Lu Mingfei challenges FGO

Chapter 453 Devouring the Starry Sky (please recommend votes! Please vote monthly!)

130. Devouring the Starry Sky

——Disagreement · Emergence——

[Fujimaru Ritsuka’s ‘badge’ is]

【1. Courage】

【2/8, Wisdom】

【3. Moderation】




【7/9, Justice】

【10. Super expansion of chaos】


Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at the result of his extraction with some subtlety.

Although she had complained about the 'chosen child' before, Ritsuka knew that she was not really drawing the badges in "Digimon", but the 'Seven Virtues' in the Christian mythology system - which is more accurate. It is said that several badges in "Digimon" are based on the Seven Virtues of Christianity.

By the way, just as the Seven Deadly Sins were actually eighty-nine and ten deadly sins, the corresponding seven virtues also have eighty-ninety versions. This is also restored in "Digimon", and the badge settings are also changed from the original ones. Seven was added to ten.

Useless knowledge has increased.

However, most of them are suitable, but there are also many that are not. There are angels of courage and friendship, but there is no justice in the badge. There is justice in the angels. Likewise, there are no elements such as light or innocence in the angels—— Originally, there was someone who could be regarded as an angel of light, but that guy was named Lucifer, the Wing of Glory, and he had already fallen into heaven.

By the way, let me mention a useless piece of trivia. In "Digimon", the light badge holder's daily magic stick turns black. It is estimated that the prototype is also the fall of Lucifer. The son of light fell from heaven and became the devil of darkness.

Fujimaru Ritsuka originally thought that based on his compatibility, the virtue element drawn should be 'wisdom' or 'justice'. Depending on the situation, he might also draw 'hope' or the reversed original sin element.

But what I really gained was [Courage].

He was so kingly that Fujimaru Ritsuka was not so suitable for him for a while.

After all, what she is doing now cannot be said to be royal.

Indeed, Fujimaru Ritsuka did try his best to drag the deadlock into an endgame, and then handed the baton to Lu Mingfei.

But she was going to have a real fight with Lu Mingfei and the others, and she would never - and couldn't - be merciful.

[Sound of Heaven Assimilation] This skill is too yin.

If the Holy King is using it and Charlemagne has not appeared yet, there is no solution at all.

"No matter what you do, you must have the courage to take the first step." Fujimaru Ritsuka whispered.

Dalian suddenly turned her head at this moment: "Isn't this situation like 'confronting friends in order to protect each other is also an incredible act of courage'?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was stunned for a moment.

With her wisdom, she certainly knew what Dalian's words were referring to. In the blink of an eye, she knew that there was something in Dalian's words, but she didn't know how to respond. She could only click her tongue: "I am Weren’t you scolded in a roundabout way?”

"No, I always thought Neville was a real Gryffindor lion too."

Shakespeare, who was mixed in with the Knights of Londinion, touched his chin, glanced at Fujimaru Ritsuka's team present, glanced at Holmes, Matthew, Darian and others, skipping the knights, and then revealed some Subtle expression:

"Either you can understand this joke, or you are not interested in it at all. Miss Darian, when you wrote "Lu Mingfei Challenges the Destiny of the Crown: London Chapter", remember to put a bracket here Please note that what you are talking about here is the scene in the first part of Harry Potter where Dumbledore found an excuse to give Gryffindor points."

Dalian tried it and shook her head: "It's a bit difficult. The notes are a bit difficult. Neville in the first volume is an idiot. The image reversal will come very later."

"Then write 'I understand everything'." Shakespeare did not embarrass Dalian. He himself was writing hard, recording the story in his own style, and was eagerly waiting for the real final battle to begin. Looking forward to documenting the conclusion of this Londinion story.

Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly thought of something, looked at Darian, and said something without beginning or end: "I am Alpha and Omega, I am the original and the last, I am the beginning and the end. "

Shakespeare whistled: "Commander, have you come up with any other ideas?"

