Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 244: "My experience

"Da, da..."

   There was a sound of footsteps in the silent corridor, but in the next second, the sound of footsteps stopped.

   The stopped figure raised his head, and cast his gaze at the magnificent and solemn, yet familiar palace he was in.

   "Has it calmed down? As a result, the knight may have won. Charles, the 98th emperor of the Britanian Empire, may have already left the field."

   In the massive battle just now, even if he was in the depths of this palace, he could still see the thousand-meter-high scarlet giant and the battle scene of the machine that had never been seen before.

  Although the battle between them was terrible, after discovering that it would not affect the palace, the figure withdrew from the sidelines and continued to walk towards the depths of the palace.

   "The battle is over. It's a pity that His Majesty the Emperor didn't lose in my hands." Withdrawing his gaze, the figure standing in the corridor turned around and came to a huge door.

   raised the head that was covered by the mask, and the figure stared at the gorgeous pattern in front of him for a long time, but he was very familiar with it, and was familiar with the gate that had the meaning of changing fate in his life.

   Can remember that in that year, when he was 9 years old, his mother died, and his sister had her feet and her eyes disabled.

Under such circumstances, he opened the door in front of him with a small body and a young age, and in front of many nobles with ridicule, funny faces, etc., he dared not fear his father, Brittany. Charles DI Britania, the 98th emperor of the Asian Empire, raised questions and requests.

  As a result, after that, Lelouch and his sister Nanali not only lost the status of prince and princess, but became protons under Charles's order and were sent to other countries.

   At this point, his, Lelouch V. Britannia’s fate has changed.

   "Back here again."

   Under the mask, Lelouch's gaze changed, and in the end he raised his hand, and opened the door in front of him as he did in the past.

   "Crack, rumbling..."

   With the rumble of the door being pushed open, the audience hall that still clearly exists in the memory gradually appeared before his eyes.

   Unlike the scene in memory, the nobles who stood in this audience hall have disappeared.

   Similarly, the figure that had a burly figure, like a hill, had put a lot of pressure on Lelouch also disappeared.

   replaced it with another figure that made Lelouch even more jealous, even with inexplicable emotions.


   Under the mask, Lelouch's voice rang dullly.

   That's right.

  The figure sitting on the throne is the 99th emperor of the Britanian Empire who has captured Lelouch's GEASS ability. And he was the young man named Lelouch who came from another world in Charles's words.

   "Are you here? You really are here. Lelouch."

   The young man in a white imperial robe slowly stood up from the throne, looked at the young man with a mask and a black cloak below, and smiled lightly.

   "Looking at you, it seems very unexpected."

   Lu Luxiu did not take off his mask.

   Even if he was already identified by the emperor.

   "No, I was not surprised. In fact, neither you nor Charles came here by surprise. Because, from the beginning, I was prepared for you and your arrival."

   The smile on the corner of the emperor's mouth became stronger, then he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.


   A beam of light projected from top to bottom on the right side of the emperor.

   The next moment, the figure that appeared under the light made Lelouch's eyes widened.

   his hands are tied,

   Hanging under the feet,

   used to like the woman who ridiculed him intentionally or unintentionally,

   The woman he has always called the witch,

at this point,

   has become a prisoner at the mercy of others.

   "Hehe. It's a touching reunion."

   The emperor turned around, walked to the woman who was hung in the air, and looked at Lelouch from a high level.

   "Lelouch. Do you know? I am very jealous of you!"


   Seeing the horror of the witch, Lelouch, who had to remain calm even if he was anxious, frowned, and subconsciously began to analyze the emperor's words.

   "Hehe. That's right. I am not only jealous of you, but I am even more jealous of Lelouch, Lelouch in every parallel world. Do you know? No matter that world..."

   The emperor's voice was lowered slightly, and he looked at the silent witch who was hung in the air coldly.

"She has always existed as Lelouch V. Britania's most loyal ally. Even if Lelouch V. Britania has fallen into displacement and has become a situation inferior to a dog , The witch is still inseparable."

   said, the emperor smiled.

"Haha. Lelouch. Do you think I don’t know that CC has been secretly looking for a way to contact you? If not, I deliberately let go of my guard, I’m afraid you still don’t know about coming to this world, C’s In the world."

   "You brought me here?" Lelouch was shocked.


   "Kang Dang!"

   After a gunshot, the mask that Lelouch was wearing was mostly shattered.

