Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 22: The emperor and the nobility (twothree)

   "Do you smell it?"

   In the night breeze, the silver mask refracted the moonlight, and Lei Mingkai looked at the busy crowd below with a smile.

   "Then I will be chased by someone immediately."

   Veretta said.

   Lei Mingkai shook his head and raised his hand to stop Veretta's movement.

   "No, no need. Today is just to say hello. We will have many opportunities to fight the Black Knights in the future."

   Lei Mingkai looked down at being held aside by the soldiers, watching boxes of illegal drugs piled up in the open space in front of the warehouse, face like a dead middle-aged man.

   "Today's results are enough to be a good start! Veretta."

   Veretta didn't understand Lei Mingkai's meaning, but after thinking for a while, she felt that she understood a little, but she couldn't tell why.

  Looking at Veretta's beauty, his slender eyebrows wrinkled slightly, Lei Mingkai smiled faintly.

   "Veretta, it's almost there. Take the team and send a message back to the Governor. Just say, the task is complete."


   The first mission of the Q department was completed very well.

   Even though the encounter with the Black Knights led by ZERO was as predicted, from the results, it was indeed enough to submit a satisfactory answer to Cornelia.

   The next day.

   Cornelia, who had just arrived at the political affairs hall, was stopped by a group of nobles. The reason, you don't need to know it.

   Especially when Cornelia saw the kind-faced, kind-looking middle-aged man standing in front of the nobleman, she had already guessed the purpose of these people.

   "Earl Augustus, why did you take someone to block the Governor's way!" Captain Gilbert stepped forward, stopped in front of Cornelia, and yelled.

But the next moment, Cornelia raised her hand and patted Gilbert on the shoulder, staring at Earl Augustus and said: "Earl, if there is something to do, you can go back to the office with me to discuss it in detail. Make it happen. Such abrupt behavior is really against the noble demeanor of our Britannia Empire."

   Cornelia’s words immediately caused the many nobles who followed the Count Augustus to block the door and looked at each other, subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and let the road open.

  As the leader, Augustus still kept his face unchanged, still maintaining the attitude of the good old man, turned slightly to his side, and cleared the way.

   "The governor is right. I was abrupt!"

   A skirmish was resolved.

   But there are still bigger conflicts stepping into the red line that is about to break out.

   "Let's talk! Earl, and everyone, why are you here today?"

   After returning to the office, Cornelia raised his hand to let all the entourages except Gilbert and Adjutant Dalton leave the office. After that, he sat in his seat and waited calmly for Count Augustus to speak.

   "The Governor. May I ask whether the Q department was formed by the Governor himself?" Augustus did not speak, but a little nobleman standing in the crowd came out more and more, and after saluting Cornelia, he asked.

   "Yes. I ordered it. Is there a problem?"

   Cornelia’s answer was very simple.

   Cornelia's simply made the nobles have no idea for a while. In the communication routines between these nobles, everything is accompanied by wrangling.

   Even the late third prince Clovis communicated with their nobles.

   But Cornelia was so swift, and frankly admitted that the Q department was formed by her order.

   "Then, I don't know what the function of the Q department is?" Another middle-aged man wearing white aristocratic clothes and a series of medals hanging on his left chest asked Cornelia with an arrogant expression.

   As soon as I saw this person, Cornelia recognized him immediately, no, it should be the family origin behind this person.

   is the Turinus family with outstanding military exploits and prestige. But the middle-aged man in front of him is the most useless third son in the family, Pontulas K. Turinus.

   As a son of a family with outstanding military exploits and prestige, not only failed to fight to kill the enemy, but indulged in the colorful world, wearing the medals of his fathers' blood and sweat all day to sway the market.

   is almost like a clown.

   Thinking of this, Cornelia couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said in a cold voice:

   "Viscount Ponduras. The current responsibility of the Q Department is to openly rebel against the Black Knights of the Empire during the recent hostage kidnapping incident. Is there a problem?"

   "Black Knights?!"

   As soon as Cornelia spoke, it caused a lot of discussion among the nobles.

   You know, during this period of time, the existence of the Black Knights made the nobles feel a sense of fear they had never experienced before.

   No matter how you set up a strict defense, you will be captured by this mysterious black knight group, leaving behind many corpses that were sanctioned in the name of justice.

   Amidst the discussion, Count Augustus slowly asked: "Governor. Is it worth the effort?"


