Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 43: Reignited flame


   The iron wings in the sky are like clouds, and the steel torrential rain with the theme of aerial bombs was thrown at the Narita mountain range from a high altitude by bombers covering the sky without money.




   With the screaming sound of a burst of aerial bombs falling rapidly across the sky, countless fireballs bloomed like a hundred flowers on the mountain.

   Under this astonishing aerial bombardment, the unbelievable black wave finally suffered a setback, and had to stop following the footsteps of the mountain and towards Lancelot and Gloucester who took the opportunity to break through.

   "Huh! Your Highness, we successfully broke through!"

   Listening to the roar and feeling the tremors from the ground, Gilbert finally let out a long sigh of relief.

   Finally, successfully broke through.

   "Well. Thanks to Pastor, Gilbert, and K for your hard work. Thank you!" Cornelia's dignity faded slightly, and he opened the communication channel and said.

   "No, this is what our Guards should do!" Gilbert and the remaining two knights said one after another.

   "Yes. I just came to support by the order of the vice governor. This is not a commendable thing." Lei Mingkai also said modestly.

   "Really?" Cornelia smiled, and didn't worry too much about the humility of his own guard and Lei Mingkai.

  At this time, the communication from the G1 mothership was connected.

   "Emperor Sister, Governor! Are you okay?" The face that appeared on the screen for the first time was Cornelia's beloved sister Euphemia.

"No, deputy governor. I'm fine. Although we lost a knight, we managed to break through with K's rescue." Cornelia nodded and said briefly about the situation, then The topic shifted to the bomber cluster that was launching a bombing of Narita Mountain Range.

   "Deputy Governor. Did you order the air force to attack?"

"Yes! Governor. Those unusual rogues have caused massive casualties in our army. If Dalton hadn't issued the retreat in time, I'm afraid the Second Division would have been wiped out." Euphemia's small face It is solemn. It seems that the black wave composed of weird rascals did put a lot of pressure on the G1 mothership.

   "Good job! Other things, wait until I return to the G1 mothership." Cornelia confessed and walked out of Gloucester's cockpit.

   "Gilbert, let Gloucester be repaired as soon as possible! We may have another attack later!"

   "His Royal Highness?! Still attacking?" Gilbert was taken aback and asked quickly.

   A light flashed in Cornelia's eyes.

   "Yes! The bombing of the Air Force is just to remove the rogues who have left the underground base. To solve these problems completely, we have to walk into this liberation front base ourselves."

   Talking, Cornelia turned her head, looked at Lancelot and asked: "Are you right? K. The Q department is not just for the Black Knights. You should understand this!"

   As Lancelot's cockpit opened, Lei Mingkai also walked out of it.

   "Yes! Governor. Those black rascals are indeed very similar to the black Sunderland that we played against before. But to be specific, we need to get inside before we know."

"Well. Go and get ready! Next, Lancelot will be the main combat power. Although this will be a tough battle for you, for now, only Lancelot’s equipment can be equipped against the enemy. Lethality." Cornelia spoke out the thoughts he had decided.

   "Yes! Your Highness."

After Cornelia left, Lei Mingkai asked Lloyd and Cecil who had rushed over to take Lancelot to the rear for preparation. At the same time, he stood on the second line that had been established and looked up at what had become a sea of ​​flames. Mountain.

   In the flames, the black rascals that had been blown into countless wreckage turned into fly ash at the speed of the naked eye.

   Even if the gap is still pouring out the black rascals, under the continuous blow of the aerial bombardment clusters, there is always no way to break through the sea of ​​flames spreading from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

   The roar of aerial bombardment is like a thunderstorm, constantly echoing back and forth in this valley.

   Three days.

   No one thought that the aerial bombardment summoned by the Deputy Governor Yufimia on an emergency order would last for three days.

   From the moment the aerial bombing began, the bombers stationed at the air force base in the concession took off non-stop, arrived at Narita Lianshan and bombed, returned, landed, supplied supplies, and then took off.

   This continuous aerial bombing operation made the pilots driving the bomber once again relive the taste of extreme combat.

   The result of their extreme combat was that the mountain that was used as a base camp by the liberation front was bombed and devastated, full of potholes.

   Moreover, looking toward the top of the mountain, I can clearly feel that this mountain is much shorter than it was three days ago.

That's because under Cornelia's follow-up order-at all costs, to contain the black rogue's footsteps within that gap, tanks, heavy artillery, and bombers in the sky will all squeeze themselves. He drove the firepower to its maximum, frantically used ammunition again and again, ploughing the mountain back and forth several times.