   A hint of blush fell from his forehead and passed through Lelouch's right eye.

   At the same time, it was the witch C.C who was hung in the air that was awakened by the gunfire.

   As soon as she woke up, she saw Lelouch's shattered mask and the scar that looked a little shocking.

   "Lelouch! Be careful! He... Hmm!!! Hmm!!! Hmm!!!"

   Before C.C could finish what she wanted to say, she was suddenly covered by a force, unable to say a word at all.

   "Don't kill the scenery too much. Witch."

   The emperor's eyes lit up with a red light, and two silhouettes of birds that wanted to spread their wings and soared also lit up in the depths of his pupils.

   "C.C. Don't waste your effort. Although I can't make you shut your mouth completely, but if you can't tell, I can still do it. You, just show me obediently!"


   Suddenly, a black shadow dashed through the air and flew towards the emperor like lightning. However, the emperor gently turned his head to avoid this shadow.

   "Huh. Are you finally willing to take off that ridiculous mask?"

   The emperor sneered and raised his eyes to look down.

   It turns out that the black shadow just now was the mask shattered by bullets. It was Lelouch who threw it out while the emperor was not paying attention.

   is just useless, that's it.

   "As you like. This mask represents my determination. The emperor." Lelouch raised his hand and wiped the blush from his eyes, his eyes also lit up with the emperor's red light.

   "Oh? Has GEASS recovered? No wonder you have the confidence to stand in front of me. I am afraid, this is also the help C.C has given you? Ha ha."

   The emperor laughed a few times, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked directly at Lelouch's eyes.

   "Come on! Let me see your determination! Lelouch!!"


   red light burst,

   The pair of birds in the eyes of both parties flew high at the same time, and flew toward each other.


That night.

   Ashford Academy.

   Lulu Xiu finally returned home after finishing a day of schoolwork (actually to deal with the unexpected whims of the student council president Mi Lei).

   "Welcome back! Brother."

as always.

   It was his younger sister Nanali and his servant Saki Seiko who welcomed Lelouch back home.

   "Welcome back! Master Lelouch. Now let's eat first, or?" Sakishiko stood behind Nana, pushing the wheelchair for her, and asked Lelouch respectfully.

   Lulu Xiu nodded, pulling his collar, and breathing a little, he said: "Yeah. Let’s start eating! I believe Nanaly is hungry too. Sorry! Brother came back late."

   Nana Li, who was sitting in the wheelchair, raised her head slightly, facing the direction where Lulu Xiu was, and shook her head.

   "No. Nana Li is not hungry. It's just that my brother is already tired in order to cope with the task of the chairman? Why, let's eat after my brother takes a shower first!"

   Seeing that his sister was so sensible, Lelouch couldn't help but soften.

   "No. Let's eat first! Nanaly. My brother is not tired yet."


"um, yes."

   Finally, Nana nodded and approved Lelouch's decision. So, under the service of Sakishiko, the two brothers and sisters started a warm dinner.

   It's just that, before they could move the knife a few times, the door was suddenly knocked open.

   "Lelouch, Nanaly! Run!"

  It was Mi Lei, the president of the student union, who smashed the door open.

   I saw that the school uniforms worn by many of the girls who were always whimsical had been dyed into a blockbuster.

   And that face with a good face is even more covered with dust and blushing stains.


   Lu Luxiu was startled, he stood up and looked at Mi Lei in horror.

   "President, isn't it?!"

  Mi Lei nodded and shouted urgently.

   "Yes! Hurry up! Get out of here now!! Otherwise..."

   "Who are you!!"

"Da da da!"

   Saki Shiko’s exclamation sounded, but was interrupted by a series of gunshots.

   Upon hearing the gunshots, Mi Lei's expression suddenly panicked.

   "Quick! Quick! Lelouch, pick up Nana, and run away from the window!"

"Da da da!"

   As soon as Mi Lei finished speaking, she was stepped into the back of Saki Seiko.

   As she fell to the ground, a group of soldiers in armed uniforms with unknown signs rushed into the room.

   "Lelouch Lampeluki. Nanaly Lampeluki! Target, confirm."

The man headed by    looked at Lulu Xiu who was blocking Nanaly behind him, nodded, and raised his right hand.


   In the next second, at Lelouch’s roar, gunfire sounded.

   Countless bullets drowned Lelouch and Nanali in an instant.

When    fell, Lelouch watched Nanaly stop breathing.