Dalian raised her eyebrows: "The Bible, New Testament, Revelation, Chapter 22, Verse 13, the Lord's original words, symbolizes that the Almighty Lord [left hand] and [right hand] have miraculous power. You suddenly mentioned What’s this for?”

As she spoke, Dalian skillfully took out the original book of "Revelation" from her bookshelf.

"What to do?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka did not accept the revelation, but just sighed: "Fortunately, Morgan is no longer on our side. Otherwise, if I can make it more difficult for them, even with Senior Lu's character, the next meeting will probably be difficult. You can’t help but beat me to death.”

Morgan is also a special being.

Even Tiansheng Assimilation couldn't control her well. She was just following her interests. The Fairy Queen seemed to be quite interested in idol activities, so she was naturally still with Muse and her producer Kong Ming.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at the badge of courage in his hand and didn't know what he thought of. He shook his head, made a necklace with violent flames and put it on his chest.

"If there is still a chance, let's consider those things again - Dalian, you said before that the Holy King's original thinking was actually correct. Although he cannot defeat the Demon King head-on, can he use tricks to defeat him together?"

"YES. To be more precise, although our king is a beast, the foundation for its establishment comes from Solomon. Solomon's power comes from the gift of the Lord. Therefore, in the mystery of the Christian system, if we reach the relationship with the 'Lord (God)' At the same level, it is possible to destroy the cornerstone of our king’s power.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka clicked his tongue: "You are not afraid to say this."

"The trick of the Holy King can no longer be reproduced. In the final analysis, the Holy King failed to make himself truly the Lord. He only defined himself as Adam and then used his miraculous hands in the name of the Lord. With prior precautions, , the king we are waiting for can reversely cancel the Holy King’s ritual at any time.”


Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded with deep understanding.

This look made Dalian's eyebrows frown even tighter.

But Fujimaru Ritsuka did not continue.

Because - it has already begun.

There are many people in this world who have the power to destroy planets.

But there are only a few people who can actually destroy planets.

There must be a reason for this. Fujimaru Ritsuka once conducted in-depth research and investigation of the star dragon Albion through Darian's library. In the process, she concluded her own set of logic, although it may not be completely correct. But it should resolve some questions.

What exactly should be the positioning of planets in this world?

Fujimaru Ritsuka's conclusion is - the universe

The planets are the universe.

To be more precise, it is the 'universe level' in the minds of most people who like to discuss combat effectiveness and use planets as the unit of measurement.

First, ignore the two special cases of the Earth and the Moon.

Let's take a look at the other normal planets in this world - such as Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, etc., etc.

At first, Fujimaru Ritsuka, like most people, took it for granted that the planet was just a very large asteroid - or a very large meteorite.

A stone with a certain volume and mass generates gravitational force, and eventually has its own position and trajectory around the star, but in essence it is still a stone, just very large.

This logic is obviously wrong.

The nature of planets is completely different from that of asteroids. So, what is the nature of planets in this world?

Take Venus as an example.

The end point of the planet's operation and growth, and the result that should be reached as a matter of course, is to give birth to the 'ultimate life form' that is equivalent to the incarnation of the planet's will - that is, UO.

In other words, UO is the product of the planet, the end point of the planet, and an extension of the planet's body.

According to the records in various classics, as long as it is UO, it will definitely have an ability - [Cosmic Egg]

It is what people on earth commonly call [inherent barrier].

The [Cosmic Egg] will continue to grow. It is something that cannot be measured by mass or volume. It is a real universe that is growing.

Therefore, after summarizing the existing information, Fujimaru Ritsuka naturally came to the following conclusion:

The result of the normal growth of all planets will be the birth of UO, and the birth of UO will inevitably be accompanied by the [Cosmic Egg].

Could it be that in fact, the birth of the [Cosmic Egg] is the real goal of the planet's growth, and the UO was only born in the process to obtain this result?

If you think about it this way, if a huge celestial unit wants to call itself a 'planet', the prerequisite is that it can give birth to a [universe], right?

On the other hand, if it cannot give birth to the universe, it is not a planet.

In other words, the truth of this world's planet may be some kind of natural or artificial 'cosmic manufacturing device'.

