Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 449: Arrive at headquarters

   The vast and boundless ocean quietly receded, and what greeted the battleship Di Calion was the gray-white horizon and the increasingly fierce cold wind.

  It's just that Deucalion's hard steel armor is enough to keep the cold wind swept from the extreme north out, and protect the humans staying inside the battleship from the cold wind.

   "Ducalion left the coastline and is now heading to the Joint Earth Headquarters according to the original plan. The scheduled arrival time is 12 hours!"

   Saki Kaoru announced the news that excited everyone at the moment the battleship Deucalion left the coastline.

   From the moment the Orbital Knight launched the attack, this thrilling escape journey finally came to an end.

   As long as the battleship Deucalion arrives at the Earth Joint Headquarters smoothly, all problems will be solved.

   "It's finally here!"

  Darzana, who was sitting in the command position, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but after arriving at the Earth Joint Headquarters, there was still a crucial issue to deal with.

   "Captain. Are you thinking about this ship and the Princess?"

  Unexpectedly, the deputy captain sitting next to Misaki Saki suddenly broke Darzana's thoughts.

   Darzana was taken aback, then turned around and looked at her deputy captain with a bad look.

   "No see Saki. Let me tell you the reason for being unpopular!"

   A familiar scene was staged again.

   I can't see Saki smoked the door and retorted.

   "Isn't it said that understanding is one of the factors that make people popular?"

   Darzana countered:

   "You are not understanding, but prying into the privacy of others!"


   Misaki Saki Kaoru shrugged, and then led the topic in another direction.

   "Captain. Princess Ethelam is now meeting with that Ley Arriasiu."

"The results of it?"

   Ethelam made a request to meet Ley Ariaxu. Darzana was not surprised, but she was not optimistic. The daughter who claimed to be the assassin who initiated the assassination did not seem to be a girl who could be impressed by words.

   is just simple words, it is impossible to convince the girl whose eyes are covered by hatred.

   "It's not so good. Lay Arriasiu didn't pay attention to Princess Ethelam, and kept silent from beginning to end."

  Saki Kaoru's answer gave Darzana a feeling like that.

   Therefore, on this issue, Darzana stopped paying attention and turned to the next issue.

   "No see Saki. Do you think this warship ends here?"

   No See Sakisaki was silent for a while, then shook his head.

   "No. Captain. Perhaps from the moment this warship is activated, we may have been marked by the Deucalion mark."

  Using Mars technology to design and manufacture, but because of the earth union, the Aldnoah reactor was not able to be activated. The warship that was finally abandoned was given a chance to wake up under this ingenious and subtle opportunity. This is unimaginable no matter which side it is.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Earth Joint Headquarters, this battleship activated by Ethelam Weiser Eleosia may be like the overwhelming power shown by the Martian Orbital Knights in this war. It was so unexpected.

   "So, do we have to be a cannon fodder?"

   Darzana didn't say this sentence, but murmured it secretly in her heart.

   At the moment, on the viewing platform.

   Lei Mingkai and Euphemia are standing in front of the window, looking at the endless ice field below.

   "Further north, is it the North Pole?"

   Euphemia raised her left hand and placed it on the cold glass, trying to feel the cold of the earth.

   "Well. Crossing this barren ice sheet is the North Pole. The joint headquarters of this world is designed in a barren land in the far north."

   Lei Mingkai glanced at the latitude and longitude where the battleship Deucalion is now, then nodded.

   Judging from Lei Mingkai’s memory, now this warship has come to the key point of this war.

   After Deucalion arrives at the Earth Headquarters, Ethelam will announce to the outside world through the broadcasting system of the Earth Joint Headquarters that she is still alive and call on all orbital knights participating in the attack on the Earth to stop the attack.

   This plan is the result of discussions between Ethelam and Darzana.

   But, in the face of the determination and fierceness of the orbital knights after Aisailam was "assassed", I am afraid that Aisailam's appearance will not produce the effect expected. Even, it may attract the enemy's attack.

