Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 332: Confrontation with Mallory

   "Lei Mingkai. Why do you think the singularity of time and space appears?"

   Standing in front of the holographic screen, Amada Nami asked a question.

   "World Fragment?"

  Lei Mingkai remembered that when Nami Amada met before, he mentioned that the fragments of the world were the reason for the emergence of the time and space singularity. However, judging from Amada Nami's appearance, there seems to be another reason.

   "It's true. The emergence of time and space singularity is indeed caused by world fragments. But here, there is no incentive."

   Amada Nami nodded, and said another possibility that Lei Mingkai had guessed.

   "Incentives?" Lei Mingkai pondered for a while, it seemed a little clear, but he couldn't tell why. In the previous battle, the behavior shown by Kinas seemed to verify something.

"Yes. Incentives. Since the collapse of the world, the world fragments scattered in the dimensional universe are stable in a certain sense. Without certain inducements or artificial influences, the world fragments will only be like roads. The stones on the side are generally inconspicuous. Of course, this does not rule out that the fragments of the world are already active when they fall into a certain world."

   Amada Nami didn't finish her words, she just paused, and continued talking about the information about the fragments of the world.

   "Therefore, apart from those world fragments that are activated by human factors, what we can encounter are world fragments activated by some kind of inducement."

   "So, what is the incentive? Is it an extreme emotion, thought, or spirit possessed by certain people?"

   After hearing Amada Nami's words, Lei Mingkai suddenly seemed to understand something.

"Yes. The speculation of the inspector is normal. In the similar incidents encountered by our army, it is indeed the extreme thoughts, emotions, and even spirits generated by an individual that have induced the activation of the fragments of the world, thus The emergence of time and space peculiarities occurred."

   Lei Mingkai pondered for a moment, and when he thought of the mission to enter the all-metal world, he subconsciously asked:

   "So, that is to say, in the next task, I must pay special attention to individuals who may have extreme thoughts, emotions, and spirits? These individuals may be the uniqueness of time and space itself?"

   Amada Nami nodded and said in a certain tone:

   "Yes! Although I have not personally experienced the singularity of time and space, these conclusions are all drawn by our leader, the pioneer."

   In his mind, the memory of communicating with Amada Nami about information related to the singularity of time and space kept passing by.

   In front of him, it was Mallory's seemingly casual question.

  Looking at Mallory's calm, proud face that didn't reveal the identity of others, Lei Mingkai couldn't help but sigh.

   "It's an old fox."

   However, in the next second, Lei Mingkai's heart did secretly tighten.

   Sitting in front of him is not the ordinary old man, but the current manager of amalgam and the founder of the Mithril mercenary organization as his opponent.

   These two identities can be described as shocking.

   No one can imagine that the founders of the two organization managers who can influence the direction of the entire world are the same person.

   However, behind this seemingly shocking identity, it reveals an extremely sad fact.

   Mallory, as the current manager of amalgam, has no actual control over the amalgam. Since the summer of 1948, Mallory’s grandfather, the man with amazing talents and the other four geniuses have established the amalgam organization in order to let the world and mankind finally move towards the lofty ideal of mutual understanding and peaceful reunification. Later, in the next 20 long years, after the constant replacement of members and the accelerated expansion of the organization, the noble ideas created by Mallory's grandfather have been lost in these long years.

   What is left is the control of the supreme power, the cadres of power attack each other, fight for power, and even for this, they will not hesitate to plunge the world into disputes.

   The changes over the past 20 years have disappointed Mallory, who admired the lofty ideals left by his grandfathers.

   However, even in the face of disappointment, this Mallory did not give up the idea of ​​saving the amalgam, so under some manipulation, it was regarded as an inhibitor of amalgam-Mithril was born.

   This is a terrible man.

   Lei Mingkai's eyes collided with Mallory's eyes in mid-air, and Mallory's mood was stable.

  He, waiting for Lei Mingkai's answer.

   Even if Lei Mingkai fell silent after he asked, he still remained patient enough to wait for Lei Mingkai to speak.

   Gradually, Lei Mingkai showed a smile and slowly said:

"Your Excellency. I'm just an ordinary person who wants to take my sister around. If you use your previous sentence to describe it, I am an ordinary man. At present, my biggest wish is I want to heal my sister’s trauma."

   Lei Mingkai said, while he said, he took a cup, took a sip slowly, raised his eyes, and looked at Mallory calmly.

  Extreme thoughts, emotions, spirits?