The planet is the universe, or in other words, the planet that can be directly seen on the material level is actually just an 'eggshell' like thing in the inner universe.

Anyone who tries to destroy a planet is actually fighting a universe.

In this world, if a person with star-destroying combat power tries to destroy a real planet, he or she will either be unable to break through with this level of power, or he will be slapped back by the planet itself and sent flying to the M78 nebula.

This can also explain some things - for example, the Dragon of Albion appears to be no more than four thousand meters long on the outside, but the actual internal space is even much larger than the entire Eurasian continent. It is a truly different world.

Moreover, ancient books record that in distant legends, there is a thing called "Wandering Stars". As the name suggests, "Wandering Stars" are huge life forms like planets that wander in the universe. They will release "Wandering Star Spear Soldiers". 】Things that attack, destroy, and devour other planets, so they are also called "predator stars".

Fujimaru Ritsuka believes that the truth behind [Yusei] may be that it is a planet that has been hatched - after the planet ended its original 'eggshell'-like development period, it officially entered the mature stage as a living thing, and then began to wander in the sea of ​​​​stars. The universe conceived within the body will provide it with endless power.

Logically speaking, there should be a lot of [Wandering Stars], and [Predator Stars] should be a particularly dangerous category among them, right?

Fujimaru Ritsuka feels that the truth about Nidhogg and the Dragon of Albion may be [Yusei]. Assuming that Nidhogg and the Dragon of Albion are not the same head, then there is a "gnawing world tree" ——The World Tree here should also be a 'universe' or a 'cosmic egg' - the Nidhogg recorded in the action may be a legendary [predator star].

Fujimaru Ritsuka could not find evidence to prove whether the Dragon of Albion and Nidhogg were the same dragon, nor did he know whether Nidhogg preyed on the stars, but magic created by people on earth was not necessary in the first place. Rigorous evidence stuff.

That is to say——

In his constant thinking, Fujimaru Ritsuka found what might be the strongest unit he could find - a creature worthy of the name "The Strongest Species", and created it.

‘Wandering Star’ – ‘Star Dragon’ Albion.

The Dragon of Albion, which could not be used because it was nameless, was forcibly awakened by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the name of Nidhogg, and Mikazuki was its incarnation.

This is what Fujimaru Ritsuka considers to be the 'strongest species'.

When Fujimaru Ritsuka was thinking about this, she didn't know what the Holy King had done, so when she regarded the Demon King as an enemy, she thought hard about the strongest unit - the strongest unit that might be able to defeat the Demon King. This was it.

It's a pity that there was no chance for them to actually fight.

Now it has become the ultimate weapon used to destroy Chaldea.

But then again.

Fujimaru Ritsuka could not have known in advance that Lu Mingfei had picked up Kong Ming, nor could he have known that Kirshtalia could lift the table like this.

Fujimaru Ritsuka divided Mikazuki into four. In addition to eliminating the Demon King's wariness, he also deliberately created a loophole so that the Chaldeans could try to find an opportunity to break the situation.

But she really didn't expect that there would be someone like Kirshtalia in this world who could easily borrow the power of the planet's celestial body.

What's more, he didn't expect that he would actually bring down the will of the earth itself.

Some of the fragments have even become the will of the earth - the container of Gaia consciousness, which is something similar to the unfinished UO - the star spirit.

The star spirits of the earth fight on the earth.

This is not just as simple as fighting on home soil.

——As mentioned before, the earth and the moon are special. When discussing the nature of the planet, the earth cannot be included.

Why do you say that?

The entire solar system itself is actually more like a sect in an Eastern fairy novel. Each planet is a disciple. Among them, the Earth, which has been practicing for 4.6 billion years, is only a junior sister, but it is extremely talented. And he is the most favored. If the day comes when the earth is about to die, all the other brothers and sisters in the solar system will ask UO to kill him.

Normally speaking, the ultimate purpose of a planet is to give birth to UO, that is, to give birth to a [Cosmic Egg]. Because only one ultimate life form is needed, there is no need for civilization or anything like that.

