Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 561: Each other's fate

South Pacific?

When Astrid mentioned this geographical location, the first thing that appeared in Lei Mingkai's mind was the country that had existed as a winner from beginning to end-Aub.

But judging from Astrid's expression, the target she mentioned does not seem to be in Orb's territory.

After thinking about it, Lei Mingkai felt that there was nothing strange.

There are countless islands in the South Pacific.

On these islands, which are either thriving or uninhabited, it is normal for unknown secrets to be hidden.

"Kay. What do you think?"

After listening to Astrid's words quietly, Lacus did not express her thoughts for the first time, but gave the decision to Lei Mingkai.

Astrid also turned his attention to Lei Mingkai.

As she said before, when Lei Mingkai and Lux ​​appeared, Astrid, who had already been informed by Yemengarde in advance, was very much looking forward to what choice Lei Mingkai would make.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will not be possible to take Lacus all the way in the mortal desperate situation, from the universe to the earth, set off from the cold extreme north, across the Atlantic Ocean, and unfortunately fell in the desert, and then took Lacus all the way. Going north, came the feat here in Scandinavia.

"I need information. The more detailed the better! You should have done this, haven't you?"

Lei Mingkai said without hesitation an answer that did not surprise Astrid.

In this regard, Astrid was not disappointed, but nodded.

"Yes. Yemengard does have some abilities. Although the mysterious force is very strange, she still caught some clues."

"Is the information here? Or, you didn't bring it here?"

Lei Mingkai moved his eyes and looked at the table where there didn't seem to be many documents.

Seeing this, Astrid suddenly smiled.

"Haha. Of course. The main reason I came here was to deal with refugee camps. Therefore, I didn't bring out important information. Moreover, I didn't have this habit if it was not necessary. After all. , People will always forget things that shouldn’t have been forgotten in clever time.”

Astrid's statement was not beyond Lei Mingkai's expectations, but it was somewhat unexpected.

"Okay! The follow-up matters can be handled by others. Miss Lacus, Your Excellency Lei Mingkai, now please follow me to the capital of the Kingdom of Scandinavia!"

Not a few steps away, Astrid exclaimed afterwards.

"Right! I forgot one thing. Your Excellency Lei Mingkai, your body?"

"Are there arrangements in Scandinavia?"

When speaking out his decision, Lei Mingkai first returned the question to Astrid.

"Do you think that Scandinavia has a transport force dedicated to carrying MS?"

Scandinavia has always been flattering neutrality, not participating in any wars, nor participating in any international entanglements. Therefore, the war between the united earth and the earth has become more and more fierce, and each other will analyze each other’s cutting-edge combat power, reverse analysis and Scandinavia is still the same in the moment of transcendence.

The soldiers are trained according to the requirements and standards before the war, and the weapons and equipment developed before the war are used to defend the country.

Such a situation is indeed a bit embarrassing when facing the white Baku brought by Lei Mingkai.

"If the Kingdom of Scandinavia doesn't mind, my Baku can follow behind to the capital of the kingdom under the control of an automatic program."

Lei Mingkai thought for a while and gave a plan.

But this plan made Astrid a little embarrassed.

"It's a good thing to be able to drive automatically. But... well, that's right."

Astrid, who subconsciously uttered her own thoughts, was stunned.

Suddenly she remembered that she had witnessed the whole process of white Baku's invisibility, and couldn't help but laughed bitterly.

"It seems that I was negligent. Also. Baku with such technology will not be witnessed by any public."

Astrid was talking, subconsciously adding something in his heart.

"That's probably better stealth technology than the Thunder Gundam that captured the satellite fortress that the Eurasian Federation is proud of!"

"Then, please come with me! There are already people waiting for the two adults in the capital of the kingdom!"


In the dimly lit room, bursts of soft-lighted screens occupies most of the desktop, papers filled with various parameters, and a face with a haggard face while typing on the keyboard.


Suddenly, the sound of knocking on the fence shocked the boy who was typing on the keyboard, and looked at the door with a panic expression on his face-the door with only a small window.

During this period of time, the only thing the teenager can communicate with the outside world is the small window that can only be used to deliver meals and record data.

But even so, the teenager was extremely afraid of the moment when this small window opened.

Because, at the moment this window opened, it was the moment when he ushered in maliciousness from the outside world.


There was another percussion that was louder and harsher than before, and also made the teenager even more frightened.

In fear, the boy's original smooth movements of typing on the keyboard were already stiff, and what was left was the instinct to subconsciously retreat into the corner of the room.


Before the boy retreated into the corner of the room, the door was knocked hard, and the huge knocking sound shook back and forth in the small room like a bell, arbitrarily impacting the boy's hearing.


When the teenager couldn't bear the terrible knocking sound and wanted to raise his hands to cover his ears, the small window on the door was suddenly opened-a face with squinted small eyes, but an unusually sulky face Appeared.

"Scum! Come out for me!"


The discriminatory words and the loud knocking on the door like thunder hit the young man's heart.

The boy didn't want to face that sullen face, but fear forced him to walk out of the corner of the room and appear in front of the sullen face.

When the teenager first came here, he resisted and asked why he should be treated like this, but the only answer to him was a whip and the cruel and inhumane treatment.

"Remember! You are the dregs of the world! You should not be born in this world! Your adjusters are just the incarnation of evil!"

As if in the endless pain, these words echoed in the ears of the teenager who had fainted.

This young man, who grew up in a neutral country since he was a child, has been deeply shocked by the sins that the world has brought against the group he belongs to.

"Heh! Looks pretty energetic! You, lazy!!"


An afterimage flew out of the small window and hit the boy's feet.

"No! I'm not lazy! I'm following..."