The corner of Cornelia's mouth turned slightly, and said calmly: "It's worth it or not. I'm not alone in making the final decision. According to reports gathered after multiple attacks, the Black Knights have a clear and stable goal. "

Cornelia opened the desk drawer, took out a document from it, placed it on the desk, and said word by word: "This is the first task completed by the Q department last night. I don't know if you have any. Interested to check it out?"


   As soon as last night mentioned, many nobles turned their eyes to Augustus. Whether in Cornelia, Augustus, or even themselves, they know that they are just supporting roles.

   Today's protagonist is only, and it can only be Cornelia and Count Augustus.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know what you mean?" Count Augustus slowly said: "The private property owned by the nobles of the Empire should be protected by the laws of the Empire. Why does the Q Department directly under the Governor dare to break into the private property of the nobles and wantonly Trample the laws of the empire!"

   "Imperial Law?"

   When he heard this word, Cornelia smiled without anger.

"The earl is really joking! How could a warehouse with a large number of illegal drugs be protected by the imperial law! I don't know, can Earl Augustus explain to me which one of the imperial laws and which section of the law indicates the prohibition? Medicines will be protected by imperial laws!"

Cornelia quickly became cold and stern, causing many nobles to take a step back subconsciously. Until just now, these nobles realized that Cornelia LI Britania, the imperial princess galloping on the battlefield, was not As they imagined, they stayed behind and boarded the legendary weak woman with the results obtained by the knights of the Guards.

   And Count Augustus also gradually lost his benevolent face, and became more and more ferocious.

   Yes, just as he was about to explode, he suddenly calmed down.

   "The governor is right. It was my lax discipline that let my subordinates take advantage of the loopholes and almost caused a catastrophe. I have no complaints about how the governor punishes them."

   The performance of Count Augustus made Cornelia look murderous, but he was helpless.

  Although Lei Mingkai led the Q department to seize a large number of illegal drugs, it could not be the key evidence to overthrow these blood-sucking nobles entrenched in the 11th district.

   "Well. Thank you very much for the insightful righteousness of Count Augustus. That's it for today! I will send the result to the house of Count Augustus."

   "Yes! How offended today! Please forgive me! In the future, please also the Governor to work with us for the stability and prosperity of District 11!"

   After a confrontation, both sides made concessions.

   Looking at the back of Count Augustus leading many nobles out of the political affairs hall, Cornelia's face became colder and colder.

   If you rush to hand over Area 11 to Yufimia now, I'm afraid it won't be a good thing.

  The character of the sister Yufimia, Cornelia is very clear. But she knew that Euphemia was difficult to deal with these nobles who were already hob meat.

   "Dalton. I commend Department Q in the name of the Governor, and hope they will continue their efforts! In addition, if the mission requires it, you can request cooperation with the Guards!"

   Adjutant Dalton bowed slightly and responded: "Yes! Your Highness!"

   The praise from the Governor's Mansion soon spread to Lei Mingkai and others. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

   "Wow! It seems that the Governor-General values ​​you very much! K!"

   Looking at the prizes presented in the name of the Governor's Mansion, Lloyd looked at the calm Lei Mingkai in surprise and said.

   Lei Mingkai walked to the table, raised his hand to pick up the champagne placed in the ice water, shook it, and smiled: "This is not a prize. Lloyd. This is a reminder."

   "Fate?" Sai Xier blinked, and asked with some doubts: "Why do you say that?"

   Lei Mingkai chuckled, unscrewed the cork of the champagne, poured wine into the glass, and looked at Veretta.

   "Veretta, come on."


After Veretta nodded, he took a deep breath and said slowly: "This morning, Count Augustus led many nobles to block Governor Cornelia and his party at the entrance of the political affairs hall. Then. In the Governor’s Office, Governor Cornelia had a skirmish with Count Augustus. As a result, Count Augustus compromised and these prizes."

   "Oh! So, this is really a reminder! K! It seems that your new job is not a good thing!" The corner of Lloyd's mouth, who understood it, gradually put on a playful smile.

   He and Cecil knew about Lei Mingkai’s past and the reason why Gao Long died in battle.

   The development of this matter now is actually moving in a certain direction inadvertently.

   "Isn't it a good thing? That's not necessarily. For me, it's a very good job!"

   Lei Mingkai said after a toast and a drink.

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