   The bomber cluster that completed the last round of bombing missions circled the Narita Mountains for a few times before returning to the air force base in a neat queue.

   On the ground, Gloucester, who had been repaired, was regrouped at the call of Cornelia.

   This time, it was not a large-scale operation.

   was a clean-up operation that went deep into the enemy camp. Therefore, the composition of the first wave of clean-up teams was the elite knights that Cornelia could find.

   Lei Mingkai and his assistant Veretta are also here.

   "Veretta, after going in, you will follow behind the Governor." Lei Mingkai glanced at the gap in the flames, which still appeared to be extremely deep, and said to Veretta.

   "Yes!" Veretta did not ask why, nor hypocritically, she responded altogether.

  As a female soldier, she naturally knows what she should do, and she also knows Lei Mingkai's intentions.

   "K. Are you ready?" Cornelia's communication was connected to Lancelot's cockpit.

   "Yes! Preparation is complete." Lei Mingkai responded.

   "Then, let's go!"

   Lei Mingkai nodded, and Lancelot took the lead, rushing toward the gap along the road opened by the engineering corps.

   In the rush of speed, Lancelot, who was advancing at full speed, did not wait for Cornelia and others to follow, but plunged into the deep gap under the drive of Lei Mingkai.


  As soon as Lancelot stepped into the gap, Lei Mingkai's ear suddenly heard a soft noise, but when Lei Mingkai listened carefully, he found nothing wrong.

   "K! What's the matter?" As soon as Cornelia, who followed behind, entered the gap, she sent an inquiry to Lancelot who was staying in place.

   "No. Nothing. Just a little surprised."


   Whether in Cornelia or Lei Mingkai’s speculation, they will be blocked by the enemy the moment they enter this gap.

   But Lei Mingkai and Cornelia were surprised and puzzled by the situation in front of them.

   Not only did the predicted blockade not happen, but even the enemy's shadow was not seen.

   Except for the dimness in the entire passage, there was a dead silence.

   A dead silence that can't be illuminated by the blazing flame outside the gap.

   "K, you are in charge of the main passage in front of you, Gilbert, you assign manpower to investigate other secondary passages. The others follow me and advance gradually!"


   Cornelia's order, Lei Mingkai naturally couldn't ask for it.

   For some reason, the more he drove Lancelot closer to the center of the fortress, the more unspeakable vibrations appeared in his mind.

   It seems that something is gradually coming out of its cocoon after being attracted by a certain breath.

"who is it?"

   Lei Mingkai felt a sense of confusion.

  If the mysterious white cat hasn't fallen asleep, maybe it can give an answer. But in front of him, only Lei Mingkai himself cautiously approached the central area of ​​the fortress.

   In the dark, the white knight Lancelot held the radiating vibrating sword in his left hand and the variable VARIS rifle in his right hand, carefully walking along this main passage into the central area of ​​the fortress.


   A stone was rolled over by the high-speed drive wheel, and there was a cracking sound.


   Suddenly, a burst of red light burst out from the depths of the tunnel.

"not good!"

   Lei Mingkai was The action quickly controlled Lancelot to squat, and his left hand moved forward to unfold the energy light shield at an angle of 45°.


   The huge roar formed by a burst of energy shock, like a tsunami, instantly swept along the passage behind Lancelot.

   a powerful wave of air,

   Shocking roar,

   There is also the unknown energy shock that is so strong that Lei Mingkai has to use his best to resist the maximum output of the energy light shield.



   still happened after all.

   A stronger wave of air,

   a deafening roar,

   There is also the terrible energy attack that blows Lancelot over, rolling in mid-air for several weeks, landing in embarrassment, barely maintaining the balance of the body.


   In the smoke and dust,

   The energy light shield on Lancelot's left forearm was jumping with electric sparks. It seemed that it could not last long.

   The blow just now almost forced out Lancelot's new trump card-Energy Light Shield.


   Lei Mingkai was not frustrated by this.

on the contrary,

   At this time, Lei Mingkai's heart was ignited with anger that even came from him.

as well as,

   The name that suddenly appeared at this moment and occupied his mind.

   A name that completely ignited the fire of his hatred.

   With the afterglow caused by the energy shock just now, a huge and ugly figure, a sinister and ominous aura appeared in front of Lei Mingkai's eyes.


   The white knight made a roar full of anger! ! !


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