Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 58: Battle of the Toothed Lion Shunida

The soaring pillar of fire broke through the firmament, traversed an arc-shaped orbit in the void outside the atmosphere and crossed the Pacific, then fell straight down, tearing apart the atmosphere like a sword from the sky, and pulling the orchid standing in the ruins. Sloth was shrouded in it.




   The fall of the pillar of fire did not cause any explosions, but instead caused a burst of loud noises like the sound of a heartbeat.

  The wind is also whistling along with these loud noises at this moment.

   "That, what is that?"

   On the west side of Fukuoka City, Veretta, who led his subordinates in feint operations, looked at the pillar of fire falling from the sky in shock.

   But Veletta, who had just witnessed Avalon fall 2 kilometers in front of their feint force, did not dare to continue entangled in this sudden fire column for one more second.

   Now, all she has to do is to rush to Avalon’s fall site as soon as possible for rescue.

   Otherwise, even if this battle is finally victorious, the 11th district army that lost the third empress Euphemia Li Britania will be put on the hat of shame as a loser.

   "Everyone! Speed ​​up! Get to Avalon's fall site as quickly as possible!"

   In the squally wind, Veletta's feint troops accelerated forward.

   On the other side, Zisali severely squeezed out the cigarette in his hand, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

   "That's right! That's it! That's it! It should be what the princess is looking for!"

   His speculation is not wrong.

   Seeing the rapidly evolving figure in the pillar of fire, Zisali knew that his decision had finally been verified.

   "Doctor. We are going to retreat!"

   But at this moment, the glamorous nurse poured cold water on Zisali.

   Chisali frowned upon hearing this, shook his head, and did not speak. But judging from his expression, it seemed that he didn't want to leave the world so quickly.

   The glamorous nurse Phyllis moved her lips, but in the end she did not insist, but secretly adjusted her Rose Sword to the best attack state through remote control.


   In the pillar of fire, a huge roar sounded.


   A figure emerged from the pillar of fire, from small to large, from shallow to deep.


   A sharp claw tore open the flame and stepped on the ruins full of architectural debris.


   With the advance of the pair of sharp claws, a steel beast broke open the pillar of fire, appeared in front of the liberator in the burning air, in the burning ruins,

   I saw that steel beast was covered with flame-like orange armor. And in its huge head, there are five sharp swords distributed on the top, on the left and right sides, and on the waist, there are two swords that are larger and sharper than the former.

   There is a plasma thruster on top of each of its limbs, which provides it with powerful propulsion, enough to allow this steel beast to maintain its unparalleled attack power while also possessing sufficient speed.

   What's more, in addition to plasma thrusters, Schneider is also equipped with five E shields, which provide it with excellent defense.


   Among the fading pillars of fire, the steel beast that completely showed its appearance in front of him, stepped on the ruins, and let out a roar full of anger.


   The enemy will not sit and wait for death, let alone talk nonsense. Instead, he raised his hand bluntly and shot a hot beam of light.


   The dilapidated building was melted again.

   But it did not cause any harm to the steel beast.

   And in the light of this hot beam, Lei Mingkai sitting in the cockpit of the steel beast, his eyes are red, and his hideous face gradually showed three dazzling spots.

   "Suneida! Suneida! This is your name! It is also your power! Kill it!"

   Lei Mingkai's voice is low and crazy, repeating the same words over and over again.


  White cat, no, it should be the toothed lion, Shunida, and did not answer Lei Mingkai's words, but responded with a roar full of anger.


The heavy claws are constantly stepping on the broken ruins, stepping on the scorched earth full of sparks, driving the body covered with a layer of fire, like a burning steel body, speeding up and rushing towards the liberation of raising the energy beam cannon again. By.


   Countless electric sparks once again gathered in the muzzle of the beam cannon in the hands of the liberator, and in a blink of an eye, this deadly beam cannon reached the energy threshold enough to fire again.


   A torrent of fierce beams struck through the air once again.

   This time, the deadly beam was emitted in the illumination mode.

Even if Shunida the Tusk can avoid the beam's firing axis for the first time, but afterwards, the Liberator only needs to move his arm, and the light beam that is enough to melt everything will follow Tusk Xiu. Behind Nida.

   As if, in the next moment, the tusking lion Shunida will be melted.


   Sharonida the Tooth Lion roared again.

   Plasma thrusters installed on the tops of the limbs all exerted their power, instantly raising the speed of Tusk Lion Shi Nida to a new level.

  The speed was so fast that Nida the Tusk Lion pulled out an afterimage, and in the blink of an eye, the beam shot by the Liberator was thrown far behind him like an arrow from the string.