   In the observation just now, Mallory is not only observing Lei Mingkai, he himself has become Lei Mingkai's observation target.

   Fortunately, Lei Mingkai did not find any thoughts, emotions, or even spirits that could be called extremes from Mallory. If this old man, who wants to suppress the diseased amalgam, and even wants to turn the amalgam from the wrong path at all costs, is the peculiarity of time and space itself, this may be an extremely impactful thing.


   Lei Mingkai can be certain that the old man in front of him is not the uniqueness of time and space itself.


   Lei Mingkai's answer gave Mallory a moment of surprise, and then he burst into laughter.

   What he didn't expect was that his temporary excuse turned out to be Lei Mingkai's current excuse, an excuse to make himself speechless. Such a result, when Mallory felt helpless, he gradually had a hint of appreciation.

   However, appreciation belongs to appreciation, and things must continue.

"Never mind! Humans will eventually have all kinds of secrets that others do not want others to know. This is inevitable. However, at some point, these secrets may inadvertently harm others, or even affect the operation of the entire human society. .Your Excellency Lei Mingkai, what do you think?"

   The confrontation between words is invisible.

   When Lei Mingkai tried to find out the identity of Lei Mingkai in a roundabout way, he tried to make clear that he was just an ordinary person.

   To be honest, Mallory is not tired under this set of exchanges, and Lei Mingkai feels tired too. Facing Mallory was like facing the nobles of the Britanian Empire.

   This tug of war did not last long.

   Accompanied by White Cat Zero Style and the help of the maid named Fanny, Mira quickly completed the bathing and changing clothes and returned to Lei Mingkai.

   I have to say, Fanny has a good look. Just a simple dress, will be able to change Mira from an ordinary and timid little girl to a noble lady-like noble.


   This is just the appearance of clothing.

   "Well, Fanny. Your eyes are still sharp. It's great that Mira can ask you."

  Mila's arrival interrupted the tug of war between Mallory and Lei Mingkai. Unable to confront Lei Mingkai, Mallory took the initiative to give up the idea of ​​continuing to struggle with Lei Mingkai.

"Yes! Master. This is what I should do. In addition, the dinner is ready. I don't know the master, and your Excellency Lei Mingkai, does Miss Mira want to move to dinner?" Fanny bowed slightly and said not humbledly. .

   Mallory heard the words and looked at Lei Mingkai, the young man who made him feel tricky.

   "Mila, are you hungry?"

   Lei Mingkai looked sideways at Mila who was holding the white cat in zero pose, half of his body hiding beside him asked.

   "I'm hungry." Mira nodded.

   "Then, Lord Mallory, excuse me."

   Mallory waved his hand and looked at Fanny.

   "Fanny, let's start dinner!"

   "Yes! Master."

Perhaps the confrontation of words before the dinner exhausted the old man’s mind. During the entire dinner, he never tried to detect Lei Mingkai’s identity, and he even put all his energy on Mira, as if Like a granddaughter she hadn't seen for a long time, she kept humming her cold and asking for warmth, allowing Fanny to satisfy Mira's request.

   However, this enthusiasm was defeated by Mira's timidity.

   Dinner time passed quickly.

   Lei Mingkai and Mira did not agree to Mallory's stay, but insisted on returning to the city. In desperation, Mallory finally agreed to Lei Mingkai's request.

   So, the convoy of three bulletproof cars slowly left the mansion under Mallory's gaze.

   Watching the car lights from the convoy slowly disappear on the dim horizon in the distance, Mallory sighed secretly.

   "Master. Why not forcibly leave the lady? According to intelligence, this lady should be the target we want to protect."

   Jack the old housekeeper, standing behind Mallory, asked inexplicably.

As a loyal butler, the old Jack knew that Mallory had done a lot of preparations in this mansion before Lei Mingkai and Mira were invited to come, so that, at the right time, Mira was retained. To protect it.

   But, until just now, Mallory didn't mean to activate these preparations, which made the old butler very puzzled.

   "No. The current situation may be the best. Jack. I need you to do something for me."

   "Yes! Master, please speak."

   When returning from the vast plains to the brightly lit city, Mira had already fallen asleep tiredly.

   Mila, who has not fully recovered physically and mentally, has performed beyond Lei Mingkai’s expectations today, so let Mila have a good rest now!

   After placing Mira in place, Lei Mingkai walked out of the balcony and watched the convoy returning down the road from where he came in silence.

Behind   , there was a slight sound of footsteps.

   "Kay. Why don't you just state your goal? That old human man should be your current goal, isn't it?"

