Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 504: Base attacked

"Man-made causes?"

Lei Mingkai, who had just sat down, stood up again and looked at Garut in surprise.

Lei Mingkai also knew the cause of Garut's accident.

After some investigation, the New Edward Flight Test Center concluded that the instability of the airborne system caused the YF21 to malfunction during the test flight and injured Garut, who was the test pilot at the time.

But this conclusion was overturned by the client Garut today? !

Garut saw Lei Mingkai's surprise.

He just nodded faintly, indicating that Lei Mingkai really did not make a mistake.

"Yes. Maybe it's man-made."

Immediately, Garut fell into memories.

"At the time, the YF21 I was driving was at an altitude of 21000. The weather was good and there was no possible wireless interference."

"Wait. Director Garut, you mean wireless interference?!"

With just a short sentence, Lei Mingkai had already realized what Garut would say in the next sentence.

"Well, wireless interference."

Sure enough, Garut admitted this.

"I remember that was the communication between me and the control tower just before finishing the mission. When I was about to start the mission, YF21 got out of control. No, to be precise, the BDI system suddenly disconnected from me."

"This is the conclusion of the New Edward Flight Test Center about the accident, isn't it?"

Although there are some discrepancies in what Garut said, in general, it is generally consistent with the conclusions given by the New Edward Flight Test Center.

"Well, that's right. However, I conceal one thing. Lieutenant, if you continue the YF21 test mission, you will probably encounter the same accident."

Garut's eyes were calm, and there seemed to be a hint of anxiety in the depths of the calm.

"What the **** was the accident? Director Garut. You are now...maybe it is also related to this?"

Lei Mingkai was a little confused, and gestured outside the door a little.

There, Yong Dyson and Mei Weng were guarding the door.

"No, it's not directly related. It's just that I remembered some old things. Thanks to the chaos of last night."

When Garut said this, he was lonely.

But in this loneliness, there is a sense of guilt.

As long as he saw this picture of Garut, Lei Mingkai already knew the reason why Yong Dyson and Mei Weng were driven out of the ward.

I'm afraid, in the fury of last night, Garut has remembered the upheaval that led to the dissolution of the Audio-Technica that year.

"These are not worth mentioning. Lieutenant Lei Mingkai. Listen."

Garut has no intention of continuing to sink in those old things, but what he has in mind now is the accident that caused him to lose his qualification as a YF21 test pilot.

"When the BDI system disconnected from me, I heard a sound."

Garut's brows gradually frowned, as if trying to recall the sound he had heard.

But even if Garut worked hard, he couldn't remember the meaning behind the sound.

The only thing he knew was to guess that this sound might be the real culprit that caused the BDI system to disconnect.

"I don't remember the content of the sound, but I can be sure that it should be a melody, a piece of music."

Lei Mingkai's mind was shaken as soon as Garut said this.

The failure of the BDI system, as well as music and singing, these factors are superimposed on each other, and they have already pointed to a certain existence.

That is Sharon Ep!

If all the accidents before YF21 are counted on Sharon Epp's head, then it means one thing.

The fragments installed on Sharon Epp's mainframe were earlier than Lei Mingkai expected, and he began to control the surrounding others before he came to Eden.

BDI system, GHOST-X9.

I am afraid it has been invaded by Sharon Eppe.

Lei Mingkai did not speak, but raised his gaze and looked directly at Garut's eyes.

At this moment, the two parties do not need words, only a glance is needed to know what the other party means.

"Then, I'll go first! Director Garut, leave the YF21 test flight to me!"

"Hmm! Please! Ensign."

Garu nodded, and watched Lei Mingkai leave, and ignored the Yong Dyson and Mei Weng who were guarding the door and trying to enter the room.

"Let the mistake of the year end here!"

Outside the door, Lei Mingkai had just disbanded the people who had come to visit Garut, and Yong Dyson came up.

"Hey! Lei Mingkai. What's going on with that guy Garut now? That **** won't let me in. Is it great if he gets sick?"

"Yong, don't say a few words. Garut may be too tired to see guests." Then Mei Weng who walked over quickly dissuaded Yong Dyson.

But she didn't know that Lei Mingkai had been looking at her when she walked over.

"Mei Weng Fang Long. Sharon Epp's agent and his emotional provider."

The identity of the economic man is well-known, but the identity of the sentiment provider is a secret that only the Sharon Epps team can know.

Lei Mingkai, who suddenly opened this secret, caught Mei Weng by surprise and was stunned for a while.

"You... asshole! What the **** are you talking about?"

Yong Dyson was a little puzzled, but he was reckless by nature and chose the most direct way, grabbing Lei Mingkai directly and asking the truth.

"Calm down. Lieutenant. This is a matter between you, I have no intention of mingling. It's just that Director Garut has already remembered something."

Lei Mingkai raised his hand and took away Yong Dyson's hand gripping his collar, and gently said something that made them take a step back together.

"You, you mean..."

Lei Mingkai shook his head slightly, and after a glance at Garut's ward, he left Yong Dyson and Mei Weng there, turned and left.

Although bloody, Lei Mingkai knew that they could handle these things well.

Lei Mingkai now has more important things to deal with.

The low sound of the engine whizzed past the ring highway.

The car carrying Lei Mingkai drove all the way along the highway and headed straight towards the Atlantis Stadium on the small island in front of the waterfall.

"Does it work for you to rush over now?"

The white cat with its forefoot on the dashboard tilted its head back and stared at the stadium in the distance.

"I don't know. But I have to check it out. If GHOST-X9 is completed, then Sharon Epp should also go to Earth."

Lei Mingkai held the steering wheel in both hands, paying attention to the traffic on the highway.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid there is no one there anymore."

The white cat's zero worry is correct.

