Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 29: enemy! !

   Euphemia returned to the Governor's Mansion.

   Right now, it should also be the time for the Q department to enter the formal work.

   "K. The results of the interrogation have come out."

   Veretta handed the document with the results of the interrogation to Lei Mingkai.


   Lei Mingkai nodded, opened the file and glanced at it, then looked back at Lloyd, who was confident.

   "Lloyd. What was the result on your side?"

Lloyd smiled and nodded: "Uh-huh! The result of the interrogation on Veretta's side is similar. Although the illegal drugs placed in the basement look almost exactly the same, it is speculated that there are at least three of them based on the results of the random inspections. About one-third of the illegal drugs contain the mysterious substance we have discovered."

   After Lloyd finished speaking, Veretta also nodded. "According to the interrogation results obtained from the leaders of the traffickers, it is indeed similar to Lloyd's speculation."

   "A third?"

   Lei Mingkai closed his eyes and thought for a while, then sneered a few times.

   "Did the boss tell the source of the illegal drugs?"

   Veretta nodded first, then shook his head.

   "Said a part, but those are the channels that Governor Cornelia is currently dealing with. And about that one-third of the banned drugs, the leader can't tell us any useful information."


   Lei Ming Kaimo rubbed his chin and thought: "Assuming that the goods were not purchased by the boss himself, then it means that the drugs were provided to them by another group."

   "Yes." Cecil, who was looking at the illegal drugs piled aside one by one, suddenly exclaimed. Then, she walked over with a red bottle in each hand.

   "K, Lloyd, Veretta. Look! There is a mark on the bottom of the bottle."

   Under Cecil's reminder, Lei Mingkai and the three people turned their eyes to the bottom of the red bottle held in Cecil's right hand.


   An English letter was printed on the bottom of the red bottle.

   But at the bottom of the red bottle in Cecil's left hand, it is smooth and flat.

   "Here, letters are illegal drugs containing that mysterious substance?" Veretta frowned slightly, speaking out her doubts.

   "Hmm. Yes. At first, I didn't find it either. But just now, I suddenly saw this happened to the bottom of the sample bottles where we picked out the mysterious substance."

   Saihir stretched out his finger and pointed at the "Q" mark, and continued:

   "So I guessed that the bottle with the Q mark is what we are looking for."

   Now, Lei Mingkai and Lloyd don't need to say anything.

   Lloyd knowingly took the newly acquired sample, and he and Cecil were once again engaged in the testing work.

  Although this should have been a matter of fact, out of caution, Lei Mingkai and Lloyd decided to do another test.

   "Veretta. Any other clues?"

   Lei Mingkai still asked unwillingly.

  Veretta looked down and thought for a while, then suddenly exclaimed a little.

   "That's right! The boss seems to have mentioned that there will be a delivery tomorrow."

   "Tomorrow?" When Lei Mingkai heard this clue, his eyes lit up.

   You know, the boss was interrogated last night. It is already the next morning.

   In other words, the so-called tomorrow is today!

   "Time, place. As soon as possible!"


  Veretta knew that time was running out, and responded, and immediately turned around and led someone to interrogate the leader again.

   Three poles a day.

   Lei Mingkai, who did not close his eyes all night, once again brought the front-line personnel of the Q department to the side of the concession near Mount Fuji.

   There is a sparsely human forest.

   Even if there is a truck passing by the dirt road in the woods occasionally, it will not attract the attention of others.

   If this forest is used as a place for secret transactions, it is indeed enough.

   Lei Mingkai stood on the hillside, silently watching the dirt road that stretched from the highway to the depths of the woods.

   "K. The arrangements have already been made. The pioneers have already touched in for the first time. It is expected that there will be intelligence feedback in five minutes."

   Putting on the rather maverick driving suit, Veretta stood beside Lei Mingkai and said in a low voice.

   "Well. Let the Sunderland team get ready!" Lei Mingkai nodded, turned his head to look at Veretta, and shook his head.

   "Actually, you don't need to drive Sunderland this time. In a few days, your new body should be offline."

   Regarding Lei Mingkai’s kindness, Veretta resolutely said, “No! As a knight, I can’t stand alone and watch the battle when I can!”

   "Really? Then, Veretta Nu, go and prepare! The next battle may be a difficult one."

   Seeing that Veretta's attitude to participate in the war was so determined, Lei Mingkai couldn't exclude him from the battle sequence. Moreover, his instincts are faintly warning signs.

   In the next battle, there seemed to be some accidents.


   At this time, a hurried beep sounded.

