lu Mingfei, and the people around Lu Mingfei who are affected by Lu Mingfei, the first reaction when they hear this name is "Saint Seiya".

Even Lu Mingfei in Lu Zihang's state, when he faced Athena in Fuyuki, said a famous line "Isn't there still life?" in a serious manner.

Although it is a joke, it is not a joke.

Because of this, everyone in Chaldea, who was seriously confused, all fell into the same misunderstanding.

After hearing that there is Athena here, and that Athena is just like the Athena in the story of "Saint Seiya", every time there is a battle, she rushes to the front and gets nothing for nothing, I naturally feel that this Athena is also waiting. The Saints go to the rescue.

Not only Lu Mingfei, but everyone in Chaldea failed to realize that the Athena here was not the same entity as the Athena Chaldea knew and fought side by side.


In fact, the hint has already been there, that is, in the city of Athens, when communicating with the priests of Athena in the sanctuary of Athena, as the headquarters of Athena, none of the priests noticed that Lu Mingfei had something hidden in him. Traces of Athena.

Everyone was careless (Sic Niang did not trigger the plot).

It was clear that Fuyuki was a warning to the enemy, but he didn't consider that Athena might also be an enemy this time.

Caddock missed the last and closest opportunity to the truth.

It was clear that Hecate's power of 'opportunity' allowed their treasure hunting team to successfully find Daedalus's workshop, where they successfully obtained a large amount of data about the past, and learned about the existence of the gods who would later be called Olympus. , is the result of the fusion of alien Cybertronians and earth’s native divinity.

What about before fusion?

In other words, is the incident of the godhead holder that is happening in this singularity mirroring - recreating the process of the integration of earth life and alien life?

"Of course, Athena is a goddess who has a particularly close relationship with humans. Even after the fusion, she is much closer than before. Her relationship with humans is even better than her relationship with the gods. This is why you should relax your vigilance. That’s the reason.”

In front of Lu Mingfei, who looked confused and had not had time to accept the unexpected situation, Circe sighed:

"The ancient gods were an unreasonable disaster, but after merging with aliens and gaining human intelligence, although most of them were still outrageous, they had the possibility of negotiation after all. Jason used the gods to deal with various A favorite of type heroes, they gathered a large group of people to search for the Golden Fleece. But Athena is a special case. Before merging with the aliens, she had already been widely worshiped as the 'Terror Mother Goddess'. She was closely related to the beauty Ishtar of Sopotamia and Ereshkigal have similar origins.”

It was Athena who descended upon this singularity.

However, it is not the goddess Athena, nor the machine god Athena, but the original posture of the ancient one even before that, even before the 'Gorgon'.

That is the 'snake', the 'winged serpent' - that is, the 'dragon'.

Snakes are a symbol of immortality because they shed their skin, and the habit of shedding is considered to be rebirth. Therefore, snakes have been associated with the birth of life and the death of life since ancient times.

This characteristic is often associated with women’s menstruation, and is considered to be the phenomenon of ‘death and then rebirth’. Therefore, the culture of goddesses and mother gods, along with the primitive matriarchal society, has naturally become primitive beliefs.

However, the outsiders (alien visitors) brought more wisdom. When the fear and worship of the unknown were dispelled, matriarchal society was replaced by patriarchal society, and goddesses were replaced by male gods.

"The symbols of Athena are the 'snake' and the 'owl'. The former is a symbol of the cycle of life and death, and the latter is a messenger between the underworld and the human world. Therefore, after myths and stories have been constantly modified to adapt to changes in the times, the ancient This is all that remains of the truth.”

Circe couldn't help but sigh deeply again.

His fingers unconsciously caressed the owl wings that were draped over his body like clothes.

".I myself (Hecate) am a similar being, so it's not surprising that I can summon this ancient species. I said, you shouldn't have put anything particularly important in the city of Athens, right?"

Lu Mingfei originally wanted to say that the God of War was taken away by Chaldea and was now at Master Ka's place, but then he thought about it - no, they seemed to have submitted Hippolyta's body there as a way to gain reputation. Something.

Looking at the change of expression on Lu Mingfei's face, Circe roughly guessed something, but did not make any further comments. Instead, he turned to look at the chaotic situation on Sardinia.

Athena, who had been hiding in the dark, finally saw the opportunity and took action.

The black snake of Hades broke out of the sea - this was not an ordinary snake, nor was it the elemental life that Chaldea and others had encountered in Fuyuki, which used its power to grab the earth and transformed it, but a real divine beast.

It was a truly ancient mythical beast that also had the appearance of a dragon and a snake. Before mythology was subdivided by region and country, it had already lived in the underground kingdom of Hades. It was a fantasy species famous for its ability to 'swallow the sun'.

In Egyptian mythology, the existence of this creature is recorded in the legend about the god Ra.

Legend has it that the god Ra's sun boat pulls the sun. Every day and night, the god Ra swims between the human world and the underworld. But when he is in the underworld, the world will usher in darkness. Every night, the god Ra and the underworld will usher in. The sun ship will be chased by this beast in the underworld, and only in the territory of God Osiris can it find a moment of peace of mind.

The snake of Ouroboros, Ouroboros, is also known as the ‘star of destruction’ – Apophis.

It is a legendary creature that started from ancient Persia and spread to Europe, Asia and Africa, and its traces even exist all over the world.

From a humanistic point of view, this should be the unknown and fear that humans all over the world have towards snakes, such strange creatures with special biological habits.

But since there really is mystery in this world, there really is a mythical age, and even a barbaric period that existed even further back, then it is obvious that in the ancient past, this kind of fantasy existed widely all over the world. .

Serpent of the underworld.

And because snakes are often associated with women, they are also a symbol of the ancient Earth Mother Goddess.