   The white cat leaped gently in zero style, jumped on the railing, and got down on his stomach, while shaking its long tail unconsciously, while talking about what it had noticed during the day.

"When Mila was taken to take a bath by the maid, at least no less than twenty soldiers were ambushed in that house. In addition, outside, it seemed that the body equipped in this world was hidden. Hey, I have to say, This may be the first big scene we have experienced since we came into this world."

   "No, there should not be only twenty people. Zero, you missed it. The maid and the old housekeeper are not ordinary people." Lei Mingkai's eyes narrowed slightly.

   The zero-style intuition of the white cat is not wrong, the fault is that it was deceived by the maid and the old housekeeper's seemingly kind, harmless appearance.

   "What? Those two people?! How could it be possible? They are just ordinary people." The white cat shook his head in zero form, a little unbelievable.

   "They are ordinary people when there is no threat to Mallory's situation. Otherwise, how can Mallory feel relieved to be alone with me? You know, we have been aware of something by Mallory."

   When Lei Mingkai took Mira to appear in this city in Australia, it was tantamount to exposing his existence to the eyes of some people.

   This is not a clever strategy, but it is the most effective way to lure a snake out of its hole. Moreover, judging from the results, the success rate is still double.

  In Lei Mingkai's expectation, it should be the intelligence personnel from the Mithril side that came to the door as soon as possible. After all, this is the site of Mithril.

   Under such anticipation, an unexpected accident happened to Lei Mingkai.

   Mallory, who has a dual identity, unexpectedly showed up, which surprised Lei Mingkai, but also had the next step to deal with.

   "I actively exposed my existence, but denied it. Kay, you humans are really tired!" White Cat Zero raised his head and glanced at the busy traffic under the bustling lights, and sighed.

   "There is no way. If I proactively declare that I am the guardian knight of the Empress of Britannia, what do you think the humans in this world would think?"

   Lei Mingkai shrugged and smiled slightly.

   The white cat zero-style thought for a while, and glanced at Lei Mingkai.

   "Probably, I will treat you as a lunatic."

   "That's the case. If you proactively show your identity, you will be treated as a lunatic. Then, you will only have to rub the corners."

   "Hey! Humans are really strenuous creatures."

   "Thank you for the compliment!"

   The next day.

   Just when Lei Mingkai woke up and was ready to wake up Mira, a doorbell rang.

   "Good morning! Your Excellency Lei Mingkai. I'm Jack. I come here to send you an invitation letter on the order of my master."

   The old Jack, wearing a stiff butler's costume, sent a letter respectfully when he saw Lei Mingkai open the door.

   "Good morning! Jack. This is?"

   Lei Mingkai nodded, and asked casually while reaching out to take the letter in Old Jack's hand.

   This may be the result of the verbal confrontation yesterday.

"These are some of the thoughts of my master. After learning that Miss Mira left some mental trauma for some reason, my master could not fall asleep all night. Therefore, he found an authoritative psychologist for inquiries. It gave some treatment suggestions."

   Lei Mingkai opened the letter and casually scanned the pile of proposals full of psychological terminology, then set his sights on the document at the back of the proposal.

   "Your Excellency. This is a transfer notice."

  "Transfer notice?" Lei Mingkai raised his and asked, "Which one is Mallory on earth?"

"Yes. Miss Mila is now at school age, and according to the advice of a psychiatrist, Miss Mila may be able to gradually recover from the trauma in contact with her peers." Old Jack lowered his head slightly. , The attitude is full and respectful.

   "Is that what Lord Mallory meant?" Lei Mingkai raised the file in his hand.

   "This is my master's suggestion. Whether it can be implemented or not depends on what your Excellency Lei Mingkai means."

   Old Jack’s answer made Lei Mingkai very satisfied.

   So, he nodded.

   "Then, thank Lord Mallory for me. However, I have one request. That is, I must be with Mira."

   "Yes! At this point, my master is ready."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Old Jack took out another envelope from his pocket.

   "This is an arrangement for Your Excellency Lei Mingkai. Please have a look."

   Lei Mingkai glanced at the words on the envelope, then raised his hand to take it.

   "No, no need. Thank you Lord Mallory for me. Say, I accept a favor from Lord Mallory."

   "Yes! I wish His Excellency Lei Mingkai and Miss Mira all the best."

   Under the light, the lettering on the envelope in Lei Mingkai's hand was shining.

   "Inauguration letter from Metropolitan High School."

  :. :

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