   Even if several buildings blocking the road appeared in front of him, Schnida the Tooth Lion was still fearless.

It just lowered its huge head and placed the five sharp swords on the top of the head. The five sharp swords on the left and right sides were turned around, and the blades were aligned to the front. It was like a sharp sword out of its sheath. The buildings that were blocking the way passed through and rushed to the front of the liberator.



   But the sharp sword light of the tusks Nida was blocked by the liberator with that huge energy beam cannon.

   At this moment, the struggle between the two also broke out.

   The liberator gripped the barrel of the energy beam cannon and pushed forward forcefully.

   Tusk Lion Shunida exploded with the power of the plasma thruster and gradually forced the Liberator back.

   "Crack!!! Click!!! Click!!!"

   The cracking sound rang out in this silent wrestling.


   In the next second, the barrel of the energy beam cannon in the hands of the liberator was broken.

   obliterated many Portman and Sunderland reinforcements, and even shot down Avalon’s energy beam cannon barrel, shattered under the sharp impact of the tusks Schneider.

The Liberator, no, it is inside the Liberator. The young man who was entangled by countless lines, Shumu Suzaku was startled, subconsciously raised his right hand and pushed hard, and lifted up the moment the energy beam cannon barrel was discarded. With the left hand, the wrist cannon hidden on the forearm of the left hand pops up, frantically shooting at Schneida the Tusk Lion and the energy beam cannon.




   Under the firing of the wrist cannon, the energy beam cannon with the internal energy system imbalanced suddenly exploded, swallowing all the surrounding space within tens of meters.


   Schneider, the tusk lion who was supposed to be involved in the explosion, appeared on the other side, stepping on the wreckage of the building, and roaring provocatively at the Liberator.

   This time, the liberator is serious.

   It, and its other half, Suzaku finally felt the threat of the tusk lion Shunida.

   The giant steel beast in front of him can indeed kill the liberator.

   The flames that burned the earth flickered suddenly, and the tusks, Shunida, broke out at the fastest speed again, and once again charged straight towards the Liberator.


   The robotic arm unfolded again.

  The liberator does not dodge or hide, but unfolds all the robotic arms he owns, and fights against fighting.

   As the Liberator's core, Suzaku also sees it. Although Schneider the Tusk has extremely fast speed, he is dominated by fighting.

  The Liberator's Fighting Fighting with the help of many robotic arms, but he is not afraid of the Tusk Lion Shunida at all.


   Two beam swords were fired, and they slashed at the head of the tusking lion Shunida with a left and right flicking posture, seemingly to kill the tusking lion Shunida at this point.

   But the tusk lion Shunida shook his body, and escaped the liberator's slash, and went to the other side.

  At the same time, the sword blade on the right side of the tussed lion Shunida's waist was erected high, and then quickly laid flat, slashing straight towards the left side of the liberator's mechanical arm.


   The sound of gold and iron strikes exploded.

  The black shadow flew up and fell to the ground.

   is one of the liberator's mechanical arms being chopped off.

   With a big tail flick to offset the strong inertia brought by the high speed, Schneider, the tusks lion, did not dare to once again ran across the many broken buildings.

  Because, in the next instant, a torrent of black and red particles burst out from the liberator's chest, biting behind the fangs lion Schneida, and destroying all the buildings that were blocked on the firing axis.

   However, the result is still that the Tusk Lion Schneider relied on its excellent high-speed performance and the cover of many buildings to once again avoid the Liberator's shooting.




   The city center, plunged into the abyss of flames, finally reached the end of its destiny, and there were several violent explosions in succession.

   The strong smoke and explosion enveloped the Liberator and Schneider the Fanged Lion in a blink of an eye, isolating them from the other's sight.


   With the sound of the wind surging, a cold glow erupted from the depths of the smoke and dust, and went straight to the back of the liberator.

   The Liberator and its core Suzaku seem to be unaware of this.

   Seeing, the moment that sharp cold light was about to pierce the Liberated's back, a cold breath suddenly rose from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed to the front of cold light and collided with that cold light.


The shock wave formed by the collision dissipated the smoke and dust enveloped between the Liberator and Shunai the Tusk, and dissipated in the sea of ​​fire, exposing the Liberator and Shunai the Tusk, standing 30 meters apart, facing each other. Up.

   Tusk Lion Shunida tilted his head slightly, glanced at the direction of Hanmang's attack, and found that after the murderous intent of the cold light had never appeared, he attacked the Liberator again.

   At this time, the two parties who were once again caught in the fierce battle did not know that another battle had begun due to the battle between them.

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