   "It's the Vanguard Squad." Veretta, who had just walked away without two steps, took out the walkie-talkie that had been in contact with the Vanguard Squad to confirm, then turned back to Lei Mingkai and handed the walkie-talkie to him.

   "This is K. What's the situation?"

   "Yes! The situation is true, but the scene seems a bit weird."

   The voice of a member of the Pioneer Squad came from the intercom.

   "Report the situation."

   Lei Mingkai suddenly yelled.


   There was a sudden clicking sound on the other side of the walkie-talkie, and a slight scream hidden in it.

   "Not good! They were found! Sunderland Squad! Attack! Veretta, Sunderland Squad will be handed over to you. I want to drive Lancelot first!"



Under the dazzling sunlight that was torn into countless pieces by dense leaves, Lancelot turned into a white ghost, shuttled through the woods at full speed, striving to rush to the vanguard team in the shortest time and distance. The area where you are.

   rushed forward, suddenly a white light flashed in front of his eyes.

Lei Mingkai's heart tightened, and he subconsciously retracted his left hand and pushed his right hand. The galloping Lancelot suddenly became short, and immediately slid across the ground in a low posture, and quickly rushed out of the woods. .

   At the same time, a dazzling light also rubbed Lancelot's head and sank into the woods.


  The violent explosion blew the forest into a large area,

   Between the billowing flames and smoke rising into the air,

   A Sunderland,

   black body,

   Holding a handle about two meters in length, compared to Sunderland, the black Sunderland, who looked a bit huge, was standing not far in front of Lancelot.

   And Lei Mingkai can also see through Lancelot's surveillance camera, that there are some fleshy tissues scattered around the black Sunderland.

   That is the physical tissue from the human body.

   Lei Mingkai can easily confirm the original identity of these scattered flesh tissues from the remains of clothing still remaining on these flesh tissues.


   The vanguard team has all been killed.

  The murderer is the black Sunderland in front of me.

   Lei Mingkai didn’t speak, nor did he have to make a long talk before fighting the villain like in the movie, but,

   If it doesn't agree with me, I will do it!

   Lancelot's high-speed driving wheels burst out instantly.


   Lancelot suddenly turned into a white shadow, walking back and forth in the woods like lightning.

   The blow just now,

   and the huge gunfire,

   It is not difficult for Lei Mingkai to judge that this black Sunderland should be different from the one encountered in the slum area of ​​Shinjuku. Its power should come from that weird and huge gun.

   As expected,

  While walking around Lancelot, trying to find a chance to attack, the black Sunderland moved.

   The huge gun that was about two meters long was lifted up effortlessly and quickly locked where Lancelot was, and a beam of light burst out.


The dazzling light beam seemed to tear the void, and while leaping straight towards Lancelot’s location, everything on its shooting axis swept, swallowed, and destroyed, until there was nothing to be able to do. Remaining, just give up.

   Facing the light beam with such terrifying force, Lancelot flashed to the side, avoiding the oncoming beam attack as much as possible, while deploying the energy light shield with the maximum attack rate, blocking him.


   is enough to take away all the dazzling light,

   violent vibration,

   The beeping warning sound and on the screen in front of me, the feedback interface showing various parts of Lancelot is rapidly changing from green to red.


   A loud noise that resounded through the world swallowed Lancelot in it.

Then, among the huge plumes of smoke that rose into the sky, Lancelot, who was covered with cracks and scars, retreated and knocked down several big trees in succession. Only after Lei Mingkai's efforts, he was able to stabilize. Live the figure.

   After the energy light on Lancelot's left arm flickered a few times, it ended its life in a burst of noise.

   "It's not good!"

   The enemy in front of me is too strong.

   is so powerful that Lei Mingkai, who has been on Lancelot since boarding Lancelot, feels a sense of powerlessness.

   Although from the outside, this is a Sunderland painted black.

   But Lei Mingkai knew that Sunderland had no such powerful beam weapon.

   Among the Imperial Army of Britannia, only Lancelot can be equipped with beam weapons at present! !

   "Veretta. You take the Sunderland team around and leave it to me here!"

   Lei Mingkai opened the communication, and after a flat command, he closed the communication directly.

   "It's really ugly! Do you want to deal with that monster alone?" The mysterious white cat's voice suddenly came from the corner of the cockpit.

   Lei Mingkai smiled softly, looked at the black Sunderland slowly coming out of the thick smoke, and said, "Isn't there you still?"

   "Huh. I won't care about you this time!"

   The fluff on the white cat's body gradually stood up, the blue pupils were full of murderousness, and the deep voice spoke slowly.

   "Kay, our enemy, the enemy who destroyed our hometown has finally caught up!"

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