Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 230: Goodbye C.C (five thousand)


ZERO, no, it should be said that it was Lelouch.

Now, I found that the world I was in was not the reality I knew well, but a strange and strange world that turned the sun and the moon upside down.

And in this world,

In front of him, the figure standing in front of him was the woman who had been missing for a long time since he was robbed of the power of GEASS by that person.

"Where did you go?"

Lelouch looked at the familiar face in front of him, opened his mouth, and finally asked.


The woman just smiled slightly.

"Didn't you have guessed it? Why? You have always been arrogant, thinking that you are the number one Lelouch in the world, but you have already become a coward?"

Familiar face,

Familiar eyes,

And the familiar sarcasm,

They were telling Lelouch all the time that the woman in front of him was the woman who had been with him for a period of time and became the accomplice of both parties, C.C.

Thinking of this, Lelouch suddenly smiled.

"Haha. Sure enough, you are still the same! C.C. Why, have been captured by "I" for so long, haven't you learned how to flatter others?"

Hearing Lelouch's almost mocking words, C.C also showed a mocking smile.

"Did I learn how to flatter others than I am, I am curious about how Lelouch you changed from an arrogant fanatic to a coward, a coward who hasn't been looking for me yet, and Nanali."

Hit it with one hit.

Although C.C's words looked light and fluttering, they caused a powerful blow in Lelouch's heart.


This is true.

Lelouch was unable to refute, and in the end he changed the subject.

"C.C. Are you in the imperial capital Pandoragon? Also, what on earth is "I" planning? Although I have a hunch, I can't guess."

With that, Lelouch raised his head and looked at the strange surroundings.

"Humph. If it's Lelouch, you should have guessed it now, right?"

C.C did not answer Lelouch's question, but kicked Lelouch's question back.

Lelouch frowned, raised his hands, and looked at his hands that were supposed to be wearing gloves, but at this moment they were uncovered hands, and he was supposed to be wearing a black cloak, and at this moment he has not worn them for a long time. School uniform.

This weird scene surprised Lelouch, but it gave Lelouch a clue.

"CC. Tell me the truth! You should still stay in the imperial capital now, no, in a corner of the earth far from Europa. Now you can appear in front of my eyes because of the power of GEASS. And , This world is probably a collection of GEASS, right?"

"Hmph. Although it's not all right, but I guessed it." C.C chuckled, and then revealed a solemn face.

"Lelouch. Listen! This can be said to be a collection of GEASS, or it can be said not, because GEASS is just a derivative of this world, and the name of this world is called the world of C."

"C's world?"

Lelouch was taken aback for a moment, but after seeing C.C's solemn face, Lelouch's mind was shaken and he immediately thought of the key points.

"If GEASS is just a derivative of this world, then the goal of "I" is probably to capture this world?!"

"Yes. The goal of Lelouch from another world is the world of C. However, for this reason, I have the ability to control this person and pull you temporarily when he uses GEASS on you. Enter the world of C, the power to meet you."

As C.C said, he projected Xin's figure to the side and signaled to Lelouch.

"What? Can you achieve this level? In that case..."

"No. I can't do it. At present, I can't do what you imagined."

C.C, who had a tacit understanding with Lelouch, immediately understood what he meant when he saw the change in the light in Lelouch's eyes.

"Can't do it?"

"Can't do it. Even now, I can barely do it. Moreover, we may be spotted at any time."



Listening to C.C's straightforward answer, Lelouch took a deep breath, and after easing his excitement, he finally calmed down.

"First of all, where are you now?"

"Wasting precious time on this meaningless question?" CC raised his eyebrows, and after a habitual sarcasm, he raised his face and said, "Now, my place may be an island. . But the only thing I know is that there is a door there, a door leading to the world of C. It is also because of this door that I can find you through his GEASS."

"Second, "I" should be more than just trying to capture C's world. He should have other ideas. Besides, how do you do this?"

Lelouch pointed to the letter that he had become a puppet from the moment he used GEASS, and was allowed to play with C.C.

"I don't know why Lelouch in the other world wants to take the world of C, but I know one thing clearly, that is, deep in the world of C, there must be something that Lelouch in the other world wants. . And, there, Xia Lulu and Mariana are fighting against you in another world."

What C.C said suddenly caused Lelouch to fall into shock.

"What? The emperor? And the mother is also alive?!!!"

In shock, Lelouch raised his hand to cover his face uncontrollably, unable to face the fact that his dead mother was still alive for a while.

Upon seeing this, C.C sighed quietly.