The afterimage flew up again, and the curse of the stern face sounded again.

"Scum! Don't think I can't punish you through this small window!"

"No! I didn't..."


"Shut up! You listen to me quietly! Three hours later, someone will pick you up and leave here! Before you leave here, you must complete all your work for me! Otherwise..."

After throwing a harsh word on his face, he turned and left, ignoring whether the boy had agreed to his request.

The boy looked at the closed small window and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

While falling to the ground feebly, the boy touched his feet more subconsciously.

One after another has not healed yet, but the wounds with heart-wrenching pain are still in sight.

"Are you... leaving here?"

While the traces of pain were tearing the young man apart as always, the young man's mind remembered the words of the sulky face.

Suddenly, a glimmer of hope emerged from the boy's heart, driving the boy to sit back in front of the computer.

According to the schedule, he needs 15 hours to complete all the work imposed on him.

It is simply impossible to complete 15 hours of work in three hours.

However, under the motivation brought by the hope of life, the boy still continued his work.

In a blink of an eye, in this small room, what was left was the percussion that echoed back and forth, like a piece of music.

Little by little time passed.

During these three hours, the boy seemed to have lost all reaction to the outside world, and only focused on completing the work. Until the hour hand reached the specified time, the boy miraculously completed the work imposed on him.


In an instant, the boy hadn't relaxed from the stress of work, the nightmare sound hit again, making the boy's movements froze in the air, and at the same time, the uncontrollable fear swallowed the boy in it.



After the sound of the key turning, the door that was opened only when the boy was sent in was slowly pushed open.

The grim face that had brought countless nightmares to the teenager led two strong men in black into this room and stood in front of the teenager.

"Humph! Still quite capable! But you are lazy again!"

With a stern face, he glanced at the screen casually, pointed at the program he couldn't understand at all, and said fiercely.

Upon seeing this, the boy closed his eyes subconsciously, waiting for another pain to strike.

However, the whip did not fall.

"Let's stop here! Black dog! He is the material you want! Let's forget about the previous things. Now that we are here, you can't let you destroy important materials!"

The whip in the hand of the stern face was tightly pinched by one of the two brawny men in black, with no intention of letting go.

The words of the burly man in black caused a smile on his stern face.

"Yes! Yes! That's right! I can't stop it for a while! Now, I can take away this scum...

The two burly men in black ignored the stern flattery and walked straight to the boy.

"One month and five days. Adjuster Kira Yamato. You can leave here!"

When the dazzling sunlight fell on the young man's face again, Kira Yamato, who was taken into the dark underground cell by the Earth United in the name of stealing top secrets, finally returned to the sunlight.

Kira sitting in the back seat moved his eyes to the front seat separated by a layer of bulletproof glass.

The two men in black who had taken him out of the underground cell were sitting there, either driving a vehicle, or looking out the window alertly.

Kira didn't know who they were.

The only thing he knew was that two men in black were going to take him to an unknown place.


This was the only information he learned from the conversation between the man in black and the grimace.


Suddenly, while Kira was thinking about the status quo, an unexplained explosion overturned the car he was riding in. After rolling three times, he squeezed out the small trees on the side of the road, and then gradually stopped. .

The shock brought by the overturned car made Kira feel upset, unable to think about what happened now, and could only support it hard until the whirling shock that day ceased.

"Bah! Bah!"

The gunfire followed, giving Kira no chance to react.

In the constant sound of gunfire, Kira heard a familiar curse.

"Damn adjuster!! Go to **** with me!"


A crisp sound was a roar full of hearing, and the terrible shock that was enough to blow Kira's thoughts away.

At the moment that thoughts gradually fell into darkness and fell into an unrecoverable situation, Kira seemed to hear a voice.

"Is this him?...It's so miserable..."


"Take...Take go..."

"Who is it? Who is calling me?"

Darkness arrived as scheduled, dragging the ordinary young man who was involved in the war between the adjuster and the natural person into the abyss of eternal disaster.


The loose button was gently picked up by a pair of small hands, and then closed carefully.

As the faint fragrance was blowing, Aslan struggled to control his gaze and looked towards the ceiling.

This is the thirtieth day that "Lax Klein" came to Sara's house.

During this month, Aslan did spend a lot of time from adapting to adapting, but unexpectedly kept the bottom line.

"That's it! Aslan. I wish you a victorious return! I will be waiting for you at home!"

The buttons on the collar were carefully fastened, and the owner of the little hand stepped back, revealing a gentle smile.

"Sorry! Lux. I didn't expect to issue a task at this time."

Seeing the more familiar people in front of him, Aslan's thoughts of wanting to protect his life quietly appeared in his heart.

It's just that God is not beautiful.

In this moment when the relationship between the two sides is deepening, the special task from the National Defense Commission is sent to Aslan.

"According to the latest combat situation, all pilots belonging to the Cruze team are now ordered to immediately enter and land on the earth to carry out a new round of combat deployment tasks."

"Is it Victoria Airport?"

The reluctance in "Lax"'s eyes made Aslan feel a pain in her heart.

"Um. Yes. We can't let Victoria Airport return to the hands of the Earth United."

Aslan ghostly raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of "Lax"'s said softly:

"Wait for me to come back! Lux."

"Yeah! I'll wait for you."

The sedan that Aslan was riding in quickly disappeared into the distance, and the "Lax" standing at the gate was hesitant to return to the house.

When the communication from nowhere rang in the ears of "Lax", she, who looked like Luck, but was actually Mia's woman, answered:

"it's me."

"Kira Yamato has been captured. It's just that his condition is not very good."

"Send it here as soon as possible! Kira Yamato, you can't die on earth!"

"Yes! Understand!"

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