But things are different for Earth’s talented little junior sister.

Other brothers and sisters have already passed the golden elixir stage, and they all only have one ‘golden elixir (cosmic egg)’, but what about the earth?

There are at least thirty of them on earth!

There are more than thirty universes existing on one planet at the same time! ?

Is it the earth that has a problem with you, or are there problems with these unknown earthlings above you?

Perhaps because of this strange situation, although the earth is too powerful, it has not yet been able to give birth to its own UO, and the will of the earth has never had a body that can directly interfere with the material world on the material level.

But Kirshtalia gave her the chance.

Although it is just a fragment, Gaia consciousness will definitely not be able to exert the power comparable to the real UO when using the body of 'Touka'.

That is to say.

The collision between Mikazuki and Tohka, the Dragon of Albion (Nidhogg) and the consciousness of Gaia is the collision of two incomplete UOs.

In order to return to the body of Nidhogg (Dragon of Albion), Mikazuki must recycle the fragments he separated.

Similarly, in order to seize the opportunity to cultivate the 'Golden Elixir (UO)', the Gaia consciousness that controls Tohka will definitely take active actions to devour Mikazuki and her fragments.

As Mikazuki's thirty-minute power-up was completed, even the planet with a slow reaction speed had to show up with a spear that penetrated the stars.

Tohka appeared again, standing between the spear thrown by Mikazuki and the ground. He swung the giant sword in his hand, received the blow, and then hit the blow back as if hitting a baseball!

The decisive battle begins here.

The two sides fighting are the Knights of Londinion and the Chaldean Alliance.

Gaia knows that this is a third-party unit that is hostile to both sides at the same time, right?

The Knights of Londinion are surrounded by the fierce flames and are ready to fight.

Fujimaru Ritsuka soon saw that while the Mikazuki of the manipulator Barbatos and the Gaia consciousness of the manipulator Tohka were fighting fiercely, the warriors of the Chaldean Alliance appeared one after another.

So, faced with this situation, what are you going to do?

"Well, there's no need to guess. You must be planning to save Tohka from Gaia Shi first, right? But how do you plan to deal with Mikazuki after that, and the Londinion Knights who protect Mikazuki? Woolen cloth?"

"Listen up, Lu Mingfei."

Kong Ming's voice echoed in Lu Mingfei's mind.

"The details of the plan have already been mentioned, and I will reiterate them briefly here. First, we will rescue Tohka, and then, we will create an opportunity for you to challenge Mikazuki. Then it will be up to you."

"Understood!" Lu Mingfei nodded vigorously.

"Then start the first step of the battle plan and get ready-"

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath.

Then, he looked at his companions - Moriarty, Mordred, Lilim, Frankenstein, Shami, and Morgan, who were riding disc-shaped flying skateboards with him.

In addition, other combat-effective beings, except for a few Al heroes, all wore ancient Greek-style high-tech armor and flew in the air, following closely on both sides like escorts.

The battle begins——

Accompanied by the rhythmic drum beat, the sound of music resounded throughout the battlefield!

"I fell in love with you at first sight and pursued you selflessly."

At the same time as the song sounded, Mikazuki and Tohka, who were fighting fiercely in the sky like two meteors that were constantly entangled and colliding, became visibly slow in their movements and even - paused!

of course.

Because the effect of the 'fairy tale world' is not completely over.

After all, the Dragon of Albion itself is also a fairy tale dragon. In the core structure of the Dragon of Albion (Nidhogg), there is naturally the fairy tale world of nursery rhymes!

Therefore, the previous efforts are not in vain!

"ギリギリ爱! いけないボーダーライン!"

All nine members of Muse were present! let's start! The song we agreed on before for the decisive battle - "Forbidden Boundary"!

In the name of fairy tale, convey the power and emotion of singing to the past!

——Observation divergence point appears——

[Can the singing sound be conveyed? Can Lu Mingfei be allowed to catch up with the other two companions who are fighting? 】

[The two are fighting fiercely! Come and listen to Lulu sing! 】

——to be continued!

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