"Lelouch. In reality, Mariana is dead. Now she can only live in this world, the world of C. From the moment she was attacked and killed, Mariana has become a resident of this world. ."

"Wait! Even so, the mother is still alive, right!!! The emperor, the emperor should have GEASS. If this is the case, he should have the means to talk to his mother."

At this moment, Lelouch's flexible mind was constantly active, constantly making speculations based on the clues already available, but the more he speculated, the more he came up with a result that he couldn't believe, and he didn't want to believe.

"how is this possible!"

Lu Luxiu's complexion became more and more ferocious, his teeth biting together tightly.

"Impossible! Me, our mother, the mother Nanali dreams of will never be like this!!"

Seeing Lelouch who was sinking more and more in his own speculation, C.C sighed secretly.

Sometimes, being too smart is not a good thing.

But, fortunately, Lelouch did not know a shocking event that happened when he and Nanali were young.

It was Mariana, who was deeply aware of her poor GEASS qualification, in order to be able to obtain the seeds of the ultra-high-level GEASS qualification, she did not hesitate to have the crazy idea of ​​combining the brothers and sisters of Lelouch and Nanali with the same qualifications.

Fortunately, this idea was finally abandoned by Mariana under the persuasion of the researcher at the time.

"Lelouch. Perhaps you will never know this once secret."

Under C.C's silent gaze, Lelouch gradually calmed down.

"Sorry. I made you laugh." After taking a few deep breaths, Lelouch finally calmed down.

"No. Actually, I really like to see you like this. After all, most of you I can see in the past are that arrogant and arrogant. Now this deeply entangled appearance is still Rare." Although CC didn't make fun of Lelouch, as long as he saw CC's playful gaze, he could know CC's inner thoughts.

"Huh! It really is a witch!"

Lelouch snorted coldly, and once again brought the topic back to the topic.

"Third, why the, Xia Lulu would fight against "I" in the depths of this world with Mariana? What are they fighting for? Control of this world? Or something else?"


C.C raised his head and looked at the "circle" above the dome that seemed to be a full moon, but had little to do with the full moon.

"I don't know the specifics. However, their struggle is centered on the control of this world. However, in the depths of this world, there is still something I can't perceive, but it allows them to compete. Something. Even with countless help from me inadvertently, I still can't figure out the true face of that thing."

"What can "me" and the emperor and mother compete with each other? What is it..."

Before Lelouch finished his doubts, C.C suddenly showed an urgent expression.

"Quick! Lelouch! Go! Quickly find Shamna! In her, there is still a door that has not been compromised by Lelouch in another world! If you still want to save me, and you want to save Nanali, So···"


A black lightning fell into the sky, directly smashing this bizarre world into shatters, separating Lelouch from C and C.


After a while of weightlessness, Lelouch yelled in panic, only to find that he had returned to reality, and his location was still in the woods before.

The only change that occurred was the figure who had just used GEASS on himself. The head of the Saint Michael Knights, Xin Hyuga, Xia Yinggeqing, had become a godless person at some point. An idiot with a drooling mouth and a dementia face.

Moreover, Lelouch also felt that there seemed to be a strange, but very familiar power surging in his eyes.


In surprise, Lelouch turned around abruptly, jumped into Gawain's cockpit a few times, and fetched a mirror out of the containment compartment.

"Really...really back!! My GEASS!!"

Looking at the familiar red light,

Looking at the familiar V-shaped mark in the pupil,

Lelouch's heart suddenly became more at ease.

However, in the next moment, when he noticed a significant difference, the GEASS at this moment did not seem to be the GEASS he had before.

The source of strength is exactly the same, but the way of expression is different.

After thinking about it, Lelouch walked out of Gawain's cockpit again, looking down at the letter that had become an idiot.

"I'm afraid my GEASS at the moment was taken from him."

Although somewhat absurd, Lelouch knew it was true.

There was only one person who could do all this except for Lelouch from another world.

"C.C. I didn't expect to get your help again at a critical moment."

The letter failed.

The Sunderland team led by Jean Luo was also defeated.

Under the supervision of Fujido Kyoshiro and others, Shang Luo saw the letter that had become an idiot. At that moment, Jean Luo's world collapsed.

The letter, Hyuga, Xia Yinggeqing she admired turned out to be an idiot who didn't know the world, didn't know the changes in the outside world, and only slobbered and smirked foolishly.

Such a blow was almost fatal to Jean Luo.

From then on, Jean Luo lost his life goal and became a silent prisoner, staying in the corner of the cell all day long.

"I thought that Shang Luo had some abilities, but I didn't expect to look like this after capturing her. It's really disappointing."