   "Kay. Will the enemy come? Direct attack on the Earth Joint Headquarters?"

   Yufimia retracted her left hand on the glass, and looked at the man standing beside her, but didn't know what she was thinking.

"Yes. When Fiana took the Deucalion, the Count Zazbalum probably already knew about the battleship. After all, whether it was the Deucalion or this The battleship Deucalion bears the traces of Volley Factor. Dedicated to avenge his fiancee Volley Factor, he will never let go of this battleship using Deucalion’s Aldnoah reactor."

   Based on the knowledge of the Earl Zazibalum in the original work, Lei Mingkai affirmed Zazibalum's next actions.

As soon as the global broadcasting of Atholam is launched, the city of Zazbarum Yanglu, which has been hanging outside the earth’s atmosphere, will inevitably fall towards the Earth Joint Headquarters, forcibly interrupting Atholam’s global broadcasting, and The news of the death of Her Royal Highness Princess Ateliam has become a foregone conclusion.

   "War is still unavoidable. Ethelam's efforts are in vain after all."

   Seeing the isolated and helpless Ethelam working **** the road of persisting in peace, but finally turned into running water, it ended in a fruitless result, Yuphemia couldn't help but sigh.

If Euphemia hadn’t had the help and support of Conelia and Lei Mingkai from the very beginning, she would end up with Ethelam’s efforts. Eventually, It was an empty result.

   In fact, if Euphemia's fate remains unchanged, it turns out to be more tragic than Ethelam.

   not only collapsed, but also ended in death.

   "Yufie. I will always be by your side."

  Looking at Euphemia's somewhat empathetic gaze, Lei Mingkai knew what the empress was thinking.


   The cold wind outside is whizzing from the far north, sweeping towards the south with a cold atmosphere.

   Amidst the icy scum that was lifted by the squally wind, the battleship Diocalion, which straddled the ocean, finally arrived at the Earth Joint Headquarters.

   Looking at the flying battleship on the surveillance screen, everyone guarding the command center was amazed by it.

   No matter how rich their imagination is, I'm afraid they can't imagine that the power that the Earth Union has always wanted to obtain will be obtained by such a coincidence.

   However, the general standing in the command center felt uneasy.

  Even though, Princess Ethelam, who may be able to stop this war, is on Deucalion.

   Deucalion’s entry operation went smoothly.

   With the heavy gate that isolated the underground space from the ground slowly closed, the thrilling escape journey from the landing craft to the Poseidon to the battleship Deucalion finally came to an end.

   Refugees shrouded in the dark clouds of war, guided by the long-awaited Earth Union soldiers, stepped down from the battleship Deucalion in an orderly manner, and walked towards the residential area preliminarily used to house refugees.

   "Is it finally over?"

   The smooth arrival of the battleship De Calion not only made the refugees feel at ease, but also made Judo Koichiro feel uncomfortable.

   Recalling the entire evacuation process, Judo Koichiro found that he could not play any role at all.

   As a captain of the Earth United Army, he can only do tasks that civilians can do. Even if it was sitting on Arion and attacking, he couldn't do it.

The nightmare of tarsal gangrene often happens in time when Judo Koichiro gets into Arion’s cockpit. How can Judo Koichiro make up his mind and muster the courage of the opposite nightmare to no avail, and finally ends up sitting in the cockpit. It was wailing inside, a coma directly due to a nervous breakdown.

   "Captain. Are you here?"

   At this time, Lei Mingkai's voice sounded.

   Juto Koichiro turned his head and looked over, but first raised the bottle in his hand and greeted Lei Mingkai.

   "Fear sinks. It seems that Captain Juhu likes this wine very much."

   The blue wine bottle reflecting the light surprised Lei Mingkai.

   Judging from the previous scene where Judo Koichiro drank his first sip of fear, it seemed that Judo Koichiro had already cast a shadow on it. But now he is holding it in his hand.

   But judging from the stock in the bottle, Judo Koichiro just held it in his hand.