If we really wanted to investigate, Hecate was actually a goddess closely related to the snake of the underworld, but Circe did not intend to dwell on it any further.

She didn't know exactly what Hecate planned to do.

If Veleslana was an accident passing by by chance, Mekar was a chain of new accidents caused by Veleslana's accident.

This ancient god Athena was obviously called out by Hecate from the very beginning.

Circe knew some ancient secrets.

For example, in the past, there has been contact between the alien gods and the earth's native gods, who were escapees from the other side of the distant universe.

Earth-native deities like Hecate chose contact and compatibility (even gaining intelligence after being compatible).

But there are also those who choose to fight, but are eventually defeated, and are dismembered into countless parts, some parts are devoured, and some parts are blamed and reduced to monsters.

Hecate took advantage of the Demon King's human incineration and the complete chaos of the timeline of human collapse to create such a special environment and actually pulled out the ancient god Athena.

Circe had no idea what her 'body' was planning to do.

Although the relationship between oneself and the other person's body and clone is related, because the personalities are independent of each other, they have actually become two people. According to human distinction habits, it can be said that the relationship is that of master, apprentice and mother and daughter.

BB summoned Hecate.

Hecate became the king of the singularity, and then began his own layout.

But that has nothing to do with Circe.

Circe has a reclusive character, but she doesn't like to cause trouble as much as Medea. Even her appearance in this singularity is not of her own free will, but because of her connection with Hecate. Pulled over by a forcible chain summons.

The relationship between Hecate and Circe is like a planet and a satellite.

Circe had no intention of getting involved in Hecate's plan.

This time she didn't even have many thoughts like 'As a servant, I want to help save the world', but she planned to just get through it, so as not to be 'recycled' by Hecate's body on a whim. That was the best thing for her. A real disaster.

During this process, it would be great if we could fall in love.

——Circe took a deep breath.

You must do something to get out of this 'drama', otherwise, if you really see Hecate, you will be in danger.

She made her decision.

You must do something to cut off the chain of plot development and end your role here.

"Listen, I will only help you this time. After I help you, we will be clean between you and me. We don't owe each other anything!"

Circe said sternly to Lu Mingfei:

"After this, I won't help you anymore!"

What exactly is she planning to do?

In fact, the wise Circe has seen through everything.

The reason for everything was still Veleslana who happened to be passing by.

He deflected Circe's magic, causing the spell to go berserk, and even Circe, as the caster, was involved.

But the problem is that Circe used not one magic trick, but two.

One of them is the curse of turning into a pig.

The other is the magic of Ayu Island's own power, which is equivalent to a small "wishing spell", and the prototype is the "opportunity" power of Circe's body Hecate.

Kenneth is eager to reunite with Sora, so Sora appears.

Desperate to find treasure, Drake triggers an opportunity and finds the remains of an ancient workshop.

Kadok was eager to obtain the technology of the Mecha for research, so the Mecha Icarus appeared there.

Shinji is eager to put himself to use, so the opportunity arises to do what only he can do - analyze Icarus' data.

Veleslana longed for a worthy opponent, so Mekar was awakened.

In fact, perhaps the Eastern God of War had a thought similar to "As an undefeated person, I just want to be defeated", so there was a flaw that was extremely suitable for a sneak attack, and Athena seized the opportunity.

So, too, should Circe herself.

On Shinji and Kadoc's side, it was probably because of the presence of Star Blazer Drake - and the 'True Holy Grail' that Drake carried casually with him, that the curse failed to take effect.

Kenneth has divine protection, and Weber has Gray and Holy Spear Longinus beside him.

In the end, after going full circle, the only two people who were actually hit were Circe and Chu Zihang. Lu Mingfei was also hit originally, but his body was immune to the effects.

However, in addition to the curse of turning into a pig, other parts, namely the 'small wishing spell' also took effect.

This wishing technique cannot realize wishes that are too complicated and difficult. However, this wishing technique also has a characteristic, that is, "even if you cannot realize the wish, you will try to make the wish come true."

Words applied to Circe.

Probably to let Circe, the mythical loser, get the love she longed for.

It's just that although this wishing spell is guaranteed to be processed, it is not guaranteed to be successful. The reason why Lu Mingfei and Circe were tied together may be because he felt that it was completely impossible for other people to be with Circe.

The reason why Lu Mingfei was chosen, Circe thought, was just because Lu Mingfei was a man with no integrity or reserve.

As long as it looks good, he might like it.

--but! yes!

Perhaps this wish-making technique felt that he and Lu Mingfei were the only ones who could make it happen.

But Circe herself felt that this was not possible!

Although she has always been a loser, is Circe such a casual person? How is it possible to really fall in love with someone you meet?

The act of being so intimate with Lu Mingfei now is just because the wishing technique is at work, forcibly linking the fate between himself and Lu Mingfei.

So Circe decided to cut off this fate.

Lu Mingfei was indeed kind to Circe. If it hadn't been for Lu Mingfei, Circe might have been involved in the aftermath of the war between the two gods and died in an unknown AOE due to the severe weakening of the piggy form.

So, how to cut off this fate?

In fact, it is very simple. After all, this technique was designed by Circe himself, so Circe knew very well that as long as he repays his kindness and reconciles himself with Lu Mingfei's life-saving grace, there will be no intersection between the two from now on. .

The opportunity is now.

Facing Athena's sudden attack, Veleslana slashed the golden sword towards himself. In this way, although the white horse of solar power was swallowed by Athena, other incarnations were liberated!

Before those mythical beasts ran away, Circe decided to grab a chestnut from the fire and took the opportunity to grab one and give it to Lu Mingfei to settle the life-saving grace.

The most ideal target is naturally the incarnation of [Warrior]!

——to be continued!

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