When Lei Mingkai drove the car into the parking lot of the Atlantis Stadium, he had already discovered that there was no unexpected noise around him, but that it was exceptionally quiet.

"Leave so soon?! Mei Weng..."

Lei Mingkai, who quickly got out of the car and walked to the gate of the stadium, frowned and looked at the locked gate.

If the Sharon Epps team has left, then Mei Weng is still staying in Eden?

Did Mei Weng ask for leave specially?

Or does the team leave Mei Weng here as a **** that can be abandoned?

Regardless of the former or the latter, Lei Mingkai felt that it might happen.

But, in any case, Lei Mingkai has to enter this stadium to see what happens.

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed across the green belt not far from the stadium.

"Where is it?! Kay! There is a situation!"

After being taught in the woods, White Cat Zero didn't dare to run away from Lei Mingkai without authorization. Instead, he turned around and jumped, lying on Lei Mingkai's shoulders, and acted with him.

After Lei Mingkai glanced at the locked court, he still chose to chase the white shadow.

In the green belt, the white shadow is in front and Lei Mingkai is behind. The speed of the two sides is getting faster and faster. In just a few minutes, they have crossed the green belt of the Atratis Stadium and came to the distance. In the woods further away from the city.

Looking at the branches in front of him, Lei Mingkai suddenly had the illusion that he had once again returned to the woods behind the windmills.

After opening the branches in front of him, he will once again see the neatly arranged Soth mechanical beasts and those partners who have already died in the abyss invasion?

"Kay. She is behind this tree."

The White Cat Zero raised his head and stared at the green branches and leaves that hid his sight.

Lei Mingkai's movements paused, but he still stretched out his hand to lift away the branches blocking him.

It's a lake again!

At the moment the branch was opened,

Under the bright sunlight,

Lei Mingkai saw a familiar lake and the white figure standing by the lake.

"Have you not left yet? Sharon Eppe."

Even though there was a question in his mind, Lei Mingkai only asked such a sentence.


The white figure trembled gently, as if waiting for something.

"My knight is here. Why should I leave?"

"You're not Vale Weian. Sharon Eppe."

The white figure once again regarded Lei Mingkai as his knight, but Lei Mingkai still ruthlessly denied this statement.

"How indifferent! Kay, my knight! If I'm not Vale Weian, then who am I?"

The white figure stretched out his right hand, pointed to himself and asked:

"is her?"

"is her?"

"Or is it her?"

During the inquiries, the appearance of the white figure continued to switch back and forth between the mermaid, the girl next door with short hair, the noble and holy goddess, and the majestic queen, and the elegant princess, and even in the end, she The appearance has become Mei Weng's appearance.

"Or, I am her? A poor human woman. She obviously loves one person, but she also likes another person."

Lei Mingkai silently watched the white figure constantly switching his appearance.

Even at a certain moment, the appearance of the white figure turned into that Princess Weierwei Ann who had already died in the abyss invasion, and was unmoved.

"You are Sharon Ep. A virtual program made by humans."

"Do not!"

Lei Mingkai's cold words immediately stimulated the white figure.

The white figure was shaking constantly, as if it was a manifestation of human beings when they were angry.

"I...I am..."

Suddenly, the voice of the white figure became distorted, and even the clear outline became blurred.

In the blink of an eye, the white figure disappeared in front of Lei Mingkai's eyes.


At the moment it disappeared, Lei Mingkai heard such a sentence.

"Earth, there are more people on the earth, they will know who I am!"

The white cat stepped on the green grass under her feet, came to the place where the white figure stood just now, raised her head and looked at the sky above her head.

"She's gone! Kay."

"But she is waiting for us on Earth!"

But White Cat Zero shook his head and looked back at Lei Mingkai.

"No. Kay, she didn't leave obediently."

At this moment, a sudden bell rang.

"It's me. Please speak."

Lei Mingkai took out the contactor from his pocket and turned it on to respond to the message coming from the other end of the communication channel.

"Second Lieutenant Lei Mingkai! This is the control tower! Now our new Edward Test Flight Center is under attack! Please return to the base immediately! Please return to the base immediately!"

The anxious voice from the other end of the communication channel made Lei Mingkai's eyes constricted, and even behind this voice, Lei Mingkai heard some explosions.

"I see! Return now. Give me five minutes!"

After Lei Mingkai gave a quick response, contact was interrupted on the spot.



The white cat zero-style jumps into the form of a wild lion.

"Come on! Kay! Three minutes."

The time given by Lei Mingkai was five minutes, but the Wilderness Lion Zero gave a shorter time.

In a blink of an eye, the steel lion rushed into the woods and quickly returned to the desert where the New Edward Testing Center was located.

At this time, the New Edward Flight Test Center was under attack from an unknown source.

"Have you contacted them?"

Millard stood in the command center, looking at the sky that had been burned by war.

That is a group of enemies of unknown origin.

Neither the intelligence shared by the Jetratians nor the Earth’s integrated intelligence system have ever had such an enemy.

Just a few minutes has already occupied most of the airspace of the new Edward Flight Test Center.

Had it not been for the air force stationed at the New Edward Flight Test Center to push back a wave of defiance, I am afraid that the sky above the New Edward Flight Test Center is now the enemy's world.

"They have been contacted. Lieutenant Yong Dyson and Lieutenant Lei Mingkai will return in five minutes."

CIC quickly responded to Millard's inquiry, and at the end gave a bad news.

"Colonel, but three minutes ago, our new Edward Flight Test Center lost contact with the integrated fleet stationed on the Eden synchronous orbit."

"Communication interference?! It seems that the enemy came prepared. But why did they interfere with the communications of the New Edward Flight Test Center after issuing a recall order to Yong Dyson and Lei Mingkai?"

It seems that these enemies are here for Yong Dyson and Lei Mingkai.

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