After putting on the mask again and becoming a ZERO again, Lelouch couldn't help expressing his dissatisfaction with Jean Luo's self-defeating emotions after appearing in front of Lei Mingkai who had returned to White Wolf Castle.

Lei Mingkai shook his head with a wry smile, without comment.

"ZERO. You said that you have seen C.C before? The C.C that was taken away?"

The doubts and unbelief on Lei Mingkai's face did not make ZERO feel dissatisfied. He knew that the existence of C's world was indeed an amazing truth to the world.


ZERO does not know that the world of C is not a secret to Lei Mingkai.

Moreover, even if ZERO didn't say anything, Lei Mingkai would look for an opportunity to publish the fragment information he got from the wreckage of the destroyed King Kong.

Therefore, under this coincidence, both Lei Mingkai and ZERO felt that they had information that the other party had never possessed.

"Yes. C.C took me into a world called C in a way that I couldn't understand. And told me that "me", the real purpose of the emperor."

"Capture the world of C?"

When ZERO was surprised, Lei Mingkai had already revealed part of the truth just after he had finished speaking.

"You...haha. You deserve to be the guardian knight of Your Highness Euphemia. There really is a set!"

ZERO was stunned, then laughed a few times, and didn't care too much about why Lei Mingkai guessed part of the answer.

"what's next?"

Lei Mingkai shook his head and motioned to ZERO to continue.

"In the end, C.C asked me to find a woman named Shamna. She seemed to have a door to C's world."

"Shamna?" Lei Mingkai was taken aback, and subconsciously retorted, "You really didn't hear it wrong?"

"No! I know very well, I heard exactly what C.C said, it is Shamna!" ZERO said categorically.

"Shamna? It seems that the guidance of fate led you there. ZERO."

After Lei Mingkai confirmed that the name was correct, he couldn't help but sigh.

Precisely because of this sigh, ZERO immediately guessed that Lei Mingkai really knew and knew about the existence of Shamna and the related door.

"Kay. Now that you know it, let's say it! Now for us, a little more time is a little more opportunity."

Hearing ZERO's words, Lei Mingkai shook his head.

"I know who Shamna is, but her true identity is the princess of the Kingdom of Kirkstan, and she is also a branch leader of the sect."

"Is it a national leader, but also a religious leader? Trouble exists." ZERO groaned for a moment, and said impatiently.

After Lei Mingkai glanced at ZERO's mask, he slowly said a fact.

"In addition, this princess was also made a prophet by the people. Under her leadership, the existence of the Britanian Empire, as powerful as the Britanian Empire, cannot invade the kingdom of Kirkistan at all."

"Prophet? What are you kidding about! How can there be any prophetic ability in this world!? If that's the case, Nanaly wouldn't..."

ZERO's unhappiness stopped abruptly,

Lei Mingkai didn't pay much attention to ZERO's emotional changes, and still said in a calm voice: "Yes. There is no prophetic power in this world. What this princess has is just a GEASS similar to the retrospect of death."

"Death retrospect?! Through the death of the present, travel back to the past, so as to modify the present after the travel based on future experience" ZERO's mind is indeed the smartest.

Lei Mingkai only proposed a concept, and he immediately guessed the GEASS of Shamna.

"Yes. According to the information I have learned, the death of this princess should be traced back between 6 and 8 hours. Therefore, as long as during this period of time, what disaster happened to the kingdom of Kirkstan and the war? , She has the ability to go back to the past and correct the future."

After listening to Lei Mingkai's explanation, ZERO fell into deep thought.

Although he is puzzled about why Lei Mingkai knows Shamna's identity and the ability of Geass in detail, ZERO knows that Lei Mingkai is currently able to help him accomplish his goals. Therefore, the courageous ZERO will naturally not give up, and will not doubt where Lei Mingkai's intelligence comes from.

"It seems that we can't have a friendly conversation with Shamna, the princess of the Kingdom of Kirkstan." After thinking about everything, ZERO sighed secretly.

"Yes. You know that Kyrgyzstan is known for producing fighters. For such a warlike country, it is more suitable to fight with them than any etiquette." Lei Mingkai smiled and nodded. .

"Really? So, our carriage should be very suitable for running on the desert over there?" Zero already pointedly said.

"Trust me! Commander Leila has already adjusted the carriage to the most perfect condition. The worst is the knight who can complete the task." Lei Mingkai smiled lightly and pointed his finger at the White Wolf Fort behind him.

After starting the battle from the romantic capital, Karen and Archid were ready to board the carriage at any time, ride the flames, and rush to the enemy's base camp from above the sky.

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