   Lelouch jumped out of the bed when his lungs started breathing again.

   "This, this is? My room?"

   Lulu Xiu looked at his hands and couldn't help but wonder.

  Obviously, I should have died under the spear just now, why is he still alive? !

   In surprise, the door was knocked.

   "Master Lulu Xiu. You have a letter."

   is the voice of Saki Seko.

   "Saki Seiko? Didn't she die too?"

   In doubt, Lelouch opened the room and personally took the letter from Sakishiko, who should have been dead, but was still alive.

   "Saki Seiko, what is Nanaly doing now?"

   After receiving the letter, Lelouch asked casually.

   "Yes. Ms. Nanaly is now making paper cranes in the living room." Sakishiko respectfully told him the information Lelouch wanted to know.

   "Really? Then, let Nanaly fold the paper crane well! Later, I might go out." Lelouch glanced at the envelope in his hand, and gave a casual command.

   "Yes. Master Lelouch."

   half an hour later.

  Lu Luxiu rushed out of Ashford Academy.

   came to the amusement park with a serious face.

   "Xia Li. Are you here?"

   Half an hour ago, Lelouch who opened the envelope found out that it was Xia Li who wrote the letter.

   Besides, the letter mentioned that Lelouch is the secret of ZERO. In shock, Lelouch had to do what the letter said, and came to this amusement park alone to meet Xia Li, who claimed to know her secret.

   "Lelouch. You are here."

   As expected.

   When Lelouch came to the merry-go-round, Xia Li's figure also appeared.

   There are still tears on the face of the weak girl, but it can be seen that the girl is happy for Lelouch's arrival.

   "Xia Li. You..."

   Lu Luxiu was stunned, and moved his mouth subconsciously, but didn't know what to say.

   "No. It's okay. Lelouch. I'm just, just a little excited." Xia Li shook her head slightly, then stepped forward, lowered her head into Lelouch's arms, and asked softly.

   "Hey. Lelouch. Are you really Zero?"

   Lu Luxiu's face froze. Just as he was about to say something, an unfamiliar memory suddenly poured from the depths of his mind.

   is a torrent!

   is a terrifying mountain torrent that immediately buried the city under the mountain.

   And among the people buried under this mountain torrent, there happened to be Xia Li's father.

   The moment this memory appeared, Lelouch seemed to have straightened out the situation. However, his silent look in Xia Li's eyes already meant it by default.

   Suddenly, a sharp pain hit Lelouch's abdomen, shattering Lelouch's thoughts and consciousness.


   At the end of the disappearance of consciousness, the last scene that Lelouch saw was the tearful Xia Li following him on the road to the Yellow Spring in despair.

   "No!! Xia Li!"

   is another transition between darkness and light.

   It's just that this time, Lelouch didn't have to go through those weird experiences anymore, and once again returned to the audience hall.

   "Oh? Are you awake? Lelouch. How do you feel? After seeing all of Lelouch's life experiences."

  The emperor sitting on the throne slightly raised his mouth, and he said while watching Lelouch who was still confused.

   "All... Lelouch?"

"Right! What you saw just now was the memory of Lelouch in other worlds. Among them, some were secretly dealt with by the Empire before they launched, Then they died accidentally. Others were discovered and died in the hands of girls who loved Lelouch."

   Finally, the emperor's eyes fell on the witch.

   "More, but it is in the hands of his most trusted ally, the accomplice of his life. Do you think so? C.C."

   "You! Someone from another world!! Shut up! I am not the C.C you know!!" Suddenly, the witch gathered her strength and loudly refuted the emperor's words.

   "Huh! Are you? Are you? I am not in charge, but he is in charge! Lelouch Lampeluki!! Open your eyes and show me the true face of this witch!!"

   red light reappears,

  Lu Luxiu's eyes were black.

   When the light resumed again, he found that he had actually returned to the moment his fate began, during the attack.

   And under his own feet, lies a young girl who was hit and whose life or death is unknown.

   "I'm sorry! Although you are a student at Ashford Academy, you have seen things you shouldn't have seen. So, please go and die!"

   In front of him, it was the officer of the Britanian Empire and the soldiers he led.

   "Are you back here again?"

   Lu Luxiu frowned slightly, but he raised his hand without thinking, and ordered in an absolute command tone:

   "Ordered in the name of Lelouch V. Britannia, go to death!"

  :. :

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