   "This is good wine!"

   Judo Koichiro sighed.

   "It's so good that people don't dare to take another sip. Warrant officer, would you like to drink it?"


   Lei Mingkai laughed loudly, and reached out to take the "fear sinking" from Judo Koichiro's hand. When he was about to open a drink, he was stopped by Judo Koichiro.

   "No. Warrant officer. You still can't drink this wine. Although you gave it to me."

  Juto Koichiro held Lei Mingkai's hand, and held the "fear sinking" in his hand again.

   Seeing this, Lei Mingkai immediately spread his hands, indicating that he did not intend to take away the "fear sinking".

   Then, Lei Mingkai glanced at the fear of being held tightly by Judo Koichiro in his hands.

   "Captain. Congratulations. I learned from Captain Darzana that the headquarters seems to have approved the report you wrote that year. From now on, the infamy you carried has disappeared."

   This news is undoubtedly great news in the eyes of ordinary people who bear infamy. But for Judo Koichiro, it is not good news.

   "Really? That's really good news."

   The gaze is flat, without any unexpected emotions, and the action of twisting the bottle cap subconsciously, all means that Koichiro Judo’s current mind is not on this.

   However, when the faint blue liquid of "fear sinking" was about to pour into Koichiro's mouth, his movements suddenly stopped.

   "Is it the cause of Decalion?"

   After putting the cap on the bottle again, Judo Koichiro showed a self-deprecating smile.

   If it were not for the accidental activation of the battleship De Calion, I am afraid that the inside story of Tanegashima would continue to be blocked until the end of the war.

   "But, what use is this for me? I am just a coward who just sits in Arion's cockpit and trembles until he faints."

   The mockery of Juto Koichiro's mouth gradually deepened.

   Lei Mingkai didn't speak, but stood beside him, quietly listening to Judo Koichiro's self-deprecating words.

   On the way, Judo Koichiro had several attempts to lift the bottle and take a swig, but at the last moment, he stopped the action severely.

   Looking at Judo Koichiro who was struggling back and forth between drinking and not drinking, Lei Mingkai couldn't help but sigh.

   Fear sinks.

   is really a wine that makes people love and hate!

   "Captain. I wonder if you heard a word?"

   Lei Mingkai's words made Judo Koichiro subconsciously rub the bottle.

   "What are you talking about?"

   "Fear is also a way for humans to gain power."

   Upon hearing Lei Mingkai's words, Judo Koichiro burst into laughter.

   "Warrant officer. This joke is not funny. Yes To overcome fear is to face fear. I know this sentence. But not everyone can do it. At least, I can't."

   Lei Mingkai stretched out his index finger and swayed.

   "No. Captain Juhu. I don't mean that you want you to overcome your fear, but to use it. As long as you hold your fear in your hands, you will gain the power to get rid of the past."

  Juto Koichiro didn't believe Lei Mingkai's remarks at first, but he saw the inexplicable steadfastness in Lei Mingkai's eyes, but he subconsciously refuted it.

   "How can that kind of thing be done? At least, I can't do it as a coward."

   "Really? Perhaps, Captain Juhu, you need an opportunity. But when the opportunity comes, I hope Captain Juhu can summon the courage and take this opportunity in his hands."


  Judo Koichiro's heart moved. When he wanted to ask Lei Mingkai, he found that Lei Mingkai had already turned and left. The speed of leaving made Judo Koichiro's heart feel a little different.

   Judging from the conversation just now, isn't Lei Mingkai’s posture the same as the posture that Yega Canglaizhen used to treat himself?

   "First put on the appearance of a psychiatrist, and then dropped a word mysteriously. Warrant Lieutenant Lei, what on earth do you want to do?"

   Juto Koichiro lifted his hand, and the moment a faint blue appeared under his eyes, the movement stopped again.

   "Hey! Don't worry. Forget it if it's mysterious. It also prevents me from drinking! What the hell!"

   cursed happily, but the blue wine bottle in his hand was held tighter.

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